belladavenpcrt · 5 years
“Isabella?” Tyler called out, squinting slightly as if he were confused as to why she was acting so strange. Then it dawned on him. The emergency room. He showed up somewhere around midnight about a week ago, covered in blood. It wasn’t his blood, but a co-workers. His “friend” was shot and Bella gave him a hard time about paperwork. Frustrated, Tyler wound up leaving the hospital with a sour taste in his mouth. Then a few days later, he ran into Bella at the coffee house. He spilled his coffee on her by accident, but she had reason to believe he was just out to get her, which couldn’t have been farther from the truth. 
“I come in peace. Look…. no hot beverages or bloody friends this time.” he laughed, easing his way into cafe. “I come here every day. Caffeine junkie.” he claimed, which was probably the only honest to god thing he’s ever said to Isabella. Hell, even his name was fake. His surname, at least. So no, they weren’t friends. But he bumps into her on a weekly basis given his job. He works late hours and almost always has a reason to stop at the ER. “You know it would be much easier if you just stopped harassing me, maybe then these inevitable run-ins would be less awkward.” 
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Bella couldn’t help but laugh at his words. Harassing him? Ha! If anything, she felt like he was the one doing the harassing. “Well, it’s hard to trust or be nice to a person who’s sketchy about filling out some simple paperwork when their friend was shot,” she said. “Also, you did spill a scalding hot coffee on me, ruining my outfit, which made me late for work, so thanks for that.” Maybe she was taking this too far, or making this even worse for herself.
“Also, it’s interesting how we keep meeting. You’re just constantly popping up where I work, where I like to visit for some nice coffee.” She gasped,  pretending to be shocked. “Are you a stalker?” Yes, she was definitely not making this any better, but joking through the awkwardness was her only way to deal with this run in. 
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belladavenpcrt · 5 years
LOCATION: Coffee Shop / ocean harbor
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Oh shit. That was the first thing that came to mind the moment Bella’s eyes landed on them. She tried her best to hide from their view, not wanting them to spot her. Things between the two of them ended...oddly to say the least. She wished she could have gone the rest of her life without seeing them again. It wasn’t until she heard them call her her name that she felt her stomach sink. Slowly, she lifted her head, a weary smile forming on her lips. 
“Hey...you,” she laughed nervously. “Fancy seeing you here.” She pulled her glasses from her face, her fingers messing with the legs in an attempt to keep herself at bay. She always was one to fidget with stuff to calm her nerves. “Come here often?”
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belladavenpcrt · 5 years
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belladavenpcrt · 5 years
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Character’s Name: Isabella “Bella” Davenport
Age: 30
Pronouns: She/Her
Occupation: ER Registrar & Author
Positive Traits: Empathetic, Adaptable, Hard Working, Logical
Negative Traits: Pessimistic, Credulous, Over-Sensitive, Quiet
- REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME; Bella could run into a familiar face from college who just so happened to be the father of her child. (0/1)
- BILLION DOLLAR BABY; Bella could use a friend from her youth that knew her when she was another rich kid from Rosemont Gardens. (0/?)
- WE’RE ALL WORKAHOLICS HERE; Bella could use some coworkers, whether it’s at the hospital or maybe an editor/proofreader she trusts with her books? (0/?)
- LOSE MY NUMBER; How about some nice one night stand plots?? (0/?)
- TOUCH STARVED; A nice friends with benefits plot, what could possibly go wrong? (0/1)
- I’LL KEEP MY DISTANCE; How about some nice enemies??? Frienemies?? Bella could use some more drama in her life. (0/?)
- Bella is the youngest child of Moira and Hector Davenport, her older sibling being her brother named Simon. Her family’s wealth comes from their successful hotel business.
- Bella grew up in Rosemont Gardens with her family.
- Bella spent most of her life under the eyes of paparazzi, which made it difficult for her to live her teenage years as freely as she deserved. It wouldn’t be until college when she’d finally be able to “let loose.”
- While attending college, Bella majored in English against her parents’ wishes for her to major in something they believed would help her in life, such as Business. It was during this time when she gained an interest in writing.
- While in college, Bella allowed herself to finally live as freely as she wanted, which would result in her becoming pregnant. Despite her efforts to keep it a secret, her family would eventually find out. Though she was left with the ultimatum to abort the child or give it up for adoption, she opted for adoption, which she would later come to regret the decision.
- It wasn’t until she graduated from college when Bella decided to break free of her parents’ hold on her. She would move to West Point and eventually earn herself a position as an ER Registrar at a nearby hospital. 
- Her time in college encouraged her to pursue writing. She would work on her first novel for 3 years before sending it out to publishers. It wasn’t until she was 27 when she’d get her chance to finally publish her novel. To this day, it was one of her biggest accomplishments as she saw it as her opportunity to prove her family wrong about insulting her desire to make it as an author.
- Bella found her change from completely depending on her family to only depending on herself as life-changing. She felt like a different person and not as limiting. Since gaining enough money to live peacefully, she has moved to Westlea Grove.
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