Bendy: Fine, I admit it, I still can’t swim. I never took those lessons at the community pool.
Alice: Bendy, you promised!
Bendy: They wanted to put me in the beginners’ class with the little kids! I can’t be swimming around with a bunch of five year olds! They can be so cruel when they sense weakness…
Boris: That’s why on the first day you have to beat up the biggest one in the yard.
Alice: Boris, that’s prison.
Boris: Only if you let it be.
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This blog did not and will not send requests for bitcoin donations.
There seems to be a virus or some sort of malware going around causing blogs to “send out” chat messages to blogs that they follow asking for help with the purchase of certain items through donations of seemingly small amounts using bitcoin and adds a link to the message.
The message goes as following (at least the first message I got went like this): “Hi there buddy. I need help, I’m trying to buy a laptop and I can’t afford it. I’m about 0.36$ short, and I’d really appreciate if you could help me and transfer some money to me via bitcoin using this *link*.”
The small details in the message seems to have a few variations with the greeting, amount and purchased item showing up in different variations from formal to friendly, from 0.016 to 2$ and from a phone case to a laptop among others.
The blogs that are affected send out the messages to blogs that they follow for a long time mostly, so you are most likely to receive the message from a long time, active follower whose name you might recognize or a mutual etc. The blogs that are affected are not spam bots but actual active followers who follow the recipient for months or years and most likely the blogger who “sent” the message is unaware of the message being sent.
Opening up the link will cause the virus to spread even more and infect your computer/mobile with any sort of malware.
If you have received a message of that sort from this blog please know that it was not sent by me or within my control and ignore/delete the message without clicking the link.
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Good old Bendy boy, always trying to kill you. A really swell chap.
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I’m BaCk :)
(Audio: Hardstop Lucas)
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“Maybe there’s a way out of here after all? Hmm…Maybe we should keep an eye out for an exit in between messages. Right, Cups?…..Cups??“-Mugman
(Quick note: Not to worry. The “security guards” aren’t gonna appear for every post or even that often.)
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your art is the cutest thign but it holds. such cursed power
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Inktober 2017: Day 10
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Bendy Cuphead boss phases? Yea yea yeayeayeayeyaeyeya
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pranking demonic entities
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It’s Joke™
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I apologize to anyone who follows me for literally anything else i draw because this is all i can think about rn
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Boris: Hey Bendy do you think I'm stupid?
Bendy: The only thing stupid about you is how stupidly awesome you are.
Boris: (´⌣`ʃƪ)♥!!!
Bendy: *taking out his knife* Now tell me who called you stupid, I just wanna talk to them I swear.
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Joey: If I die, y'all better not say shit like "I know he's watching over me" like you don't know I'm in hell.
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Put the gloves back on...
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Let’s hope this time we can get this band back together again!
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basically Hellhouse but not toxic and actually really cool??
All your worries about Hellhouse (for those who were in it) are looonngg gone!
All ya gotta do is click on this here ‘ol linky link and whabam!
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