behrdara · 3 months
babe wake up i remade my unaffiliated elain @fjolkunnig
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behrdara · 3 months
HI BESTIANAS, like this for a starter because i got back to foaming at the mouth for gwyn :)
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behrdara · 4 months
i just wanna write gwyn again so i've completely detached her from the shitshow that is the acot.ar rpc :) she's my oc now, sorry sarah!
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behrdara · 8 months
" so, then you seal the knot like this. see? it's not hard at all. "
teaching johanna mason how to make sailing knots is not something gwyn ever expected to do in her spare time. truth be told, johanna mason makes her nervous, for the simple fact that she wears her anger on her sleeve, and that's not something they were supposed to do in the past. however, at the same time, gwyneth admired her for it, and now, intends to mimic a bit of her bravery.
johanna mason has nobody left to return to. she's said it multiple times. gwyneth hasn't, either. perhaps misery will appreciate some company.
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" it gets easier with practice," gwyn smiles, takes another piece of rope after tossing the knot on the sand, " i know you're bored out of your mind, but indulge me a bit, all right? we're here to make sure annie doesn't leave her bedrest. " @70won
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behrdara · 8 months
" i didn't mean to... "
voice is trembling, body is trembling, wrapped in finnick's coat, gwyneth inhales, exhales, over and over and over. it reminds her of hyperventilating during her games, because there was no water in the arena, not to swim, not to drink. not after they found out how well district 4 kids did in the water. memories flood of slashing the back of the district 2 boy, of being covered in his blood until the gamemakers signaled the ending of the games.
sometimes, she still feels covered in his blood. this time; she is covered in someone else's, but the feeling doesn't really change.
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" i didn't ... i didn't mean to kill him. finnick, i just couldn't -- i simply couldn't. not again, " perhaps she isn't as tough as she thought she was. finnick wouldn't have done this. finnick wouldn't have been so stupid. gwyn thinks of her sister, and she knows what's to come, " i'm sorry i called you. i thought you'd be the one to get it better than anyone else... " fantastic, now she's basically roped him into helping her get rid of a corpse. @4thdistrict
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behrdara · 8 months
" i brought more seashells! "
triumphantly, she waves the small duffel bag, which contains about a dozen bright pink seashells. smile is perhaps a bit too wide and practiced ( she's been debating what to say to annie all the way from the shore, because she assumes the woman must be driving herself up the wall with so much time on bedrest ). gwyneth cannot say she would blame annie if she decided to jump out the window and throw mrs. everdeen's worries into the wind.
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" i know you're about sick of weaving necklaces, however, i found this particularly lovely shade of pink sheashells, and i thought we could mix them with the other ones we have left to- " rapid words come to a halt upon noticing annie's glare. gwyn exhales heavily, shoulders slump in defeat, " annie, don't give me that look ... you know you need to take it slow. mrs. everdeen will kill me if i let you out of that bed. " @70th
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behrdara · 8 months
starter call !!!
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behrdara · 11 months
sentence starters based on lyrics from various songs by   elton john.   some lyrics have been modified to be more usable .  change gendered language   &   add context to your needs .   happy roleplaying !!  ♡
“   it’s  a  little  bit  funny ,   this  feeling  inside .   ” “   i’m  not  one  of  those  who  can  easily  hide .   ” “   i  don’t  have  much  money ,  but  boy ,   if  i  did   …   i’d  buy  a  big  house  where  we  both  could  live .   ” “   i  know  it’s  not  much ,   but ,   it’s  the  best  i  can  do .   ” “   yours  are  the  sweetest  eyes  i’ve  ever  seen .   ” “  it’s  lonely  out  in  space .   ” “   i’m  not  the  man  they  think  i  am  at  home .   ” “   mars  ain’t  the  kind  of  place  to  raise  your  kids .   ” “   it’s  cold  as  hell .   ” “   all  the  science ,   i  don’t  understand .   ” “   it’s  just  my  job  five  days  a  week .   ” “   i  think  it’s  gonna  be  a  long ,   long  time .   ” “   don’t  look  at  it  like  it’s  forever .   ” “   between  you   &   me ,   i  can  honestly  say  that  things  will  only  get  better .   ” “   while  i’m  away ,   dust  out  the  demons  inside .   ” “   it  won’t  be  long  before  you   &   me  run  to  the  place  in  our  hearts  where  we  hide .   ” “   time  on  my  hands  could  be  time  spent  with  you .   ”  “   picture  my  face  in  your  hands .   ” “   live  for  each  second  without  hesitation .   ” “   never  forget  i’m  your  man .   ” “   cry  in  the  night  if  it  helps .   ” “   i  simply  love  you  more  than  i  love  life  itself .   ” “   i  guess  that’s  why  they  call  it  the  blues .   ” “   you  can  always  count  on  me  for  sure .   ” “   that’s  what  friends  are  for .   ” “   i’ll  be  on  your  side  forevermore .   ” “   prima  donna ,   lord ,  you  really  shoulda  been  there .   ” “   one  more  beer ,   &   i  don’t  hear  you  anymore .  ” “   we’ve  all  gone  crazy  lately .   ” “   you  almost  had  your  hooks  in  me ,   didn’t  you ,   dear ??   ” “   you  nearly  had  me  roped   &   tied .   ” “   you’re  a  butterfly ,   &    butterflies  are  free  to  fly .   ” “   it’s  four  o’clock  in  the  morning ,   damn  it !!   ” “   i’m  sleepin’  with  myself  tonight .   ” “   someone  saved  my  life  tonight .   ” “   you  could  never  know  what  it’s  like .   ” “   there’s  a  cold ,   lonely  light  that  shines  from  you .   ” “   you’ll  wind  up  like  the  wreck  you  hide  behind  that  mask  you  use .   ” “   did  you  think  this  fool  could  never  win ??   ” “   i’m  still  standing  after  all  this  time .   ” “   i’m  pickin’   up  the  pieces  of  my  life  without  you  on  my  mind .   ” “   once ,   i  never  could  have  hoped  to  win .   ” “   you’re  starting  down  the  road   &   leaving  me  again .   ” “   if  our  love  was  just  a  circus ,   you’d  be  a  clown  by  now .   ” “   i  can’t  light  no  more  of  your  darkness .   ” “   i’m  growin’  tired ,   &   time  stands  still  before  me .   ” “   it’s  too  late  to  save  myself  from  falling .   ” “   don’t  let  the  sun  go  down  on  me .   ” “   although  i  search  myself ,   it’s  always  someone  else  i  see .   ” “   don’t  discard  me  just  because  you  think  i  mean  you  harm .   ” “   these  cuts  i  have ,   they  need  love  to  help  them  heal .   ”  “   you  had  the  grace  to  hold  yourself  while  those  around  you  crawled .   ” “   i  would’ve  liked  to  know  you ,   but  i  was  just  a  kid .   ” “   your  candle  burned  out  long  before  your  legend  ever  did .   ” “   loneliness  was  the  toughest  role  you  ever  played .   ” “   you  flirt  with  any  old  face  that  comes  along .   ” “   i  won’t  be  your  whipping  boy .   ” “   i  was  thirty ,   i  look  like  fifty ,   but  i  feel  like  sixty - three .   ” “   you’re  dirty ,   but  you’re  worth  it .   ” “   i’m  on  a  losing  streak .   ” “   i  can’t  seem  to  get  much  sleep .   ” “   until  i  saw  your  city  lights ,   honey ,   i  was  blind .   ” “   change  is  gonna  do  me  well .   ” “   living  in  the  city  ain’t  where  it’s  at .   ” “   i  can  bitch  because  i’m  better  than  you .   ” “   what  have  i  gotta  do  to  make  you  love  me ??   ” “   what  have  i  gotta  do  to  make  you  care ??   ” “   what  do  i  do  to  make  you  want  me ??   ”  “   what  have  i  gotta  do  to  be  heard ??   ” “   why  can’t  we  talk  it  over ??   ” “   sorry  seems  to  be  the  hardest  word .   ” “   something  tells  me  you’re  not  satisfied .   ” “   you’ve  got  plans  to  make  me  one  of  four  or  five .   ” “   i  guess  this  kind  of  thing’s  just  in  your  blood .   ” “   this  vicious  cycle’s  getting  out  of  hand .   ”
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behrdara · 11 months
“ I’ve never seen eyes so blue . ” @soranaisyrennalavrovne ft. sirena
" my grandmother once said to me that we were supposed to have eyes like clear water. but she said mine didn't quite look like that, " a soft chuckle accompanies her words, filled with melancholy for things that never really were. Nireia was never a particularly caring woman ( it is in our nature to be fickle, girl ), and perhaps that is why her daughter decided to stay away. gwyn always resented her mother a bit, for not allowing them contact with their grandmother -- after her death, catrin said they should try to find the other nymphs. it was quite the great defiance to leave the temple to search after such elusive creatures.
but her grandmother still sought land to die, so gwyn surmises that perhaps she did care for them more than she let on.
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" she said mine looked like the river after a storm had passed, though they were clearer than my sister's. i guess it reminded her that we weren't entirely like her, " that she had once loved a man on the shore, and that man had walked away. gwyn often wonders what love must feel like, " but i guess they still look quite similar to hers ... that is a comforting thought, for some reason. "
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behrdara · 11 months
" well, there must be something other than sparring with lord cassian that you enjoy doing. perhaps we can begin there, " grin widens, enthusiasm pouring through her words. for some reason, the notion of finding out more about azriel's hobbies and likes makes her feel giddy. perhaps because she's never had a friend before other than her own sister, and in the same way she finds nesta and emerie fascinating as company, she feels the same toward him, " or, i could teach you how to weave friendship bracelets. it does have quite the soothing effect. "
his words bring warmth to her chest ( friendship is a concept she treasures dearly ever since meeting nesta and emerie ), and she feels a creeping heat on her cheeks, however, she's quick to conceal it by nudging his side playfully; a gesture of camaraderie she's seen him and cassian do often, " i will always rather share the clothes on my back or the food on my table with a dear friend than a problem, lord azriel. but i guess we can make a pact, to always have each other's backs. "
she returns the bow of the head ( hoping she did it right and he won't feel offended ) and adds, " now, going back to your hobbies, tell me, what do you like to do? "
he laughs at that—a soft chuckle. genuine. his shadows like the sound; they wreath around his wings as if his laughter is music they can dance to. “ hm. what would you suggest? i'd like to avoid more wrinkles. ”
his brows rise slightly—the only measure of shock he allows—at her comment. he stiffles his amusement, to save her from any discomfort, but keeps his gaze on her.
“ i hope you'd share your burdens with me... if they became to heavy, friend. ” that word swells in his chest... friend. he wouldn't dare burden her with his problems, but the gesture in itself is more than enough. it means something to him. “ i believe they do, gwyn. ” illyrians are not a particularly talkative bunch. actions speak louder than words, and violence roars even louder. and so, azriel bows his head in true illyrian fashion—for her kind words.
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behrdara · 11 months
HONESTLY. i think gwyn would fit so much better in a fantasy setup where she is NOT a fae. given that sarah jalapeño maas really doesn't adhere to the fae lore that much, and simply refers to her characters as "fae" because it's pretty to her, i like the idea of gwyn being a priestess, and part water nymph, but not a fae. she doesn't really fit the idea that i have of fae, so i have decided that unless writing specifically with acot/ar muses, i will not be referring to gwyn as a fae. she IS a priestess of the sangravah temple, and the city does exist in my canon, but it's a fantasy/more historical setting than just being fae.
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behrdara · 11 months
a moment of solitude, seeking solace in something that seems to call to her more than anything else. her grandmother would say, in her last years of life, that she wanted so dearly to return to what called to her, which was the water ( gwyn did not understand at the time, how her grandmother suffered being stuck on dry feet ). water nymphs will wither away, like a flower deprived of nourishment, if they are away from the their home, but in her last moment of living, the old woman sought shore to die, wanting not to be seen by the others. or perhaps, she wanted to see her bastard offspring, one last time.
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but gwyneth seeks solace not in the water, but in the silence, peaceful and ominous, of a temple. standing before the altar, she knows not who to pray to in this place, but does so, either ways ( forgive my insolence, forgive my intruding ). and when footsteps echoe behind her, dissipating the divine silence within the temple, gwyn turns around, rather bashful, " i didn't ... i didn't know what to do. i -- where i come from, we keep our heads down when praying, but i don't know -- " her hands still carry the tattooed ink, which all priestesses from sangravah have on the back of their palms, and they press together as if pleading to the other woman, " can you please teach me how to pray here? " @soranaisyrennalavrovne ft. sorana lavrovne ot lukomorya.
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behrdara · 11 months
Water nymp and mermaids when..
THAT I WAS THINKING!!!! can i... throw a starter at ur mermaid girls 👀🫶🏻
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behrdara · 11 months
another thing about water nymphs is that despite their bodies looking like gaunt, lithe trees, they still look more human than the fae/high fae. because the water nymphs cannot do glamours, they look far more humane than non-glamoured fae. and while most fae walk around perpetually glamoured ( i like to see fae as extremely vain and prideful creatures, wanting to look appealing and beautiful and nonthreatening, even when around each other ), gwyn can't do it for long periods of time, so the fact that she looks a bit more human than most full-blooded fae is helpful.
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behrdara · 11 months
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Today’s “Ring of Fire” eclipse. from, Bryce Canyon National Park.
Credits: NPS Photo/Peter Densmore.
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behrdara · 11 months
sentence starters based on lyrics from various songs by the band   heart .   some lyrics have been modified to be more usable .  change gendered language   &   add context to your needs .   happy roleplaying !!♡
“   i’ve  never  seen  eyes  so  blue .   ” “   i  wanna  hear  you  say  you’re  sorry .   ” “   if  looks  could  kill ,   you’d  be  lying  on  the  floor .   ”    “   if  looks  could  kill ,   you’d  be  reeling  from  the  pain   &   you’d  never  lie  again .   ” “   i’m  watching  every  move  you  make .   ” “   you  don’t  want  to  see  my  anger ,   so  don’t  you  make  another  mistake .   ” “   that’s  a  promise   &   a  threat .   ” “   if  i  was  you ,   i’d  really  cool  it .   ” “   i  was  a  fool  to  believe  in  you .   ” “   i’ve  been  waiting  for  you .   ” “   i’m  pretending   &   that’s  all  i  can  do .   ” “   the  love  i’m  sending  isn’t  making  it  through  to  your  heart .   ” “   there’s  something  that  you  forgot .   ” “   what  about  love ??   ” “   don’t  you want  someone  to  care  about  you ??   ” “   you  might  need  it  someday .   ” “   i  can’t  tell  you  what  you’re  feeling  inside .   ” “   i  can’t  sell  you  what  you  don’t  want  to  buy .   ” “   something’s  missing   &   you’ve  got  to  look  back  on  your  life .   ” “   you  know  something  here  just  isn’t  right .   ” “   hey ,   i’m  talking  to  you .   stop  yourself   &   listen .   ” “   anything  you  want ,   i  can  make  it  happen .   ” “   we  can’t  go  on  just  running  away .   ” “   walk  those  legs  right  over  here   &   give  me  what  i’m  dying  for .   ” “   your  kind  is  a  dime  a  dozen .   ” “   you’re  wasting  your  time ,   giving  me  lip .   ” “   when  you  finally  come  knocking ,   there’ll  be  nobody  home .   ” “   what  he  doesn’t  know  will  never  hurt  him .   ” “   nothing  you  ask  is  out  of  the  question .   ” “   i  can  wink  my  eyes   &   melt  their  little  hearts .   ” “   i  know  i’m  losing  it ,   look  what  you’ve  done .   ” “   you’re  not  sure  what  you  want  to  do  with  your  life ,   but  you  sure  don’t  want  me  in  it .   ” “   you  found  a  new  world   &   you  want  to  taste  it ,   but  that  world  can  turn  cold   &   you  better  face  it .   ” “   who  will  you  run  to  when  it  all  falls  down ??   ” “   ’til  now ,   i  always  got  by  on  my  own .   ” “   i  never  really  cared  until  i  met you .   ” “   now ,   it  chills  me  to  the  bone .   ” “   how  do  i  get  you  alone ??   ” “   you  don’t  know  how  long  i’ve  wanted  to  touch  your  lips   &   hold  you  tight .   ” “   i  was  gonna  tell  you  tonight .   ” “   if  i’ve  fallen  for  you ,   would  it  be  so  bad ??   ” “   i  want  you  so  bad .   ” “   look  a  little  closer ,   now ,   if  you  dare .   ” “   what  in  the  world  did  i  do  to  deserve  you ??   ” “   you  took  it  just  a  little  too  far .   ” “   now  i  see  you  for  what  you  are .   ” “   when  the  truth  comes  out ,   you  ain’t  so  tough .   ” “   i  don’t  want  to  be  strangers  at  heart .   ” “   maybe  i’m  a  heartbreak  waiting  to  be .   ”
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behrdara · 11 months
binch!!!! I read a comment on yt summarizing how canon!rhys behaves and it hit like a brick in the head as to why i disiked him even before acosf outside of some rpc writers' portrayals of him:
"you have a choice as long as i give you that choice."
IT LITERALLY IS LIKE THAT. rice sand goes around being like "it is your choice" BUT he is always the one giving others (feyre) the choice to make that choice. if he didn't give feyre the choice to "choose" she wouldnt, because she couldn't. in the end, he still calls the shots by "allowing" her the grace to choose. AND in the hands of a good writer that would be such an interesting character flaw... but it's sj.m.
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