beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
Reaching Out
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TITLE: Reaching Out CHAPTER NUMBER/ONE SHOT: One shot WHICH TOM CHARACTER: Actor Tom PAIRING: Tom Hiddleston/Gender Neutral Reader GENRE: Drama REQUEST: The reader is a fan and wins an hour with Tom Hiddleston or something and he sees her self harm scars and maybe he gets her to talk about it or not but they just end up hugging for a while while he whispers things in her ear. BANNER CREDIT:  Prislaa  
TAGLIST: @waddlenut @sleutherclaw @twhiddlestonsstuff
Reaching Out
Astonishment struck you upon discovering that you were the lucky winner of an hour to spend in the company of your favourite actor, Tom Hiddleston. You couldn’t quite bring yourself to believe it was actually true until you found yourself in a secluded part of a café standing right in front of him. His smile was infectious and you found yourself surprisingly at ease in his company. He seemed genuinely happy to meet you and showed a great interest in getting to know more about you as you both sat down with your coffees.
Tom was really nice and seemed very keen on making it a positive experience for you. You felt more relaxed than you had expected to be around him and at some point you took your jacket off as it was getting uncomfortably warm to keep it on. You didn’t realise that you were exposing your self-inflicted injuries and scars to him until it was too late. You pretty much always wore long sleeved shirts to cover any traces of your struggle with self-harm, so displaying them was very much an unintentional act.
“I’m sorry,” you apologised and made a move to put your jacket back on when Tom gently placed his hand on top of yours to stop you.
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
"Bring her back to me."
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
Don't be afraid, I'll be here.
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WARNING:This article deals with the disciplinary spanking of Jo and deviates from the original episode of The Essex Serpent. If you find this unacceptable, please do not open it.
Hi,everyone,this is Beizhi Ning.This work I translate my work from Chinese into English.lf l have some bad English usage or wrong grammar,please forgive me and let me know,l will learn and correct it.
Still a big thank you and much love to my dear friend@tomhiddlestonfanfic , whose encouragement gives me a lot of confidence again and again and again, and who l think is the best writer in my heart.❤️💕💞🌸
Please let me know if you like mystory, it means a lot to me.Or ifyou have any better criticisms orsuggestions, just send them to me.Thank you and love you.Ning.❤️❤️❤️❤️
The dark swamp was beyond sight, the girls with heavy crosses around their necks, mumbled a sad eulogy, their palms soaked with dried blood belonging to the goats.
The swamp was bubbling under, but the girls, as if possessed by a demon, walking in groups toward the depths of the water, until they disappeared at the end of the darkness.
Will watched all this on the distant plain, and could not stand by.In this terrifying scene instinctively, he runs desperately toward their part. He needs to save these children, these innocent and frightened by supposed myths, supposed nonexistent evil creatures.
He shuttled through one muddy slope after another, and the mysterious swamp and time race, but until he missed the last girl, he can only hear the girl's last sad murmur.
"Dad,Please help me!!!!"
Will then realized that the familiar voice, which he had failed to catch, was his only daughter, Jo.
Will woke up from his nightmare. He was sweating and his hands trembled a little without fully awake.He looked around and saw the Stella sitting by the bed and helping him wipe his sweat.This are Gracie's countless nightmares since his accidental death.
"...Stella."Will pinched his clenched forehead, trying to calm his voice." I had a nightmare again. Where has Jo gone?"
Stella handed a cup of hot water and put her hand on her husband's shoulder. "She went to class with John,and they saw you slept not well today,so she didn't wake you up.what's up?"
Will sighed, and tried to say something, the gate was pounding, and Jonah ran in, seemingly frightened,which like the day that Gracie's body was found.
"Father..."His voice had a broken gong in his voice, but Will heard a clear pathos.
"Jonah, what's wrong?"Will straightened his clothes and stood up to help him when Jonah shook his head, with two frightened, muddy tears streaming down his face." Father, Naomi...For Naomi, she...."
"Her dead body....On the shore after the low tide....Has been found."
Naomi's timidity came before him a few days ago, and Will was almost there until the sound of broken porcelain at the door awakened him.
By the time he chased out,the indistinct human was disappeared at the end of the wasteland.
Naomi's funeral was held at the church, the girl who was the target of public criticism a few days ago is now lying in the cold coffin, even the once cold and manic Matthew has shed tears in the sad atmosphere.
Henry became unprecedented depressed, he fainted several times in the eulogy and elegy.The loss of his two daughters in half a month shattered the industrious and simple widower. Will held his hand and said "God is with you", but the fact and the scene in the dream overlap everywhere, and Will's heart was already confused.
He could not imagine whether if one day his two children had suffered the same bad luck as Gracie and Naomi, he could stand idly like the empty Henry at this moment.Or, he might just break down, he thought.
Once again the gray atmosphere of sorrow and horror hangs over the gray town and the funeral ended in that atmosphere.
Will was the last one to leave from the church.He walked alone toward his house in the boundless wasteland, passing by the river as the water rose, and stopped, staring silently at the water for a few seconds, with a long sigh against the waters that had taken too many lives.
The sense of powerlessness and the boundless river in front of him, almost can drown the small him.
For the first time in decades, he had strong doubts about his faith.
He has always believed in and respected the gods.Over the past few decades, God and Essex villagers have used him as a bond, and he replaced God and vowed to protect the entire Essex villager , but he failed to protect his villagers, even just two young girls.
He never believed in snakes.But one after another, the accident took away too many innocent young lives, but also completely destroyed the small town crumbling calm.
Only when the wind by the water stung his cheek did he find himself in tears in his meditation, and he breathed a long breath and decided to give himself more time to think.His wife and children were still waiting for him at home, so he thought.
Until the thin figure in the distance appeared in his vision.In such a cold night, such a thin figure is really too striking and out of place.The cold wind reminded Will that the scene was not a dream, so he tried to focus with tears, and finally restore the clear moment, he once again like the same of a net column on the shore.
The figure is so familiar that even the scene has been played in his mind countless times.
Will lost all his thinking ability in an instant, but his muscular instinct was directly awakened, with countless same scenes in the dream.He almost stumbled in the dark wilderness, even if he almost was dizzy in the fast sprint, but he still could not stop chasing the visible death.
The figure was like summoned by the dark water, until she finally got into the cold, dark water.Will's inner panic is like a concrete transformation into a real big snake, and he seems to feel that in a moment, the so-called giant snake is chasing him at his feet.And he can not escape, a dark confrontation, as long as the snake wants, it can swallow him anytime and anywhere.
Yet he could not not run, because before his limited eyes, the snake's next target, was his daughter.
The sun disappeared into the sky in the last cloud, and a second before the darkness obscured his whole sight, Will finally stepped into the water.He swam desperately in the water until he finally hugged the girl with only the eyes, ears and nose on the water.
The snake at the foot suddenly turned into an ash and disappeared.
The girl's consciousness is awake, her body shivering under the cold water, her closed eyes in constant tears, until she was wrapped with a familiar taste of dry warm clothes, she carefully opened her eyes, she opened her mouth, seems to want to say a lot of things, but in the end she can only make simple syllables.
Will's chest was still up and down, and so much happened that day, especially in the critical moment to stealing his daughter from death, which made him recover for a long time.Until the girl's cowardly whisper mixed with the wind and water sound into his ears, he in this little catalyst, finally can no longer suppress their own emotions.
Anger and fear went to his head. Ignoring his aching limbs and buzzing brain, he picked up the shivering little girl lying on the ground, pulled her into his arms, and smacked her bottom in an almost venting manner.
"Jo Ransome!What are you doing?How dare you?!!!"
Mixed with the river that could not completely evaporate, Will slapped the wind on the girl's poor, almost invisible hip, and the already soaked fabric only doubled the pain.The girl was sore and afraid, and her tears fell on her father. Now, the only thing she could do was to hold her father's equally wet clothes tightly, and find some poor security by holding him.But even so, she could not say a word, even any of her cry and cry.
Until Will's reason finally recovered in a single instant, and the anger was diluted, urging him to recover. He looked at the girl who hugged himself and endured his anger and pain, and finally realized what he had just done.He was in a visible panic, then his hands trembled, and he didn't even know if he should embrace his daughter back.
The wind of the night grew colder with time, and the cold mixed with fear and pain invaded the girl's body. Even before Will was able to apologize, Jo's thin body slipped from him.
The little girl who fainted still developed a high fever when she was carried home.
She lay in bed, her thin body as hot as a piece of charcoal, her closed eyes still with tears unwiped. Will did not change his clothes, just sat in the door of the room, listening to Stella busy in the door, he felt his heart even colic.
Will opens his eyes as the firelight in the room goes out, and Stella comes out of Jo's room, but the worried eyes of her does not disappear when she stare at her husband.
She closed the door, walked up and sat next to Will. " Jo is already asleep."Stella felt the man's shudder as she held Will warmly." What happened, Will?"
Looking at the silent man, Stella didn't compromise as before, and she continued asking, " Will, you need to tell me, this is our daughter.I think I have a right to know."
After another brief silence, Will finally could not help but express his vulnerability to his wife, he painfully buried his cheeks in the palm of his hand, hot tears finally seeping through his fingers, " Stella, we are about to lose Jo...I have lost her many times in my dream, and I can't lose her anymore."
Stella was stunned, got up and held her fragile lover in her arms. " Jo is asleep in the house, she is safe now, Will, calm down."
She has never seen such a heartbreaking moment for her calm lover, and most of the time he was peaceful and rational.In church, he always arranged his emotions and calm his restless villagers.Even if he had looked tired and sad, he could well organize his emotions in front of his wife and children, and calm her uneasiness again and again.
But this time, he collapsed.
His body trembled slightly with the tears, he wanted to suppress but still can not hide the cry, always reminding Stella that her lover is not a god,most of the time, his self-digestion is the protection of his family and villagers.
"Will, don't be afraid, I'm here, and Jo and John."
For a while, only Will's heavy whining and their breathing were left in the room.Will finally arranged his mood in the relative quiet, he breathed a long breath, stopped the hug at a moment, then his eyes that lived in the vast blue ,which is now covered with tired, finally willing to lift, and look at his wife.He seemed to make up a big determination, and his voice was still sad, saying, " I hit Jo,almost out of anger, I knew she would hurt, and I knew I shouldn't, which scared her."
"But I was so afraid, I almost, just in the dream, Stella, I was really afraid."
"I couldn't control my emotions, this was the first time...."
Will seemed to have something more to add, but he could say nothing at this moment.Seeing her lover's unusual depression, Stella sighed gently and threw him into her arms again, " Jo won't blame you, Will.She should be sad too because she worries you."
"If you really struggle, why not wait until she wakes up or gets better and talk to her?"
Will looked up, and in Stella's positive and supportive eyes, his trembling heart, just almost faltering, finally subsided in an instant.
In the evening, about a week after the disturbance, Jo knocked on his study door before Will.
"Come in , Jo."Will did not seem to expect Jo's coming, he quickly stood up from his desk, his little girl is thinner after the ordeal visible.He took her into his arms and suddenly felt a little sour.
The silent tenderness between father and daughter stays for a moment until Jo opens mouth before Will.
"...Sorry, dad, it worried you."
"I...I'm sorry."
The little girl seemed to use a great deal of courage, and her voice trembled, but her eyes fell earnestly and firmly into Will's eyes, and she said, " Father, please punish me."
Will's hand, which was helping her daughter smooth her hair, suddenly stopped. He stepped back and looked Jo up and down before confirming that her daughter was serious.He was almost surprised to speak, " Oh, no, Jo..."
"I haven't apologized to you yet, Jo, by the river that day...."Will didn't say any more things."What you need is rest and cake, not..spanked and punished,my little kid."
"You need not apologize to me for that day."The little girl said seriously," I deserve it."
Will gently frowned,then shook his head, and carefully corrected her. " No, Jo, that's not what you have to accept."
"In fact, you don't have to apologize to anyone.If you just want us to apologize to me, Stella and John, then I want to tell you: you have been forgiven and you should believe me."
Jo's suppressed courage was punctured by Will's word.She nose a sour, once again into Will's arms.
"It's not your fault,Jo."Will carefully hugged the thin little girl in her arms, her daughter's sensible almost broke him heart, she was so thin and seemed could be blown down by the wind, her body was slightly trembling with crying.
Feel Jo shook his head after hearing his words, Will looked down to let go, gentle eyes into the little girl's evasive eyes, he seriously and sincere looked at his daughter is falling into the emotional vortex again, seriously shook his head to correct her, " Jo, looking at me."
"You're a great girl, you're brave and strong, keeping secrets for a long time, something many people can't do, right?"
"I...It was just very sad that I couldn't save them."Jo said softly.
"It's not your fault."Will sighed gently and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes." Their unfortunate departure was unexpected, but it pushed us closer to the truth, Jo, God would take care of them for us before we found it."
Jo finally finds peace in Will's soft comfort.For a while she looked up, bright eyes once again into Will's eyes, which just the same, sincere request in.
Will looked at it, stunned.His little girl has always been as stubborn as him, for the identified thing is always stubborn and persistent.He smiled and sighed, sat back into his chair, and took the man into his arms.
You just hope that way makes you feel better, right?"
Jo's head was buried in Will's wide arms, and she nodded slightly, then held out her arm to embrace him.
"Oh, my dear girl."Will shook his head reluctantly again." Well, if that would help you."
He touched the little girl's hair, the other hand slapping where she wanted .
Jo shrank into his arms.Will silently looked at the little girl in his arms, the boundless darkness that day left a shadow in his heart, even at this moment is difficult to eliminate.
He sighed and tried to distract himself by thinking about the force and location of his next slap.
"You can cry it out, Jo."Jo suddenly made a sore breath at the fifth time, so Will stopped her action, one hand gently patted her on the back, the other hand smoothed the fold on the skirt," the last five times, ok?We just take this thing as going over."
Jo expressed the affirmation with silencing.
So the next five Will's smacks, though disciplinary, were much more reassuring than the loss of control that day.The girl whined with the last slap. Will kissed her at the top of her hair, and left her to hold herself without doing the next action.
The room was quiet for so long, until Will spoke again to break the silence.
"Anyway, don't do it again, promise me, don't you?"Will tried to make his voice gentle and soft, he raised his hand and stroked Jo's cheek," Find some time to apologize to Stella, don't you?She's actually very worried about you, too, Jo."
Jo's cheeks and nose tips were red, and at what Will said, she even sobbed.
Will felt even more distressed. He suddenly remembered something. He looked earnestly into Jo's eyes and spoke carefully:
"...Speaking of, Jo, I still owe you a very formal apology, sweet.That day, I didn't control my emotions, and I scared you.If you want to forgive my emotions that day....Or it doesn't matter if you don't, I'm sorry, really sorry."
"It must be very painful.I should not do that."
"If you still feel very sad, you can...."
Without saying that, a hug ran into Will's arms again.
"Thank you,dad."
Even though she had recovered from the wind and cold, Jo was still a little weak, and the little girl slept in Will's arms once again.After gently lifting her up to the bed, Will kissed her on the forehead.
"Everything will be over, and we will find the truth."
"Jo, don't be afraid, I'll be here."
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
He looks so delicious.🥰🥰🥰🤤🤤🤤
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
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"Love is not a weakness."
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
I don't know why. I especially like this look.
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
Every gentle person has a broken soul in his or her heart.
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
The most important meaning
One shot
Tom’s character:Loki
PAIRING:Loki / reader
Hi, everyone, It's Beizhi Ning. It was my first time to try to write a story in English. It was very difficult for me, but I found it very interesting after I tried. If I have some bad English usage or wrong grammar, please forgive me, I will learn and correct slowly. A big thank you and love to my dear friend F@tomhiddlestonfanfic , whose encouragement gives me a lot of confidence, and who I think is the best writer ever.
Please let me know if you like my story, it means a lot to me. Or if you have any better criticisms or suggestions, just send them to me. Thank you and love you.💕❤️🌸
"You're always so mean, Loki." Before you slam the door and run away from the house, you shout at him and tears flow out of your eyes.
In fact, after confirming your relationship with Loki, this is one of the few times you yelled at him. It's never because you are afraid of his divine identity, but because you love him.
Every time he says mean words, you can turn it into a self-protection mechanism when he loses his sense of security. The young god who lacks love should eat more sweet candy in love, so you should be an adult who gives him sugar.
However, you are no less insecure than him. Every time he say those words to you after he is sad and angry,you don't seem to be hurt, but in fact, you will be very frightened.
Although you firmly believe that he will not hurt you from the bottom of your heart, you will be stung by his words such as "in fact, I don't love you at all, Little girl".
You think so, wandering at the crossroads, you only feel heartache like fragmentation. You know he'll know where you are - as long as he wants. But whatever.
You laughed at yourself and looked at the traffic in front of you. You just felt that the scene in front of you was a little unreal.
You murmured, "Loki, is it really the right decision to love you?"
The sound of the door being slammed was infinitely amplified in his ear.
Loki looked at your departure in amazement. After a long time, he paced slowly and sadly to the sofa. "She'll never come back."
He sighed, with a sad look in his eyes. He doesn't know what happened in just a few minutes ago. He just remembers that you came back later than usual today. Then, under a strong sense of insecurity, his words changed their tone after seeing you - it seems that such hurtful words have become his ability to protect himself. In fact, he didn't want to.
He looked around the empty room and looked at the picture you painted on the wall. It was you and him.
He was even more sad. "Even you are lying to me..." His eyes moved away from the painting, memories came to his mind, and he closed his eyes painfully
—— They're all the same. I don't deserve to be loved. I just a monster that people trying to beat.Odin,Frigga,Thor... Even you. You're all liars. You're all lying to me.
Loki didn't even realize,in a state of extreme tension and depression, he broke the glass on the table by magic.
You finally returned to your home. Loki is lying on the sofa and looks like sleeping.
Looking at the mess on the table, you sighed. As soon as you were ready to clean up, the sound came from the side.
"... who did I think it was? Didn't you say you'd never come back?"
As always, with cold ridicule, his voice is a little more trembling in your ears.
You ignored his cold words, just silently buried your head and picked up the pieces of glass.
Loki looked at you without saying a word. The panic in his heart and the determination that you will eventually leave were clearer, and the words he spit out were more mean. "Listen, I don't need your mercy at all."
"I don't need your cheap sympathy for me. Do you understand, Y/N, I don't love...,"
You finally couldn't help it. When you slapped him in the face, you saw his amazement and disbelief. When there was only an echo in the room, you noticed that your whole right hand was shaking.
"... Sorry." You looked at him carefully, and your eyes were red. He seems to have calmed down in this slap,too. He lonely sat back on the sofa and looked at you who didn't respond for a long time.
"You don't have to leave, it's me to leave. Asgard, Jotunheim, or anywhere else in the atrium, I can..."
"No." You interrupt him, "no one needs to leave, Loki. I'm too tired. I just want to go back to bed. Let's discuss this tomorrow."
When you ran away from the living room against his eyes and went back to bed to wrap yourself in the quilt, you still couldn't accept the fact that you slapped him.
Not good memories emerge from your mind.
You think of your predecessor. In those days, you were still an innocent little girl, who automatically assumed the position of protected requester in love, and your predecessor, he also promised to protect you forever.
Until you slapped him in a fierce quarrel. He slammed the door. And when you panic through the streets of the city to apologize, you find that he is laughing with other women. He looks much happier than when he is with you. You will never forget that moment when the whole world that belonged to you fell apart in an instant.
After that, your temperament has changed greatly. You fall in love again after a few years, but it's not the same as it was then. You become sensitive and worry about gain and loss in love.
You can toss and turn all night for a lover's word, and even constantly lower your bottom line and change your principles.But, without exception, they all broke up with you.
Before you met Loki, you thought you'd never fall in love again. But you still fell in love with him and walked into the life of the God of mischief.
You don't know how long later, when Loki calmed down from the living room and returned to the room, you were already asleep.
But you didn't sleep well. Because you're crying.
You seem to have a long dream.
In your dream, you see your cheating first love and your predecessors who complain about you. Just as you were almost swallowed by them, Loki appeared. He drove them away from you and hugged you tightly.
When you wake up, the sun is already shining in the whole room. You look around the room and Loki is not there.
You breathe. In fact, you haven't figured out how to face your lover, but when you go out of the bedroom and find him coming out of the kitchen, you're still stunned for a moment.
"... Good morning." You try to say morning to him, sit at the table and watch the breakfast he prepared for you,which something that hasn't happened before.
You suddenly think of yesterday's dream again. You look up at him and your voice is a little choked. "Great breakfast. I like it very much." He felt the change in your look, "but you're crying." "I'm moved." You shook your head and put a sandwich in your mouth to suppress your emotions. "Loki, do you God cook so delicious...?"
Loki suddenly squats down and looks at you. "In fact, you can show your real emotions, honey." You look at his flashing eyelashes and deep and sincere eyes, and tears suddenly fall down.
You spoke almost at the same time, which almost broke your tears into laughter. He motioned you to say first, so you whispered, "I'm sorry I hit you yesterday..." You sighed.
You thought you would hear his cold hum, but you only felt that he helped you smooth your messy hair. "It doesn't matter. It's not the first time I've been beaten..." His voice grew smaller and smaller in your reproachful eyes. Finally, Loki kept silent and smiled gently. "But I do want to say, baby, you beat far worse than Jane's slap at that time."
You pretend to lift your arm again, when he suddenly wrapped his big hand around your little hand.
"Darling, listen to me."
"I'm very, very, very sorry about yesterday and the past."
A trace of disbelief flashed in your eyes and was well covered up by you. If you remember correctly, this is the first time he apologized to you.
You suddenly feel very sour in your heart. You shake your head desperately, "No... Loki, in fact, you don't need to apologize. It's me..."
He interrupted, "it's my problem. I haven't been able to know so many things you've experienced before for so long..." This time it's your turn to freeze. You look at him in a daze until he speaks again and can't speak.
"I'm sorry I entered your memories and dreams without your permission yesterday."
"Why haven't you mentioned this before?" Your softest and most vulnerable place seems to be pierced by him. You shake your head, "I don't want you to see the fragile me. I want to protect you.I know you are God. In fact, you are much stronger than me, but I just want to protect you."
He reached out and wiped the tears off your cheeks. "I know."
"You don't know." You shake your head gently. "Loki, no matter what you think, my love for you has never changed." You look at him firmly, "I hope you will always be yourself in your relationship. I want to give you as much security as possible."
It seems that he didn't expect you to say this. Loki's hand wiping your tears suddenly stops. You raise his hand, hold it and continue talking. "Moreover, you should believe that there are many people in the world who love you.Odin, Frigga, Thor, the people of Asgard, and me. We all love you very much."
"You were born with a glorious purpose. You are a very important and important existence in the universe. If you don't trust others, at least trust me."
Seeing the tall figure in front of you, who dodged your eyes like a child while you were talking, and became trembling and choking,you touched his cheek softly and kissed the corners of his eyes gently.
"You are neither a monster nor a bad person. You are my lover."
You have never said these words to him before, even if they have been hidden in your heart for a long time. You are always afraid that such words will make him fall into the vortex of emotion in the past, but today, at this moment, you think it's time.
"As long as you like, I will always be by your side. I'm just a mortal, maybe it doesn't matter to you, but I swear, in my limited life, I won't leave you."
You always looked into his eyes sincerely. After saying these words, you hugged him tightly, and he firmly responded to the hug in a moment. He shook his head and revised your words. "No.You never unimportant. You are my most important meaning in the universe."
"I swear in the name of Asgard that I will protect you forever and will never leave you, my love."
"I love you."
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
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‘LOKI’ FYC Event  WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - MAY 22: Tom Hiddleston attends the LOKI FYC Event at the Silver Screen Theatre at the Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles, CA on May 22, 2022.
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
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Tom Hiddleston as Will Ransome in The Essex Serpend (2022) Episode One
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
I really WANT to see the next episode of The Essex Serpent!!!!!!!!
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
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I don’t think you have a right to be this angry with me. That’s probably true. Then why are you?
The Essex Serpent 1x03 - Falling
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
OMG What a beautiful picture.
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