ben10returns · 2 years
my guy’s pretty like a girl
and he’s got fight stories to tell
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ben10returns · 2 years
( mentally: this man is clearly stoned. ) Yeah, man, that’s crazy. ( but he also might be the funniest motherfucker i’ve ever met. ) I think what you should’ve done is this: get a big bowl. NOT the type they keep near the soup - that’s a rookie mistake. you should’ve got the ones they keep toward the salad bars. yeah, the one no one ever goes to ever since someone found a - actually, if you eat there, i don’t think you want to know. and just sort of piled everything into there. that way, it can’t slip out! it’s like a crib for food.
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Did you guys know if you stack every food they serve in the dining hall on one plate that you’ll definitely drop it on your way back to your table? I thought I had it planned out; I put the pizza on the bottom for a nice base, layered that a few times.  I disassembled the burgers with the cheese side down because I thought the cheese on cheese action would be like clue. I should’ve put the buns down first and then the patties, but hey, what can we do. Then, on top of the burger, I put the mac and cheese (the cheese as glue theory clearly did not pan out the way I thought) and then on top of that I put the fries! I should’ve put the mac and cheese on top of the fries for a little poutine action, but I was the most hungry for the fries so I had to get to those first. Anyways, as I was walking back to my seat the whole thing totally toppled over. Now I need a nap. 
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ben10returns · 2 years
"sophomore. what about you?” his watched glowed as they spoke, a notification that someone was trying to call him. (his grandpa, most likely. they usually spoke around this time.) he ignored it. “at this rate, i don’t think i’m going to make it to senior year.” he shook his head, thinking about his failed physics test. “i’m ben, by the way. what’s your name?”
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“they need to invent a coffee that’s mostly milk as the base, or something,” ben said, walking over. it was quiet enough for ben to focus on his calc homework and empty enough to listen to his music without worrying that he was going to disrupt anyone. ( if anyone had found a way to listen to blink-182 without doing an air guitar, ben needed to know their method asap. ) 
“here, let me help you,” he said, grabbing some garbage. “i swear the freshman here are something else. no respect for their elders.”
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“Elders!” Ginger exclaimed with a laugh, “I didn’t think I was a campus grandma yet, at least let me make it to senior year. Thanks,” She nodded to the boy as he began helping her. “What year are you?” 
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ben10returns · 2 years
ben looked up and saw a very beautiful girl looking back at her. a smart person might have tried to be suave, but ben wasn’t smart, so instead he replied, “yeah, man, scorpions are the worst.”
and then, because he got a little too excited and he was never too used to people - especially girls - from his high school liking aliens, let alone talking about them, ben said, “so much intelligent life out there and we still haven’t found an easier way to do anything.”
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@northbuilding & anyone 
if ben could go back in time, he would kick his nineteen year old self in the ass. no, that’s not true. he’d probably tell him to, like, invest in crypto or something. something smart. then, he’d kick himself in the ass. because why in the hell did he choose astronomy as a major. why couldn’t he have chosen something easy? like, neuroscience or russian. classical mandarin. anything would’ve been easier than whatever level of physics or math he was supposed to already know by now.
“when i make contact with aliens, the first thing i’m gonna do is ban math,” he mumbles to himself, crossing out another page of messy equations.
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ben10returns · 2 years
“they need to invent a coffee that’s mostly milk as the base, or something,” ben said, walking over. it was quiet enough for ben to focus on his calc homework and empty enough to listen to his music without worrying that he was going to disrupt anyone. ( if anyone had found a way to listen to blink-182 without doing an air guitar, ben needed to know their method asap. ) 
“here, let me help you,” he said, grabbing some garbage. “i swear the freshman here are something else. no respect for their elders.”
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who: open! 
where: the student center
On the center’s less-busy days, Ginger found herself cleaning up behind students who left food wrappers, pencil shavings, and plastic cups after they’d gone from their study sessions. Weekends were less busy, but those that did come weren’t any cleaner than the ones during the week. She held a half-empty iced coffee from Inkblot to her nose. “I see the seasonal drinks are out,” she said aloud to no one in particular. That one smelled particularly of chestnut praline. 
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ben10returns · 2 years
@northbuilding & anyone 
if ben could go back in time, he would kick his nineteen year old self in the ass. no, that’s not true. he’d probably tell him to, like, invest in crypto or something. something smart. then, he’d kick himself in the ass. because why in the hell did he choose astronomy as a major. why couldn’t he have chosen something easy? like, neuroscience or russian. classical mandarin. anything would’ve been easier than whatever level of physics or math he was supposed to already know by now.
“when i make contact with aliens, the first thing i’m gonna do is ban math,” he mumbles to himself, crossing out another page of messy equations.
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ben10returns · 2 years
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[colin ford, 21, cis man, he/him/his] Did you hear that BENJAMIN KIRBY TENNYSON from BEN 10 is a SOPHOMORE at Tooniversity? He majors in ASTRONOMY and you can find him PLAYING SOCCER on most days. I always hear ALIENS EXIST BY BLINK-182 playing from his dorm! 
what if you went on a road trip at ten years old that irreversibly changed your life???
SUPER close with his paternal cousin, gwen, and his paternal grandfather
legit, he will call his grandfather daily and ask for advice/tell him about his day
plays soccer
he’s so dumb. 
he puts on this cool-guy, arrogant persona to cover up the fact that really on the inside he’s scared and afraid he’s fucking up
really strong moral compass - legit, he will stand up for people and it doesn’t matter if he knows it’s him against the world.
back to that road trip... when he was 10 years old, he found a watch and was CONVINCED it came from space. (”I’ve connected two dots.” “You didn’t connect shit.” “I connected them.”) His grandfather nurtured his imagination and was like maybe it did. maybe it chose you.
definitely influenced his personality strongly. he was like “it doesn’t matter if you’re the most important person in the universe. what matters if you make a difference with what you have.”
during this same time, his cousin, gwen, went through a huge “i’m a witch” phase so... look they don’t talk about that summer because it makes them cringe but they both know that they mutually believe in something Greater.
They. exist. full stop.
He’s like “they definitely have already made contact. they’re definitely walking among us.”
Dreams of going to space and doing international relations with aliens. (nobody tell him what international relations actually means, okay?)
still has that watch he swears is from space. has a real ship of theseus relationship with it. he’s made so many fucking mods to it that there’s no way it’s the same watch, but -- it’s the same watch. remember how i said he was dumb? he’s somehow smart enough to semi build a smart watch (youtube videos will take you so far). but dumb enough to have learned recently that creatine =/= ketamine are different things.
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ben10returns · 2 years
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ben10returns · 2 years
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ben10returns · 2 years
To YOU its a ufo. I know what it is
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ben10returns · 2 years
i think green is the best color. like it’s not my favorite, but it’s the best out of all of them. if you disagree i’m going to kill you so hard and so fast
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ben10returns · 2 years
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ben10returns · 2 years
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Ben 10 Aesthetic: Ben Tennyson
People change with time. There are things that happened to a person in his childhood and years later they seem to him alien and strange. I am trying to decipher that child. Sometimes he is a stranger to me. When you think about when you were ten, don’t you feel a certain alienation?
Inspired by ( x )
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