bellababyh2o · 4 months
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H2O: Just Add Water (2006)
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bellababyh2o · 7 months
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
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Rikki Chadwick and Zane Bennett H2O: Just Add Water | 1.10 — The Camera Never Lies
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
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"Hot stuff"
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
ranking all of bella and the band's songs on h2o
in order of preference:
1. pretty baby
2. come back to you
3. i'm the kinda girl
4. i believe
5. now or never
6. work it out
7. who am i
8. if you could stay
9. i don't mind
10. your everything
11. no ordinary girl
*waits for angry mob with torches and pitchforks to congregate outside my house*
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
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i just think that watswick
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
anyway i feel like i rag on how emma is written a lot so here go some emma Things I Appreciate:
honestly her whole dedication to swimming pre-metamorphosis is beyond impressive. the fact that girlie was so dedicated to her craft that she still swam when she had the flu? when she broke her arm?! we stan a girlboss
ultimately she is very very sweet and caring, even if sometimes she can be a tiny bit bossy she always tries to extend kindness towards people. she is unfailingly friendly to strangers and acquaintances and honestly has enviable social skills
the flip side of this is that you do not want to get on her bad side. like, at all. she is smart and incisive and will cut you so bad you won't even know you've been cut. cross emma gilbert at your peril
but no she is a socialite queen, inviting what looks like the entire female student body of her school to a sleepover party every single year. i would imagine pre-metamorphosis she was probably near the top of the social hierarchy at school just by simply being a nice, friendly, helpful, sociable person
her love for her family is very, very sweet. she loves her mum but is such a daddy's girl too. she would legit do anything for elliot and is super protective of him. she also seems close with her extended family and even knows her dad's colleagues whom she invites to his birthday party that she organised without any help like? imagine being that level headed and responsible
emma's whole relationship with ms. chatham is beyond sweet. she is so kind and conscientious towards her at every turn when rikki is being rude or cleo is acting a little silly. i'm not usually one to preach about respecting your elders however the way she cared for ms. chatham and brought her into her home when she fell homeless actually made my heart quadruple in size
noah fence to my guy wilfred but the juicenet café would have crumbled into smithereens without her. wilfred basically says as much himself, she is an asset to that place and, once again, a girlboss extraordinaire
she has a really firm sense of justice, too. at harrison bennett's luncheon to support the exacerbation of the climate crisis or whatever she was the first to pipe up and protest the mako island development. she is clever and astute enough as a teenage girl in a group of seasoned businessmen to speak up, and perhaps more importantly knew how to use the right words not to incite a huge argument or risk embarrassing her dad
she is reliable and smart and dependable. she is exactly the type of person you want to have around in a crisis and is nearly always able to keep her cool. the first thing she does whenver things turn pear-shaped is say 'let's be sensible about this' and then proceed to say something sensible while everyone else around her loses their minds
i just think it's cute that she came up with a new smoothie for the juicenet called a banana beatbox, spent ages perfecting the recipe, and even vouched for the smoothie to stay on the menu when it was on the cutting room floor
she definitely has somewhat of a hard exterior but in her heart is deeply sensitive and feels hurt very strongly (looking at you byron now apologise again for calling her an 'evil training dragon' lmao)
the thing about emma is that she believes in people. she sees their potential before they themselves are able to see it. she can hold a grudge when necessary but she is also quick to forgive, and quick to apologise too. she is supportive and encouraging of her friends above all and would go to the ends of the earth for them
one time for no apparent reason she randomly had a horticulture directory just. sitting open on her desk. did they study horticulture at school like mr. shiff i need answers
i think we as a society need to reflect on the fact that, of the three main merms, emma was the most open to the idea of charlotte and always tried to include her. cleo was usually pretty antagonistic towards her, while rikki never really gave her a chance in the first place. emma discouraged cleo and rikki from their juvenile behaviour and only took a step back from charlotte when she actually gave her a reason to
feel free to add your fav things about emma!!
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
say what you want about s3 of h2o just add water but they ended the series perfectly with bella singing ‘no ordinary girl’. that song makes me cry 
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
H2O just add water didn't do "Under The Weather" just for you to not wear your mask properly
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
so i binge-watched siren the last few days and what's up with mermaid shows having a 3rd season that completely ruins everything they built up in seasons 1+2 to the point where everyone hates s3 so much that they pretend it doesn't even exist
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
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H2O Just Add Water Episode 3
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
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alexa play cardigan by taylor swift
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
couples that deserved the underwater kiss that isn't wella
lewis and cleo
bella and charlotte
rikki and zane
cleo and ronnie
rikki and emma
emma finger-gunning various fish
charlotte and rikki
those two dolphins that were in love with one another but were separated by a barrier at the marine park
julia and louise
like. don and samantha
idk but definitely not will
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
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my comfort picture
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bellababyh2o · 3 years
Hot take: I’m rewatching H20 and so far I think Charlotte Is the superior mermaid and she deserved a redemption arc.
- Yeah Charlottes a bitch, but wouldn’t it have been way more interesting to have her unlearn that behavior? Also, her motivations for being manipulative aren’t even that unreasonable. Her boyfriend is running around with his ex girlfriend all the time, I think that at least warrants a confrontation (and for the more inexcusable things, I’d like to think if she understood the situation from day one she wouldn’t have been such an awful girlfriend)
- Most of her screen time is spent being gas lit by Lewis, and it usually has something to do with how close she is to figuring out Cleo, Emma, and Rikki are mermaids (which wasn’t even her intention to start). The main girls just ASSUMED the only reason Charlotte would be interested in Lewis was to get closer to the mermaid secrets, and that feels a little self absorbed.
- how would you feel if your boyfriend identified the sketches by your grandma as mako island and he refused to let you go there, even though he frequents it often? How would you feel if you found someone who could tell you about your grandmas past but your boyfriend REFUSES to let you go meet him? (Even though the helpful person in question is actually your grandmas ex). How would you feel if your boyfriends ex (Cleo) had not just a photo of your grandma, but the locket she’s wearing, AND an old video tape of your grandma IN A MERMAID TAIL? Charlotte wasn’t even looking for mermaids she was trying to learn about her heritage.
- I would say being a mermaid is kind of her birthright. Not just because of her grandma but when Charlotte does transform, she discovers she has not one but THREE powers. I’d like to bring up the fact that the main girls started with one power, and then after a gills night out (pls) they discover weather related powers which they can hardly control. Charlotte found all 3 of her powers in the span of an episode and had full control over them.
I’m conclusion: the writing team did her dirty, instead of being the final addition to an empowered group of 4 Charlotte became a cautionary tale for girls to mind their business.
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