bencvolentways · 5 years
Hey all. You've all been so wonderful and i always found myself so enamored by all of you. Thank you for a great space to write and for giving me your characters. I will truly miss this place and I'm so fortunate to have made so many long lasting friendships here.
If you would like to continue writing, catch me on my indie https://giaawritess.tumblr.com or on my discord :
😈 of Hells Kitchen#7579
I hope we can continue writing and a special thanks to the admins for a beautiful place.
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bencvolentways · 5 years
Finally home and with so much muse. Especially for baby Ferah!! Replies and such coming up in a hr or two :)
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bencvolentways · 5 years
Going to a nerd challenge so I'll be on later tonight and in the mood to write!! Ciao bellas
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bencvolentways · 5 years
“Devotion And Desire” // Bayside
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bencvolentways · 5 years
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«Then we get married»
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bencvolentways · 5 years
Can't believe the Jonas Brothers came for me like that. How am I to focus the rest of the day???
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bencvolentways · 5 years
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bencvolentways · 5 years
Lovebug // Jonas Brothers
I can’t get your smile out of my mind I think about your eyes all the time You’re beautiful but you don’t even try Modesty is just so hard to find
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bencvolentways · 5 years
Deftones — Change (In the House of Flies)
Album: White Pony (Maverick, 2000)
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bencvolentways · 5 years
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a little more than a month ago, eren found it uncomfortable for their hands to brush against each other. since then, they’d shared the same bed, formed some sort of bond, and physical affection had become easier with brooklyn than those he’d known for years. but, for a moment, it appeared the tables had turned. she steps away, and he’s horrified. a sudden wave of guilt crashing into him. “sorry-” he quickly apologises, absentmindedly tilting his palms upwards, “i’m sorry.” she walks towards him first, and he slowly walks into their embrace, gingerly wrapping his arms around her. she’s alive, she’s okay. he tightens the hug as relief consumes him. “thank you for not dying. thank you for coming back in one piece. i can’t believe wh–…” he can’t finish the sentence again and pulls back to look her in the eyes. “what happened? or, like, do you not want to talk about it?”
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She shakes her head quickly and right before she buries it into his chest. “Don’t apologize.” Her muffled words are just above a whisper and she curls her fingers around the fabric of his shirt. “You’ll hate me.” She doesn’t want to pull away just yet but when Eren does, she reopens her eyes and takes a deep breath. “It’s my fault any of it happened.” She’s too tired to cry, too exhausted to compose a proper sentence but for him, she’d try. Eren was one of her best friends after all and in a way, he was shafted from all of this, not knowing about her for almost two full days. “I went searching for the Savage that murdered my student’s brother and then killed him as well. I--I don’t know why. I wanted to know how he could....” She shook her head. “I don’t know why I did it. It was stupid. He...” She moved to take a seat and gathered the material of her skirt into a balled fist. “He was going to kill me. And other things. Other...things.” 
Waiting; Flashback
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bencvolentways · 5 years
Frenchie knew the image Ferah held and even though the two friends were on opposite sides, she always supported her friend and the person she was then no one was looking.  “It is very complicated nowadays.”  French was selfish when she had her son, not telling the father, pretending she didn’t know because she slept around.  But it finally caught up to her, five years later.  “So Odin knows he’s Leo’s dad now.  Wants a relationship with him so my life just immensely more complicated.”
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And just like that, Ferah’s guards went up, her protective side on blast when Frenchie mentioned Odin. “Wait. How does he know? Do you need a lawyer? You should make sure everything is on the up and up. He has a right as Leo’s dad but it should be on your terms.” Ferah cringed at the thought of Aydin’s dad ever making an appearance. She might just kill him. “So what are you going to do now?” 
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bencvolentways · 5 years
Kurt was completely ignoring the waitress now, his order having already been put in. His attention was ever shifting and her comment about keeping him on his toes made him grin, for all the wrong reason. “Guess you could say that, and there i was looking for someone to be down right lazy with. Been on my toes all day sweetheart.” He grinned at her, lounging back against the booth with one arm draped over the top of it. The coffee came not long after that, and Kurt went about pouring one packet of sweetener in the thing, stirring and then taking a tentative sip. It wasn’t the best cup, but it was hot and it would do. “I hope not. I’ve been too open with you already, next thing you know i’ll be telling you where i live and that you can move your stuff in.”
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“Lazy is not an option here. I promise you that.” She returned the grin with one of her own. Amiyah always enjoyed a little banter so this wouldn’t be any different though in this town, she learned she had to be careful. You never knew who you were befriending. She prepared her coffee before taking a sip. Something about the Comfort Diner made her feel more at ease. Once she heads back to the office, she’s convinced it’ll be absolute chaos. “Where do you live?” She licked the remnants of the hot beverage off her lips and chuckled. “Not your actual address, of course. I can’t get a U-haul truck with such short notice.” Amiyah flashed him a wink and laughed. “I mean, are you from around here? Originally from Valdez?” 
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bencvolentways · 5 years
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“it’s not,” eren confirms immediately. “you do have a nicer nose, though.” impossible; his father doesn’t really do great friends, or so eren believes. a man with a heart so cold only has chess pieces to wine, dine and move as he pleases. if only eren knew the depth of their parents’ relationship, his frost certainly would lack in bite. he cringes at the photo, features twisting into an awkward expression as he tries to hide it with a fake smile. “so, let me get this straight: our fathers are… ‘great friends’…  as you say,” poor thing, “so i take it you’re turkish. i’ve been here two months and suddenly, you’re to ‘look after’ me?” eren’s always been paranoid, especially when it comes to his own family. it isn’t above the deniz patriarch to throw an attractive girl in eren’s direction to meddle. “let’s cut the bullshit. you’re spying on me.”
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“Thanks?” Wow, he really was a man-baby. What luck she’s been struck with today! She’d have to thank her father for this later. Truth be told, she can’t bring herself to ask her father for proof that he has any friends at all. He wasn’t exactly the most likable of men but that was the description given to her. In an email none the less with no other real explanation. She’s pretty sure she even read the words “Little Eren”. This was definitely an elaborate joke. “Yes. We’re from Turkey, my father is a public advocate here in Valdez for the community and also works for the consul. I wouldn’t say suddenly. I think this meeting is long overdue. My father has a tendency to not review his communications in a timely fashion.” She arched a brow and shook her head. “Why would I spy on you? I hardly have the time to breathe let alone do that. Your father and my father made some arrangement and I suppose they forgot to mention you’re an adult to me but I’m going to assume they thought since you and I are close in age, we can relate to one another and I can help you lay down your roots. I’ve lived here all my life and also served as advocate in the council before I ran for mayor and that’s what I do now. When I say I can help you, I sincerely mean it, Eren. So...how can I help you?” 
First Encounters
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bencvolentways · 5 years
I’m insane. I have a killer shift in about four hours and I haven’t slept yet. fehiherighreiug. Oh well. Hope you’re having a great Thursday! Week is almost over! We can do this! 
EDIT: Queue is set up. Going to try to close these eyes! 
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bencvolentways · 5 years
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twenty minutes? how is that even possible? his grooming alone takes twenty minutes, and yet brooklyn claims she can be ready in the same time. again, she surprises him. “i mean, it doesn’t have to be a gown-gown. just… whatever makes you feel good,” he corrects himself, not having considered that dressing up may not be something brooklyn enjoys. “i told you, i have an idea. it involves… going out.”
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“Wait, no.” She sat up in the bed and then climbed over Eren, tumbling off the mattress and toward her closet. “You said Oscar party, E. I can’t ignore that.” She opened up the doors and called Eren over. “I have to show you my pride and joy.” Her walk-in closet, neatly decorated and color coded kept her somewhat sane which really, said a lot about Brooklyn. “I have tons of gowns. Okay, well four but that’s a lot for a girl from Valdez, don’t you think? These are my options.” She waved her hand over the four dresses so that Eren can help her choose. 
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bencvolentways · 5 years
“see you’re speaking my language,” she chuckled playfully, resting her arms on the counter when the other woman took the keys from her. “you know i considered getting a bike at one point. it’s on my list,” she added. she nodded. “oh i am 110% they’d be lost without me.”
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“You should. I’ve been riding since I was about 20 or so? Easier to weave in and out of traffic and since you’re a bit of a speed demon like myself, it’s the best option. Though nothing gets me going like a nice engine in a car so I can see why you started there.” She chuckles and nods in agreement. “I don’t doubt it. Buy this place and make it your own!” 
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bencvolentways · 5 years
Keep reading
“You know too much.” She let out a soft laugh before she bit her lip at his question. “That’s not a bad thing is it?” Ferah was never opposed to taking her time but the adrenaline mixed with the desire to not only have Will but to forget the course of events that had just taken place was almost too overwhelming. And every time she caught those baby blues, she lost some of that control she prided herself in having. “Mmm. Better.” Ferah stood up to get a better view, reaching for the zipper of her pencil skirt, pulling it down with a quick zipp and letting it fall around her ankles before she stepped up and over the fabric. She grinned as her fingers curled around the waistband of her lace garment. It was the only thing remaining but if she knew Will well (which she did), he’d want to do the honors. She took a few steps back, moving to sit on his bed once more and slowly slid back, spreading her legs as those same fingers slid into her panties. “Don’t let me start without you now.” 
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