bellamediablog · 27 days
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bellamediablog · 1 month
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bellamediablog · 1 month
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bellamediablog · 1 month
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bellamediablog · 1 month
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bellamediablog · 1 month
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bellamediablog · 1 month
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bellamediablog · 1 month
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bellamediablog · 1 month
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bellamediablog · 2 months
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bellamediablog · 3 months
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bellamediablog · 4 years
Our Final Edit and Publication in Youtube
After we had done the changes and taken into account the feedback our teacher gave us, we were ready to publish the final edit. 
Click me to the see the final edit
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bellamediablog · 4 years
Critical Reflection
In conclusion, what I realised is how much a project and an idea can change from its origins to the end product. I realised after looking at our individual storyboard how cooperation between the group member can cause progress or how by looking at the rough edit of the film how much the feedback can positively affect a project. It is very interesting to see how much music and colour undertones can change the emotions that the film progresses. The skills I improved throughout the creation of this film opening was how to cooperatively work to a major extent, filming techniques, using colour grading to infuse shots with an emotion, editing to cause fluidity in the video and how to adjust the music and sound effects can also cooperate to help a movie.
Click here to see my Critical Reflection 
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bellamediablog · 4 years
Marketing the Film
After we had done this we decided to see and create a bit of a marketing strategy on how we would promote the movie. We decided to create posters and that our teammate Mara was in charge of doing, create a photoshoot for the character so we could post it on “Instagram” and to use a strategy followed by both the film franchise After and the tv show Skam in where they create Instagrams for the fictional characters to create intertextuality between the reality and the fantasy. This way we believed we would be able to immerse the audience and cause them to know the character more as they would be able to have an insight into their lives.
Click here to see the thought process behind the creation of both the posters and the Instagram account
Mia Spark’s ( female characters) Instagram account
Jack Bianchi ‘s ( male characters) Instagram account
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bellamediablog · 4 years
Feedback on our Second Draft
After we had done the changes that were given by our teacher we submitted the second draft of our film opening. and he gave us some feedback in return which were:
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After hearing his concerns and suggestions we decided to change:
-The Voiceover:
We realised the dialogue was a bit too confusing for someone that does not know the idea and that maybe it was hard for the audience to understand that these characters are supposed to meet by fate and destiny. Thus we decided to change the script once more and make an emphasis on the idea that this written by destiny and that they will be forced to meet. Here I will out some of the changes we made to the script.
Second Draft of the Script
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The Script after we made the changes to it
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-Sound effect and Music:
After listening to the advice from our teacher we realised that from second 15 to 26 there was no overall sound and thus it did not look realistic and thus we decided to add some ambient sound. For this, we used this website
click me 
which provided us with quality sound effects that we could directly download as an mp3 file and that suited what we were looking for. At the end we ended up with three sound effects which we preferred then we had to test them out using the scene to see which one it would it suit best, we ended up choosing Suburban days as we believed it went better with the aesthetic of the movie and that it did not contrast so much as the other ones. Moreover, it was more believable as the mise-en-scene looked very suburban thus adding city sound effects would not suit. Then we decided to extend the ambient sound from the beginning of the film opening, this being as it would be too abrupt if the sound effect started right after the alarm sound was paused.
After making the finishing touches to the sound effects we lowered the down of the music as there were moments in where the voiceover was not audible and that it was obscured by the lyrics of the sound. 
Our Trial of the Sound Effects to see which one we liked best
-Record the voiceover again and then improve the pacing of such
After we had changed the script we had to change and recorded the voiceover. However, there was a major problem we were in quarantine and we had no access to either microphones or time to record it together. Thus what we decided to do was ask our male actor to record the voiceover using what he had available ( which was his phone) and then sent it to us. We then had Maria one of our teammates record the voiceover using her phone and then them together in the movie. The problem arose when we realise that first, we did not have access to Adobe Audition ( so we would have to look for a different option to edit the sound and voice of our actors.), we did not have microphones ( which would perhaps distort the quality of the voiceover.) and that we needed to have recorded this without having each other to give feedback on the tone. At the end of the day, however, we consulted this with our teacher and he said that he would not penalise us for a voice over that had less quality due to the circumstance that were taking place.
The conversation we had with our teacher via google documents due to the fact that we could only communicate with him through this medium:
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-Add another split-screen:
We decided to add another use of a split-screen as we believed it added a more dynamic character to the movie instead of the generic transitions we were using. However, it was hard for us to decided which scenes to join as we still wanted for them to make sense and be centred. We ended up choosing two scenes where the male character is getting dressed as they were similar and would be in chronological order taking into account his actions and would reinforce the idea of it being his morning routine.
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bellamediablog · 4 years
COVID 19 Situation
With the increasing number of infected and deaths in Spain and in the world, the government of Spain decided to enforce the closure of schools and declare the state of alarm on Friday the 13th of March until further notice. This was a major issue for us as media students as it meant that we could not film any more scenes as we were by law forced to stay in our houses and thus restricted the changes we could make to our film opening. However, even with these situation we tried to adapt the feedback our teacher gave us to the best of our ability and try and improve them with the equipment and resources we had.
Articles of El Pais announcing such issue
Article informing the extension of the quarantine until April 11th
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bellamediablog · 4 years
The Progress of Our Film Openings
Here are the links to view both the first draft and second draft of our coursework Strawberries and Cigarettes:
First Draft
-colour grading
-poor voiceover
-first version of the script 
-the tittles 
-not centred split screen 
Second Draft
-colour grading
-improvement in voiceover and the use of sound+
-second draft of the script
-centred split screen 
-improved alarm scene 
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