people might crap on nuWho, but "Blink" and "Midnight" are pretty fuckin good sci-fi.
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i feel more comfortable with the homeless when i realize I'm consuming half a pint of vodka every day as a baseline, but i also feel discomfort knowing i have a half a month's expenses in savings left and i'm still ABSOLUTELY uninterested in getting a job. i mean, i own guns, i could kill people, but there's apparently a whole establishment around that i can't compete with at a startup level.
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"i'm built different."
"yeah there's a couple of med students doing some research on it, i think i'm going to be in a journal eventually. you ever hear a doctor say 'what the fuck is that?' i mean, el caminos are built different too, but damn."
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man, i think i'd like star wars a lot more if the naming conventions were different. like, here's our crew beez neezler, zip bipler, hob bobnobalob, and steve.
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what am i supposed to do when the antidepressants don't work. time sensitive.
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i'm drunk. this happens every day. i know it's not right, but here we are. i can't stop on my own, but i also can't admit to others that i need help. and typing all this in lowercase on a smartphone is difficult. fucking autocorrect.
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i needed some flagellation, so I binged all of Elfen Lied. now i'm sad again.
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deleting an in-progress post about spectrum troubles and experience re: Komi Can't Communicate because i need you. i summon you, invisible mutuals, for moral support. they are coming to spray poison all over my apartment tomorrow because my neighbors have roaches. i don't have roaches, i don't want poison, i don't want my cat to get sick. what do pest control companies usually kill roaches with? how can I negate it?
plz halp w/ katzen tonic. herble solutions preferred.
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what do you want, blinking telephone light? i am sitting here quietly, cultivating my anxiety. go away, blink off. get lost. go away, real world.
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i don't care what anyone says, "ye" is always going to sound like a gender-neutral pronoun for a fish.
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cyberpunk 2077 is *Las Vegas* for capitalism. not where humans go to spend money, but where money goes to spend humans.
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it's 5am, and i can hear someone's catalytic converter getting sawed off outside. what a time to be alive.
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can we talk about chocolate flavor? you can get anything chocolate flavored nowadays. Anything. there's an exotic, tropical forest bean that has Nice Taste™ if you have slaves ferment it and cook it and powder it just right, and it's... everywhere. "yeah, let me get a slice of that Exotic Slave Bean cake." man that really rolls off the tongue.
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being an alcoholic low-key sucks. i mean, i'm drunk, but nothing has gotten better. FFS.
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snapchat needs to cool it with the notifications. "you have a new friend suggestion!" no, snapchat, my contact list is 'people i may have needed to call long ago.' i used to employ some of these people. i had to fire some of these people. the guy in my phone named Heroin Jeff is not someone i need to associate with ever again. i'm glad he's still alive, but i don't need to see pictures of his weekend.
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sometimes i just wonder if my cat has stockholm syndrome and i'm actually just a garbage person. she's cool though. fuckin mindbender.
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we are all George. we are all Lenny. we are all the bunny. fuck this "two wolves inside me" shit. that's an unnatural number of wolves to be inside me. there IS a classic Steinbeck novel living rent-free up in here, and I'm immanently more concerned with whether or not Lenny is holding the bunny, instead of which wolf I'm feeding. the bunny is my body, just a dumb, stupid animal that gets scared easily, with long legs, and Lenny is also my body, just a gigantic dim fuckup who also gets scared easily. and I'm George, just trying desperately to keep Lenny from getting that bunny killed, but having no actual control over that particular situation. who the fuck feeds wolves? sociopaths?
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