bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā Ā ā€œYeah seems like it would be a pain to be given ton of little holes in your body. Iā€™d love to keep kissing you too but itā€™s probably best to lay back down. At least when your fully recovered then we can kiss all we want to without problems.ā€ He has not been out on dates or in a romantic relationship in years so he was a bit rusty in that area but he was sure that he could handle it just fine.
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā  All that Chizome would get for a response now was a muffled squeak of surprise when he was pulled in for another kiss by the collar, hands pressing on the bed to steady himself. That way he didnā€™t fall forward and land on the man to aggravate injuries, smiling into the kiss with a happy look in his eyes.Ā 
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā  After getting over the initial shock that Chizome felt the same about him David grabbed one of his hands and gave it a small squeeze before closing the gap between them again for another kiss. Pulling away after a few moments with a tiny smile.Ā ā€œHopefully that shows you the answer youā€™re looking for.ā€ He would be fine with being Chizomeā€™s boyfriend as long as the other would have him.
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā  Oh god Chizome heard what he was saying last night, He could feel his face now turning into a dark crimson color from the embarrassment alone of being heard spilling his guts like that. Wait he.. Chizome felt the same way about him?Ā  Ā Ā ā€œW-wait really? You.. feel the same about me?ā€ To be honest David didnā€™t see himself as someone that stood out a whole lot, yeah he had his accomplishments which were great but outside of that he didnā€™t think of himself as that great.
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā Before David could even begin to ask what his friend was doing when putting his hands on his face the gap had been closed between them, feeling his heart stop for a moment and his eyes widen. His mind taking a moment to catch up to what was happening, that they were kissing right now. Once the kiss had been broken the brunetteā€™s lips opened and closed, trying to find words but nothing would come out. Davidā€™s face quickly turned a dark red color while his heart was beating faster in his chest, the look of shock being noticeable in his eyes.
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā  David sat himself down on the edge of the bed while turning himself to face Chizome with a raised eyebrow.Ā ā€œAlright Iā€™m here Chizome what do you need? donā€™t worry I made sure to get rid of all the evidence that can tie us to anything that villain had to do with this whole thing.ā€
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā Returning a few minutes later with some new books to read, setting them down and giving his friend a small smile once he had returned to the room.Ā ā€œHey there Chizome looks like youā€™re finally awake. How are you doing there?ā€
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā  The brunette had soon finished the last book he had brought with him to read while Chizome slept, putting it on top of the small stack before getting up to put them back where he got them. He would grab new ones and be right back to keep watch over his friend so that he felt more at ease while resting. Or at least he hoped thatā€™s what he was doing when watching over him.Ā 
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā  Having left again to grab a few books to keep his mind occupied while letting Chizome sleep in peace, David got comfortable again and started reading. He knew it may be a while before his friend woke up but he felt better watching over him like this so he had no problem with staying by his bedside.
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā  David felt better actually now that he had got all of that off of his chest, having left to grab some food and drinks so that he didnā€™t have to go too far away from Chizome if he were to wake up and need anything. Even if his friend would most likely never hear those words anytime soon it still felt good getting it off of his chest.
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā  Ā  David wasnā€™t sure what to do right now other than wait so he started talking. He started talking about how much he has been enjoying his friendship with Chizome, How he looked forward to when they would meet up again to spend time with one another. How he had recently begun feeling something more than friendship for him but he didnā€™t wish to make things weird between them so he had kept it to himself. That even if he didnā€™t feel the same just having him around as a friend was good enough for him, gently squeezing the seemingly unconscious manā€™s hand as he was getting what he wanted to say off of his chest.
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā  After the last of Chizomeā€™s injuries were taken care of and wrapped up the brunette cleaned up the mess made before he sat down in a chair next to the bed, holding onto his friendā€™s hand. Now all he could do was wait and hope for the best.Ā ā€œDonā€™t worry Chizome Iā€™m watching over you so you can rest easy.ā€
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā  David had Melissa go over to Chizomeā€™s home to make sure that Chiaki was ok and that heā€™d let her know when she could come back, setting the injured man down on the guest bed. After getting out of his jacket and scarf david rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and began to patch Chizome up, doing his best to be quick about it but also gentle as to not aggravate any injuries the other may have that are unseen.
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Once he was sure that the attacker was down for the count David was by his friendā€™s side in an instant, thankful that they were at least still conscious.Ā ā€œItā€™s alright iā€™m here now. Letā€™s get you back to my place and Iā€™ll get you all fixed up ok?ā€ lifting Chizome up into his arms after cleaning and disposing of the weapon, grabbing his bags and began the trip back to his home.
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā  David had not expected to run into this while being out getting stocked up on medical supplies, maybe it was some guy feeling that told him he would need to cause it sure as hell looked like that they would be needed now. In matter of moments the brunette got the hood of his jacket up with his scarf being pulled tighter to hide his face. Dropping his bags down to the ground and grabbing the first thing that his hand got a hold of to strike the attacker in the knees to make them stop moving before bringing his hand down again on their head to knock them out.Ā  Ā Ā ā€œA-are you alright Chizome? Can you hear me?ā€
I'm going to die here.
Bleeding out on the ground, his attacker's face blurring in and out of focus, this was the only conclusion Stain could come to. He hoped David wouldn't mind taking care of his daughter once his body was found, and that- wait, was that...? Half-conscious, his eyes couldn't focus enough to determine who the figure was that had just entered the alleyway, but it did seem awfully familiar...
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
ā€œWill do Chizome.ā€ Folding up his clothes into a neat stack and setting them off to the side before putting his glasses on top, crawling into the bed to burrow underneath the blanket. Oh he mustā€™ve been more tired than he realized already he could feel himself starting to drift off to sleep.
(Bendyquirk) (Time to do some fatherly justice here!) David could tolerate a lot of things but if there was one that would be on the list of things he didn't tolerate, it was going after his daughter. So that's why he was here now, banging on Chizome's door as politely as he could manage right now after seeing melissa coming home injured and crying. He couldn't even get the reasons why the people who did this hurt her out she was that upset. However, he knew that Chizome would know how to track them down and he would get them back for hurting his daughter. You do not hurt his kid and get away with it.
Even a polite banging was still a banging, and Chizome opened the door with a knife in his hand in case it was the police. Seeing it was just David calmed him somewhat, although the thunderous look on his face...
"All right, what happened? Who are we killing?"
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bendyquirk Ā· 3 years
Ā ā€œI was actually planning on just sleeping in my boxers since I didnā€™t bring anything to sleep in and I didnā€™t think any of your clothes would fit me.ā€ He wouldnā€™t be opposed to the idea though of wearing some of Chizomeā€™s clothes for the night to sleep in if it was insisted. He didnā€™t want to make things weird after all.
(Bendyquirk) (Time to do some fatherly justice here!) David could tolerate a lot of things but if there was one that would be on the list of things he didn't tolerate, it was going after his daughter. So that's why he was here now, banging on Chizome's door as politely as he could manage right now after seeing melissa coming home injured and crying. He couldn't even get the reasons why the people who did this hurt her out she was that upset. However, he knew that Chizome would know how to track them down and he would get them back for hurting his daughter. You do not hurt his kid and get away with it.
Even a polite banging was still a banging, and Chizome opened the door with a knife in his hand in case it was the police. Seeing it was just David calmed him somewhat, although the thunderous look on his face...
"All right, what happened? Who are we killing?"
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