belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
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;; like for a STARTER
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
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Loki. Damn…
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
“ i sent you a bunch of kiss emojis. ”
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          “ i can see that, loki. “ 
     jolene chuckled, her emerald hues dancing across the phone     as she scrolled through the one message, full of kiss emojis.      “ why on earth,...? “ she laughed. “ still tryin’ to get the hang      of texting? “ she quirked a brow, glancing up at him. “ where     did you even get a phone, anyways? “ 
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
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       ❝ A what? ❞
         Despite the movie recently coming out  two years ago, the film’s existence has been thoroughly removed from his memory. Unless a movie had violence or the possibility of a tasteful side boob, Henry wasting going to waste his time or limited allowance on it.
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          “ a christmas story? y’know,.. the kid wants a bb gun for               christmas but every time he asks, they tell him no, that               ‘ you’ll shoot your eye out, kid! ‘? you’ve never seen it? “
    she was appalled. how could he possibly not know? then again, she     tried to bear in mind that not everyone was as fortunate as her to be     blessed with three older brothers that took her to every movie she      asked to see. “ nevermind. i’m not doin’ it, though. “
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
Fighting Starters
“What is your problem?”
“What were you thinking?”
“Leave me alone!”
“It wasn’t my fault!”
“Of course it was your fault!”
“What was I supposed to do?”
“I hate you!”
“I wish I never met you!”
“I’m breaking up with you!”
“Fuck you!”
“Go fuck yourself!”
“You should have told me!”
“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t tell you because it was none of your business!”
“How could you lie to me like that?”
“You think I can’t do anything right!”
“You only won because you cheated!”
“You’re just mad you lost!”
“You’re being so immature!”
“Your face is immature!”
“You wanna say that to my face?”
“You wanna take this outside?”
“We can’t be friends if you’re a fan of [sports team]!”
“I know how to fix your computer: throw it away and get a Mac/PC/Linux.”
“You wasted [our/my/your] money on what?”
“Get a job!”
“You were supposed to be here an hour ago!”
“Why are you always late?”
“Why can’t you cut me some slack?”
“Things aren’t as important as you think they are!”
“It’s like you’re avoiding me!”
“I don’t have to hang out with you 24/7!”
“How come we never do what I want?”
“You were supposed to do the dishes as of three days ago!”
“I was gonna do it!”
“Get your stuff off the floor!”
“Do your own laundry!”
“I’m busy, I’ll get around to it!”
“Stop complaining all the time!”
“It’s my turn to drive!”
“You can’t take the car all day, I need it!”
“Turn that off, I’m trying to concentrate!”
“Do your own damn homework!”
“But you promised!”
“I’m never letting you borrow anything again!”
“You still owe me forty dollars!”
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
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;; munday so have a late halloween pic of my penny costume ❤️
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
hurt meme.
“ i got you. it’s gonna be okay, you’re going to be okay.”
“i feel like everyone’s miles away from me.”
“my mind is a dark place. you don’t want to be there.”
“i know this hurts, but you have to stay awake.”
“don’t close your eyes, please don’t close your eyes!”
“i just want to be numb, i don’t want to feel anything.”
“please don’t do this, don’t act like you care.”
“you don’t care, nobody cares, just leave.”
“you’re my friend, of course i fucking care.”
“i can’t give up on you, so please don’t give up on yourself.”
“i love you so much, i forgot what hating myself felt like.”
“i fucked up, why do you not care?”
“i can’t walk, just go on without me.”
“you have broken ribs, take it easy.”
“i have no idea how to do cpr.”
“whose blood is that?”
“apply pressure to the wound, don’t let go.”
“don’t you dare fucking let go!” 
“what the hell happened to you?” 
“are they dead? did you kill them?” 
“do you know what you’ve done?” 
“you’re either with me or against me.” 
“who the hell did this to you?” 
“are you alright? you hit your head pretty hard…” 
“i can’t see!! what’s happening to me?” 
“when was the last time you ate?” 
“what do you mean you’re fine? you are not fine!” 
 “i’m fine, it’s just a flesh wound, i’ll be okay.” 
“for how long? how long were you bottling this up?“ 
“there’s so much blood, you won’t last.” 
“are you… throwing up in there?” 
“why aren’t you eating?” 
“just breathe… you’re okay, i promise, just breathe.” 
“i can’t breathe, i can’t –” 
“i woke up, & you were gone.” 
“just tell me something, was it really worth it?” 
“it’s okay to hurt & breakdown. you don’t have to be strong all the time.”
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
‘  the world is a little happier with you in it.  ’ ‘  i have the right to be happy and i will not let you or anyone else take that from me.  ’ ‘  i’m done apologizing for who i am.  ’ ‘  i am stronger now and i will not say sorry.  ’ ‘  let this moment be your starting point. let this moment be the one when it all began.  ’ ‘  if you have nothing, you have nothing to lose.  ’ ‘  it’s never too late to rebuild yourself.  ’ ‘  healing takes time, but it will come.  ’ ‘  your warmth and kindness is more beautiful than you know.  ’ ‘  your feelings are valid.  ’ ‘  your opinons are valid.  ’ ‘  your happiest moment is still yet to come.  ’ ‘  turn off the light and close your eyes. it can wait until tomorrow.  ’ ‘  self love is a daily commitment.  ’ ‘  don’t let those thoughts that are telling you can’t keep you from trying at all.  ’ ‘  not today. i won’t let it defeat me.  ’ ‘  stop punishing yourself. please. you don’t deserve it.  ’ ‘  breathe.  ’ ‘  you don’t deserve that! demand better!  ’ ‘  i hope you find what your soul really needs.  ’ ‘  i hope you find the happiness you yearn for.  ’ ‘  there is a point where you have to let go of the anger.  ’ ‘  even if your voice was shaky and you stuttered on your words, you still spoke up and i am so proud you did.  ’ ‘  there’s something incredible about you and i can’t quite tell what it is. maybe that’s the magic in it.  ’ ‘  i know you want more and your heart is driven like that, but don’t take on too much.  ’ ‘  people aren’t always going to do and say what you want them to and that’s okay.  ’ ‘  you are a living, breathing masterpiece.  ’ ‘  some might not understand your beauty, but you are art nonetheless.  ’ ‘  quiet down those thoughts. it’s not worth it tonight.  ’ ‘  try to have gentle thoughts.  ’ ‘  your intrusive thoughts are just thoughts and nothing more than that.  ’ ‘  i love you… i always have.  ’ ‘  i tell myself i don’t care, but i care too much.  ’ ‘  maybe you and i exist together on a different wavelength than the rest of the world. perhaps, we are on a separate frequency.  ’ ‘  concept: we’re both in our softest pajamas, your arms around me and our legs are intertwined. you kiss the back of my neck and tell me you won’t ever let me go.  ’ ‘  look close enough and you’ll find how much i adore you in every subconscious thing i do.  ’ ‘  there are countless parts of you i’ve yet to meet, yet to memorize. nevertheless, i’ll keep wanting to get to know you even when i know everything.  ’ ‘  you make me feel loved in my unlovable moments and beautiful even in my ugliest ones.  ’ ‘  oh darling, how deeply you’ve become a part of me. i can’t help but feel something is missing when you’re gone.  ’ ‘  i can’t help but feel something is missing when you’re gone.  ’ ‘  thank you for never making me inadequate or dumb or inferior.  ’ ‘  your constant love and respect has given me incredible strength and confidence.  ’ ‘  thank you for seeing all the good in me.  ’ ‘  every night i image you beside me.  ’ ‘  it breaks my heart that you can’t fall asleep with me in the same room or the same city, but i always remember that even an imagined silhouette of you is better than nothing at all.  ’ ‘  the spaces between your fingers are where mine fit perfectly.  ’ ‘  by some miracle, the universe created you. of all the infinite combinations of atoms, somehow that infinity filtered down to form you.  ’ ‘  what people think of you is not equivalent to who you are.  ’ ‘  the moment i let myself believe i was going to be okay was the moment i finally was.  ’ ‘  protecting your own happiness ins’t selfish.  ’ ‘  you deserve every ounce of happiness.  ’ ‘  a week, a month, a year without you is nothing compared to the lifetime we’ll spend together.  ’ ‘  tomorrow is a new day. and a new day after that. it’s never too late to start over.  ’ ‘  i finally realize that i no longer need your approval and i never really did.  ’ ‘  maybe i will be okay in the end.  ’ ‘  maybe i will find all that i’m searching for.  ’ ‘  maybe i will figure out all that i am.  ’ ‘  whatever. whatever. whatever. let is pass right by you.  ’ ‘  you are not a failure. please believe that.  ’ ‘  you are only presented with obstacles you are strong enough to conquer.  ’ ‘  it’s been long enough. it’s time to forgive yourself.  ’ ‘  your bad days don’t make your good days any less good.  ’ ‘  even in your darkest times, the sun still rises.  ’ ‘  your existence wasn’t a mistaken accident, it was a creation from almost nothing to something incredible – a miracle even.  ’ ‘  your feelings are your own. no one should be allowed to define them for you.  ’ ‘  ever since our storylines intertwined, i haven’t stopped smiling. you are the best plot twist.   ’ ‘  your thoughts are something that deserve to be heard.  ’ ‘  sometimes it’s not meant to be, but that doesn’t mean there’s no value in it happening.  ’ ‘  your greatest love story is the one you have with yourself.  ’ ‘  i have the right to be happy and i will not let you or anyone else take that from me.  ’ ‘  your existence alone has altered the world. you are more important than you know.  ’ ‘  thank you for letting me forget all the bad, even just for a second.  ’ ‘  you were built for whatever is thrown your way. you are ready.  ’ ‘  no matter what your mind is telling you, please know that you are enough.  ’ ‘  what i can’t fathom is how we can be so close yet so far away.  ’ ‘  you are not a bad person for having bad thoughts. forgive yourself.  ’ ‘  you are growing from this.  ’ ‘  you will heal in time.  ’ ‘  your strength and kindness is more beautiful than you know.  ’ ‘  i’m just trying to be happy and stop thinking about what other people think.  ’ ‘  i want to be someone who sees magic in ordinary things.  ’ ‘  be extra. enjoy things and show it. stop apologizing for it.  ’ ‘  why do you keep trying to impress people who don’t matter?  ’ ‘  let go of the hate. let go of the anger. let go of the resentment. just let it go because it’s holding you back.  ’ ‘  you’re really cute and you make me really happy.  ’ ‘  show me your genuine care.  ’ ‘  why are you beating yourself up over things you can’t control? breathe.  ’ ‘  people annoy me too easily. i need to cut that shit out. i’m not cool enough to be trying to pull that.  ’ ‘  underestimate me and give me the ability to prove you wrong.  ’ ‘  you don’t have to have everything figured out.  ’ ‘  you’re not a bad person for being angry.  ’ ‘  forever is an adventure with you.  ’ ‘  you are not a failure. please believe that.  ’ ‘  you’re my favorite reason to stay awake.  ’
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
Studio Ghibli Sentence Meme
“Now I have something I want to protect. It’s you.”
“I’m not afraid to die!”
“You cannot change fate. However, you can rise to meet it, if you so choose.”
“They say that the best blaze brightest when circumstances are at their worst.”
“Fear and anger only make it grow faster.”
“I think I can handle it.”
“Here’s another curse for you - may all your bacon burn.”
“Don’t worry! Stay right where you are, I’m coming to get you! You’re gonna be fine, I won’t let him hurt you.”
“I need something of yours. How ‘bout your eyes?”
“We gotta get out of here! We’re gonna get in trouble!”
“You, you sabotaged me! Look! Look at what you’ve done to my hair! Look!”
“No more killing. It has to stop!”
“You sound ghastly, like some 90-year-old woman.”
“Guys, don’t take that food! We’re gonna get in trouble!”
“Fight ‘em! C’mon!”
“Smile so we can make a good impression.”
“We each need to find our own inspiration. Sometimes it’s not easy”
“I finally get a bouquet and it’s a goodbye present. That’s depressing.”
“Life is suffering. It is hard. The world is cursed. But still, you find reasons to keep living.”
“Sorry, it looks like you’re involved.”
“Oh, my baby! Are you all right? Are you emotionally traumatized?”
“Now I’m trying to look inside myself and find out how I did it.”
“Leave before it gets dark.”
“Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can’t remember.”
“Cut off a wolf’s head and it still has the power to bite.”
“It’s all so familiar yet I know I’ve never been here before. I feel so at home.”
“Now I’m trying to look inside myself and find out how I did it.”
“I suggest you surrender. There is no ship coming to rescue you.”
“I had no idea that my rage could drive me to kill.”
“These days, there are angry ghosts all around us - dead from wars, sickness, starvation - and nobody cares.” 
“A heart’s a heavy burden.”
“Please! You must stop!”
“Well, well, well… hello kitty.” “You can’t be busy - you’re five!”
“So you say you’re under a curse? So what? So’s the whole damn world.”
“ I have really had enough of your incredible stupidity.”
“Lamebrain! They made an escape! Now step on it!”
“I didn’t want them to kill you.”
“It’s fun to move to a new place. It’s an adventure.”
“Welcome the rich man, he’s hard for you to miss. His butt keeps getting bigger, so there’s plenty there to kiss!”
“You shouldn’t be here! Get out!”
“He said Mom was ugly, now go get him!”
“Kill him and you’ll be famous.”
“I’ve seen him do this once before when a girl dumped him.”
“S/He’s alive. There goes that dream.”
“That was the night I died.”
“I’d rather be a pig than a fascist.”
“You don’t remember your name?”
“Don’t be afraid, I just want to help you.”
“Poor kids. I’ll really miss them.”
“I don’t fight for honor. I fight for a paycheck.”
“ No, No, No! Don’t do this! Help! Help! Crazy lady with the shovel!”
“She was once quite beautiful, so I decided to pursue her, then I realized she wasn’t, so then, as usual, I ran away.”
“You’re in love. Don’t deny it, you’ve been sighing all day”
“She never woke up again.”
“You blubber heads! I’m not runnin’ a luxury cruise! Now get to work!”
“Why does everything that’s good for you have to taste so bad?”
“Whatever you don’t want me to clean, better hide it now!”
“This is our little secret. You tell anyone and I’ll rip your mouth off.”
“I give up. I see no point in living if I can’t be beautiful.”
“If I lose my magic, that means I’ve lost absolutely everything.”
“ It’s… you’re scaring me. I have this weird feeling you’re going to leave. ”
“There’s a demon inside you.”
“Don’t get alarmed but I’m being followed. Act normal.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got four-wheel drive.”
“This is what hatred looks like! This is what it does when it catches hold of you! It’s eating me alive, and very soon it will kill me!”
“Smooth. Very smooth. You definitely know how to make a good first impression.”
“Everyone fears their own mortality.”
“Play with me or I’ll break your arm!”
“I gotta get out of this place. Someday I’m getting on that train.”
“Wait give us a minute! This is clearly harassment.”
“Why do fireflies have to die so soon?”
“There you are, sweetheart. Sorry I’m late. I was looking everywhere for you.” 
“When you’re going to kill a god, let someone else do your dirty work.”
“Why did you stop me from killing her?”
“When I saw you, I just wanted to find a way to protect you.” 
“One thing you can always count on is that hearts change.”
“Tell me while you’re still alive!”
“This is a tomb for the both of us.”
“If nobody comes in, I’m gonna have to eat pancakes forever and be fat, fat, fat! And what am I supposed to do about that?”
“Even if you were a woman, you’d still be an idiot!”
“What do you say we give ‘em a little demonstration of how fast we can run, huh?”
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
kissy sentence starters.
“ is it bad i really want to kiss you right now? ” “ do me a favor, kiss my ass. ” “ they can all just kiss my ass. ” “ i kissed someone today. ” “ i kissed a girl/boy and i liked it. ” “ kissing burns calories you know. ” “ my lips really want to meet yours. ” “ so are we going to kiss or not? ” “ i sent you a bunch of kiss emojis. ” “ don’t talk, just kiss me. ” “ i really enjoyed our kiss last night. ” “ you make me want to kiss you. ” “ you owe me a kiss. ” “ pucker up. ” “ read my lips, no. ” “ your eyes say no but your lips say yes. ” “ i just want to kiss you. ” “ i miss your lips. ” “ give me a kiss. ” “ blow a kiss my way for good luck. ” “ ever kiss in the rain? ” “ ever kiss under water? ” “ it was just a kiss, that’s all. ” “ a kiss doesn’t mean anything. ” “ i love when our lips meet. ” “ where do you want me to kiss you? ” “ i want to either kiss you or kill you right now. ” “ did you really just kiss him/her? ” “ friends aren’t allowed to kiss one another. ” “ kiss me one more time. ” “ want to make out? ” “ you’re a terrible kisser. ” “ teach me how to kiss? ” “ i remember our first kiss. ” “ your lips are calling my name. ” “ let’s just kiss already. ”
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
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;; can we talk about how gr8 my brothers looked for their halloween dance last night??
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
Trick ‘r Treat (film) starter sentences
47 starters content warning: cussing
“Always stay on sidewalks. Never go to a stranger’s house. And never go out alone.”
“This is a great idea, _____. Really. It’s just magical.”
“It makes me wish every night was Halloween.”
“You know, you should be more careful. There are rules. You might upset someone.”
“_____, let’s just take all this crap down. It looks like a crime scene.”
“I hate Halloween.”
“I am not wearing this! It’s too small!”
“I don’t know why we drove out here when there are perfectly good guys in the city.”
“Whatever happened to trick-or-treating?”
“_____, come on out.”
“_____, I look like I’m five.”
“Shut up, you—you look great.”
“Don’t forget your costume.”
“Why don’t you sit down, stay for a minute?”
“Being myself hasn’t gotten me very far.”
“Ah… Smashing jack-o-lanterns? Stealing candy?”
“See, my dad taught me tonight is about respecting the dead, because this is the one night that the dead and all sorts of other things roam free and pay us a visit.”
“All these traditions—jack-o-lanterns, putting on costumes, handing out treats—they were started to protect us, but nowadays… no one really cares.”
“I didn’t do such a good job, did I? What do you think?”
“There’s another tradition. A very important one. Always check your candy.”
“Trick or treat!”
“Uh, great costume, _____.”
“Call me if you get into trouble.”
“_____! I’m back from trick-or-treating!”
“What in God’s name are you doing down there, _____? Hiding bodies?”
“_____! I wanna carve the jack-o-lantern now, but I need your help with the eyes!”
“Can I go to the parade with you later?”
“Aww, we haven’t done anything fun together!”
“How about we make some caramel apples?”
“Let’s carve a scary face this time.”
“Now, be safe… and watch out for monsters.”
“Did you carve all these yourself?”
“Made my costume too. You like it?”
“What happened? Did somebody die here?”
“Jesus, will you shut up and let me tell the damn story?”
“I wanna go home.”
“You are so full of shit.”
“Don’t let the candles go out and they’ll protect you, okay?”
“_____, calm down. It was all just a trick. Look, none of this is real. It was just a trick. A bad joke.”
“We have to go! We have to get out of here!”
“It’s not a trick, it’s real!”
“I’m not in the mood, so just come on out!”
“My, my… what big eyes you have…”
“It’s my first time, so… just bear with me.”
“_____, get your ass in here.”
“Over here! _____! _____, help me, goddammit!”
“You gotta be fucking kidding me…”
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
Send These Sentences!
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
;; send jo some asks! we're in need of entertainment lol
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
Sexual tension sentence starters
as requested by anon. note: some of these work better if one of the muses is pushed up against a wall
“Make me.”
“I dare you.”
“Bite me.”
“You think you can just run that pretty mouth of yours whenever you want?!”
“Wanna bet?”
“If you complain that it’s hot one more time, I’m going to give you a reason to sweat.”
“Prove it.”
“What’s in it for me?”
“If you bite your lip one more time, I’m going to do it for you.”
“Oh, well fuck me, then.”
“Shut up!”
“Yell at me again, and I’ll give you a real reason to scream.”
“I wish we weren’t out in public…”
“Wow, you’re really strong.”
“Wanna go for a ride?”
“You sure can’t keep your hands to yourself…”
“Ah, I think I need a new bed.”
“Can you help me with my tie?” / “Can you zip up my dress for me?”
“You have really nice fingers…”
“Are we going downtown?”
“You should come by my place…I’ll give you the grand tour.”
“That outfit looks good on you. But, you’d also look good without the outfit.”
“What do you wear to bed?”
“Do you have to eat it like that?”
“Uhm–t-those shorts look tight–”
“Hey, stop biting your lip…”
“Wha–is that a banana in your pocket?”
“You’re standing a little close to me…”
“Hey–you’ve got a little something on your face–”
“My keys are in my pocket. Can you get them for me?”
“Help me find the D? I mean, the variable–i-it’s math…”
“I just wanna grab your bu–hand. Grab your hand.”
“*purely staring at (muse name)’s lips*”
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
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belcvedcne-blog · 7 years
Send a “❤” if you wish to rp with our characters. Send a “❤❤” if you wish to plot with our characters. Send a “❤❤❤” if you wish to ship with our characters.
Send a “❤❤❤ ❤❤ ❤” if you wish to do all of the above.  
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