belleza-immortale · 5 years
Send one for your muse to…
★ - drag my muse by the arm ⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back ✱ - take my muse by the hips to carefully move them out of their way ➜ - smack my muse upside the head ⌧ - grip my muse by the back of the neck © - put a hand on my muse’s back to steer them somewhere ✂ - point sternly at a chair and tell my muse to sit down ✉ - push my muse back down when they try to get out of bed (perhaps involving illness, injury, or sleep deprivation) ☛ - press a finger to my muse’s lips to shut them up ♚ - put a hand on my muse’s knee while sitting next to them, to discourage them from standing up ♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch ♦ - grab my muse’s hair and yank ♤ - slam a door shut before my muse can leave the room ♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them ♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye ♨ - rub my muse down with a sponge/wet cloth  ☀ - pin my muse with their arms behind their back ☠ - slam my muse into a wall ☾ - wrestle/pin my muse to the ground
Add as much or as little context as you’d like!
@bennet-zonko​ @zaccaria-borgin​ @frank-ezra-longbottom​ @marlenenotmarls​ @dolly-umbridge​ @imperfectamos​ @peter-aka-wormy​
Manhandling symbol starters
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belleza-immortale · 5 years
WHO: Amara Zabini and Addie Ivers WHEN: Saturday, March 18th, 1978. WHERE: The Room of Requirement
The tip of the glass had just touched the tip of her parched lips when someone bumped into her and the liquid sloshed onto her blouse. Quickly she made a grab for some a grab for some napkins, dabbing away the damp and hoping it wouldn’t stain. Before turning to glare at whomever the offender was she tried for another quick drink. Upon turning she first sighted Addie Ivers. Wow.... “Goodness, you’re stunning”
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belleza-immortale · 5 years
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belleza-immortale · 5 years
“It seems you’re an asset to the Hospital Wing.” Althea said kindly, “Are you a fan of healing as well as numbers?” The answer seemingly obvious, Althea only asked to be polite. Surely a student wouldn’t spend so much of their time tucked away in the Hospital Wing if they didn’t have a true interest in learning more about the field. Althea almost wished she’d taken such initiative when she was in school to get a head start on learning, but she wasn’t much for taking initiative. The only reason she had even started mediwitch training was at the Dark Lord’s request and she considered herself lucky that she enjoyed it as much as she did.
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“I find healing fascinating” Amara acknowledged, “but I believe I allowed my interest to show too late. By the time I finish Hogwarts I’ll only have completed five months of an internship and I am not entirely sure that my husband-to-be will allow me to continue to pursue this field”. She had never spoken to the man but her assumption was reasonable. Her family was known for their ancient bloodline and their vineyards. With her brother indisposed the entirety of their inheritance would fall to her. No doubt this arrangement was a money grab and in order to secure that money she would need to train in business, not medicine. 
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belleza-immortale · 5 years
Hestia winked at her friend teasingly, knowing that they weren’t actually going to run off together. Though she would certainly be up for doing such a thing if it actually needed to be done. “Well then I’ll be sure to bring some paper so I can write it all down.” She laughed. Their jokes and witty comments were the only way they were going to get through this. Once she started getting negative, things often spiraled and both of them knew that it would be better for her to be teasing. Though once she actually met the groom it might prove difficult to be so light about the situation. Hopefully they would be able to see the bright side of things, or figure a way out of it. “I expect you to do the same if I ever get married. Though I’ll probably just become an old spinster, seems much more appealing.” 
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Amara raised her right hand into the air and tried to make her face more seriously, “I solemnly swear that if you ever get married I will run away with you, should you need”. She didn’t know for sure what her future held, but she prayed that she would never have to lose Hestia. The other girl had come to her after her first year - a year that had been incredibly lonely but also extremely transformative on her view of what school life was going to be. Hestia had been her first friend and though she had made others none had remained so loyally by her side or given her the same level of security. None had evolved to the status of sister like she had. Already though her dearest friend was being phased out of her wedding and that definitely did not bode well for the future. 
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belleza-immortale · 5 years
Liz had only gone to Hogwarts to assist Madame Pomfrey with the trainees. That way the woman could make sure the students were properly looked after. “Oh! Well it’s lovely to meet you, I’m Elizabeth Killick, but please just call me Madam Liz.” She smiled, still not quite used to being around the students. She wanted to be formal, but not excessively which was where the Madam came in but still went by Liz. Plus it had been suggested she do so in order to keep a sort of separation between her and the actual healers in training. She only used her first name instead of last because she wasn’t there too often, and it was Madam Pomfrey who was in charge there and not she. “I actually believe Madam Pomfrey set something aside for you to do, just come with me.” She nodded, leading her toward the back of the infirmary where more of the supplies and paperwork were kept. 
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Madam Liz. A full-fledged healer then. Every day her importance became less and less and that truly frightened her. When Thorfinn had died she had stopped sleeping, allowing herself to become obsessive in her search for answers in both the library and the bottom of a bottle when she wasn’t using what tiny bit of knowledge she had here in the hospital wing to make sure that no one suffered any more losses. At first it wasn’t enough and she continued slipping - and then the attacks had happened. People needed her and that distraction was everything, but she was losing that now and she had no idea where she could turn. Surely the shock must have shown plainly on her face when Madam Liz told her that there actually was something for her to do today. “Oh, wonderful” she replied, hopeful that her relief wasn’t too plain. 
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belleza-immortale · 5 years
Reaching into his pockets, he took out his keys to unlock his door. “Healer training? That’s exciting!” He smiled, opening the door so that the boy of them could go inside. It wasn’t extremely big, but it had a desk and with two extra seats for students to sit at. On his desk were various muggle objects including his recent favorite, a rubix cube. “Not to sure why you’d want to know muggle medicine for that, but I’m happy to answer any questions you might have for me.” Wigworthy said, placing his bag down and sitting down at his desk. He went ahead an opened his bottom drawer on the right, pulling out a standard first aid kit and a few bottles of over the counter medicine he had stored there for himself. 
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As soon as the door was opened Amara slipped inside quickly. She had never been inside the muggle studies classroom before and her more curious nature took over once she was within the more secure space. Her eyes flitted from one object to the next, even hazarding to pick up a cube shaped object that was covered in brightly colored squares. There seemed to be nine of the six colors, though none of the colors matched up with one another. While she looked around she began moving the squares around to see if she could make them match.  Amara turned as the Professor pulled things from the desk, curiosity taking over. “I want to know as much as I can” she admitted, returning the now solved cube to his desk. 
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belleza-immortale · 6 years
“Hey —” Gideon looked indignant. “I was playing with that!”
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“You’re supposed to be studying for Transfiguration, remember?” Amara questioned, glancing at the stick in her hand for a moment and then passing it back to him, “What’s on your mind? Am I that bad of a reading buddy?”
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belleza-immortale · 6 years
Character Heights (Tallest to Shortest)
Silvanus Kettleburn - 7′2 (No ship partner)
Dom Marchand - 6′1 (Ship Partner height: 5′3)
Tilden Toots - 6′1 (Ship Partner height: 5′6)
Arthur Weasley - 6′1 (Ship Partner height: 5′6)
Frank Longbottom - 6′0 (Ship Partner height: 5′1)
Amos Diggory - 6′0 (Ship Partner height: 5′8)
Amara Zabini - 5′10 (Ship Partner height: 5′6. First Husband: 5′3. Other: 5′11)
Bennet Zonko - 5′9 (Ship Partner height: 5′2)
Dolores Umbridge - 5′9 (Forever alone)
Phillip McCormack - 5′9 (Ship Partner Height: 5′5) [Subject to Change]
Zaccaria Borgin - 5′8 (Ship Partner height: 5′4)
Peter Pettigrew - 5′7 (Ship Partner height: 5′5)
Bex Chittock: 5′6 (Ship Partner height: 5′5)
Marlene McKinnon - 5′5 (Ship Partner height: 5′5)
0 notes
belleza-immortale · 6 years
Birthdays (Updated + Age Order)
Dom - March 3, 1937 (41 years old)
Silvanus - December 20, 1946 (32 years old)
Arthur - February 6, 1950 (28 years old) [Subject to change]
Phillip - April 10, 1952 (26 years old)
Tilden - June 1, 1958 (19 years old)
Bex - November 23, 1958 (19 years old)
Frank - October 25, 1959 (18 years old)
Peter - January 23, 1960 (18 years old)
Marlene - May 12, 1960 (17 years old)
Amara - September 16, 1960 (17 years old)
Amos - January 5, 1961 (17 years old)
Bennet - February 18, 1961 (17 years old)
Zaccaria - July 26, 1961 (16 years old)
Dolores - August 26, 1961 (16 years old)
0 notes
belleza-immortale · 6 years
Who: Elizabeth Killick & Amara Zabini  @belleza-immortale 
Where: Hospital Wing 
Liz only worked at Hogwarts a few days out of the week, spending the majority of her time at St. Mungo’s. Her time at the school was much more laid back, as she mostly just oversaw training. It wasn’t that she minded it seeing how training new healers was probably her favorite part of the job. Althea and Margo were both nice and eager to learn, which made it easier to teach them. She appreciated having all the extra hands around, including Penny who was more than capable of handling things on her own. “Hello, can I help you with something today?” She smiled at the student who walked in. Students were always coming into the Hospital Wing for various reasons, including to try and help them out. 
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There was a huge influx of people in the hospital wing lately. Professionals. Sometimes, Amara wasn’t too sure if she was actually needed anymore since she had only started back in January. It wasn’t enough time to actually count as her internship and she didn’t think that Pomfrey would sponsor her anyway since she already had Lily so she wasn’t even sure why she still went. The need for a distraction was still there so she still stopped in each day, even knowing that she was just going to be sent on her way. “I’m one of the student healers” she said, trying and failing to smile at yet another new face, “Do you guys need any help today?”
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belleza-immortale · 6 years
Althea craned her neck to get a better look at the shelf after Amara’s spell, quite impressed at her method. “That’s clever.” Althea remarked thoughtfully. “Truly clever.” She repeated, giving Amara a smile. “And innovative. If only I had noticed it hours ago, I might have been done by now.” She laughed lightly, though she wondered why no one had bothered to tell her of the much more simple method than counting each potion by hand that was so readily available.
“And this is your invention?” Althea asked, reaching for her inventory sheet and jotting down the numbers still glowing from Amara’s spell. “I haven’t seen this before, though, I haven’t done much inventory at St. Mungo’s.”
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“It is” Amara admitted, “Like I said, I’ve spent a lot of time here lately. It seemed necessary at the time. I’m a big fan of numbers”. A month or too ago there had been an actual need for them to do everything quickly. It had only been her, Lily and Madam Pomfrey to see students through the attacks but as of late more and more people were showing up and she wasn’t needed as much. She couldn’t really understand why she needed to be here either. This place had become the most healthy distraction for her even if by the time she graduated she would only have completed five months of what was supposed to be a one year internship. 
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belleza-immortale · 6 years
Wigworthy was surprised to say the least. Amara Zabini was not one of his students, nor was she one of his usual visitors who came to visit him on occasion. But he did know that she was a good student, and a good friend by how Ted talked about her on occasion. “Ms. Zabini, can’t say that I’m an expert or anything.” He chuckled. “Though I do know some simple things.” What Wigworthy knew was some basics that most muggles knew. But the magical world was much different, as they didn’t seem to have nearly any similarities. “May I ask why you’re interested?” 
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Amara really wished that they were in a classroom or something instead of the hallway. She guessed if someone saw her she could always pass it off as something else. Whatever. She’d not be here were she not genuinely curious about what the muggle world had to offer. “I um....I’m going into healer training soon. I’ve lead every book the library has on it. Plus anything I can find on biology, chemistry and the biomedical sciences”
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belleza-immortale · 6 years
The thought of saying her feelings were terrifying. In the past she could always just deny it if someone tried to say something, or brush it off. But if she actually said that she liked Frank out loud, then she wouldn’t be able to do any of that anymore or else she’d be lying. For a moment she just looked over at Amara, frozen and unsure if she should tell the truth. “I like him…. A lot.” Her words came out quietly. Alice partly expected for Amara to laugh at her and call her silly, though it was exactly how she felt. “But I guess you already knew that.” 
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If she had the breath to spare Amara would have sighed. Instead, she darted a glance at Alice from where she lay on the ground. Of course she already knew that otherwise they wouldn’t even be having this conversation. There was no way Alice thought that that was what she meant or that a simple ‘I like him a lot’ was going to be enough. “Alice...” she said with a shake of her head, her hand falling to her chest as she realized how much it hurt to speak but trying not to show it “have you even admitted it to yourself yet?” 
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belleza-immortale · 6 years
Something in Andie’s stomach clenched at the question. She never really let herself think about everything - which might play into the number of nightmares she had, and the trouble sleeping. But it was easier not to think about it, and she wasn’t sure she could talk about it easily. “As well as I can expect, I think,” she said after a moment. Her voice was cooler than it should be, perhaps, but she couldn’t help that. “I’m not sure it will sink in until I’m at the manor again.”
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Amara wasn’t really sure of what to say. It had probably been stupid and really out of line for her to ask in the first place. Maybe her wedding would help in prolonging the girl’s inevitable return to her home since it was to happen in another country over Easter holidays. “I’m sorry” she said. She had heard those words so many times herself but was slowly coming to understand why it was that those words were the ones people turned to when everything else failed. 
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belleza-immortale · 6 years
Ted managed a convincing half-smile at the mention of his favorite Muggle subject and surprisingly one of the shared interests that had fostered a friendship between them over the years. “A right shame that would be.” He retorted, though it would be a shame if it all went to waste. “Of course I’ll be there.” Ted promised, already trying to think of ways to slip away from home over the holiday break to make it. How he would even get there, he wasn’t sure, but Amara was one of his best friends and he wouldn’t miss her wedding for the world. “Just save me a good one, okay?” He teased lightly.
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“Of course” she continued their jest, “only the best for the proposal that I turned down”. Amara knew that her decision was the right one no matter how tempting it was to accept. Knowing that she was right though didn’t keep it from feeling as bittersweet as it did and she would continue to use her rather strange sense of humor to keep it closer to the sweet side than the bitter. , “If you need anything Ted, anything at all, I’m still here for you”
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belleza-immortale · 6 years
Hestia couldn’t help but laugh, knowing that Amara wasn’t being serious but it was definitely something the younger girl would do for her. “Only if I get to run off with you.” She told her, knowing that her friend would know she didn’t mean it. No matter how much she loved Amara, she didn’t like her in that way. Which was surprising enough, considering the older girl was definitely her type. “You should already know that I’m going to give you my opinion of him. You just have to let me know how far I’m allowed to go.” Even if neither of them liked the man, Hestia would never want to make her friend feel worse about the situation because of something she’d said. 
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“How could I deny such a tempting offer?” Amara continued to joke. She was sure that were they to run off with one another they actually would be rather happy, even if it was destined to be completely platonic. “Oh, you can go all in. I’ve got to spend the rest of my life with this guy. I’d much rather know every thought you have about him early on that way our inside jokes can age like fine wine”
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