benbangs · 4 years
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Personal mail, a great change from election flyers…
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benbangs · 4 years
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Englishwoman in New York: Emily Blunt both on and IN Harper’s Bazar, UK https://www.instagram.com/p/B8u8thaHetH/?igshid=7zn72cr6mif1
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benbangs · 4 years
This is my 2019 holiday wish for the Krasinski-Blunt family!
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benbangs · 5 years
All I Want For Christmas is to Thank Emily Blunt for Saving My Life
How did she do that? She played Mary Poppins, that’s how! Of course Lin-Manuel Miranda, Meryl Streep, director Rob Marshall and all the rest helped, too, but it’s Emily on whom I’d bestow the “Life-Saving Onscreen Portrayal” Oscar if they’d just let me create it. Next best thing: a short phone call during which I’ll thank Emily personally on behalf of every person she has ever touched through her work!
So, what say we see if we can make this happen with...
#lifesavingemilyb !
Thanks, everyone, and Happy Holidays!!
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benbangs · 5 years
This is my personal plea to the Emily Blunt-loving community to help me get in touch with her directly so I can thank her for rocking my world as Mary Poppins.. If you’d like to help, please like and repost this, especially to John Krasinski or anyone else in direct contact with Emily. Thanks!
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benbangs · 5 years
This is why I think Emily Blunt turned on the sun, because she's so sweet and humble, and has just the BEST taste in Mary Poppins songs! Rob Marshall is absolutely right: no one else could have played this role. It's all about Emily, people 😀
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benbangs · 5 years
We need more people like this courageous American. THIS is the way to be human, on the subway, and everyplace else!!
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benbangs · 5 years
Why Being A Celebrity Is As Hard As Being A Fan
Well, I just finished viewing a short interview of my favorite performer – Emily Blunt (no surprise) – and it really helped me understand why being a celebrity today is such a challenge.  How can you tell who your real fans are?  How can you let them know you appreciate their support without also opening yourself (and your family) up to the wrong kind of attention in the process?
I became a HUGE fan of Emily’s when I saw her in Mary Poppins Returns, and have been longing for a legit way to meet her so I can thank her for brightening up my life.  What I didn’t understand until just now was how tough it would be for Emily to grant that kind of access without also opening herself up to those who only want to make money off her image, or who would cross her every boundary in their efforts to get close to her.
Like Emily said in the interview, keeping her personal and business lives separate is definitely a juggling act, and I’m glad her neighbors are so protective of her and her family.  Just because she makes a living performing doesn’t mean we viewers own Emily Blunt, and she very much deserves to be able to live her life -- and bring up her family -- without having to be “onstage” all the time!
Still, most of are not entertainment journalists, so it’s almost impossible for us to PERSONALLY thank Emily for brightening up our lives!  This really hurts because we don’t even know if she knows how deeply she has touched us, so we can’t give back the only thing we have to give: our appreciation.
So if anyone personally connected with “The Krunts” is reading this, PLEASE pass on two things: there are fans who “get it,” and we’d really like to be able to give them our “thumbs up” in some PERSONAL way, some way we know they’d appreciate and be able to respond to, however fleetingly.  After all, cinema is not made for critics, the press, or even shareholders in studios and production companies: it is made for audiences…, that is, for real people who know full well that actors are real people, too.  All any true fan ever wants from those who brighten up his world on-screen is the chance to say “thank you,” know he has been heard, and maybe even share a genuine, unscripted moment or two with those who bring him such happiness. Please help us out with this, Emily and John!  It’s the only way we can give back anything to you for all you have given to us.
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benbangs · 5 years
Get Into Music and Movies to Learn A New Language
Do you like to groove out to cool tunes and take in a fun movie from time to time? Guess what: that's a great way to take your language learning to the next level! Learn to sing your faces, and follow along with the story of a movie in your new language, even before you've learned any of the words in class. The fact that you're enjoying yourself will aid your learning, as will the understanding you already have about how your favorite songs and cinema work. Like to keep current on the news? Pictures, bylines and HEADlines may provide clues to what is being discussed. Look especially for coverage of your country for perspectives on how it's seen by those who speak the language you are learning. Finally, as your vocabulary expands, help the process along by seeking out books on subjects of personal interest. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself; this is how lasting learning happens!
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benbangs · 5 years
Appreciation for A Classy Actress
One of the reasons I think so highly of Emily Blunt is that she always turns the hodgepodge of personalities on all her projects into real companies of players -- coherent teams, all pulling in the same direction, but each one still a distinct voice with his or her own unique contribution to make. From tiny casts of three to huge productions involving dozens, Emily has only loving words for everyone, and that clearly makes her movies as safe and sweet to make as they definitely are to see! Bottom Line: If Emily's in it, I just know it's gonna be good 😀 So the first thing I plan to ask when we finally meet will be: "What first gave you the idea to be that classy?". However she responds, her words will surely be nuggets of pure wisdom...words to cherish as much as I already admire and respect Emily herself.
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benbangs · 5 years
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