bemrads · 4 years
rather than memorizing the names of dead people, can we instead add financial literacy to our new generation's curriculum?! #insurance #investment #priorities R U WITH ME CO-MILLENIALS?!!!
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bemrads · 4 years
Losing somone you dearly love over death is so much to bear that you cant never get over it. The pain never goes away.
And each time you are reminded by a memory of them, a familiar face, place youve gone to, a whiff of their scent, a similar sound of their laughter, a wave of sweet memories comes drowning you all over again. It drowns you. It suffocates you. And you just want to get to a switch to shut all feelings off.
And its up to you if you want to be drowned by the pain or swim against it. You can swim. Swim by putting in mind that the person is at a better place. No more pains, no more sufferings just eternal peace and calmness back to the arms of their Creator. And as for us who were left behind, let us just be thankful that at least we were allowed to have experienced everything about them, that we were allowed to borrow them in this lifetime, and now the Creator has taken them back, and like all things borrowed, it has to be returned.
I am that person who sympathizes more at the ones left behind. I pray that the Lord may guard and protect our hearts, always remind us of His greater love and plans. And that we would always remember that His plans are always greater.
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bemrads · 4 years
How great is Your love for me Lord. Going thru my timeline of that day and reading once again the love and support wall posts from family and friends, so favored to be one of the few who gets to read their supposedly eulogy on a 100% recovery. Thank you Lord.
And God is indeed true to His promise to all those who called upon Him;
Psalms 17: 6 I call on You my God for You will answer me, turn Your ear upon me and hear my prayer.
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bemrads · 4 years
I remember myself 2 years ago. On how my old self wont believe the me now being nicotine and alcohol free, knowing how hooked i was to smoking and drinking for the past 16 years (yes even post cranial surgery). I admit i cannot count the number of attempts i have tried to stop but i always end up doing the same thing and getting even worse / doubling the dosage every time i get back to the addiction.. it was only when i experienced the joy of my salvation and realized the immensity of God's goodness when i firmly started telling myself that the self-destruction has to stop. And it became easy when my reason was to do it for the Lord, and even easier when I called on His name for help when these sinful urges came rushing in.
No this doesn't mean that i have won since my existence is still an every day battle. But i stand firm cause i am well aware that in my weakness His grace is suffucient and He will always be there to help me endure my trials.
Psalms 50:15
Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.”
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