bellasproverbs · 7 years
The Best Is Yet To Come
It 3:30am when I should be sleep (I'm exhausted lol) I find myself up looking at pictures of the girls over the years. My ♥️ simply can't handle the amount of love and Joy they have brought me over the years and continue to daily. Their not perfect, they fight & fuss, I sometimes secretly cry thinking Lord this was a joke & I'm not made for this... BUT as I look back over the years I realize it's his grace that has gotten us this this far and his continued love & mercy that will keep us... I fight EVERYDAY to be here to make memories with my girls. From Cancer, chemo & surgery to Aspiration Pneumonia, out of control pressure & uncontrollably migraines I continue to hold on to the fact that the best is yet to come and there are many memories left to be made so I push. As I look back over the years one theme rings true... My greatest memories came from my moments spent with my girls. So hold on tight world!!! The best is yet to come! 👍🏽
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bellasproverbs · 8 years
No, No, No... Not Today!
Think of how much the Lord cares for us. While we were going about our ways this morning satan set up planned attacks on our lives and at the same time God was giving assignment to Angles to protect us. Camped around us as we travel to work. Blocking attacks as we drive. As demons attack angels block is saying “No No No Not today”
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bellasproverbs · 8 years
Being Intentional
It’s a new day… yesterday is history and the future is tomorrow… choose to live in the right now
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bellasproverbs · 8 years
And What Have You Done For Me?
And what have you done for Me? The question that lives in the back of our minds as we read the “TEXT” that was sent to you asking for a ride or for a few dollars. What have you done for me is the question, when you get the call in the middle of the night asking you to watch the kids because someone has to go to work, school ect.
Now imagine if The Lord asked that same question about you… Lord, please heal me… “But what have you done for Me?” Lord please help me cover my car payment… “But what have you done for me?” Lord I know I didn’t listen to you and continued in this relationship but can you please help me fix it… “But what have you done for me?”
Aren’t we so lucky that we serve a God that does not care for us based on a “What have you done for me attitude?” He does not need to be reminded of what you need because he already knows. He does not keep track of how many things you have done for him but instead has already paid the price for all that you could ever think to ask.
Lord help us to reframe our minds and love like you. Help us to love and give as you would. Help us not to ask the question, “What have you done for me?” But rather “What can I do for you?”
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bellasproverbs · 8 years
Guard Your Ears
Music can trigger a memory, the memory can trigger an emotion and a emotion can send you right back to the very thing/situation the LORD delivered you from..... #becarefulWhatYouListenToo
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bellasproverbs · 8 years
Embracing The Unforgettable Me
Someone said to me “there is just something different about you!” This is something I have heard all my life but it was not until this morning at 6am that it hit me…. Yes I am different. I was created to be set apart not to “fit in” with the crowd. Now it's time to refine what make me different and use it for my created purpose"! #noteasilyforgotten #setapart #shinebrightlikethediamondiam
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bellasproverbs · 8 years
Throwing Away The Promise
It amazes me how quickly we are willing to let go of the promise of God then pray for the very thing we let go… Be careful and prayerful I ALL THINGS. Just because it does not come wrapped in a special package (designed to your specifications) does not mean he hasn’t lived up to his promise. It's HIS will not yours!
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bellasproverbs · 8 years
You will be VICTORIOUS
When faced with a situation where it feels the person who always mistreats you comes out on top remember this… Even satan rewards for good behavior…. But the fight has just begun… The victory belongs to Jesus…. No need to stress. I know it may feel like Jesus is asleep in the boat and the storm is real to you. The rain is pouring, winds blowing, waives crashing but you can be sure the storm won’t over take you…He will rise up just in time… The winds and waves must obey him. He speaks and the seas are at peace!
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bellasproverbs · 9 years
More than Motivation
Sitting here and it hit me. Lord we NEED YOU! Not just a sermon or motivational message to tell us keep going, don’t give up. Not something to make us feel good but we need more of you!! We need more truth… Lord send your people a word to remind us this life is not our own but we belong to you. Lord remind us we need more than just a goal that says help me but SAVE ME! Lord help us to remember above all else we MUST be saved. Lord give us leaders who will not just stand up for injustice in “this world” but who will provide us with the tools to endure until your coming…. Help us to remember this world and all that dwells in it will soon fade away and what we do for you is all that will last! In JESUS Name Amen!
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bellasproverbs · 9 years
Proactive vs Reactive
When making decisions it's always best to be proactive instead of reactive... Praying God helps me in the area. Helps me to make decisions with wisdom and HIS guidance and not out of a reaction and emotion. #lifelesson #stilllearning
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bellasproverbs · 9 years
The Silence Of God
Why is it that we automatically think when God is silent that means he approves??? When will we learn that sometimes just as we do with our children (youth we are over) when we know they are making a mistake sometimes we sit still and wait for them to realize what they are doing??
No that does not mean we approve it means we are allowing time for self correction. We are in hopes that what we have placed in them will surface and they will realize the mistakes they are making and self correct…
I feel that is what the lords does with us sometimes. Sometimes he just won’t intervene to allow us to reach back to what he has placed in us… To reflect back on past battles & situations and realize where we were going wrong then and a avoid making the same mistakes over and over…
Let’s be determine to not accept silence as an automatic Yes of acceptance but let’s accept silence as “time”… Time for us to evaluate, reposition and self correct if needed…
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bellasproverbs · 9 years
Few know the battles you face... Here is a glimpse of mine... #bellasbattle
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bellasproverbs · 10 years
Don't mistake the Lords blessing with the Devils rewards.. Even satan rewards for good behavior.....
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bellasproverbs · 10 years
“A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.”
Max Lucado
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