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what is your current favorite starbucks drink?!
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cinnamon almond milk macchiato
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So this is actually a real, on-the-menu Starbucks drink, but I feel like a lot of people don’t know it exists. It’s like the caramel macchiato, but fancier and with less of that lactose milk. The build is the exact same as a caramel macchiato -- syrup, milk, ice, shots, toppings (bottom to top). What changes is what those specific flavors are. Instead of vanilla syrup, there’s cinnamon dolce. And the toppings include caramel drizzle and cinnamon powder! So, here’s how to order it:
“Can I please have a [size] cinnamon almond milk macchiato?”
That’s it! It’s that simple. Your barista will definitely know this one because it is on the menu. 
This drink is approved by my coffee-loving friend, Sarah. Thanks, Sarah!
Enjoy... <3
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apple pie frap (the apple of my eye)
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If you’re a big apple juice fan (or apple anything), my friend, this one is for you. It combines milk and apple juice to make a cinnamony-caramel delight in a cup.
Here’s how to order it:
“Can I please have a [size] caramel frap with 1/2 the amount of milk and 1/2 apple juice with two pumps of cinnamon dolce?”
Let me know if you like it!
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blackberry cobbler frap
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Have you tried this yet? It combines a fan-favorite vanilla bean frap with white mocha syrup (which is a fav for me)
Here’s how you order it:
“Can I please have a vanilla bean frap with (1, 2, 3) pumps of white mocha and blackberries blended in?”
Enjoy this treat!
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thai tea from starbucks!
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This was brought to my attention by my roommate -- love you, Bridget! I absolutely would die for this drink. It tastes eerily similar to thai tea, which is interesting considering it’s shortbread syrup!
Here’s how you order it:
“Can I please have a [size] black tea with no water and (2, 3, 4) pumps of shortbread syrup?”
In some stores, the shortbread syrup is gone because the drink it came back for was seasonal, however, some stores might still have it so don’t be afraid to ask!
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cookie dough chai frap lowkey snaps
Today at work I made this new frap that I lowkey think I invented on the spot. Someone else will have to get in and see if it’s any good. It is so sweet that most people won’t even want to try it but lowkey, it’s pretty good. So here’s how to make it:
“I’ll have a [size] vanilla bean frap with 1 pump vanilla, 1 pump cinnamon dolce, 2 pumps chai and 1 pump cinnamon dolce.”
I also made it with soy milk (but still whipped cream cause OBVIOUSLY).
Let me know if you try this and tell me how sweet it is lol!
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red velvet frap!
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When I tell you this is one of the best drinks I have ever made, I mean it 100%. I am a huge fan of red velvet, and when we had the red velvet loaves around the holidays I could not get enough of them. I was so sad to see them go, especially since I didn’t realize we weren’t restocking them until like a week later and then there wasn’t any left. So sad. But now I’m happy because I discovered a long-forgotten drink card that explains how to make a red velvet frap! It tastes very similar to the red velvet flavor, although not exactly the same.
Here’s how to order it:
“Can I please have a [size] red velvet frap?”
However, even though it is an actual drink on the menu, some baristas might not remember the recipe because literally no one ever orders it. So here’s what to do if they don’t know it:
“Can I please have a [size] double chocolate chip frap with [*] pumps of mocha, [+] pumps of vanilla, and [+] pumps of raspberry?”
*as you can see in the picture, depending on what size drink you get, the pumps of mocha are one more than normal. So 3 pumps for tall, 4 for grande, 5 for venti.
+same with vanilla and raspberry syrup; the amount of pumps depends on the size  (1, 2, 2)
An additional thing to note is that the double chocolate chip frap automatically comes creme-base, so if you order this differently than above, you’ll want to make sure you mention that you want it creme-based. Frap roast doesn’t seem like it would pair well with this frap.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me or send in an ask.
Let me know if you have any drink ideas that I should post about!
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apple cider
This drink is one of my absolute favorites, especially in the fall. It is basically just an iced chai tea latte but instead of milk, there’s apple juice! Also, cinnamon dolce syrup is optional but highly recommended. You could also alter this and add whipped cream but it depends how much you like whipped cream.
Here’s how you order it:
“Can I please have a [size] iced chai tea latte with apple juice instead of milk and cinnamon dolce syrup?”
It’s already going to be sweet with the apple juice, so you can ask for less chai syrup and/or less cinnamon dolce syrup. 
Tall gets 3 pumps
Grande gets 4 pumps
Venti (iced) gets 6 pumps
So it’s up to you how many pumps of chai and cinnamon dolce you want. I like 3 pumps of chai and 2 pumps of cinnamon dolce. There is also a sugar-free cinnamon dolce syrup alternative!
Enjoy this drink and let me know if you order it and like it.
If you have any comments or suggestions of drinks for me to add to this blog, send me an ask or a message!
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starbucks milk codes
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starbucks milk codes
the third box from the bottom is where your barista will write the kind of milk your drink is getting. if you don’t specify a milk, for the most part, it is automatically 2% (there are some special circumstances where it isn’t. For instance, all fraps have whole milk, cinnamon almond milk macchiatos have almond milk -- duh -- and flat whites get whole milk as well). if you do specify a milk (i.e., ordering a soy vanilla latte), your barista will write a code in the milk box so the person making the drink knows to substitute a different milk. 
2% - 2% (if the drink’s default is this, it will not be written)
WH (sometimes stylized “whole”) - whole milk
NF - nonfat milk
B - half and half (breve)
HWC - heavy whipping cream
VSC - vanilla sweet cream
S - soy
C (sometimes stylized “co” or “coco”) - coconut
A - almond
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thanks for deciding to look at my blog. i know your life is probably very busy (as is mine), but thank you for choosing to spend time here reading what i have to say. hopefully, you find some of these recipes helpful!
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