bellalutionn · 2 years
love calling men pretty. ur not 'handsome' ur the prettiest little princess i ever did see
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bellalutionn · 2 years
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@ august please be a little gentle with me I’m so tired
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bellalutionn · 2 years
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#He’s the big brother she deserved
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bellalutionn · 2 years
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The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (June 28th, 2022)
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bellalutionn · 2 years
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↳ off-season barzy goes golfing | 7.28.22 & 8.2.22
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bellalutionn · 2 years
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Shawn Michaels in Shawn Michaels:  Hits From the Heartbreak Kid
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“yo mr white i got you a present”
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bellalutionn · 2 years
I need everyone to see this
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134K notes · View notes
bellalutionn · 2 years
late night talking
mat barzal x reader
word count: 7.6k
warning: some light smut at the end
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inspired by late night talking by harry styles
We've been doin' all this late night talkin'
'Bout anythin' you want until the mornin'
Now you're in my life
I can't get you off my mind
The room was crowded. Sweaty bodies pressed against each other, drinks in hand, arms around each other.
Green eyes piercing yours in the dim light.
Your hands touched. Warm and soft.
Your bodies closed the small gap between you.
Your eyes closed and your lips touched.
"Happy new year."
A few days ago you moved to New York City all alone. It was more or less an impulsive decision made at 2 am after accidentally stumbling upon a 'roommate wanted' ad for a cute little apartment in the city. The rental was only for 6 months, you'd be taking over someone else's room for that time, and since it had always been your dream to move to the city, you didn't hesitate to reach out.
Now in your new room, with the previous owners furniture and decorations all alone, you started to regret your decision. You weren't the most extroverted person, making friends was always a little bit of a challenge. But that's what you were hoping to work on now that you were in the city. You were grateful your new roommates asked you to go out with them tonight, New Year's Eve, so you wouldn't have to be alone. You tried mingling with their friend group, but you were soon phased out.
And that's how you ended up sitting alone in a random bar. Taking a big sip of your drink you looked around the bar from the corner booth you were sitting in. It was packed. So many people crammed in a rather small place. And loud. The music. The people.
When you saw the bar had an open spot you emptied your drink and hurried over there to order another one. Unfortunately the bartenders didn't see you, but you couldn't blame them since it was so busy. The group of guys next to you suddenly got a little rowdy, moving and pushing, and you tried your best to hold your ground every time one of them bumped into you, but without much luck. You took a tumble and braced yourself for the sticky floor.
But it never got to that. Two strong arms held you up, preventing you from actually hitting the floor. You looked up, meeting the most beautiful hazel eyes you've ever seen. He stood tall, with exceptionally wide shoulders. And such a handsome face with distinct features. Silky brown hair framed a breathtaking face. His bone structure was so distinct with a firmly etched mouth and intensely green eyes that made him savagely gorgeous. Hit with all that exquisite masculinity, you could only stare. Stunned. And he stared back. Then something shifted in the air between the two of you. The intense magnetism he exuded grew in strength, becoming a near-tangible impression of vibrant and unrelenting power.
"You alright?" Your mouth opened to form a response, but the shock of his deep voice delayed it by a few seconds too long.
"Yea-Uhm. Yes, sorry. Thank you - I mean." He nodded with a small smile, helping you back onto the barstool.
"I'm Mat," the handsome stranger said.
"(Y/n)." You shook his hand, sparks flying when they touched.
"Nice to meet you, (y/n)." He pulled his hand back to glide it through his hair. Then he pointed to your empty drink, that was just melted ice. "Can I get you another one?"
You looked back at the booth to the group you came with, but they seemed to have doubled, everyone immersed in conversations. So you nodded. "Sure. Thank you."
He was still sipping on his beer, when he got the bartenders attention. "One more of those for her, please. Or do you want something else?"
"No, I'll have another mojito, thank you." The bartender nodded and took your empty glass from you, before turning to make your drink.
"So, are you here alone?," Mat asked, pulling your attention back to him. You got distracted by the way he licked his lips after taking another sip of his beer. He raised an eyebrow when you didn't answer. Your cheeks flushed and you hurried your answer in embarrassment.
"Sort of. I just moved here and don't really know anyone yet, but my new roommates took me out tonight."
"Oh, that's cool. Where are you from?" You told him, asking him the same. "Canada? Oh that's fun, I've been to Montreal and Toronto, but never Vancouver."
"You should go, it's very beautiful. I love getting to go back."
"Is your family still there?" He nodded and you noticed how his legs shifted toward you. Heat rushed through you and you fought back a smile.
You were surprised at how easily you slipped into conversation with him, considering how nervous he made you feel. He was very conversational, curious about you, and the way he smiled at you while you talked made your chest ache.
You talked and talked, the topics of conversation never running out. He bought you another drink and you alternated between it and water, not wanting to get too drunk. He made you laugh and somehow made you feel safe in his company.
"No way! They should have ended it after Michael left. The show totally sucked afterwards," you exclaimed almost too loudly a while later, deep into a conversation about your favorite shows.
"I'll give you the Deangelo part, that sucked. But season eight and nine were really good," he countered, laughing at you shaking your head. "Obviously Michael is iconic, but he stopped carrying the show after a while and once you get over the fact that he left, it's amazing."
"No," was all you said, finishing your drink. You felt a slight buzz, but you knew that made you more sociable. He laughed, making you grin. You were sitting close already, but it seemed like the room was getting smaller as you looked at each other, smiling. Your knees kept bumping into each other, your elbows occasionally touched, and now as you both reached for your water glasses standing next to each other, your hands brushed. It felt felt like touching an electric fence and you both quickly pulled away and broke your eye contact. You took a sip of your water, glancing back at him, right when he glanced back at you.
"Two minutes!" A voice boomed over the loud music. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, not knowing what to do next. He probably wanted to go back to his friend group, celebrating the new year with people he knew. But a part of you didn't want that to happen. He was the first person you got close to since moving to the city and the first guy since your last relationship you could see yourself with. Yes, even though you'd only known him for about two hours.
"Do you want to go back to your friends?," he asked slowly. You looked back to where you last saw your group, but it was too crowded to see.
"I don't think they'll miss me. What about you?"
"Nah. I see them way too much as is," he laughed. "I'd rather spend the night with a pretty woman anyway." You blushed for the thousands time tonight. He cleared his throat. "Shots?"
You agreed happily, helping him get the attention of the bartender. They were all busy distributing drinks before the countdown, but Mat seemed to know one of them, so you got your shots just in time. "Happy new year."
"Happy new year," you replied before downing the shot. Before you could even recover, people around you started counting down. "Twenty!"
"So..." His full body now turned to you and you were once again aware of his broad shoulders. You legs intertwined, your knees touching his thighs that were stretching his jeans to its extent.
Suddenly you realized that you were leaning into him, drawn in by his beautiful green eyes and soft looking lips.
"Five." His gaze briefly shot to your lips, before focusing back on your eyes. He leaned in closer and your hands touched again on the counter. His finger tips slid over yours, increasing your heartbeat.
"Happy new year!"
Your lips finally touched and you stoped breathing. Heat rushed to your head, and other places, as you touched his soft lips. The kiss might not have lasted more than a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity to you that you never wanted to end. When he pulled away, he had to bite his lip from smiling too wide. You didn't speak for a few minutes, just watching the other people celebrating around you.
After talking with him for over an hour, Mat shifted in his seat. "Hey, uhm, and I'm really sorry but I have to go."
"Oh, that's alright," you answered a little embarrassed, suddenly feeling awkward.
"No!" He took your hand. "I just have- uh work in the morning and need to be rested. I'm really sorry, I'd rather stay here and keep talking to you."
You tried to hide your grin, but failed as he grinned back at you. "So, how about I get your number and we can continue this conversation another time."
You rolled your eyes with a laugh at his cheesy line, but you held out your hand anyway. He handed it to you and you quickly typed in your information.
"How are you getting home?," he asked when he put his phone back. "Or are you staying?"
"I think I'm gonna go, too, actually." The group you came with was a lot smaller now and you didn't really have the desire to go join them. "I'll just get an Uber."
"Alone?," he asked while pulling on his coat. "Do you want to share one?"
"It's ok. It's not far and I don't want to keep you up."
"I just want to make sure you get home safe. New York is a pretty crazy city." His hand placed itself in the small of you back, guiding you towards the exit. "Plus, you just said it's not far, so you won't be keeping me."
"How do I know you're not crazy and won't kill me the first chance you get?," you countered when you made it to the door.
"Please, I would have killed you a long time ago. Probably around the time you said the Office sucked." He grinned, knowing you were teasing him.
"I did not say it sucked! It just wasn't as good anymore."
"Yeah, yeah." He waved, faking the hurt look on his face. "Here, put your address in so I can order an Uber. You don't have to put in your exact building if you don't want me knowing where you live," he added after you raised your eyebrows at him. You knew you shouldn't just trust a stranger, but you didn't get any bad feelings from him and he had made you feel safe the entire night. After a quick moment of hesitation, you typed in your address — well, the one from two buildings over.
"Car will be here in 10 minutes." The wait flew by, probably because you spent a good chunk of it trying to convince him to pay him for the ride. But he wouldn't budge. Secretly you were glad, the price would have been insanely high.
"You're not gonna say bye to your friends?," you asked him when the car pulled up to your street and you were getting ready to exit the bar.
"They left a while ago."
"What?! I didn't even notice."
"Me neither, to be honest. I just saw one of their texts a few minutes ago. I'll see them in a few hours anyway," he laughed while holding the door open for you. The cold hit you immediately. Mat's hand found your back again, keeping you close to him while he looked out for the right car. You got in with him, already rubbing your hands together to warm them from the little bit of cold air. What you didn't expect was for him to wrap his large hands around your folded hands. The sparks elicited by his touch immediately warmed you, so did the look in his eyes when you caught him looking at you. It was warm, and you noticed for the hundredth time how handsome he looked.
"Right here?," the driver interrupted you silent conversation. You noticed your building outside the window and nodded.
"Yes, thank you." Then you looked back to Mat who let go of your hands. "Thank you for tonight."
"No problem." The smile he gave you burned itself to the back of your mind, which is probably why you turned back around to kiss his cheek before exiting the car.
"Bye." You heard a muffled 'bye' before the door slammed shut and the car drove off. Motivated by the cold, you ran to your building to get inside. Once in your apartment, you hung your coat on the hanger and switched your boots for your warm slippers.
"(Y/n)?" Startled by your roommate's, Maeve, voice, you stopped in your tracks. "Sorry, I didn't expect you to be back so soon. I thought you might have left with the guy you were talking to. What a hottie, by the way."
"He drove me home in an Uber, but nothing happened."
"Aw, that's nice. Well, if you do sleep with him, let me know if the rumors are true." With a confused look you asked her what she meant. "You know, about hockey guys."
"What are you talking about?" Worry took over your body.
"The guy you were talking to. He's a hockey player, for the New York Rangers-"
"Islanders!," a male voice behind her interrupted her. A half naked guy appeared behind her. "That was Mat Barzal you were talking to, right?"
"I- I don't know. He didn't say anything about hockey," you said shocked about the information you had just received. How could he have let out this higher piece of information about himself?
"What? Why wouldn't he say something?"
"I don't know, I'm pretty sure it was him. I saw a few other players there too, so," the newcomer said, brushing a hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry, hun. But maybe he just didn't want you to get the wrong idea of him," Maeve said with an empathetic look. "You know, like I just judged him."
"Yeah, maybe." You nodded, definitely ready to wrap up this conversation. "I'm gonna..."
"Yep, good night and happy new year." She waved and hurried back into her room with her hookup. As far as you knew she didn't have a boyfriend.
"Happy new year!," you answered just loud enough for her to hear, then you, too, locked yourself in your bedroom. Kind of disappointed in Mat, you sank on your bed. How could he have not told you? If he really was a hockey player, that obviously was a big part of who he is, how could he just lie? But now that you thought about it, you never actually talked about work. At least not more than the one sentence answer you gave him when he asked you what you did. The conversation after that took a full turn, so you never got the chance to reciprocate the question. Even when he said he had to go to work in the morning you didn't ask. Yeah, why didn't you? But still. You wouldn't have judged him for it, you barely know anything about hockey, let alone what the players' reputation is. You struggled with your thoughts, a part of you mad he left out such a huge detail about himself, the other part understanding towards why he did it. He was good looking, he probably had a bunch of fans and he just wanted to make sure you weren't a crazy stalker.
Curiosity eventually took over while removing your makeup and you looked up the New York Islanders Hockey roster. And there he was, #13 Mathew Barzal. The same green eyes looking deeply into yours during the Uber ride and the same soft lips that kissed yours at midnight. You also looked through his Instagram, but you quickly noticed he was a fairly private guy. During your little stalking session, a text from him came in.
Hi, it's Mat
I told the driver to wait for you to get into you building, just wanted to make sure you're safe, but obviously he didn't hear me... so sorry about that
I'm also home now btw
You: All good, made it home & just changed into my pjs
Now why did you send that? You slapped your forehead in embarrassment and then actually did change into your pjs to climb under your covers.
Mat: :( kinda liked that dress on you
You: kinda?
Mat: fine you got me, I really liked it
You blushed hard, making all your previous negative feelings about him jump out the window. But thinking about that fact made you confront him about it. While yes, it took a few minutes and heavy hesitation, with your eyes closed you fired off the text.
You: so when were you going to tell me you're a famous hockey player?
You were prepared for the worst, which is why you were shocked when he called you. Hesitant again, you answered.
"How'd you find out?" Hearing his voice again sent chills down your body. He didn't sound mad at all, sounded more like he was smiling.
"My roommate asked me about you when I came home. And then her boyfriend or whatever he is joined, too. I don't know, he seemed to know some stuff. I on the other hand didn't."
"Sorry," he mumbled. "I just— I don't know, when you didn't recognize me or say anything... I guess I just liked that. That you got to know me. Not that a lot of people would even know that much about me, I don't share a lot online, but do you know what I mean? It was refreshing talking to you like that and then a part of me got scared if I did say something I'd ruin it. I don't know, anyway I'm sorry, I didn't meant to mislead you in any way, I just didn't know how to bring it up."
"It's ok. I'm not mad."
"You're not?"
"No." That surprised even you. But it was true, you weren't mad at him. You understood where he was coming from and after the night you had with him, you weren't ready to let him go yet. "I'm guessing 'work' is hockey?"
"Yeah," he laughed. "I have a game at 12:30."
"One New Year's Day?"
"I know, crazy. But that's sports for you, people love going to games around the holidays with their families so we have to sacrifice ourselves." You had always thought holding professional sports games during holidays was ridiculous. The players are humans with families, too.
"So, the Rangers, was it?," you asked him knowing full well he didn't play for them, but you asked anyway just to tease him.
"Babe, I do not play for the Rangers. And if you can't learn the difference fast, I'm gonna have to hang up." 
You laughed out loud. "Alright, alright, I'm just teasing. For real though, tell me more about that, I know absolutely nothing about hockey."
"Really? Nothing?," he asked surprised.
"Not really, only what’s shown on TV. That's how I know the Rangers and that the ball you play with is called a puck." You heard him laugh at that. "But I've never been to a game or know the rules or anything."
"Alright, it's going to be a bit hard to explain the rules to you if you've never seen a game, but don't worry, I'm a great teacher."
"Ok, then tell me something else. Why hockey? Did you grow up playing it?"
That's how he started telling you about how his dad was also a hockey player, so he was already on skates before he could walk properly, and how he ended up loving the sport. He told you stories of when he was younger, just beginning to get into hockey, and then went on to talk about when he knew he wanted to play professionally for the rest of his life. He talked about his ups and downs, his career highlights and his current team. He spoke with such passion, you couldn't help but get curious not only about him, but also the sport. With that deep-ish voice of his and the laugh he let out from time to time when he remembered something funny, you could hear him talk for hours, which it literally has been as you found out when you plugged your phone in to charge. It was way after three in the morning, but you weren't one bit tired. You eventually moved on to talk about something else, giving him the opportunity to ask more about you.
"Oh shit, did you see the time?," Mat eventually asked, stunned. It was a little after four. "I have to get up in three hours."
"Oh my god, I completely forgot about your game. I'm so sorry for keeping you up." A little twinge of guilt hit you, but the happiness you felt from just talking to him overpowered that. He felt the same way.
"It's ok, I didn't want to stop talking to you."
"Me neither." You got shy all of the sudden, your chest aching and stomach twisting like it hasn't in a while. After a brief pause you spoke again. "I guess I should let you go then."
"Yeah." He didn't say anything else.
"Good night."
"Good night," he said almost whispered, but neither of you hung up.
"Can I call you sometime?," he finally asked after a few moments of silence.
Over the next few weeks you and Mat talked every day. Even if it was just for five minutes while you were getting ready or making dinner or late at night. His schedule was definitely unique because he was traveling a lot and you were busy settling into your new life so you didn't see each other in person. But every text you received let the butterflies in your stomach erupt. Those texts were what you were looking forward to every day, morning, and night. The first thing you saw when you woke up and the last thing you read before you went to sleep.
He even gave you the login to some sports app, so you could watch his games. You picked up on some of the rules, but had rather let Mat explain them to you. He answered every one of your questions during your phone calls after the games, that you had texted him while watching so you wouldn't forget. He loved how much you cared about it and you loved watching him get sweaty every other night. While you were still getting used to the brutality of the sport, you definitely didn't mind watching them getting riled up, yell at each other and adjust their sweaty hair that was then tucked away under their helmets.
Mat: you and me. Italian food. tonight.
You had just finished filling your mug with hot water when you saw Mat's text. You mentally shook your head at yourself when you jumped a little in excitement over what the text read.
You: you're back?
Mat: yes and I need to see you
Mat: please?
Unfortunately, or rather fortunately now that it involved Mat, you were free on this cold Saturday night.
Yes: yes sounds great!!
Mat: I'll pick you up at 7
You texted him your real address this time and ran to your closet to pick out an outfit. You had a few hours until your date - it was a date, right? - but you liked to be prepared. You tried to distract yourself with random tasks, even showering again even though you had done so this morning, but nothing helped to tamper down your nervousness. And excitement. It's been almost three weeks since you had last seen him and going off of how close you had gotten over the phone, you could only imagine what would happen in person.
A heavy knock sounded a couple minutes before seven. He was early. But you had been ready for a while so that didn't matter. With shaking hands you opened the front door, holding in your breath. You were literally speechless when you saw him, dressed in black slacks and a black jacket over his white button down, holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers and sporting a wide smile. He looked gorgeous.
Neither of you spoke while you stepped aside to let him into your apartment. He didn't take his eyes off you, neither did you. You didn't know what to do, no words seemed to form themselves and you fumbled nervously with your hands. He felt the same way, but was the first to break his trance to pull you into a hug. Your arms wrapped themselves around his strong body, feeling his muscles for the first time. Your skin burned in every place that touched him, but a comforting burn that made you hug him tighter. When you looked up you found him still smiling. "Hi."
"Hi," you whispered back, not sure if it was actually audible. You got lost in his eyes for a moment, but his fingers lightly stroking your cheek brought you back to the moment.
"I got these for you," he said, stepping back from you holding the bouquet out. You accepted it with a smile.
"Thank you, they're gorgeous." You walked into the apartment, Mat following close behind. "I don't think I have a vase." You looked through your kitchen, looking for a glass that would fit the flowers. You pulled one out of the cabinet and filled it up with water. "This will do for now."
You set them on the desk in your room while giving Mat a quick tour of the place, before grabbing your purse. He helped you slip on you coat and held the door open for you. After locking up, you made your way downstairs, where he had an Uber waiting. The ride wasn't too long, but it would have been too cold to walk that distance.
The restaurant was dimly lit, giving a very romantic vibe, and the smell - pizza, wine, garlic - was heavenly. Like a gentleman, Mat helped you slip out of your coat and sit, before doing the same. When you saw the prices of the food you thought about going to the bathroom and jumping out the window, but Mat laughed and told you not to worry about it. Though you had talked almost every day for the last few weeks the conversation never ran dry. You talked more about God and the world, your families, your childhoods. So much so, that when the waiter came with the check you didn't realize two hours had gone by. Time really flew by when you were with him. You thanked Mat for dinner, giving him a kiss on the cheek as well, and then walked around the city together for a little bit before he brought you home.
"Thank you for tonight," you said when you reached your front door. You plucked your gloves off your hands and stuffed them in your coat pockets. "I had a lot of fun. More fun than I've had in a long time."
"I'm glad. Me too." He stepped closer and placed his hand on your cheek. It was freezing cold, but your body warmed it up very quickly. "After all this late night talking it was time."
You nodded in agreement, stepping closer until your chest met his. You desperately wanted to kiss him and feel his soft lips again. He answered your prayers by leaning down until his lips touched yours. His lips were as soft and perfect as you remembered, and you doubted there was a mouth in the world better than his. The kiss was soft at first, but soon his tongue demanded access to your mouth which you happily gave. Because of your coats and your scarf, you were a little limited in how much you could move and touch him and you definitely burned up very fast, but you couldn't stop. He was addictive.
When he pulled away after what felt like an eternity, you needed a moment to catch your breath. When you opened your eyes, he had a small smile on his lips that were a few shades darker and swollen and you had no doubt yours looked the same.
"I have a game tomorrow," he said quietly. "If you want to come."
"Really?" Your smile grew with excitement. After having watched a few of his games online, you were dying to see him skate and play in person. "Are there still tickets?"
"I can get you some."
"Okay. Let me ask if my roommates are available, but I'd love to go." That earned you another kiss. It wasn't as long, but the passion was still very much there.
"Let me know and I'll make it happen." You gave him another quick peck on the lips.
"I'll see you tomorrow then." He nodded, pulling you in for a tight hug before releasing you again.
"Good night."
"Good night." He took a couple of steps backwards, still smiling at you, before he turned around while you pulled your keys from your purse. But before you could open the door, you turned around again. "Wait!"
You ran to him, throwing your arms around his neck. He caught you easily with a chuckle, before your lips found his again. You just need one more kiss. One more taste of him so you could fall asleep happily and satisfied.
"Good night, crazy. I'll see you soon."
"Promise," he said and you believed him. That smile doesn't lie. "Trust me. Now you're in my life. I can't get you off my mind."
Two weeks! Two whole weeks since you last saw Mat. Two weeks since your date. Two weeks since your last kiss.
Well, technically that's not entirely true. You saw him at his hockey game the day after your date, but you couldn't go up to talk to him. Although you were pretty sure he waved at you during warmups. At least that's what your two roommates said, who were all too happy to come with you to the game. And you had a blast. While you had a harder time focusing on the game, since it moved so much faster on TV and there were no commentators to explain what was going on, the atmosphere in the arena alone made the experience so much better.
"So... how'd you like it?," Mat later asked over face time. You were already in bed, cuddled under the blanket, but you didn't mind letting him see you this way.
"So. Fucking. Cool." He laughed, but seemed very proud and happy with how much you were enjoying it. Obviously hockey was his life and he liked he could share so much with you.
But now, after two weeks, you were literally craving to see him again. You almost called in sick at work yesterday so you could hang out with him. But then you made plans with him for today, a lucky coincidence both of you were free on the same day during the same time. Which is how you ended up in his car on a cold but sunny Friday afternoon.
"I'd like to show you some of my favorite places on Long Island, if that's ok with you," he told you as an explanation as to why you were taking his car. Driving in the city was a nightmare, not that you'd know, but he had mentioned it to you a few times and that he preferred to stay away from it.
"Of course."
Traffic was of course horrible, but the drive gave you a nice view of the city ski line. Your hands intertwined at some point, his warm hand clashing with your cold one.
Your first stop was at a local coffee shop, where you got coffee and pastries. Two croissants for Mat and a chocolate croissant for you. Chocolate was your weakness. After a quick tour of the city, you next took a walk on the beach. It was freezing, but so beautiful. And so many cute dogs that came up to you wanting to play. Which is how you found out about his fear of dogs...
"But, how? I thought your family has a dog," you said, still stunned after the revelation. You shook your head. "They're so cute thought."
"I'm more comfortable with them now, but I'd rather not be around them if I don't have to." You shook your head laughing, giving him a little push. "New topic! I get shamed enough for this as is. I don't need it from you, too."
"Aw, you poor thing." You took his face between your hands to pull him down to you, but last second pushed away from him. "No kiss for the dog hater. Sorry."
The playful scowl on his face made you run away from him with a shriek, but he easily caught up to you in just a few strides. A trapped you in his arms and no matter how much you wiggled you couldn't get out. Not that you wanted to. "I don't hate them. Now please kiss me, I've been thinking about it every day." You gave in way to easily, but you also needed to feel his lips against your again. So you kissed him, long and hard, until both of you went soft and he let go of your arm. They immediately wrapped around his neck, prolonging the kiss.
You went to his favorite restaurant for an early dinner and were able to eat outside with a sea view due to multiple heaters placed on the terrace. But it did get too cold eventually, so you ordered desert to go and Mat invited you back to his place.
The building from the outside looked impressive already, but it didn't compare to his actual apartment. Everything was so modern and looked brand new. And he had so much space for one person. You really only realized then how much money he had. On some level you always knew since he was a pro athlete, but you never actually looked up how much he was making. You didn't care about that, money wasn't the reason that you liked him. But you were impressed by his place and a little embarrassed, because he had seen yours. A typical tiny NYC apartment, nothing fancy about it and barely livable, while still being unbelievably expensive. You didn't even want to think about how much he was paying.
"Sit," he pointed to the couch, before going into the kitchen. He got drinks for you and spoons to eat the cheesecake and mousse au chocolat that you brought back from the restaurant.
"I love your place," you said, digging into your mousse au chocolat.
"Thank you." He took a bite of his own desert, but watched you closely eating yours.
"Want some?," you asked with a slight chuckle, holding the container towards him. But he didn't give it any attention. Instead his eyes focused on your mouth so intensely, it sent shivers down your spine. Suddenly, he grabbed your chin and pulled you closer to him.
"Yeah, you have some right-" His lips touched the corner of your mouth. You let out a surprised gasp when his tongue swiped over your lip. "Here."
He pulled away just a little bit, breathing heavily now. Your breath spread up, too, as the tension grew. You were dying to touch him, but both of you were frozen looking at each other.
You took in the heavy lines of his bone structure, his brows, that adorable chin, and then finally kissed him. Not like before, when they'd been pecks. Mat groaned as he kissed you back. He kissed you slowly, softly. You dropped what you were holding and shifted closer to him, so he could easily pull you into his lap. You kissed and kissed, and that big hand slipped up the back of your sweater, fingers stretched wide, touching everything possible. You did the same, sneaking my hand up under his side, rubbing the solid mass of muscles there and the skin over his ribs, earning a soft groan.
You knew Mat cared about you, it became obvious in the last few weeks and a small part of you even let yourself think that he loved you. You hadn't want to admit it to yourself, but this moment made you realize you're in love with him. He just made you happy. He kissed you, slow and deep and sweet. No hesitation.
"I wanna see you," he mumbled against your lips, all husky and ready. Your hands slid up his smooth skin until they ended up in his hair.
"You can do more than that." His growl was deep in his throat as his hand went to the bottom of your sweater and he pulled it over your head. His lips went straight to your neck, leaving open-mouth kisses that had you instantly rolling your hips against his hard, hard dick. It was ready and waiting. Excited and fully awake. It had been so long. You had taken your time and build this up.
He groaned while you pressed against him as his mouth gave a hard suck at the spot behind your ear that had you whimpering. Mat leaned away for a moment, his throat bobbing and breath heavy, that gaze moving from your face down to your breasts.
"Fuck, take it off," he whispered. "Please."
You chuckled, letting go of all his soft skin to reach back to open the hooks of your bra. He groaned another "fuck" under his breath before his hands were back at your waist, and he was leaning down so his wonderfully soft lips could suck a nipple between them. You moaned and arched your back, pushing your breast deeper into his mouth before he gave it another suck and moved over, suckling at that nipple too, hard and then softly. Not wanting to break your contact but wanting to see him too, you grabbed at the bottom of his hoodie and pulled it over his head. He was just as beautiful as you imagined. His stomach was flat and hard with muscle, his skin tight and covered with a V-shape of light hair across his pecs and down to his navel. You ran your hands over his chest and over his shoulders. His mouth met yours at the same time your breasts brushed his chest, and you swore your nipples got even harder when they brushed him.
You touched him everywhere, and he did the same. And at some point, your hands went to the snap of his pants and the zipper, just as he snuck his under the layer of your pants and underwear, grabbing a handful of your bare ass and squeezing it, pulling you close to his erection.
Sneaking your hand down into his underwear, your fingertips brushed his wide, hard base. His skin was smooth, and you gave him a squeeze to which he grunted roughly in response. He retaliated by taking a hand out of your pants and taking hold of your breast. "God, you feel amazing." His lips brushed over your neck again, making you shiver. "I've been thinking about this for way too long."
"Me too," you whispered, stroking his back still rubbing against him. "You have no idea how many times I made myself come thinking about you."
He groaned loudly, squeezing and rubbing your breast and ass even harder. You had no idea where this confidence came from, but you didn't stop, loving the moans and groans it elicited from him. "Your fingers, your mouth, your..." You paused.
He grabbed your chin, pulling you so close that your lips were just barely touching. "Say it." The heat from his eyes spread throughout your body down to your center.
Mat's hand grabbed the back of your neck. "Whose?"
You breathed heavily, desperately needing to feel him. All of him. "Yours."
"Damn right," he said before finally pressing his lips back on yours. His tongue slipped right into your mouth with such desperation. He stood, lifting you to the ground as well to quickly removed your pants, helping you step out of them. Then he grabbed you by the hips, lifting you with ease so you could wrap your legs around him. He walked you to his bedroom, but you didn't have time to look around as he threw you right onto the middle of his bed. He yanked your panties off, throwing them over his shoulder.
You reached for his jeans when he crawled over you and pushed them down over his butt. You snuck a hand under his boxers, stroking once, then twice. He groaned deep at the touch, then groaned even deeper when you wrapped your hand around him too. His forehead dropped against yours. Both of you glanced down at his thick cock you were holding. You gave him a squeeze that made his eyes roll back into his head. He kissed you and rolled his hips like he wanted you to do it again. You happily complied, already addicted to the feel of it.
"I need to touch you." So as he sucked and licked at your breasts, you stroked up and down the thick cock bobbing between your bodies, rubbing your thumb through the drop of precum that pooled at
the tip, jerked him off slowly. He kept on sucking the
tips of your breasts before eventually stroking the pads of his fingers up and down the seam of your body. They eventually stopped at the rim of your panties, teasing you. When a desperate moan left you, he finally slipped his fingers underneath the fabric between your lips. You were wet since the moment he kissed you, so he pushed in with ease. You arched your hips, giving him more access to pump in and out of you slowly.
"I'm on birth control. And I'm clean," you whispered, your patience running out.
"Me too, I have to get checked regularly." You nodded, pressing little kisses to any area that you could reach.
"Good, then you can come in me as deep as you want." That seemed to be the last straw for him, because with a deep growl he ripped himself away from you to tear his jeans off. Before you could take your next breath he was back on top of you positioning himself between you. You wrapped your legs around him as you slid a hand into his hair. He reached between your bodies, guiding his entire length into you. He stretched you wide, and once you got used to the thickness and length, the pain of it quickly turning into pleasure.
You felt him twitch inside you when he bottomed out. You both moaned when he pulled back a little and pushed back in. He started out slowly, giving you time to adjust, but when you pulled his hair and let out a whimper, he thrust so hard his balls smacked against your ass.
You kissed and kissed, bit his neck, and he sucked hard at your shoulder, at your ear. His chest rubbed against your nipples, and you loved it. At some point, he slipped his hands under your ass and tilted your hips up even more, his pelvic bone hitting you perfectly.
"You feel so good," he whispered against your ear, pressing a got kiss against it. "So perfect."
"Mat!," you moaned loudly as his hips picked up speed just as you started to feel the heat building and building at the center of your body. He pounded inside of you, holding you off the bed and on top of his thick thighs. You squeezed your legs tight around him as he ground and ground right against where you wanted him.
"I'm gonna come," you moaned, pulling harder at his hair, scratching his back.
"Me too. Come for me, baby." And you did. Hard. You cried out your orgasm against his cheek. His hands gripped your butt hard and his hips became erratic as he came, pulsing and groaning so deep from his chest, you felt it against yours.
His big, sweaty body fell against yours and he wrapped his arms around you rolling onto his side. Your gaze met his at the same time your lips brushed against each other, making your heart ache with so many feelings.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, his lips still touching yours. And while your usual reaction might have been to blush in embarrassment, you smiled and believed him. You felt beautiful, right here, naked and in his arms. You felt safe.
You kissed him in response. Slow and softly, with the intent of never stopping. You kissed until you got tired, then stayed up talking until the morning like you usually did. Except this time you could actually see each other and feel each other. And when sleep eventually got to you, you both knew this was going to work out. You’d never let each other go.
tagging some ppl who might want to read it:
@mathoran @maximoffweasley @barzyblogbabe @fallinallincurls @bellalutionn @kailyn-writes @quietblues @honeymunson @lililouvre @softbabybarzy @toothlessdudebros @1316s
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