benevolentrest · 3 years
the trio just makes a very sexy team. you’ve got ethereally gorgeous dhampir, very sexy and badass mage, and the very hot broody athletic vampire hunter.
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benevolentrest · 3 years
Like for a starter~
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benevolentrest · 3 years
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benevolentrest · 3 years
Two Resi Evil verses:
The first just following my main verse, but Adrian tries to work with either the BSAA or STRATCOM/DSO to help eradicate the bioweapons. Consider that these bioweapons originate from organic matter that is magical in property and the scientists played with it enough that the T-virus and etc are all properties from night creature essence or demonic essence. Once modified like this and separated from the traditional way of creating these hell creatures, it takes on a different form of its own. AKA, B.O.W.s  Adrian’s just trying to figure out if he can somehow nullify the lingering magic, but so far has been unsuccessful. He, too, is a scientist and he thinks everyone working for Umbrella and its likenesses are idiots.
second verse:
 Adrian was captured by military personnel following strange rumors about a so-called modern day vampire. He was taken into custody, rendered immobile and weakened by silver, and subsequently experimented on. This was sometime pre-1998, and it is suspected that some of his blood was used to help in the creation of a virus strand. Upon the bankruptcy and fall of Umbrella, Adrian was moved around from lab to lab as the Family did not want to give up their very sturdy test subject so easily. 
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benevolentrest · 3 years
Don’t Starve starters - part 3 characters examinations edition
40 starters || TW: violence, death
« killing is bad! »
« it hurts too much! »
« you… helped me? »
« you’re just a bully! »
« ooo, lunch is here! »
« i don’t get humans. »
« stay back! i mean it! »
« please don’t kill me! »
« looking good, friend. »
« sorry, no time to chat. »
« Heehee, you look silly. »
« that was a mean prank! »
« oh, you’re the funny one. »
« can you read me a story? »
« you’re gonna get in trouble! »
« you’re kinda weird, but nice! »
« what a kind and noble deed! »
« keep your axe away, please. »
« i promise i’ll be more careful. »
« it’s not fair, you’re way bigger! »
« i don’t like the game you’re playing. »
« finally, a break from your poop jokes. »
« i may not have it in me to forgive you. »
« you’re a monster, and not the fun kind. »
« that wasn’t a prank! that mortal’s dead! »
« is there… a reason you’re setting fires? »
« you can’t scare me! … okay, maybe a little. »
« us outdoorsy types have eachother’s back! »
« let’s all calm down with a nice bowl of soup. »
« i’m glad i can count on you in times of need. »
« this means you’re not scared of me anymore? »
« i thought you were more responsible than that. »
« i was just playing around! please don’t hurt me! »
« whatever you do, don’t… oh botheration, i forgot. »
« you’re not bad, just a little crunchy on the outside. »
« i thought he seemed alright… maybe i was wrong. »
« was that really science? ah, who am i to question it. »
« you’re a killer robot? amazing! wait, no, not amazing! »
« we didn’t cover this in first aid, but i’m sure i can figure it out! »
« you said you wre listening when i was talking about fire safety! »
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benevolentrest · 3 years
Concerned and protective starters requested by anon
23 starters
« are you okay? »
« what was that? »
« stay behind me. »
« aer you all right? »
« can i vent to you? »
« i head something. »
« let me help. please. »
« do you need to vent? »
« don’t leave me alone. »
« please, hold my hand. »
« do you need anything? »
« of course i worry for you! »
« i’ll keep you safe, no matter what. »
« ii just want to make sure you’re fine. »
« you can tell me if something’s wrong. »
« focus on me. breathe in and out, slowly… »
« you stay here. i’ll make sure they’re gone. »
« go lay down. i’ll go make some tea for you. »
« sit down, let me get something to fix that up. »
« if you got hurt, i… i don’t know what i would’ve done. »
« i’ll be fine! what matters is that you’re going to be safe. »
« it’s going to be okay. you’re going to be fine, i promise. »
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benevolentrest · 3 years
consider: adrian wearing a chain with a vial of blood in it because if necessary he could drink it for a strength boost.
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benevolentrest · 3 years
Hair flip
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benevolentrest · 3 years
date him.
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benevolentrest · 3 years
like for a starter.
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benevolentrest · 3 years
And just like that, the polite smile slipped off her face and her eyes narrowed slightly. Though it wasn’t entirely in annoyance. It was more just…surprise that he’d dropped the act so quickly. Usually they went at least a few rounds of thinly veiled hinting and threats before the V-Word was thrown around. 
❝ Could you say any louder? God — I’m not really sure where you’re from, Casanova, but throwing around the whole vampire thing around here usually ends up with trouble. ❞  Caroline huffed, giving him another scrutinizing look. We. So clearly, he was a vampire too. And, judging by the arrogance radiating off of him wiht just that one statement, he was probably old. Great.
The rest of us. For some reason, the words sent a slight shiver down her spine. That didn’t sound good. Mystic Falls was really only as safe as it was hidden. And in the realm of supernatural creatures, they weren’t exactly doing a good job at flying under the radar. Still, she wasn’t a good liar. And he seemed like the type to sniff out insincerity like it was fresh blood.  ❝ Mhmm. Totally peaceful. You’ve caught us on a good week. ❞  Her smile was all sweetness hiding the sharp tip of fang. God, she really didn’t want to have to fight this guy.  ❝ What do you mean, the rest of us? ❞
       Adrian considered her for a moment, a little smile on his face at her alarm. He hadn’t lived as long as he had without knowing how to keep under the radar. Who, in the vicinity, would listen to their conversation and think anything of it? The young ones could be so quick to alarm. Especially those who had been turned. That was the trouble with the way things were now. In the olden days, even the turned vampires were given the tools to thrive. And they would have never feared trouble. 
                “A good week,” he repeated, the smile fading from his expression, replaced by something neutral. Narrowed eyes, once again that magically-altered brown, peered at her as if trying to determine what exactly that meant. Adrian sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. “The rest of our community, of course... Your town’s isolation is unsafe. For both you and the humans who live here. There’s no oversight. Should any of our community decide they are not content, the humans will be in danger.”
        He paused. It could be so difficult to be concise when this was not a topic easily addressed in a few, simple sentences. Adrian swiped a hand over his face. “As I said, I come from an organization. A global organization. One which works to maintain peace between both our community and the humans. Did no one tell you of the history you...inherited? Not that I’m all that surprised... your so-called originals...they’re quite arrogant.”
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benevolentrest · 3 years
Regular old as hell vampire: I'm so strong and old I can destroy u in seconds
Adrian: ok but can you summon hell fire? Can you do magic? Can you wield a sword with your mind?
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benevolentrest · 3 years
someone make me icons D:
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benevolentrest · 3 years
                                          Does it still hurt?                                      Even after all these years?                                                                                                       ——( “Yes.” )
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benevolentrest · 3 years
partially requested, partially mod castiel is completely lost in the game. so much that this sentence starter was meant to be done DAYS ago but i just couldn’t find my way out of the fog. change pronouns as necessary!  TW: implied violence, foul language.
everything that glitters isn’t gold.
gold isn’t worth a damn in this place, so this should come in handy.
their first album is still my favourite. it got me through a dark time in my life.
i have true sight.
i’ll hit you with everything i’ve got. then I’ll do it again.
there’s no limit to what you can achieve, as long as you back it up with hard work.
i promised to keep you shitheads safe, and that’s exactly what i plan on doing.
i’ve jumped from higher places.
let’s burn that lab to the ground.
buck and wild, swing to be free, your hands just can’t keep ahold of me.
we have to work as a team, i need you to survive so that i can survive!
probably stings like hell, but it ain’t gonna kill ya. up and at ‘em soldier. time to move!
basic botany knowledge could save your life someday.
i felt like it got a story to tell. and it didn’t waste its second chance.
come, we’re going to rip our way out of this.
ghost beaters never leave a man behind.
architecture is the soul of civilisation.
so, remember once you get in there… pretend like you don’t care.
there you go, you’re learning my friend. you’re learning.
take it from an old-timer: slow down, don’t rush and try not to worry so much!
the best way to beat him is to know how he thinks.
there’s nothing to be scared of.
i was raised by a strict man who taught me how to make the best of a bad situation.
when they come with a wrecking ball, build stronger walls.
are you able to tell us where you were last night?
bravery can conceal your flaws, even when you are at your most vulnerable.
there’s what is easy and then there’s what is right. if you confuse the two, there’s no telling what you become.
the weak are sacrificed first. it’s nature, it’s business… it’s the truth most refuse to face.
i wanna finish what we started. i want to kill it.
we can write our own story and decide how it really ends.
people are remembered for the challenges they overcome. you can run away and forget what you’re capable of or you can face your fears and remind the world of who you are.
buckle up, fuckos! let’s roll!
all this time i’ve been trying so hard to pretend like everything’s fine, but it’s not.
be kind to one another. we’re all in this together.
i’m not horse-shittin’ around. i’m doing this alone!
take it slow, he knows where you’ve been… just like I’ve always said: ‘live slow and die old‘.
you mad?
that’s not enough to beat me. not even close.
evil has a bullseye on my back the size of tiger stadium.
i couldn’t be mithered with it all anyway, you know what i mean? can’t be arsed.
i believe we can outsmart and overthrow him if we work together. don’t be predictable and selfish!
he was watching me!
trust me, i investigate thoroughly and discreetly.
paying attention is what kept me alive through the years. that, and my good looks of course.
adrenaline, it’s going to keep us awake.
ok, stay calm. don’t overthink it and just keep moving forward: you got this.
i relied on others to protect me once and i lost everything. never again.
i have a bad feeling about this!
show me what you can do!
the news edit out what is burdensome and complex, which is the truth.
focus, even in these desperate times.
yeah, that’s a no.
something i learnt in the industry: when the axe is swinging, keep your head down.
i’ve dealt with psychopaths in suits. you’re just uglier and worse dressed.
it was the boogeyman.
showing up when things get rough, listening to people’s problems, and supporting those in need; that’s how you become stronger, that’s how you grow.
there is a voice that doesn’t use words. listen…
i had you, i had you on your knees. you’re runnin’ scared because we had you!
you’re doing it wrong! let me show you how it’s done.
i’m gonna stealth this one.
what the hell is this?
i’m taking this bastard down!
what can i say? i’m just a very lucky guy… i’m sure some of it will rub off on you.
goddammit, i am seriously FUBAR!
the paint is still fresh but i’m long gone.
i’m gonna be here when you wake up. you’re gonna make it.
ok, look. if we survive the next 24 hours, then i’ll take you out on a real date.
i’m confident we can all escape in one piece if we help each other.
come on then, let’s ‘ave it! i don’t give a shit pal.
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benevolentrest · 3 years
Ghost Stories sentence starters - part 2 ep 2 to 8
23 starters || TW: death
« something scared them so bad they became idiots. »
« let’s watch weird entertainment for women! »
« i’m not ready to get in any kind of spiritual commitment. »
« so when are the hookers showing up? »
« fine, suits yourself and don’t believe me. »
« well that - and you - just suck. »
« that’s the last time i let you babysit, you stupid idiot. »
« pardon me, anyone wants MY opinion? »
« originality is dead. »
« i’m having a tanic appack. »
« you’re the one needing surgery after i bash your ugly face with this encyclopedia britannica! »
« oh for god’s sake you’re so stupid. you deserve to die. »
« my bs detector is going DING!! »
« was i tripping or did that work? »
« isn’t that just… freaking you out? i mean seriously, isn’t that just whack crap?! »
« i’m playing with your mind, man! »
« and you know what the weird part is? i’m not even high! not a bit! totally sober! »
« listen, i had any idea i was dealing with a novice, here. »
« you know how you call something like that? a load of crap. »
« the internet was a blessing from the lord jesus. »
« suck it up and talk a little slower. you’re whining like a little bitch.  »
« don’t die in there, you owe me five bucks!  »
« i’m trying to save you but perhaps you’re beyond salvation. »
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benevolentrest · 3 years
Don’t Starve starters - part 1 characters examinations edition
47 starters || TW: violence, death
« i can take you! »
« good day to you! »
« settle down, now! »
« your hair is dumb! »
« take it easy, big guy. »
« we must arm wrestle! »
« i’ll not tolerate cruelty! »
« why are you shaking? »
« my, what a silly goose! »
« enough clowning around. »
« you’re a very good friend. »
« i won’t destroy you today. »
« hahaha, you care about us. »
« you’ve gotta be kidding me. »
« sigh. minions are so fragile. »
« your failure is disappointing. »
« you’ve made a terrible error. »
« you need some help, lil guy? »
« haha. you’re awful. i approve. »
« you’re a nice, weird little man. »
« you could never be a monster. »
« i knew you couldn’t be trusted! »
« please no. please no burnings. »
« i will not tolerate such behavior. »
« didn’t i tell you to wear a jacket? »
« ha ha! big brain did not save you. »
« have we not seen enough death? »
« yeesh. do i always look that creepy? »
« i reject the reality of ghosts and imps. »
« oh my, you must be more careful dear! »
« maybe we should play a different game. »
« what sort of human nonsense is this now? »
« it seems the killer was among us all along. »
« don’t look at me like that! i’m working on it! »
« i told you you couldn’t deadlift that boulder. »
« you’re a nice man with a magnificent beard. »
« it appears we’ve entered a battle of the wits. »
« someone needs to teach you some manners! »
« i don’t trust you. fear makes people dangerous. »
« you’re supposed to prank everyone else, not me! »
« i’ll show you logic and reason… those’re my fists! »
« i’m sure you had a very clever reason for that fire. »
« your existence is an affront to the laws of science! »
« we need to have a group meeting about fire safety. »
« you’ve been helpful. i will hold off on your destruction. »
« fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice… you’re dead! »
« you pinky-promised i’d get a ride on your shoulders. such lies. »
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