beiowzero · 24 minutes
⠀the room is chilly but he can't feel a bit of it, this little bubble between them as warm as it needed to be.⠀he could get used to this.
⠀not too long, not too brief.⠀these tentative kisses lasted as long as they should, and the frost clinging to his nerves start to thaw.⠀he feels her take his shirt in hand to tug him closer, and he swears his heart jumped to his throat for but a moment.
⠀pink will always be a novel color on his pale face.
⠀“ uh . . . ”⠀if grusha was bad at words before, he's utterly terrible now, finding himself unable to think of what to say next.⠀it's hot in his cotton sweater and his hair feels like it's standing up on end, making him question if maybe he's developing a cold.⠀is feeling like his head's in the clouds a common symptom?
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⠀“ I . . . ”
⠀he's heard those words what feels like a thousand times before, but they were always met with indifference.⠀why now is it making his heart race?
⠀“ I think . . .⠀saying that now w - would be the best time. ”
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Well she said it, but she didn't expect Grusha to actually do it. Her typical fight or flight reaction had long passed. She glanced up at him with surprise when he spoke. There was an ache in her chest, she couldn't tell if it was good or bad.
Grusha felt warm. Warm in more ways than one, being this close. She would have sworn her heart skipped the first time. Even a quiet squeak perhaps, but she'd deny it later. A kiss twice came and she finally accepted reality.
She leans into it without thinking. A hum. She remembers the shoving comment; she takes a free hand and gives Grusha a gentle tug to keep him where he is.
The passage of time was fuzzy and remembering to breathe eventually kicked in. Shay pulls away very slowly but not far from Grusha's face. A smile she couldn't, and wouldn't fight was still there.
He was prettier with colour in his face.
"So.. um." She breathes out, she still hasn't let go. "If I said I have a crush on you now would that be a bad time..."
They really weren't good at talking.
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beiowzero · 2 hours
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⠀the one time he went to kalos for a competition, one of his colleagues dared him to eat a poképuff.
⠀. . . it didn't taste bad at all.
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beiowzero · 4 hours
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beiowzero · 7 hours
⠀‖⠀man i only have so many ' feeling kinda bad today 's in me before it gets, like.⠀boring.⠀let's move on now
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beiowzero · 8 hours
⠀‖⠀grusha when he has a partner over 5'10
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⠀‖⠀larry releases in pokemas and the grusha x larry shipper in me awakens like a sleeper agent because that middle aged bastard is so tall
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beiowzero · 8 hours
⠀‖⠀larry releases in pokemas and the grusha x larry shipper in me awakens like a sleeper agent because that middle aged bastard is so tall
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beiowzero · 18 hours
⠀shay is her friend now!⠀the scritches were great, but if she was willing to offer some breakfast, altaria certainly wouldn't mind.
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⠀“ okay . . .⠀it won't take long anyways. ”⠀just groceries, something to make for dinner the next couple days, maybe some extra goodies for the coming pup.
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⠀he's not chatty while he eats either, and though he'd usually try to savor things, today he'd just like to get breakfast out of the way.⠀not only was a new member waiting for him, but there's something on his mind, and the thought's better digested—⠀pun intended—⠀while he has something else to keep him busy.
⠀“ . . . hey, uh. ”
⠀he brushes a crumb off his cheek.⠀there's a pause for an extra moment to reconsider, staring briefly at altaria to lessen the eye contact;⠀her feathers are puffed because of those curious chirps this human makes, which he finds somewhat amusing.
⠀“ thanks for being so . . .⠀chill.⠀you know, about, ”⠀his eyes motion down towards his leg,⠀“ that. ”
⠀(⠀it's a nothing gesture, but he appreciated casual all the same.⠀now she was one of not even a dozen people that knew, and it's a weight off his back to not have to power through however many questions a nosy mind could conjure up.
⠀. . . the dad joke was so lame, though.⠀sorry.⠀)
⠀“ anyways, you can put the dishes away over there . . .⠀I'll wash them when we get back. ”
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Shay can eat breakfast in one hand and keep giving the dragon bird scritches with the other. The amount of times she had to keep Pokemon constantly pet while she ate could be collective years of her life.
"Fine by me, least I can do is help you do chores." She was still fine sleeping in her dugout but that point was moot.
She had to admit, having a hot breakfast she didn't have to make was nice. She wasn't much for conversation while she ate -other than giving a chirp to the Altaria every so often- but neither of them were particularly good at words.
True to Shay's word, her Haxorus came back inside when she was done. Covered in the remains of melting snow and a gleeful grin, she sat herself on the floor behind Shay. the woman gave her a pat of approval.
"Well, we can fly to the Pokemon Center whenever, grab your new pup and bring back food." She stretches out. "Should be a short flight with Asharas."
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beiowzero · 1 day
⠀something about his current anxiety calls him back a few years.⠀not that long ago he'd been someone else entirely, navigating situations like these without worry.⠀he had the confidence to land in this exact scenario often, and he doesn't remember being so . . .⠀meek about it.
⠀it's just . . .⠀what some friends do.⠀you're overthinking it.
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⠀“ I see . . . ”
⠀so he didn't mishear her.⠀the temperature in the room must be getting to him—⠀he feels like he's boiling in a light sweater—⠀but she wants another.⠀and he wants it, too.
⠀he could get used to this fuzzy feeling.
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⠀“ . . . all right.⠀just—⠀s - shove me away if you want. ”
⠀a deep breath cools his nerves again, and he nods himself an affirmation before scooting just a little closer.⠀the space between them shrinks bit by bit, and as he leans in close, he watches her expression a moment, studying it.
⠀their eyes cross paths, and he closes the distance, letting lips meet instead once, twice more.⠀they weren't much good at talking, anyways.
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There was a long pause.
She realized what she said out loud.
"Uh." Well now what was she going to say? She couldn't double down on nothing, she was heard saying something. Lying wasn't exactly her forte either. Talking wasn't her forte!
Her hat lowers a bit. "Um... you..."
A firm anxious grip had her ability to speak. She wished something had the decency to snap her out of it, or just jab her in the leg. That was a welcome alternative to whatever was going on now. Her hands were fidgeting with her hat. Her face was still flushed pink. Her typical confidence had long been gone.
"... can, um..." Her eyes dart from the floor to him then back at the floor rapidly.
Just rip it off like a bandage already.
In the quietest voice she can muster that's just audible enough, a "... not... stop... doing that." comes out.
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beiowzero · 1 day
⠀‖⠀the topic of food came up at a funny time because i was about to post that he could fuck Up some klawf al ajillo, hence the need.⠀for chompers
⠀‖⠀it is in no basis of reality but sometimes i do get the urge to give grusha kinda pointy canine teeth
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beiowzero · 1 day
[Fuck me your self coward ;)] (sorry she had to)
⠀that phone:⠀out of his hands.⠀no, he totally didn't drop it when he saw that notification.
⠀📲⠀—⠀That's not what I meant! ⠀📲⠀—⠀[⠀It takes him a solid five tries and twelve minutes to send a screenshot, containing all the failed messages that wouldn't send.⠀On his end the image still doesn't want to load.⠀] ⠀📲⠀—⠀Reception is pretty bad today.⠀Sorry for that outburst...
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beiowzero · 1 day
// hey there. i'm still sick. been doodling stuff on my sketch book to cope, do y'all wanna see ✌️
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beiowzero · 1 day
send a 📱for 5 unsent text messages, and 1 sent message from my muse!⠀—⠀ACCEPTING.
⠀📲⠀—⠀Hey⠀[ ❌ ] ⠀📲⠀—⠀Can I talk to you about something?⠀The weather has been weird, I haven't seen anything like it⠀[ ❌ ] ⠀📲⠀—⠀Reception isn't good up here I guess...⠀[ ❌ ] ⠀📲⠀—⠀Come on send already⠀[ ❌ ] ⠀📲⠀—⠀Fuck you⠀[ ✔ ] ⠀📲⠀—⠀Why did that one send???⠀[ ❌ ]
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beiowzero · 1 day
Send a 📱for 5 unsent text messages, and 1 sent message from my muse!
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beiowzero · 1 day
|| head empty, just thinking about this panel where rika gives him a headpat
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beiowzero · 2 days
⠀“ good . . .⠀that's chill. ”
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⠀the awkwardness in the air is palpable, and it's making every new sound louder in the quiet.⠀the shifting of the couch as she sits, the hair tousled from her removing her hat, the scratching at the back of his neck before he sighs through his nostrils and opts to sit beside.
⠀it's been awhile since he's done . . .⠀anything like this;⠀of course he's gonna be rusty.⠀but the why is something his brain's stuck on, why he wanted to do it in the first place, why he didn't turn tail and leave, why her reaction is making the corner of his lip turn upwards for once in what felt like days.
⠀(⠀some things aren't meant to stay frozen over forever.⠀so uncool.⠀)
⠀“ a - anyways, uh— ”
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⠀“ huh?⠀what was that? ”
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She's still stunned but at least coordinated enough to sit on the couch. It was embarrassing that she was this flustered! She's handled way worse than this, this was just simple human interaction.
She lowers her hat a bit, still not quite able to look Grusha in the face. She didn't want to not answer him because, well he didn't do anything wrong!
At least... yeah he hadn't done anything wrong. Maybe those thoughts she'd been having weren't an entirely lost cause after all.
"Yeah that was... cool - you're - it's cool." She sheepishly mumbles just loud enough for him to hear.
Her head is spinning now, it's too hard to think. Maybe she just needs to stop thinking!
Shes looking at the floor, unaware of the smitten look on her face. "... a second and third one would be cool."
Nope she should have stayed thinking, now she's thinking out loud.
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beiowzero · 2 days
❤️ or ✨ which ever one you prefer @flock-keeper
send ❤️ if you've considered shipping our muses romantically, otherwise send ✨ if you ship them platonically.⠀—⠀ACCEPTING.
⠀‖⠀both work just fine for me!⠀you're always welcome to drop any ideas you got in my ims :p
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beiowzero · 2 days
⠀‖⠀weird dust bunny in my yard
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