behrendsdewey-blog · 8 years
Wallace and Associates Singapore - Tips for successful career management
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Professionals seem to consider career management as a high-priority nowadays. Wallace & Associates sees it as an ongoing challenge that involves constant perseverance, along with people, job market, planning, and profit. In order to develop and achieve success in the workplace, all of those elements are necessary.
Based on studies, Wallace & Associates sees the following as the essential ingredients in attaining career longevity. It's also worth noting that you need to really focus on each of them to ensure career continuity.
Keep an eye on your skills
Even though you’re already a professional, you still need to monitor your skills. Make sure to optimize them all the time so that they won’t be obsolete. Participate in different professional development conferences in your area to ensure your growth. Continue to learn significant things in your career to become more efficient.
Identify industry growth trends
Recognizing growth trends in the industry as well as staying well-informed on the job market is useful for career management. Wallace & Associates suggests that you join an organization that concentrates on your target industry or profession and read professional publications to help you stay abreast.
Make yourself more marketable
To help you become more marketable, you should recognize what skills would bring you an advantage after evaluating your current skills. Carefully choose whether to concentrate on solidifying your strengths or improving your weaknesses. Make an effort to showcase your skill set after developing them.
Build your business network
Wallace & Associates recommends establishing your network of industry-related contacts. You can find doors to new opportunities if you have a good network since networking readies you for a challenging job market.
Look for guidance
Seeking the advice of a mentor and career coach could also be valuable in your career management. Individuals with extensive experience in the road you're pursuing are the best people to look for advice.
You can experience professional development, networking, and mentorship if you begin joining a local organization that is focused on enhancing career management opportunities. Wallace & Associates wants you to give importance to your career management today and be prepared for its challenges tomorrow.
Should you require any assistance with career management, career coaching, and outplacement assistance; please don't hesitate to contact the team of Paul Wallace. You can discuss your needs to them since they are famed for having good reviews and no complaints from their clients.
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behrendsdewey-blog · 8 years
Wallace and Associates Inc: Tips for human resource management success
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If you have a small business, then you can manage the human resource by yourself, but with large corporations, some of them create whole divisions intended for searching and maintaining the right staff. Wallace & Associates Inc strongly believes that one must possess required knowledge and determination to be successful in this path. Problems involved in managing HR is unavoidable, but most of them can be resolved if one has good organizational skills, good attitude, is always ethical, precise and tactful, and has the ability to constantly communicate with the members of the company.
Everything has its place and even misplaced or lost files will eventually have their value. Nowadays, the internet is already an integral part of our lives, so large corporations with HR intranet software or intranet portal is common. Dealing with different issues at the same time could happen anytime to an HR manager, thus the ability to multitask is necessary.
There would be a lot of pressure to decide an outcome to indistinct situations, including thorough thinking on when to make a firm decision, and when to ask coworkers or managers for help. Wallace & Associates Singapore wants you to note that improving your negotiation and mediation skills is the key to such problems as well as learning how to properly manage conflicts.
Balancing should be of high priority in managing human resources because there will come a time when you need to protect the individual, but should also enforce the policies of the company at the same time. Creating critical decisions is not easy but you need to balance everything to have a civil outcome.
Indeed, communication skills are as important as those mentioned above because HR management needs to keep everyone on the same page. Wallace & Associates understands that HR management is really a challenging job, so the firm offers services to assist employers with their HR practices and strategies to organizational values in order to drive business growth and productivity. The members of the firm are proven effective to their work because they are getting good reviews from different clients and are receiving no complaints throughout their years of service.
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behrendsdewey-blog · 8 years
What makes a good lawyer? By Wallace and Associates Inc
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A good lawyer has many effective and fine qualities, and Wallace & Associates will enumerate them in the following:
Good analytical skills: Knowing huge amount of significant information is needed in both the study and practice of law. A good lawyer must have the ability to extract that information into something convenient and logical. Wallace & Associates knows that more than one reasonable conclusion is possible at times, as well as more possibilities of different patterns in order to resolve a situation; therefore a good lawyer must have the necessary skills to properly evaluate which one of those info is the most appropriate for a certain situation.
Good research skills: The ability to research quickly and effectively is crucial in preparing legal strategies, and a good lawyer should have a complete understanding of his or her clients’ needs first in order to do so. Similarly, a good lawyer should be able to absorb and comprehend large amounts of information before preparing legal strategies. Good research skills can lead those materials into something manageable and useful.
Good people skills: Being amiable, convincing and able to read others are important qualities of a good lawyer because it allows them to assess the juror's reactions and the truthfulness of witnesses. Wallace & Associates in Singapore wants you to remember that an intelligent mind alone is not enough to be a good lawyer because being a personable person also has the same degree of importance with intelligence due to the fact that lawyers stand on behalf of people, and create decisions that could have an impact on those peoples' lives. In order to achieve the desired outcome, a good lawyer must have a good people skill to choose the best approach to take on a given situation.
Good communication skills: A person, especially an aspiring lawyer, can improve his or her communication and speaking skills by participating in various activities like general public speaking or mooting during college. However, a good lawyer must also be orally fluent and must have good written communication skills because they need to produce a variety of legal documents. Wallace & Associates finds it evident that good public speaking skills are essential to argue persuasively in the courtroom before juries and judges. Furthermore, good listening skills are also significant to analyze what clients tell them, or to follow a complex testimony.
Good judgment: It is necessary for a good lawyer to create practical and logical conclusions or assumptions from limited information. Seriously considering those judgments can help you foresee possible areas of weakness in your argument and find ways to strengthen them. A good lawyer should also be able to identify the points of weakness in an opposition’s argument. There will be a lot of important judgment calls to make; thus, decisiveness is also a part of judgment.
Creativity: In addition to being analytical and logical, being creative in solving problems is a plus point for a lawyer. Lawyers are often needed to think differently in order to outsmart their challenger because sometimes the best solution is not always the most obvious.
Persistence: Before you even begin working as a lawyer, it is certain that you'd been through a lot of challenges during your studies. Having a strong commitment is already in you, and you need that when working on a case. You must be consistent and strong-willed in completing the work essential to drive the case into a successful finish.
Good reviews have been abundant in Wallace & Associates for having exceptional services for many years now. Paul Wallace has more than 20 years of extensive experience in law and employment relations and is legally qualified with a Bachelor of Laws Degree and a Bachelor of Arts Degree. He often receives little to no complaints from his clients. Contact him today and witness his excellent service.
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behrendsdewey-blog · 8 years
About Wallace and Associates Inc.
Paul Wallace - Principal Consultant
Paul Wallace of Wallace & Associates has extensive experience in Employment law, Human Resource Management, and Industrial Relations.
Paul has a Bachelor of Laws degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree.
With over twenty years’ experience Paul is ideally placed to provide advice to business owners and employees alike. It is more than likely that whatever your issue, Paul will have encountered a situation similar to yours and will be able to guide you toward resolution.
Paul practiced as a lawyer for 9 years appearing regularly in the Family, District and High Courts, before developing a specialist interest in employment law.
In addition to practicing as a lawyer Paul has significant commercial experience having been a consultant to the Employers and Manufacturers Association and more recently having held senior employment relations roles in the private sector with Air New Zealand, Westpac Bank and Spotless Services - three of New Zealand’s largest employers. In the public sector Paul has also worked with a large government department.
Paul has resolved countless employment relationship problems and has appeared in numerous mediations, as well as having represented clients in the Employment Relations Authority and the Employment Court.
Now practicing as an Employment Law Consultant Paaul utilizes his knowledge and experience in all areas of employment law for both employers and employees.
Paul is an Associate Member of the Auckland District Law Society.
We have an extensive network of relationships with recruiters, outplacement and career transition agencies, and other service provides which are specialists in their chosen fields.
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behrendsdewey-blog · 8 years
Employment Law & Human Resources by Wallace & Associates
Wallace & Associates is an Employment Law and Human Resources Consultancy which provides advice and assistance across all areas of Employment law, Human Resources and Industrial Relations. We have particular experience in personal grievances and collective bargaining.
We represent employers of all sizes. Our employee clients range from employees in junior positions to high level senior executives.
Why choose Wallace & Associates?
Paul Wallace has over 20 years’ experience in law and employment relations. Unlike a number of employment law advocates/consultants Paul is legally qualified with a Bachelor of Laws Degree and a Bachelor of Arts Degree.
For more information about Paul’s background visit About Us
We strongly recommend that if you have a potential employment law issue make sure the representative you choose has the right qualifications and experience to achieve the best outcome. A qualification in law combined with solid practical experience gives Paul a definite advantage.
Free initial consultation
If you are an employee facing difficulties at work, or an employer wondering how to manage a work issue it is important to get expert advice so you don’t make mistakes in handling the situation.
That’s why we encourage you to take advantage of our free initial consultation. We will assess your situation and provide you with guidance on how to proceed and we can represent you in any formal meetings if necessary. Your inquiry will be treated as a priority and with complete confidentiality.
How we can help you
We provide a complete and comprehensive employment law and human resource service dedicated to helping you to resolve workplace issues.
Employment Law
Most employment relationship problems can be resolved either through negotiation or through mediation provided by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment mediation service. We will always try to help our clients resolve issues in the most pragmatic manner and without incurring large costs.
However, in the minority of cases which are not resolved through negotiation or mediation Paul can represent you in the Employment Relations Authority and if necessary the Employment Court. This is where Paul’s legal background becomes important – he won’t pass you off to another legal representative should your case need to go to Court.
Human Resources
We work with employers on making sure they have appropriate Human Resources policies and procedures. We can also provide an outsourced Human Resources solution tailored to suit your business.
Industrial Relations
Paul has substantial experience In Industrial Relations, having negotiated Collective Agreements with numerous unions across different sectors throughout New Zealand.
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behrendsdewey-blog · 8 years
Industrial Relations & Union Matters - Wallace and Associates Inc
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Paul understands the challenges that negotiating collective agreements can present for businesses. Paul’s expertise in this specialised area focusses on achieving business outcomes as part of the collective agreement negotiation process.
Our Industrial Relations services include:
• Pre-Bargaining strategies
• Drafting of bargaining documents
• Advising on, and helping businesses manage, industrial action such as strikes
• Advising businesses on general union issues- such as union access to the workplace
• Employer representation
• Management of the collective bargaining process
• Advocacy and acting as the employer’s bargaining agent in collective agreement negotiations
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