bemynextpresident · 4 years
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Landlords really don’t be giving a shit. Electric chair. Now.
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
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This is huge! I’m so proud of them 😭
The article if anyone wants the details
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
I concur
Predictions: Warren still won’t drop out before Super Tuesday because they’re specifically going after Bernie’s numbers at this point. Pete’s more moderate voters can go towards Biden and Warren keeps a section of progressive voters from Bernie. She’ll have to drop after Super Tuesday though, esp. if she loses her home state. 
Your predictions?
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
Dear Elizabeth Warren supporters
Its time to recognize that Warren has changed.
She no longer is the candidate that is against Super PACs as she now has one. The treasurer of this Super PAC is Chris Koob, former COO of Americas Energy Future, a military and business led oil advocacy group.
She no longer supports medicare for all and now is including a public option in her plan.
She no longer is an advocate for a democratic election, as she now is okay with 'letting the process work' i.e. having a brokered convention where superdelegates will decide who will be the nominee, rather than who people voted for.
In that regard, she is unlikely to even be elected in this undemocratic process, as these superdelegates favor centrists and other people like Michelle Obama, who isn't even in the race.
She is polling below any chance of winning the democratic primary through a plurality.
If you truly care about this democracy, if you care to uphold progressive values and see Donald Trump out of office, please support the one democratically favored candidate , who has these progressive values : Bernie Sanders.
If there is a brokered convention and someone else gets chosen, this will put the Democratic Party in ruin and will lead to another 4 years of Trump. The pluralirty of voters who will likely vote for Sanders, will be alienated from voting and less people will come out to vote in the General Election.
What that means is:
1. Another Supreme Court Justice for republicans , which will lead to more anti abortion laws being passed and anti environmental laws. Trump will continue to pack the courts with republican shills.
2. An acceleration of Climate Change since it will not be addressed for another 4 years.
3. The continuation of family separation of undocumented immigrants and the trauma that that will bring to those families.
4. The further impoverishment of the working class
5. Reduction in healthcare coverage , social security , and other government programs.
This election is too important to vote for who you want the most, I'd happily vote for Warren if she was getting the plurality of votes, but as it stands now, Sanders is the only candidate with enough support to challenge the undemocratic superdelegate process and the grassroots energy to take on Donald Trump.
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
Charlemagne tha god did an interview on Stephen Colbert today (2/27) where they briefly talked about the South Carolina , being that they’re both from South Carolina . He said that the person who wins South Carolina will win the primary. And he said that he actually liked the candidates mayor Pete and Bloomberg . Their plans for black people in particular . At the same time right now , Trump is campaigning heavily to the black community. All of these people aren’t going to deliver everything they’re promising. Somebody is lying. I hope that the people of South Carolina aren’t tricked this weekend.
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
2/26 Elizabeth Warren has a great segment on the Stephen Colbert show . She illustrated her points, and she came across as genuine and humane which I believe is her strong suit. A lot of mainstream democrats who are hesitant about Bernie Sanders are warming up to Warren. I think the most responsible thing that the most leftist of us can do is to see this as an opportunity . Because for all her charm , i believe that Bernie Sanders still exhibits the character we need to win the General election in November . A lot of old people don’t like who blatant and crass Bernie Sander is, but I have spoken to people of all walks of life all across this country who support him anyway. Elizabeth Warren is the spokesperson for our policy platform, but Bernie Sanders is the candidate who will win in November.
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
Following the 2/25 South Carolina debate, the Daily Show hosted their own coverage where they had two interesting segments: first was Jaboukie Young-White, who did a piece on the perception of mayor Pete from the gay community . He blatantly ignored just about everything his focus group said , starting with the black lives matter activist who could do nothing but shake her head at the way young-white simplified the argument into “gay people want their candidate to be flaming”— while she was trying to have an earnest conversation about the way mayor Pete assumes the gay identity as a badge of honor while simultaneously ignoring his community in his hometown of south bend. The segment that followed this was an interview with Rahm Emmanuel , the mayor of Chicago who had just published a book on mayors rising to leadership positions around the world . Which he is right. But he pushed back when Trevor said only two mayors were on stage at the debate , reminding us that Bernie Sanders also started out as the mayor of Burlington Vermont.
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
So Michael Bloomberg said that 100 black elected officials in New York support him. And that most of them were in the audience . At a debate that cost 1500+ . So is he really gonna just admit that he bought the audience tonight ???
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
Am I the only one who noticed Pete stealing other candidates talking points? He spent so much of the pre-Iowa caucus cautiously developing a platform of how he just has a better character than the other candidates , but now that it’s time for him to talk about policy — he’s stealing his talking points from everyone else. And now that we know his character is that of a CIA operative with maps of global mineral deposits he plans to pillage , we can safely conclude that there is no meaning, no substance, and no plot to Mayor Pete.
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
pete buttigieg really does try to talk at every single opportunity even when not called on.
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
South Carolina debate. As many of you hopefully already know, the South Carolina debate was primarily accessible to sponsors of the event . In order to become a sponsor , one had to put up between 1500-3000$ and in order to make this inquiry, you had to go through the national party organization . This basically ensured the audience demographics was not representative of th South Carolina . Perhaps many of the people in the audience weren’t even from South Carolina , we have no way of knowing.
But what this means is that what the candidates said, the way they said it, and how the audience reacted — was not reflective of genuine opinion, but how these candidates preferred to debate in front of this particular audience of pre-destined sponsors . And yet some candidates stuck to their principles; Elizabeth warren, Bernie Sanders. But some candidates became more bold than we’ve seen before; Biden, Klobuchar. However, Pete and Bloomberg behaved like people who are frustrated they don’t already own this election. Pete could not stop fidgeting at his podium, itching for the spotlight . His incessant need to be the sole opposition to Bernie Sanders is not only uncomfortable to watch , but isn’t even shared with the rest of his supposed “main stream democrats”. Pete is not qualified to be here.
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
So why Iowa? Why New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina?
I think the answer is obvious . Iowa is a farming capital with a central location in the country . Several federal institutions exist within Iowa, including test reviews for many of the US’ national school testing curriculums. Iowa’s role as a major agricultural state definitely makes it an attractive trading partner for China . In other words, China signs off on the first primary candidate.
New Hampshire is an interesting state in the history of the US. It shares a close relationship with Massachusetts and as such has hosted many famous American families , such as that of the Senator John Parker Hale. So the Anglo-Saxon founding fathers sign off on the second primary .
Nevada is a curious third stop . My personal belief is that this is the machinations of former Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid. However , Nevada also has a strong labor presence. And also, obviously, the mafia. Nevada is a curious one indeed.
Last but not least is South Carolina . And with the primary system dating back to 1968, and South Carolina’s history as the foundation of the confederacy, I think it’s obvious to say that South Carolina is where candidates race relations are tested . It basically ensures that a racist can’t survive past the South Carolina primary . I imagine that was the purpose anyway .
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bemynextpresident · 4 years
So we’ve already begun the 2020 election season, but I deliberately waited until the South Carolina Primary to add my voice to the typhoon. These first 4 primary states have become career campaign regions where the attitudes of the local population are ignored in favor of a pluralizing national and international perspective that overshadows everything else. Now that this charade is over, we can *maybe* restore some democracy to this process.
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