bellelittleoff · 9 months
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17K notes · View notes
bellelittleoff · 9 months
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bellelittleoff · 9 months
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(source: x)
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bellelittleoff · 9 months
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for either way you choose you cannot win
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bellelittleoff · 9 months
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bellelittleoff · 11 months
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✧ Secret Summer Paradise ✧
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bellelittleoff · 11 months
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Anime // Manga - JJK S2E1 // Ch 65+66
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bellelittleoff · 11 months
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bellelittleoff · 11 months
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Gojo's Past Arc - Then vs now
7K notes · View notes
bellelittleoff · 1 year
Summary: Shigaraki has never been able to touch anyone the way he wants to. When he realises he can touch you and you won’t be affected by his quirk, he quickly becomes infatuated.
Warnings: This is smut, fem!reader, first kiss, first time, grinding, Shigaraki is a bad kisser, touch-starved Shigaraki, oral sex (fem!reader receiving), hand job, coming in pants, cum as lube, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, creampie, not proofread.
Word count: 7.7k
Ao3 link
He hadn't meant to touch you. He never touched anyone like that unless he was threatening them or killing them. But he touched you. All five fingers of his bare hand. And you were fine. You were fine. You were fine.
Well, Shigaraki wasn't aware of it when you tripped and fell against him, his hand automatically stopping you from falling and from slamming into him, but you had a quirk. It wasn't particularly powerful, but it could be compared to the underground hero, Eraserhead's. Your touch made you completely immune to the quirk of whoever it was you were touching. Instead of your sight cancelling someone's quirk, it was physical contact, but it only made you immune.
Say someone had a fire quirk. If you made physical contact with them, they could still use their flames, but you would be immune, completely fine and dandy. Everyone else though? They would be affected as usual.
You really didn't know all the in's and out's of your quirk. You never really set out to learn about it, and you never purposefully used it. But today, you were lucky you had it.
When your skin made contact with his, you heard Shigaraki inhale sharply. He probably thought he had just killed a subordinate. Yet you were unscathed.
You could hear his breath become shaky as you stood up and apologised, hoping that, as your boss, he wouldn't feel the need to punish you for your clumsiness.
Instead of belittling you or harming you in any way like you thought he might, he tilted his head to the side, and you could hear his whispery voice muttering to himself, but you couldn't make out a single word.
After a moment, you apologised again and ran off, internally thanking whatever made your boss lenient towards you today.
Shigaraki had never taken much notice of you before. You were merely a low member of the League that assisted wherever you could, checking wounds that members came back with, making sure there was enough food for everyone, and keeping the run down house that the higher ranking members were calling home relatively clean. It wasn't the most glorious job, but it let you help the League of Villains in the small ways that you could. He barely acknowledged you, even in his mind.
Well, he noticed you now. He had never before felt as intrigued as he suddenly felt about you. He was immediately enthralled with you, and with your touch.
Over the next few days, you felt him watching you. You couldn't see his face clearly, no, not when his father's hand was resting over his face or his shaggy hair was covering his eyes. You could feel his gaze on you, never wavering as you moved around to take care of your duties.
You acted like you didn't notice, so he kept staring. When you placed a glass of water in front of him, you caught sight of one of his eyes, wide, focused intensely on your hand still around the glass.
Apart from his lingering gazes that had never been there before, nothing else changed. If you hadn't known about his quirk and hadn't realised how he touched you that day, you would have thought nothing of it, besides maybe that he might have been undressing you with his eyes.
But you did, and you found that you really didn't mind his stares, even if he was undressing you in his mind.
Little did you know, those stares were just the beginning.
Much of Shigaraki's mind was on you at any given time. He couldn't stop thinking about how your skin felt under his hand. He wanted to touch more of it. He wanted to finally, finally, touch someone without the possibility that an accidental graze of one finger too many could end them.
He wanted to feel your skin, run his hands all over you, squeeze at your hips, put his fingers inside of you and feel you from the inside.
The more he thought about it, the more he started to obsess over you.
It didn’t hurt that you were beautiful either. He would usually avoid someone that looked like you. Attractive people only ever thought they were better than him.
But he couldn’t help but want to spend time with you.
He started staying in rooms that he knew you frequented. He kept to himself most of the time, staying somewhat isolated even with the other league members. He liked his space. But he liked being in yours even more.
Sometimes you would be alone in a room with him, and he still only watched. Whenever you caught his eye, you smiled at him. Just a small tilting at the sides of your mouth. Every time you did it, his breathing got heavy and his eyes grew wide and snapped to his own lap.
A few times, your eyes went to his lap too, and you could see something bulging in his pants.
You always ignored it. You didn’t want to embarrass him. You didn’t want him to stop watching you.
He never spoke to you or really interacted with you at all. With his eyes following you, it was like he viewed you as a moving decoration, just something pretty to watch flit about when he had nothing better to do.
Was it a bit dehumanising? Yes. But if it meant he was still interested in you, you were okay with that.
He wasn’t attractive in the typical way, but you thought he was kind of pretty. When that hand wasn’t covering his face, you could see that his face was wrinkled and scarred, but his eyes were pretty and when he realises you’re looking back at him, his entire face flushes red. He was kind of cute.
It wasn't an accident when you started wearing lower cut shirts, or when you leant forward in his direction more often. You wanted to see what he would do. He watched you anyway. Would showing him a bit more skin change anything?
You could tell he kept looking down your shirt. He wasn't very good at hiding it. Every time you caught him, you pretended you didn't and let him keep looking.
One day, on a whim, he grabbed your wrist as you walked past. He looked shocked at what he'd just done, but choked out "sit," as if he was completely in control of his actions.
It was hard not to raise your eyebrows at him. He never spoke to you, period, and you weren't expecting him to suddenly order you around. What were you, a dog? But you sat next to him anyway.
This time, he kept his eyes off of you, looking straight ahead and not speaking. He only glanced in your direction as he moved his hand towards yours and barely grazed your little finger with his. When you didn't flinch or go to move away, he felt braver, letting his hand move to lightly sit on top of yours.
You sat in silence, him never looking your way, and you waiting to see what he'd do next.
Unfortunately, you never got to find out, because when he heard Toga and Dabi arguing in the hallway, he ripped his hand away from yours and looked in the opposite direction.
Still, you counted that slight touch as a win.
You wanted him to give in. If you'd connected the dots correctly, then he wanted you. He at the very least wanted to touch you, and if your hopes were a reality, then he would want to do more, too.
You didn't want to push him too far too fast. It was obvious he didn't know what to do with himself. He wasn't just awkward, he was absolutely socially inept. He didn't know how to act around anyone, let alone the one person he was interested in.
You decided that maybe small touches when it was just the two of you would help. Maybe then he'd get the impression that you didn't just tolerate him as the leader of the League of Villains, that you wanted to get to know him as a person.
The first time you let your hand clutch at his shoulder as you walked past, you felt him grow tense, his body stiff. He inhaled sharply and held his breath for a moment. He kept his eyes to himself, only allowing them to find you when you'd walked away.
The second time, you felt him tense again, but then he relaxed under your touch. He still wouldn't look at you, and his breath came fast, but he seemed a little more comfortable.
It must be hard for him, having someone so close and them touching you for what was one of the first times. It must be intense and overwhelming for him, new sensations and contact and interactions with someone when you're used to nothing, when you're used to people being scared of you and your touch.
When your hand met his shoulder next, you gave it a gentle squeeze. He inhaled and relaxed with your touch again, and it made you happy to see him getting more used to physical contact.
Over the next couple of weeks, you continued light touches and squeezes over his shoulders and upper arms. He grew more and more used to them, and eventually he didn't tense at your touch at all.
After that, you started smiling at him more. A graze of your hand and some tilting of the corners of your lips. Hopefully that wouldn't be too much. You were scared that someone like Shigaraki, who was given little affection and even less physical affection, would see any care or closeness you gave him and assume you were trying to use or pity him. That's not what you were doing.
Over the time you spent with him and the League, he didn't show much of his personality, but his awkwardness and the way he reacted to things were kind of charming, just not in the typical kind of way, and you wanted to see what he was like when he was alone, just doing what he felt like. Gaming with him might even be fun, he definitely makes enough gaming metaphors for you to assume he has an interest in it.
No matter how much you smiled at him, you never got one in return. That was okay, you didn't need one. Actually, when you thought about it, it was rare you ever saw him smile, and when you did it was always somewhat eerie. The only thing that clued you into his acceptance of your own smile was his eyes. They were screwed up, just a little, making it look like he had even more wrinkles around them than he did, and they were bright as he looked around you more than at you.
Even when his mouth didn't, if you smiled at him, he would smile back with his eyes.
Taking things slow was okay with you, though usually "taking things slow" usually meant keeping things casual or waiting to have sex, not occasionally brushing hands or making eye contact.
There was no rush. You could build things up, make him more comfortable with your presence and with your touch. You could slowly ease in before jumping in the deep end.
Though, maybe you won't get the chance to ease in slow. Maybe you'd be pushed and go pummelling to the bottom without being given a choice.
But sinking to the bottom didn't mean you'd drown.
You knew Shigaraki was a little possessive. He wasn't the best at sharing and he liked credit for what he did, for things that were his.
What you didn't know was that through soft touches and lingering eyes, he'd become quite possessive of you. You were the only one that he could really touch. You were one of the only people that seemed to smile at him with any real kindness. You were meant to be his.
Most of the League members ignored you entirely, used you like one would a waitress or a housekeeper, or sometimes had a small chat with you about nothing in particular. Toga was the one who talked to you the most, but she could make friends with a paper bag, if the paper bag would let her, that is.
Dabi was odd. He'd usually ignore you or slide his glass over to you, asking for a refill, and you couldn't exactly say no. He'd look at your ass if you bent over in front of him, give you a smirk, and go right back to ignoring you.
Wearing more revealing clothing didn't help matters. You only did it to see if Shigaraki would react to you more, but you hadn't anticipated that other people would notice too.
You were doing your regular look and smile routine with Shigaraki in the kitchen when Dabi walked in. That wasn't unusual at all. It was the kitchen. All the members were free to come and go as they liked.
Dabi didn't sit down. Instead, he leant over and rested his elbows on the table top. "Hit me, doll." Once again, he treated you like a waitress. You knew he meant for you to get him some alcohol, so you did. He outranked you by far, getting ordered around by him was the least of your worries.
Of course he was the type to drink in the middle of the day.
You leaned over the table to slide him his drink, and as you did, he very obviously looked down your shirt.
Dabi wasn't bad looking, but having his eyes on you didn't make you feel giddy like Shigaraki's would.
"Come 'ere." Dabi pat the back of the chair pushed under the table next to him. He stood upright as you walked around and stood behind the chair.
You thought he might have made you sit, but he didn't seem to care you weren't following his order to the letter.
From there, you were standing between Shigaraki and Dabi, the latter nonchalantly sipping at his drink as he eyed you.
"You know," Dabi started, "you're too cute to be serving everyone around here. Why do you?"
You didn't know what to say. Talking to him was uncharted territory. Letting out a breath, you said, "I just do what I can to help the League. If that's just getting people drinks and patching them up after missions, then that's what I'll do." You glanced up at him, hoping you'd said the right thing.
Shigaraki was still in his seat. It wasn't hard to tell he was watching your exchange.
"Hmm. That's sweet." Dabi said. He sounded patronising and the way he smiled at you seemed predatory. "But seems like a lot of work. Come to my room later tonight. Then, you'll only have to serve me."
You looked at the ground, not sure what to do. You didn't want to go to his room later. You knew exactly what he meant by 'serving' him.
All you could think to do was fake a nervous laugh and give him a big, insincere grin. Being rude or refusing him outright would probably just make things worse.
With the movement of your mouth, Shigaraki, still seated, grabbed your hand and tugged you towards him. When he had basically pulled you to sit on top of him, with a hand around your waist, he said, "No. She's not your plaything." His voice sounded more strained than usual.
You didn't know what to do. What was going on? Was… was Shigaraki… jealous?
Dabi placed his now-empty glass on the table and raised his hands in a mock surrender, "whatever, I'm not looking for a fight, only wanted to get my dick wet. Doesn't seem like I'm gonna get that here." He didn't seem like he really cared that much, just giving you one more look over before doing what Shigaraki obviously wanted and leaving the room.
Neither you nor Shigaraki spoke, but his hand found yours and he clutched at it, his grip bordering on too tight. It took a while, but eventually, his eyes met yours, and you gave him a smile. You felt him relax, all the tension leaving his body.
That was his smile. The one you gave Dabi was strained, fake. This smile was warm and it made him feel like he could melt into you.
That's all it took for Shigaraki to decide that you were his, and he wanted everyone to know. He realised that he couldn't keep going slow with you like he was. Other people wanted you, but they weren't allowed to have you. He had to show everyone that you belonged to him now. He had to take another step.
Which he did, in his own way. He was like a little boy with a new toy. He had you with him all the time and no one else was allowed to touch. You were his. He was especially defensive when Dabi was around. He quickly went from gentle grazes of skin on skin to pulling you to sit on his lap whenever he wanted no matter who was around. He was the leader of the League anyway, he could keep you with him if he wanted and no one could so much as question it.
It was nice that he wanted you so much. It was nice to have his hands on you like that. It was nice to hear what he would mutter to himself and to see his cheeks flush when you replied. It was nice to be his.
When you were alone, you started talking. He wasn't great at having conversations, and he tended to mumble, but hearing him stutter and become flustered at your words and your closeness was intriguing.
He was sweet. He was sweet to you when you were alone, and protective of you when you weren't.
You liked spending time with him. You liked getting to know him. You liked him.
Some of the other members joked about how gross you were together, overly attached already, enthralled with each other. Shigaraki was defensive, but really, neither of you minded. He was lovesick, and he might not be an overly lovey or cutesy person, but you brought that side out of him. He was going to be with you his own way. If people didn't like it, they could get fucked.
At least Dabi had gone back to ignoring you and using you like a maid, mostly telling you to get him refills of whichever drink he'd decided on for that moment. Then, he did exactly that.
You were seated on Shigaraki's lap once again as he sat in a big armchair in the corner of the living room, and when you went to stand to do as Dabi asked, his hands moved to your waist so you were unable to. He still hovered a single finger over you, he couldn't quite break that habit yet.
"She's not a fucking waitress. Get your own drink for once, patchwork."
You hoped his words didn't cause a fight, there was no one else around to put a stop to it.
Maybe you were lucky that for once, Dabi chose to respond with words, not actions.
"Can't see why she's even here then. It's not like she helps us any on missions. The most she does for us is look pretty and cook, and she doesn't exactly have the skills of a chef." His eyes rolled up as he spoke, but he didn't sound like he was trying to offend, only like he really didn't understand why you were kept around. It didn’t seem like he had any hard feelings about not getting to have fucked you. You saw a small smirk form on his lips before he continued. "Oh, I know. Don't worry, I get it. She's your little doll now. All you need her for is keeping your cock warm."
You felt Shigaraki tense under you. It reminded you of when he wasn't comfortable with your touch. You didn't like the reminder.
"Keep your mouth shut, you don't get to talk about her like that anymore." Shigaraki bit back, but his words were shaky.
"Whatever," Dabi didn't seem like he really cared about what he'd said. "I'm not interested in your sloppy seconds anyway. She's yours." As he finished, he stood up and walked out with his empty glass in hand.
Shigaraki moved his hand to your tummy, spread out his fingers, and pressed you back into him. You had to snatch his other hand and hold it in yours to stop him from scratching at his neck. It took him a few minutes and some focus on his breathing, but eventually, he relaxed.
But you couldn't stop thinking about what Dabi had said.
Keeping Shigaraki's cock warm. Being his sloppy seconds. Maybe you should have been offended, but the thought intrigued you more than anything.
Apart from noticing a bulge between his thighs and pretending you didn't, you hadn't even given thought to the idea of having sex with Shigaraki.
Not because you didn't want to. The fact that you could feel your own wetness in your underwear could attest to that. He was just so awkward and touch starved, you didn't want to do anything to scare him off. If you went too fast, he might panic and pull away. You wanted him to feel comfortable enough with your touch when you tried to coax him into letting you touch him like that. There was no rush. Just because Dabi had said something like that didn't mean anything had to change. You could wait. You would go at the pace that Shigaraki needed.
So you put the thought to the back of your mind. If you were desperate, you could always play with yourself late at night or in the shower. You would make sure it wasn't a problem, because it really wasn't.
What you didn't know was that Dabi's words had affected Shigaraki too. He wanted to touch you like that, but he didn't know how to bring it up.
The days after that talk, Shigaraki would fist his cock in bed and bite his own hand to try to stifle the whines leaving his throat. He wanted more.
What the final straw was for him was when you were once again sitting in his lap. It had become rare that you ever sat on your own chair. You were in the living room, sitting in the armchair again. It was the perfect size for you to sit on top of him comfortably. You were facing him, straddling his hips. Neither of you saw it as something that was necessarily sexual, you were just close, and you'd both grown accustomed to that.
You were talking in whispered voices, and you kissed him on the forehead. No reason why. You just wanted to, and he was right there, so you did.
You hadn't expected the sound he made at the back of his throat, a cross between a quiet moan and a whimper. It was such a pretty sound.
His eyes immediately grew wide with worry and snapped to yours.
You could tell he was embarrassed, but he didn't need to be. You tried to calm his sudden nerves by giving him a warm smile, of course.
To show just how okay with it you were, you slowly leaned in again, letting him back up if he wanted, before kissing his forehead again. The noise he let out then was quieter, but still there, and his eyes were closed, brows drawn together.
Taking things slow, you hadn't kissed him before. You really didn't want to scare him off with too much too fast. Maybe you were going slower than you needed to.
You hadn't been thinking when you'd kissed his forehead. You wanted to, so you did, simple as that. He seemed to like the kisses.
You saw his Adam's apple jump in his throat as he swallowed, looking up at you. He was embarrassed, but his eyes were also bright with excitement.
So you asked if you could kiss him.
His mouth was open, and his eyes didn't blink as he nodded at you, giving you the go-ahead to kiss him.
Leaning in slow enough for him to pull back if he changed his mind, you lightly pressed your lips to his.
He didn't kiss back at first. He didn't even respond at all, but when you went to move away, he leaned in to chase your lips and you saw his eyes focused on your mouth.
You kissed him again, but this time, you let him take the lead. It was clear that he wasn't experienced, but that was okay. You could always teach him. His mouth against yours was wet and sloppy, but he seemed to be enjoying himself immensely.
He was still awkward and a little shy, probably because of his experience and skill level, but despite that he kissed you enthusiastically.
He made small sounds that he couldn't quite hold in, raspy whines let out with every exhale.
You let your hands tangle in his hair, and he moved one hand, index finger lifted up, to the small of your back. He didn't push you against him, but you took the hint and pushed even closer to his body.
He was still kissing you, all tongue, his teeth grazing yours every now and then when he got too excited.
It didn't take long before you could feel his cock, hard in his pants, prodding up at your crotch.
Shigaraki didn't even seem to notice it. He was too intent on tasting you. He kept licking into your mouth and caressing your tongue with his. You wouldn't be surprised if drool started running down his chin with how wet and intense the kiss was.
He wasn't the best kisser, but you could deal with that another time. For now you would let him have his fun, even if it was messy.
He didn't show any signs of wanting to stop kissing you, and you didn't want him to stop, but you did want to try something else.
You gently ground down onto his clothed cock under you, just once, not pushing down or adding more pressure than you needed to. He still jerked at the feeling and let out a sound that could have been considered a yelp.
There was still a strand of saliva connecting your lips to his. He leaned back and tilted his head to he could look up at you. His mouth was still open in what looked like a gape.
He didn't tell you to stop, so you took the chance to grind against him again. The sound he made that time wasn't as loud, but his eyes closed and his brows furrowed.
"Is this okay?" You asked. He seemed to like the feeling, but he was clearly very sensitive. You hardly touched him, and just the way you lightly moved over him made his hips jump like he couldn't quite control them.
It took him a moment to register your question, but when he did he said "yes," his voice more strained than usual.
You were breathing heavily. "You want to keep going?" When he looked up at you again, he nodded and mouthed what looked like the word 'yes,' again, but no sound came out.
You kissed him again, just one quick kiss, but his mouth still opened against yours.
"Wanna go somewhere private?" You were in the living room, after all, but you weren't sure that Shigaraki would even care if you had an audience.
Maybe some other time. At that moment, he would have agreed to anything you said. He nodded again.
When you tried to get up, he wouldn't let go, still holding you with a single finger lifted on each hand. You had to pry his hands off so you could stand, but as soon as you did, he grasped your hand in his. You didn't have to tell him to get up and follow you, he just did, your hands clasped together as you pulled him to your bedroom and he willingly followed without question. You locked the door behind you.
Your room was relatively bare, but it was cosy. There was a bed with a bare white comforter, soft pillows, and a wardrobe, desk, and bedside table, all plain wood looking a little worse for wear. You didn't have much in terms of things or clutter either. None of the League members living there had many things, mostly just necessities and things needed for missions. To entertain yourselves, you used some of the shared devices, a stolen TV and gaming system or computer, read whatever books were around, or went out to look for some fun.
That was okay, you didn't need much anyway, especially not when Shigaraki was with you, not with the way he looked at you as you sat on the edge of your bed.
You didn't know exactly what you were going to do. This was so new, and Shigaraki was hardly used to touching you in general, let alone in a sexual way. Maybe taking the lead would be a good idea for now. You didn't need to touch him yet. You could start by showing him that you wanted him and go from there.
You very slowly moved to pull your shirt off so you could gauge his reaction. His eyes trailed down your body and you saw his breath hitches, but he definitely didn't look like he didn't like it.
He sunk down onto the floor in front of you, looking up at you with wide eyes as you undressed.
You stood up and pulled off your pants, letting them fall to the floor and leaving them there.
Shigaraki stayed where he was; on his knees. He didn't move to stop you. In fact, he looked like he was in a daze, eyes glazed over, almost like he was hypnotised.
When you went to unhook your bra, you made eye contact with him again and said, "May I?" Making sure he was still okay with your state of undress.
He didn't say anything. He felt like his voice would fail him if he tried to form words. He nodded again, perhaps too fast, letting you know that yes, you could do whatever you wanted.
When you let your bra fall from your shoulders, his eyes snapped away for a second, like he needed to prepare himself to look at you.
And when he finally did, his eyes grew hazy again. They moved over your form, but when they found your face again, they stayed there.
When you finally pulled off your underwear, you heard him mutter a small "please" under his breath, and sat back down on the edge of your bed.
Somehow, you were the only one naked, but you were still the one in control.
Shuffling on his knees, Shigaraki moved over to you and placed his hands on your thighs.
You could feel his hands twitch against you, his fingers spread over your skin. He pushed them up until his hands were at your hips, and then, in his raspy voice, he told you to lay back.
You did, and he rubbed his hands up and down, up to your hips and back down to your knees.
He seemed more than content to sit at your feet and feel your skin against his, but neither of you could wait forever.
The next time his hands moved up, he pushed your thighs so you would spread your legs for him.
You could hear his breathing, loud and shaky in the otherwise quiet room.
You felt one of his hands move away from your leg, but it still shocked you when he dragged his fingers over your slit for the first time.
His fingers were cold as he slowly moved them against you. You clenched around nothing at the feeling. He seemed fascinated with how you felt, with how wet you were.
He was so close to you, you knew he was staring where he was playing with you, and you knew your face was flushed. You felt vulnerable and a little embarrassed, and if you didn't like the feeling and the thought of Shigaraki seeing you like that, touching you like that, you might have tried to close your legs.
You felt just the tip of his finger dip into your opening. You couldn't look at him. You wanted to, but you couldn't. If you looked at him, you'd see that his face was already red and the colour continued down his neck, and his lips were swollen from your kisses. If you looked at him, you'd feel even more embarrassed at the way he looked at you, eyes glazed over and glassy.
After he'd pulled the tip of his finger out of you, you heard the noise of him sucking it clean and his raspy voice moaning at the taste.
When his hands were back on you, you felt him spread your pussy out for him with his thumbs.
When he brought his mouth to you, he licked all the way up you. He ran his tongue over you and let it explore between your folds. More than anything, it seemed like he wanted to taste you.
His hands kept you spread for him as he finally brought his tongue to your opening and pushed it inside. At first he wriggled his tongue inside of you, not sure what exactly he should do. He couldn't help but curl his tongue, trying to collect as much of your slick as he could. He liked how you tasted, and he really liked swallowing your juices down and having them inside of him.
He ate you out the same way he kissed you; wet, sloppy, and all tongue.
He went between licking over you, fucking you with his tongue similarly to how he fucked your mouth with it, and sucking on your clit. Lewd noises filled the room, but you forgot to even feel embarrassed when he moaned against you.
He kept his hands on you, but moved them so he was holding your thighs apart. He wanted to feel you, and he also didn't want to decay your bedsheets if he accidentally gripped them. His hands being on you meant that wouldn't be a problem and he got to touch you more, and he would never say no to that.
When he sucked on your clit and you let out a whiny moan, he started paying more attention to it.
His tongue was wet against you, stroking over you and kitten licking at you like you were an ice cream and he couldn't get enough. Well, you were dripping for him.
When he started flicking the tip of his tongue over you, he started moaning more too. You could feel the light vibrations from the sound coming from his throat.
You couldn't stop yourself from gripping at his hair at the way his tongue moved.
The more you moaned, the more he did too. When he kissed your clit, you cried out, and that made him suck at your clit harder.
When he didn't stop sucking, your hips started bucking up against his mouth, and he had to hold them down.
He started flicking his tongue over you and sucking at you at the same time, moaning all the while, and you didn't have the chance to warn him before you were pushing his head down against you harder and trying to grind on his face, coming with a cry as your thighs trembled.
He was moaning loud too, crying out against you. His hips were moving too, like they were trying to buck up into nothing, trying to get any friction on his cock. He didn't stop eating you out right away, working you through your orgasm, giving one final loud cry with his mouth on you. It didn't take long until you started feeling overly sensitive and you couldn't take it anymore, so you had to pull his head up by his hair so he would give you a break.
He still didn't move his hands from your thighs and rested his head on your hip. You could hear how hard he was breathing, and you were breathing heavily too. You pat your hand over his hair for what felt like an eternity, but was probably only a couple of minutes.
When your limbs didn't feel quite as jelly-like, you sat up, making him lift his head to look at you.
His lips were still red and the bottom half of his face was covered with your slick. He didn't seem to care, not doing anything to wipe it off apart from sticking his tongue out to lick his lips every so often.
When you pulled your legs up to sit cross-legged, he pulled back, still kneeling.
That was when you saw the big wet patch on the front of his pants. There was no way that it was all precum, which meant he had come while he was eating you out. That's probably why he was moaning so much. He had his hands on you the entire time, so he couldn't have jerked off, and there was nothing he could have ground against besides the fabric of his pants. He had come just from having his mouth on you. That was oddly flattering, as well as very hot.
He looked a bit embarrassed, but didn't say anything. When you told him to stand up, he followed your order without thinking.
You had to stand up so you could grab the hem of his shirt and tug it up. He helped you pull it over his head, his hands folded into fists so he didn’t decay it, and let you drop it to the floor without worry.
He seemed a little nervous, but he didn't try to stop you.
You spread your hand over his abdomen and trailed it down until you reached the waistband of his pants.
You slowly dipped your fingers below the layer fabric so he could tell you to stop or pull away if he wanted to, but he didn't.
He wasn’t wearing underwear, so your hand was directly on his cock. When you slid your hand over it, it was wet with the cum that hadn't soaked into his pants, and it made it so you could wrap your hand around him and slide your hand up and down, using his own cum as lube to jack him off. He was somehow still hard. Coming once hadn't been enough.
He pushed into your hand and groaned, sensitive after his orgasm, and rested his forehead on your shoulder, letting his hands go to hold your waist.
He then trailed his hands up so they were cupping the undersides of your breasts. He groped at you, just massaging you as he focused on the way you felt under his hands and how fucking good it felt to have your hand wrapped loose around him. When he started gently pinching and tugging at your nipples, you couldn't help the few quiet whimpers that fell from your lips.
The sound was more because of the fact that he was touching you like that in general than because it felt good. Of course, it did feel good, you liked it, but just the feeling of his fingers on your breasts wouldn't have been enough to make you whimper without knowing that it was Shigaraki's hands on you. At least, not yet.
He was breathing heavily and his mouth was open against your arm, making it sticky with his saliva.
When he let out a groan, you took your hand away from his cock. You couldn't have him coming again just yet.
He tried to push closer to you and you could hear him muttering "please" over and over under his breath. Who knew Shigaraki could be so polite?
He lifted his head to look at you and he opened his mouth to say something, probably about you no longer jerking him off, until your fingers caught the waistband of his pants and tugged them down.
He helped you by stepping out of them and toed off his socks too.
With both of you naked, you pulled him towards the bed, laying down yourself and scooting over to give him space to do the same.
He sat down next to you but he didn't really seem comfortable about it, like he didn't know what position to sit in or what to do with his hands. Did you want him to be on top? Wait, he'd assumed you wanted to have sex, but maybe he was mistaken. God, what was he meant to do? Why was he so anxious all of a sudden?
You could tell he was nervous, so you grabbed one of his hands and then said "Come here," guiding him until he was laying back on the centre of the bed, his head on your pillow.
When he looked more relaxed, you moved over him so you were straddling his thighs. "This okay?" You asked, for what felt like the umpteenth time.
When he said "yes," in response, it almost came out like a hiss.
You leaned down to kiss him and his hands immediately found your waist.
You were sitting a little too far back for either of you to get any stimulation, but when your mouth slotted against his, he pulled your body against him and started grinding up into your tummy which was hovering above his still-hard cock.
It didn't take long before you pulled back and he clearly wasn't happy about it, but he didn't complain when you moved up to sit at his hips and grabbed his cock, holding it below your entrance so you could check once more that "this is okay, right?"
His only response was to grab your hips and to try to push you down onto him.
He was still wet with cum that hadn't quite dried, and you were still dripping for him after he'd eaten you out, so even though he was a bit bigger than average, the slide of him inside didn't hurt. You had to pause for a minute just to get used to the feeling, but once you were comfortable and he'd bottomed out, you started making small rocking motions.
His stomach caved inwards as you moved over him, your hands finding his chest to keep balanced, and he gripped your wrists in his hands.You weren't bouncing to the point that he was almost slipping out of you, you were just making quick, jerky movements with your hips to get you both more accustomed to the sensation.
After only a few moments, he started bucking his hips up into you. He didn't mean to, fucking you just felt so natural to him that he didn't even notice he was doing it.
You went to sit up higher so you could bounce on him more, fuck yourself on his cock until just the tip was inside, before letting your body fall down so he was entirely sheathed inside you. He didn't let you.
Instead, his hands gripped you tighter and pulled you down so you were on your knees and forearms, your head nuzzled into the crook of his shoulder and his cock deep inside your cunt. One of his hands moved to your lower back, and the other to the back of your neck, holding you against him.
When he started thrusting, your hands grasped onto whatever they could reach. One ended up curled into your comforter, and the other was tangled in his hair.
He was fucking you from below, hard, fast, and deep. All you could do was moan and gasp into his ear as he held you and used your body.
His breathing was raspy and loud, and it came quick as he fucked you with everything he had. He felt like he had more control like this, holding you close, hearing you whine for him, letting you hold onto his hair like it was a lifeline. He couldn't stop his moans from leaving his throat, and you heard his breathy "ahh," noises right next to your ear.
His thrusts were long and everytime he fucked in to you, his cock grazed your g-spot and your hips jerked against him.
His cock was slamming in and out of you so fast, and before going impossibly faster, he said, "rub your clit," in between moans.
You did what he said, trailing your hand in between your bodies so you could rub over your clit with quick motions. The feeling made you cry out again, your voice shaky, the feelings of everything becoming too much.
The hand that was on your lower back had moved down, his palm spread wide over your ass. You could feel one of his fingers press against your hole, but it never pushed in. He just rubbed around your rim and felt how you twitched for him.
With how he fucked you, stimulating your g-spot, his finger at your ass, and your own fingers rubbing over your clit, you hardly managed to choke out the word "come-ing," in his ear before you were pushed over the edge and your mouth opened in a gasp.
Shigaraki could feel your walls pulsing and spasming around him, and with a few hard, final thrusts into you, he coated your insides with white.
You could feel his cum warm inside you. He didn't pull out right away, keeping you plugged up with his cock.
It was only when his cock was fully soft that he pulled out, and you could feel his come dribble out of you.
You were going to feel gross and sticky if you didn't clean up soon, but with Shigaraki's arms wrapped around you, you figured you could wait. He didn't seem to mind the feeling of slick and cum drying on him, at least not at that moment.
He might complain later, but then, he was happy just to keep you close.
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