bemercifuls · 9 months
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perhaps he had underestimated the young lady, too caught up in the potential winnings of an uninformed participant. he takes a bit too long to catch onto her scheme, only entirely piecing the puzzle together once rosana has revealed her success. his brows furrow and he's silent for a moment, eyes desperately checking the cards again for the chance that perhaps she's lying. no, she was before though and steffon realizes that now. he drops his head, unable to look back at the lady's winning grin, disappointed in how easy the game must have been for her. still, after his initial shock, he can't help but give a chuckle. " you're a filthy liar - but you won, fair and square... i think. " he narrows his eyes at her with a similar smirk to her own, sliding a coin purse across the table. " i have to say, i am impressed... and if you see my siblings anywhere, lady rosana, please keep your mouth shut about my empty pockets. "
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                  pools  of  liquid  chocolate  rest  steady  on  the  southern  lord,  watching  each  movement  akin  to  a  cat  waiting  to  pounce  onto  a  poor,  unsuspecting  creature.  to  have  found  herself  in  the  midst  of  a  gamble  was  one  thing,  another  entirely  to  have  watched  its  workings  then  offered  to  become  its  next  victim  another.  a  play  up  of  not  knowing  the  instructions  (  that  not  a  lie  in  its  entirety  ),  the  smirk  makes  itself  known  as  it  creases  the  apples  of  her  cheeks.  each  flicker  of  emotion  his  features  held  gave  him  away,  lead  to  the  unraveling  and  playing  into  rose's  game.  “  i  believe  that  i  have  won,  lord  steffon.  thank  you  for  playing  with  me.  i  should  like  to  not  test  my  luck  again  and  take  my  silver stags,  if  you  please.  ”  
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starter for steffon tarth @bemercifuls
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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his smile grows at the sight of her and while he doesn't intend to scare jocelyn, steffon still does it all the same. he raises his hands in surrender but the way she scowls with her face scrunched causes him to smirk and give away any chance at seriousness. " sorry, sorry, " he apologizes as he attempts to wipe the grin from his face. " how are you ? this place feels even worse now, all the celebrations over and our own personal prison ... hopefully it's just some disgruntled commoner and we can all go back home soon. " steffon responds, though he's grateful to be able to spend more time with jocelyn.
a closed starter for STEFFON , @bemercifuls !
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sound of approaching foot steps earn the sharp turn of her head , paranoia seeping itself in the femme upon morbid revelations that had ended the eve early . and while delicate features initially offer a scowl with the harshening of brows , they soften slightly with the relief that comes with familiar features . " seven hells , steffon ... don't sneak up on me like that " jocelyn scolds , though his presence is welcome . a needed solace from the gloom that's overcome the capital .
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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there's no hesitation for cyra as she wraps her arms around her niece, engulfing the young arryn in a close hug, letting olynna linger as long as she desires. a hand lifts and begins to softly flow over the brunette's hair, a comforting attempt she remembers using with her own children. her eyes dart around the great sept, prepared to glare daggers if anyone takes a noisy glance at the sudden noise. with one side of her lips pursed, she nearly smiles at the apology but shakes her head. " there is no need to apologize, sweet girl, you have done nothing wrong. take as much time as you need. " cyra finally attempts a smile and her hands lift to rub olynna's shoulders. " whatever you and your siblings need, do not hesitate to ask myself or your aunt, yes ? whether it be company, advice, a reminder to eat everyday ... you name it. "
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The whimper dies in her throat as she tries to silence it, it however tries to choke her as she tries to swallow her tears all at once. olynna crumbles like a rose against a fist, she does what she can only do in an involuntary reaction, throwing her arms around her aunt, hidding her face in her shoulder as the tears flow like the great river. she wishes to apologize for potentially running her dress but only another whimper comes, and a sob. had her mothers death been slightly easier because they had expected it after months of sickness, or was it because they had no one to blame but fate. the death of her father had come sudden and she could not understand the pain in her heart, that empty void that distant man had left in her heart. "i am sorry," she manages to mumble, olynna knew she needed to be stronger, for her siblings. "i am failing to gather myself properly."
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bemercifuls · 9 months
closed starter : for alina, @scarletblcd.
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" lady alina, your dress is beautiful, " she is a terrible liar and does not bother to pretend, so cyra breaks the ice with one true thought. her gaze darts back and forth between the kingsguard members stationed throughout the gardens, watching as if on a hunt. their presence is incredibly unwanted but with a murderer on the loose, she will not be complaining. " i hope your seamstress is here with us in the capital, lest you must wait whoever knows how long to buy another. " cyra adds, voice quiet in case anyone lingers nearby.
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bemercifuls · 9 months
closed starter : for minisa, @disrcpairs.
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cyra had spent the coin necessary to find house tully a decent residence at one of the more favorable inns, with the fellow riverlands occupants in their establishment not a coincidence. her brother in law has been murdered and she requires the right accommodations - safety for her people the top priority. she hands a warm cup of tea off to minisa, keeping one to herself and taking a long sip once she sits down across from the other. the two windows in the room are open slightly to let the sun in and cyra grins at her child, relaxing into the small corner of her bedchambers. " how are you, my darling ? i know these arrangements are not ideal, damn that fool, but hopefully we will not be here for long. "
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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the tension and heaviness in every room she enters is felt more than she desires. while in laws, she had hardly any love for the man apart from him being related to her wife. to have the hand of the king be her wife's brother was a valuable asset but now ... her heart only aches for the arryn children and her love. she finds her way almost tiptoeing through the great sept, startled by her own footsteps at first with the silence. cyra recognizes olynna almost instantly and though her mourning apparel threatens to break the ruling lady tully's heart, she knows she must be the strong one. awkwardly she offers a hello, not expecting her niece to respond, gently resting a hand on the young girl's shoulder at the flinch - an attempt at comfort. " yes, my darling girl, but don't worry, " cyra assures with a smile. " there will be no speaking if that is what you want. we could just ... stand here, yes ? "
open raven for all — sept of the red keep
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There's a hole in her chest where her heart usually is, she feels cold that chills her bones and a numbing sensation she cannot pinpoint. the sept is dark and illuminated by candles, it feels almost ominous to her future in the capital. a wild tear rolls down her eyes making her wonder if she had been crying all along or if it was the first tear to come since she had entered the room where her father no longer laid in. guilt crept up her throat like a chocking rope at the thought that he should be buried in the vale just like her mother had and yet they cannot, another thing the arryn children would be robbed of. she flinches at the voice of another, completely unnaware of her surroundings, she turns to face them, the dark vail brushes agains her cheek. "pardon me, were you speaking to me?"
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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not a bit of her teasing causes wounds, his eyes locked on her with a grin throughout the entire time she speaks. steffon is too busy thinking about what he's already spoken aloud, jocelyn's beauty, to give a proper response. instead, he nods, his heartbeat pounding in his ears at the thought of telling the lady how he truly feels. though, her mentioning another lord is all it takes to snap him back and he's acting first, gently grabbing for her hand. " ah, i think you ought to stay here, " he comments with a smile, attempting to pull her closer. " not only because you interrupted me about to discuss how you are easily the most beautiful lady here, but also... i would rather not fight another lord in my fanciest attire... not when we could just stay here instead. "
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" quite ? " the femme repeated with a tone of feigned offence yet entirely playful in nature as she too found herself stepping closer , " dressed in my very best and the most flattery i get is quite beautiful ? " her scolding's are a mere jest , the smile that hints at corner of her lips telling of her appreciation of sweet sentiments offered by the male . it wasn't unlike them , having never truly taken many things seriously throughout their time together , even in soft moments . " i think i ought to take myself elsewhere , somewhere where i'll be better appreciated ... " she mused aloud , " there has been one particular lord eyeing me all day , figured he's taken a fancy for my red hair . "
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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her resemblance is familiar yet steffon knows they've never met - he would surely remember. the lord bows his head at her smile, offering solace in his company from those who lurk for her attention. at the inquiry, he chuckles, a slight turn of his head as he smiles back at her. " well, my lady, i did not anticipate your generosity, " a slight redness in his cheeks, attempting to laugh off a route he's not quite prepared to explore. still, he finds himself amused and curious to know more. " what if you gave me your name ? "
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it’s   a   spectacle   she’s   sure,      to   see   a   lion   fleeing   lambs.      dominique’s   words   are   weapons,      her   name   a   chopping   block   if   she   were   to   use   it   correctly.      but   these   are   festivities,      and   a   persistent   liege   is   not   a   good   enough   excuse   to   ruin   the   mood.      fangs   are   pulled   back,      and   instead,      refuge   in   the   lord   is   sought.      cherry   lips   curl   into   a   girlish   smile,      a   pretty   sight   :      a   scene   of   enjoyment   to   dissuade   any   fools   from   attempting   to   take   her   away   from   her   sanctuary.      “    what   would   you   like,      my   lord?      i   am   nothing   if   not   generous   when   it   comes   to   my   savior.    ”
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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to offset her abrupt arrival, the ruling lady tully grins back at the eldest tyrell, hoping to ease any tension from the previous company that may still linger. " yes, i'm sure festivities are much more... colorful in highgarden, hm ? i do enjoy your sweet arbor wines, i'm sure there's plenty when your house is the host. " she responds, appreciating the honesty and appreciating the reach for what they offer but catching herself in the midst of prying ears. " his grace is plenty kind for this magnificent display, but it seems... wasted in king's landing, surely. " if not for the lack of beautiful sights, then surely for the smells.
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wherever   she   is,   no   matter   the   land,   isabela   seeks   out   the   green   gardens   with   a   kaleidoscope   offering   of   flowers   ⸺   raised   in   the   most   beautiful   gardens   of   the   kingdom   indeed.   head   tilts   upward,   no   longer   smelling   the   white   roses   in   the   bushes,   as   someone   approaches   her.   balletic   bow   performed   with   slender   anatomy   as   green   optics   trail   over   other   femme's   face.   "   as   you   wish,   lady   tully,   "   she   speaks,   joining   the   other   on   her   walk.   "   i   certainly   enjoy   all   the   excitement   though   i   prefer   the   festivities   in   highgarden   more.   "   admitting   her   truth   almost   felt   like   a   crime   in   the   den   of   the   lion,   or   rather   stag.
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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even with her best of intentions, with the way of court, perceptions cannot always be changed by a sweet word. cyra knew that from the moment she adopted her first child, some opportunities may feel... different, but they were her kids and she had always fought like hell to protect them whenever anything other than kindness was thrown their way. while she had respect for nobility through her upbringing, cyra cared more about making sure their house felt safe and loved - whatever they wanted, as long as it was not harmful, they received. while some of them may live elsewhere in the realm now, every single one of her children would always be loved and supported on their path.
" stealing ?? " she questions with a large gasp, still playing up the facial expressions for little calla. when the flower is shown as a sort of trophy, it takes everything in cyra not to giggle in approval. " no, you just know what you want - headstrong, like someone else i know. " and perhaps the gardeners would not find calla's thievery amusing, but cyra only thinks it proves to show how vibrant the little girl is bound to be. " my goodness, four ? oh, such a sweet face could never belong in a dungeon, i would surely make it the last time those gardeners ever spoke, " cyra exclaims with a large grin.
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                    despite   their   attendance   at   the   lavish   festivities,   sabine   always   felt   like   an   outsider   amongst   nobility.   they   could   never   shake   the   feeling   of   being   unworthy   and   out   of   place   amongst   them.   but   as   they   watch   cyra's   face   light   up   at   the   sight   of   her   child,   sabine   is   reminded   of   where   they   truly   belong.   in   the   moment,   enveloped   in   love,   the   riverlander   finds   a   sense   of   peace   in   their   mother's   smile.   it   washes   away   all   doubts   and   insecurities,   filling   them   with   a   warmth   and   contentment   they   never   thought   possible   amongst   the   glittering   yet   superficial   world   of   high   society.
calla   bursts   into   a   fit   of   giggles,   their   beaming   smile   growing   wider   as   the   melodious   sound   fills   sabine's   ears.    ❝   if   only   she   would   stop   stealing,   ❞    sabine   jests,   gently   brushing   blonde   curls   away   from   their   daughter's   face.   calla   proudly   displays   the   flower   tightly   gripped   in   her   hand,   as   if   to   prove   a   point.   finely   manicured   brow   lifts   suspiciously   as   cyra   confirms   her   enjoyment.    ❝   i   am   very   glad   to   hear   it,   mother.   ❞    sabine   continues,    ❝   young   lady   massey   seems   to   have   a   particular   fondness   for   the   gardens.   this   bloom   is   her   fourth   victim.   i   fear   we   will   end   up   in   the   dungeons   if   she   is   caught   by   the   king's   gardeners.   ❞
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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cyra is happy to lend a helpful hand, especially if the two are benefitting. there is seldom a moment of peace for anyone when suitors are lurking for potential prospects, even when one side of the conversation is unavailable. sometimes she chalks awkward small talk up to wanting to impress someone of her status, while other times she figures some people just enjoy the sound of their own voice. " i'm glad to know we can help each other out, " she nods in amusement before motioning toward their intended direction. " if we're being honest, there is not much worth seeing - but certain spots can provide much needed shade or privacy, given the conversation, should i clue you into their location, my lady ? "
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she had honed the art of half - listening to a fine skill, an ability to feign interest with elegance. this talent came to the forefront when enduring the endless droning of some verbose lord. she would patiently endure the monologue, all the while plotting her exit strategy. the key, she found, was in crafting a backhanded compliment, delivered with a sweet smile, before gracefully excusing herself. it was a dance of social finesse that she could execute flawlessly. she was, however, no fool to believe she was alone in such a practiced art. so, when she spotted another lady seemingly yearning for the liberation from a tedious conversation, she is all too happy to offer aid and play along. ❝ ah, lady tully! ❞ she greets, voice warm, as though she were greeting an old friend rather than a passing acquaintance, ❝ i am enjoying myself quite well, and your company is most timely. i was just about to take a tour of the grounds. ❞
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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(  DANIEL SHARMAN,  CIS MAN,  HE/HIM.  )  could  that  really  be  STEFFON TARTH,  the  RULING LORD  of  EVENFALL HALL  entering  the  keep  ?  king’s  landing  is  sure  to  benefit  from  the  THIRTY TWO  year  old’s  ability  to  be  both  FORTHRIGHT  and  CHARISMATIC,  but  beware,  whispers  also  say  they  have  been  known  to  be  RANCOROUS  and  CARELESS.  their  loyalty  belongs  to  HOUSE TARTH & BARATHEON  and  they  ARE INDIFFERENT TO  the  notion  of  peace  throughout  westeros.
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0  0  1.
full name:  steffon tarth.
nickname:  stef.
official title: ruling lord of evenfall hall and the evenstar ( unofficial tarth nickname ).
age:  thirty two.
gender + pronouns:  cis  man  +  he/him.
orientation: bisexual.
allegiance:  house tarth & house baratheon.
spoken language:  common tongue.
religion:  the  faith  of  the  seven.
0  0  2.
faceclaim: daniel sharman.
eye color: blue.
hair color:  brown.
dominant hand: ambidextrous.
height:  6'2".
build: athletic.
0  0  3.
father:  ruling lord clifford tarth, deceased at 41 & died 15 years ago.
mother:  ruling lady lucinda tarth nee manderly, deceased at 39 & died 16 years ago.
siblings:  ruling lord endrew tarth ( deceased at 24 & died 15 years ago ) & two younger siblings.
relationship status:  widower of ruling lady violet tarth nee tbd ( deceased at 24 & died 8 years ago ).
children:  lord eldon tarth ( 14 ) & lady rosalyn tarth ( 8 ) & one on the way.
0  0  4.
weapon of choice:  crossbow / sword.
moral alignment:  chaotic neutral.
inspired by:  simon basset ( bridgerton ), finnick odair ( thg ).
common tropes:  deconfirmed bachelor, sink or swim fatherhood.
0  0  5.
the second born son and child to the ruling lord and lady, clifford and lucinda. grew up not taking many of his lessons seriously or caring much about politics, figuring his older brother endrew would always be ruling lord - why would he need to learn a part he'd never play ? so steffon was always elsewhere, often hiding somewhere around tarth to avoid their father at any opportunity. he loved skipping rocks along the coast, watching ships pass through shipbreaker bay, fishing off a rowboat in the shallow waters and even causing mayhem on the mainland that his father would reprimand him about when he arrived back on tarth.
their father was a cruel and manipulative man behind the scenes but because he had quite the respectful reputation, nobody ever quite knew how bad his treatment could be. nobody except house tarth, though steffon tried to shelter his siblings from any possible cruelty. many times he was told to leave by his father, making steffon sail off of sapphire isle and travel for the next fortnight, though he would always return to check on his siblings. steffon has always done his best to care for them, even from afar, even with his rocky relationship he has with his father. his mother protected them in his absence though that too ended too soon.
his mother had joined the ruling lord on a trip north to visit old friends, as her family was from the same region and she wished to visit house manderly. things were fine until the return trip, when the two were caught in a storm and lucinda contracted a bad illness. she assured clifford she was fine and they pushed on home, but by the time they arrived, she only lived a few days. the year afterwards was met with incredible tension inside the tarth home and in many ways, steffon was almost thankful to orys baratheon.
steffon was barely a man when the baratheon rebellion began. his father wanted him on the battlefield with endrew, his older brother, but steffon didn't want to go - he hadn't been sword training for very long and knew he wasn't anywhere as good as his brother. this angered his father but sapphire isle remained safe and guarded, aligned with house baratheon while the fighting took place on the main land. this let steffon and his younger siblings stay on tarth the majority of the rebellion while his father and endrew fought in battles in the stormlands. they lost endrew first, only a month after the fighting had began - and until his last breath, steffon heard how much his father wished it'd been his second son instead. consumed by grief, his father refused to come home until the rebellion was over. he came home a few weeks early, wounded in battle, and ended up succumbing to his wounds after the rebellion had been won. steffon was glad to be there to watch him die.
he never wanted to marry or have children, for various reasons with many including his father, but that all changed because of violet. they met on his travels away from tarth and he fell for her quickly. what she wanted she would have, including a marriage and a family. they were married the year after the rebellion out of respect for the fallen and things were perfect - but not for as long as he would have liked. violet passed after giving birth to their second child, rosalyn, and steffon did not react well at all. he distanced himself from everyone, especially his children, the both of them resembling his late wife so well and not knowing how to care for them in her absence. steffon had never been the world's best father but with violet he was trying and present - but after she died, all of that changed. in present time he feels incredibly guilty for how he acted and knows his children ( at least his son ) view him differently now because of it, which has led him to spoil them in the most extravagant of ways. steffon adores his children and has come a long way in the past few years, though he is still trying to be the best papa he can be.
steffon can be a huge flirt, he loves to push buttons and see how people react to certain things he says - but he's mostly all bark, rarely any bite. he's secretly been hardcore crushing on a friend with benefits connection but was definitely quite the player / bachelor when he came out of his " year of mourning ", the year in which he refused to leave sapphire isle after his wife's death. he really just wants attention and sometimes doesn't mind how he gets it but once he's in a sticky situation... he runnin the other way ! will always be a little bit bitter that his children no longer have their mother and that he couldn't have been there for them when they really needed it, but he's trying more to live in the present ... just not doing too well at it !
0 0 6.
the one who really holds his heart - though steffon is a flirt who can get carried away, he never goes too far because there's always a specific lady on his mind. the two started as friends with benefits but over time, things have deepened and they're not quite ready to be anything more serious... until a baby comes into the picture.
past flings - people he slept with once he was back to being a bachelor, so within the last seven years ! probably wouldn't be anything recent enough within the last year as he's essentially been only choosing to see one person, maybe they ended on good terms or maybe they still have affections for steffon and they're not happy about being left in the dust ?
his late wife's family - v much wanted and could be from anywhere ! steffon and violet had two children, eldon and rosalyn, who are currently 14 and 8 ! maybe they don't like steffon for taking violet to live on tarth/they blame him for her death or maybe they like him/feel bad for him and try to help out with the kids ? could be angsty if they tried to host the children as their wards after violet's death and steffon wasn't having it so he ordered them home and now their relations are tense ? just some ideas !
gambling/drinking pals, people who he goes hunting/fishing/riding with, maybe he slept with ur spouse oops, frenemies/enemies, i'm down for p much anything !!
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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#BEMERCIFULS is a dependent mumu for swordshq by elle.
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ruling lady cyra tully, ruling lady of riverrun.
wanted plots.
ruling lord steffon tarth, ruling lord of evenfall hall.
wanted plots.
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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his favorite part of a wedding is always the feast, being able to avoid small talk and uncomfortable conversation. steffon would rather stand off to the side, a couple feet from where the rest of his house is seated. he keeps his eyes on them, however, watchful of his siblings and his children with their governess. the second he feels a touch on his back, a chill runs up his spine and he doesn't have to guess who it is - but her presence pleasantly surprises him nonetheless. steffon's suddenly grinning from ear to ear, in awe of how stunning jocelyn is. " i am now, my lady, " he matches her smirk, absentmindedly taking a step closer. " you look ... quite beautiful. "
a closed starter for STEFFON , @bemercifuls .
early evening , at the feast following the wedding ceremony !
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the auburn beauty had never found much joy in large gatherings , particularly those of such extravagancies . a farce , if she were to speak honestly . and to even be dressed up so lavishly herself felt foreign and uncomfortable . but she's done her part , offering enough civilities to allow herself to seek solace from familiar and fond company . and so she comes from behind , presence made known to the male by the subtle trail of dainty fingers across his back , though hand drops before anyone is quick enough to notice . " i trust you're having a pleasant time , my lord ? " feigned formalities are merely an act , a playful means of flirtation between the pair as lips curl into an impish smirk .
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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caught with a fit of laughter, quieting the moment she hears herself, cyra nods in agreement with lady baratheon's confession. " i will absolutely forgive you, as i would be a hypocrite if not, " she too had grown restless from interactions and certain excitement, so she very much understood the desire to stray from the topic. " oh, no, never ! i am so incredibly homesick i cannot wait to leave king's landing, there's nothing quite here for me like there is in the riverlands - certainly not the name day of anyone, even his grace. "
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curious    sound,            velvety    when    it    reverberates    from    very    depths    of    her    throat        ;        rumbles,    𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎    𝚝𝚑𝚎    𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝    𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐    𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚙    of    thunder    across    churning    waters        !        gilded    in    amusement    regardless,    hints    of    a    smile    play    at    the    corners    of    her    mouth    when    cyra        𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐒        onto    her.            “            you    will    forgive    me    if    i    have    grown        TIRED        of    festivities,    will    you    not        ?            ”            oh,    how    wearisome    to    rule            …            vocals    dip,    designed    to    be    passed    between    the    two    like    handwritten    notes    switched    betwixt    giggling    girls:            “            do    not    mistake    me    for    ungrateful,    of    course.    merely    homesick,    perhaps.        𝘦𝘹𝘩𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥.            ”
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bemercifuls · 9 months
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his disappearance into the shadows is purposeful, avoiding the eyes of people who pity him and those who wish to extend the misery with dreadful conversation. steffon remembers a time where he was the life of the party, front and center of a room, given up for a future no longer his. he can return to it some nights but this evening his efforts seem in vain. " i am pretending to be interested in what you're saying, " he responds in low volume, eyes meeting his company as his towering stature hides her from whoever she's running from. " do i get anything for my participation ? "
open starter, the courtyard.
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it  is  a  sea  of  nobles,    a  feeding  frenzy.    dominique  could  only  be  polite  for  so  long,    could  only  hold  that  practiced  smile  for  a  certain  period  of  time,    before  the  strain  brought  on  a  migraine.    a  moment  of  escape  was  brief,    the  eyes  of  predators  finding  her  in  the  crowd,    like  blood  in  the  water.    clothed  fingertips  touch  the  closest  arm,    whispering  in  hopes  to  be  heard.      “    pretend  to  be  interested  in  what  i  am  saying,    please.    ”
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