🐶 cartoon animal?
Emrys grew up with muggle television, so his favorites were always the Loony Tunes. He loves Marvin the Martian but he also has a soft spot for Bugs Bunny. 
He’s also a fan of Animal from the Muppets. 
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🍕 pizza toppings?
Emrys isn’t a picky eater and tends to love anything so long as it doesn’t arrive alive. But in regards to pizza he’s a huge Supreme Pizza and Hawaiian Pizza fan.
Yes, Emrys loves pineapple on pizza. You can fight us on this, because the mun loves it as well. 
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FAVORITES HEADCANONS  :   headcanons of your muse’s favorites. send ‘FAVORITES + symbol’ ; alternatively send ‘FAVORITES + 💫’ to answer all.
☁️ environmental  sound  (rain,  thunder,  etc.)? 🌪️ type  of  wild  weather? 😋 food  from  childhood? 🍕 pizza  toppings? 📺 tv  show  that  they've  rewatched  multiple  times? 🍦 ice  cream  flavor  and  toppings? 🎶 advertisement  jingle? 🥧 baked  goods  smell? 🦕 dinosaur? 👚 type  of  fabric? 🥡 chinese  take-out  order? 🤫 word  to  annoy  people? 🦷 toothpaste  brand? 🍬 flavor  of  starburst? 🍟 type  of  chips  /  fries  (crinkle  cut,  wedges,  shoestring,  etc.)? 🐶 cartoon  animal? 🎡 ride  at  a  carnival? 🎲 board  game?
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Regulus was regretting this. He would have waited in Xander’s office, or just gone home when he was there, now he was with this man. This man that didn’t seem to be taking breaths in between his sentences. He was already getting a headache and it hadn’t been 5 minutes. He would rather endure any type of beating from his mother than this.
“ Look, Emerson was it?” He said rubbing his temples. “ First, yes I am Regulus, I like Swooping Evils, and came to see the creatures, but mostly the dragon. Tangerine is an odd man, but I can see that you are an odd man, and lastly please stop speaking so much. I tend to be crabby when I am annoyed, and you don’t want to see me when I am annoyed.”
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“Oh, you’re like Kit, then. I can adjust myself to Kit-mode, it’s usually to keep him from locking me in his briefcase.” Emrys nodded, hearing a rather loud sigh that erupted from the back of his office within his own briefcase. “She’s awake.” He was a bit surprised, given he had given the dragon a rather large dose of the sedative so he would be able to mend her wing and leg without her lashing out. Without much of a second thought, he moved to the case to open it up and take a set of gloves from his desk. 
“You can follow after me, but I would be quiet until I see how she is fairing. I don’t know who harmed her, but she should be rather docile given she’s been here for a short while.” He knew he was still talking more than he should, but Emrys wasn’t very good at keeping to himself. “And, Emrys, though Emerson is a very close guess so I appreciate that.” 
The ladder that lead down into the large area within the briefcase looked like a green house. There were plants of different colors that swayed in the direction of the light that fed them, and samples hanging from paperclips on a close line with small notes attached for what each plant could offer in regards to helping an ill beast. Past the plants and through the doorway of glass was where Tangerine was, and her size was indeed far too massive to keep in the office. 
The dragon was of a sunset orange, her colors seeming to hold a gradient to red towards her head while it lightened to yellow at the tip of her tail. She shook herself off with a small whimper over her wing, which was carefully patched with a durable wrapping. “Hey there, did your wing wake you up?” Emrys frowned, grabbing a bit of medicine to hold it out in his gloved hand. “Here, I fixed it to taste better for you. It’ll help you feel a bit better while your wing is healing.” 
Tangerine seemed to be hesitant, but something about Emrys’ demeanor was calming to the beast. She took the medicine, her eyes flinching at the taste in spite of what he had said about it. Her attention had shifted quickly to the new scent, as the only other person that had been there was Kit, and Xander on one other visit. “Oh, Tangerine, this is Regulus. He’s a friend.” Emrys smiled, his hand petting the dragon’s head as she gave a calculating gaze to the stranger. 
“Shhh... He’s good. He’s like Kit, just doesn’t do well with people, but I am certain he will do well with you.” He assured, the dragon offering a nudge into Emrys’ hair with her head before she lowered herself to rest her head in front of where Regulus stood. She was quite large and intimidating, but her eyes were a soft emerald hue that seemed to be willing to offer trust to someone Emrys was allowing near her. 
“...I believe she’s allowing you to come closer and pet her, if you’d like. I’m only wearing gloves because of her medicine.”
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-- @blackknight-reg​ ; Getting to meet new beasts while waiting for Xander to finish work.
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“Oh-- You must be Regulus! Xander had mentioned that he wanted to bring someone to see Tangerine and the other creatures. I suppose he must have gotten called to handle some work?” Emrys was carrying a rather sleepy looking Fwooper, and he was glad it was falling asleep. It was having a hard time with coping after losing it’s mother, but at least the other Fwoopers had welcomed it in without argument. 
“I’m Emrys, ah--and this is ...well, she has no name yet. But she’s asleep for now. Good thing, too, they tend to make a sound that can cause extreme pain.” The bird was out cold now, and he adjusted it in his arms before he moved to lay it down in the little nest he made to help the Fwooper adjust to its new surroundings. “There you are, we’ll give it another go with you sleeping with the others tomorrow. You did great for your first try.” He covered it with a blanket before allowing the door to the cage to close. There was a charm draped over the enclosure, one that would keep the sounds it could possibly make from causing any harm. 
“Right-- Tangerine. That’s the dragon, by the way. Her name is Tangerine. Well, it wasn’t her name when she came here, she had no name. But I named her because it’s not very easy to talk to a dragon politely without a name.” Emrys was, quite obviously, a talker. Whether nervous or excited, he couldn’t quite control his rambling, especially when it came to his work. “Oh! And he did mention you liked Swooping Evils! I never do get to meet people that like them, so that is exciting!”
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What are three things you hate?
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Besides myself? I suppose I have to exclude myself given Kit is already close to locking me in his briefcase. 
I hate that, in some cruel irony, fate saw it fit to leave me alive and take Peony’s life. It isn’t fair that I had no say in it, and it’s childish for me to be so angry over things out of my control, but I can’t help but feel angry. 
I hate knowing that there is a whole group of people who have the goal of killing wizards like me. I never asked to be born with magic, and yet it’s like they feel insulted that I am trespassing on their so-called birthright. All I wanted was to keep animals safe and to have some kind of adventure. Having magic just felt like it was a way for me to expand how many creatures I could help.
And I hate that, in spite of how much I try to fight it, this war is eating me alive. It’s breaking me down more and it found the perfect opportunity to do so with how fragile I am. I hate that it might make me into someone I never wanted to be. That scares me. I’m scared that I won’t recognize who is looking back at me when I look into a mirror.
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What was your favorite subject at Hogwarts
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It may seem a bit obvious, but it was always the classes that let us learn more about the creatures. I loved seeing them! I was always so excited over the idea of meeting these beasts in person, and seeing how much wonder was held within their existence. You only read about those sort of things in fairy tales as a muggle, and it felt like I was able to step into those books and live the adventure myself. 
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Ask me anything and I HAVE to answer it honestly, no matter what it is
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“You act like muggles are different.” she said surprised. “We’re all humans. We just have magic.” she was surprised that he was seperating wizards and muggles like he was. “I’d probably see a muggle doctor though if the healers aren’t doing what they can. Magic doesn’t fix everything.” She said. “I’m fine Em. I’m perfectly fine so you don’t need to worry about me. If I were in danger I have a few places to stop by.”
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“They make it feel like muggles are different. Sometimes I feel like all of it is getting into my head.” He already heard the ‘see a doctor’ lecture from his own parents. Even they were aware of how dangerous things were, but he wasn’t really ready to let his parents dictate how he should go about his life. “I know I don’t have to worry, but I do. Kind of like how telling you to not worry is useless.” He offered a weak smile, his hand pushing some of his stray hairs from his face. 
“I don’t really want to see a doctor. It’s bad enough my parents have to tell their peers that I’m working in a private sector, but if they have to add that their son is losing his mind--” He chuckled, “The son of two parliament members tends to have expectations. I just wish they could actually tell people the truth about my work.”
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“He’s been my best friend for over a decade.” she said softly smiling at the thought of her friend. “I’m glad he could help you he’s always been good at that.” she said as she watched him put everything away. “What’s going on.” she asked as she waved her wand to start tea.
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“Hm? Oh..” He shrugged, not really knowing where to start, or if he even wanted to start at all. “A Healer... I believe her name is Lily Evans, she was sent to help me. I just don’t know how I feel about using magic to ...” Emrys gestured at his head, almost like he was avoiding saying anything directly about Peony. “They use magic for everything. If they’re sad, or harmed, and even to file things away. But I don’t have a magic problem.” It wasn’t magic related, it was just an unfortunate event that happened to include him.
“It’s a muggle problem. But, then again, that would mean all wizards and witches have muggle-like problems, and that wouldn’t sit well with the ones that hate what I am.” Emrys frowned, “...What we are... Violet, are you sure you’re safe here...? I don’t mind if you move into my flat, I have plenty of room.”
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“You’re not abandoning Em. I enjoyed my time. Some shit went down. I’m glad that you weren’t there. End of story.” she said. Mostly because of the death eater attack but she also felt like she made such a fool of herself and was glad he didn’t see. She scratched under the cat’s chin. “You’re a bloody moron. You shouldn’t have got her for me.” she mumbled though it didn’t look like she was letting the cat go. “I’ll remember that. Although I might just let it bother Remus and Black.” she joked playfully. “Will you get Vega all in a tizzy and drive Black bonkers. Cause then you’re the perfect kitten.” she said playfully to the cat. 
“You and Remus both. I am fine on my own. If I wasn’t I would have talked my sister into splitting a two room flat with me.” she said simply. It was a lie. She wouldn’t. She wasn’t going to appear to be a burden to anyone but they didn’t need to know that.
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Emrys nodded, though, he really wasn’t taking much of what she said to heart. Regardless of what she said or did, he’d always apologize for not being around his friends when danger struck. He understood the worries of others, but he still was quite capable of defending himself if need be. Emrys was just more vulnerable, but less careful of what to do with his life. He’d risk it more openly so long as it promised a friend would be fine. 
“Remus...” The name rang a bell, “...I met him and Vega. He ...found me in a rather ...well, I was not my happiest self.” He sighed, “He helped me, though. It was nice to have someone that barely knew me show they cared. I’m glad he’s someone that you have in your life.” He smiled, enjoying how she treated the kitten and making sure to put the supplies he bought away where it wouldn’t be in the way. 
“I was also sent a Healer. Apparently, I’m not as fine as I had originally thought. But, I always feel better after I visit with you.”
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“No Actually I’m glad you weren’t there.” she said softly as she let Emrys into her flat leaning against the door. She was exhausted from everything but she still needed to keep her act up for her friends, her family, for the death eaters. “I’m already terrified for everyone there and I don’t know if I missed anyone possibly getting hurt.” she said not wanting to admit she felt like he’d be one of the people hurt had he been there even if he didn’t throw himself into the fight. Being a muggleborn there was terrifying. She gasped as she picked the kitten up. “They’re so precious. No you did not bring me a kitten.” she said stunned as she cuddled the precious cat. She couldn’t help herself she had wanted one for a while she just was worried she couldn’t take care of it.
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“Still, I would have preferred I be there in case you needed me for something. I never do like the idea of possibly abandoning my friends.” He was instantly elated when he saw how well she took to the kitten. It was a relief, since he had worried she wouldn’t be content with the idea, or that the cat itself would end up being less than kind to being gifted. “I saw the kitten and thought of you! I also got the supplies for taking care of it, but I also have the offer that if you ever need someone to watch over them, I will gladly offer my flat.” It was the least he could do given he was the one gifting her the animal. 
“...To keep you company and comfort you when myself and others aren’t able to. It would make me feel at ease knowing you aren’t by yourself.”
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-- post halloween -- @spare-sister​
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“I come bearing an apology for not being around for Halloween, and also for not being around as of late.” Emrys sighed, eyeing the bundle in his arms that seemed to be more determined to escape than to stay still for a bit longer. “Now, now, no scratching--Okay, you can scratch me. I’ve already been sneezed on by a dragon, so you couldn’t possibly do worse.” He sighed, shaking his head at the kitten, his feet having the needed items that one would require to take care of such a pet. He had considered a magical creature, but he had found that there was so much comfort in muggle-related items. Emrys felt that he owed it to one of his dearest friends to share something like this in common, given their blood status was something of a target on their back. 
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Ah, another patient who liked to bother saying that he didn’t need anything. Why did they put you in these situations? “Look, we can only do all the tests, and I will give you some potions that will help with your health, and you can continue with your care.” She said quietly, without trying to make the other feel forced to do so, but it seemed useless. Lily took a deep breath, adding all her authoritative voice that always worked with anyone.
“I am a healer and not a caregiver of magical creatures. So sit down, Mr. Guardian. I am Miss Evans, and I will evaluate you, and then you can take care of the creature. Or I’ll make you do it myself.” She had heard from Kit that he was somewhat stubborn, so nothing that Lily was unaware of, even more so when her best friends were incredibly annoying. “And I am sorry about your bride. I can’t imagine how painful that must have been for you.”
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His features seemed to fall a bit over the mention of a healer. Perhaps he really had come back to work too soon, and now it was down to a Healer being sent his way. “Ah...” He nodded, looking down at the swooping evil to place it down into a little bed he had set up for it. It was cushioned with blankets and Emrys was carefully stretching the wing out to apply some of the medicine he had managed to make before it had escaped from his sight. “I’m... It’s nice to meet you.”
He seemed awkward over the situation, and could only focus his eyes on the creature in front of him. “Ah... Peony. Her name is--was Peony.” He nodded, seeming to flinch at the correction he had to make. She would have sent for a Healer as well if she saw him in such a state, but she would have never let him go back to work so soon. Ah, I’ll ask Kit if he can handle the work and if he needs help with anything that can be done here, we can have it in the flat! It isn’t like he is completely heartless! 
It was like she was there, but to give into those delusions would only serve to push him in the wrong direction. “Thank you, really. I’ve heard those words from almost everyone here. Even the co-workers that I never speak to said it, which I suppose would make one question how sincere it is. But...” He trailed off, seeing the creature nestle itself comfortably to rest. “...It’s easier to be here with the creatures. They don’t feel obligated to offer any apologies, they just offer their company. Plus, I’m probably safer here at work than outside. Muggle-borns aren’t really the safest, or so I’ve been told.”
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Julien opened the door leaning on the frame. “You wouldn’t get in bud. My cousin made certain no one could apparate into our home.” he told him having heard the comment. He wasn’t going to tell him why. He didn’t need to have too many people suspecting him of pro death eaters. It wasn’t that he was. He just had way too many ties to them most not of his own volition. “Ems what do you need. What to come in.”
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“That’s a curious thing, but I suppose no one can be too careful.” Emrys seemed to look at the doorway up and down, as if analyzing for a sign of the charm despite knowing he wouldn’t be able to see it. “Did I need a reason to come by? I suppose I should have alerted you ahead of time, but I had considered just paying you a visit to see how you are fairing. I’ve bugged Kit quite a lot lately so I figured I would prove I do have other friends and visit you.” He offered a smile, his lanky figure entering in as she placed his hands into his pockets. 
“Are you doing okay? With how things are going with the war, I am very happy to see that you’re not harmed.”
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Even Hannibal didn’t entirely harm people for pleasure. He did it for what he saw as a public service, more so as that, he did it in means of food. He much preferred the truly wicked beasts to the innocent beasts. He couldn’t help but find himself lost in thinking on that. His animal nature ran very high, much higher than most. Certainly higher than Remus Lupin’s. He gave a small nod. His mind being brought back to the offer being handed to him. He didn’t need to work, but the fact was he loved working and staying busy. He certainly loved the idea of working around the animals. 
He brought his glass to his lips and took a deep breath of the aroma before taking a small sip as he meditated on the decision for a moment. “How about this? I will take you up on your offer on a trial basis.  In case you find me unsuitable or I dislike it, you can remove me as quickly as you hired me.” He didn’t see how he would dislike it, but he needed a better feel for the man before him. “There will be three days that I will request off every month if you don’t mind…” The day before a full moon, the day of the moon, and the morning after. 
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There was always a good reason to assume Emrys was in need of a babysitter of sorts. He was so trusting, and his current state of mind left him open to being harmed in the worst of ways. His mental state was a shattered puzzle and he was barely keeping himself together, of course, with the extensive help of Kit and Violet constantly putting the pieces back into place when they were shifting. “I do love that idea! That is a very good way to go about it, yes! Though, I’m sure you already see that I am quite content with you and Falkor already!”
He beamed a smiled, still fascinated by the bird and taking in the colors of it’s feathers. “We have loads of flying creatures in my area, and some of them need tending to in regards to broken wings or even learning to fly due to not having their mothers anymore. I’m sure Falkor would be of great assistance in that aspect? I find it hard to get some of the smaller feathered younglings to adapt if they don’t have a role model of sorts to look to.” 
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I’m not running away…I’m running to you before you f a d e from me…
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