benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 6 years
The one where I met Sebastian Stan.
Yesterday I went to the American Film Festival in Bucharest and after a long wait for Seb to arrive, he finally did and the shock was real. He is such a sweet puppy, he couldn’t believe how warmly he was greeted.
Just for the record I was so shook and when I looked up at him, he smiled widely asked “How are you?” in romanian and pulled me in a hug. (proof right here) I am crying. I love him.
**sorry for the video quality** ~credit to the person who filmed this!!~
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 6 years
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that- BUCKY FREAKING PICKED UP ROCKET AND SPUN ABOUT IN A MURDER CIRCLE OF GLORY
Thank you
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 6 years
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 6 years
the only thing that I have to say about Infinity War (at least for the moment because I dont want to spoil anything) is that I needed more Bucky and more Steve in the movie
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 6 years
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that- BUCKY FREAKING PICKED UP ROCKET AND SPUN ABOUT IN A MURDER CIRCLE OF GLORY
Thank you
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 6 years
Teen Wolf Cast Creeps On Your Tweets
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 6 years
Teen Wolf Cast Creeps On Your Tweets
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 6 years
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 6 years
I know you must get a hundred of these every day, but Huda, I'm sooo afraid for Derek :-((( With Posey's interview where he said you've grown to love this character, I'm sure it'll be Derek. Who else of the main five would have to have grown on us. Everyone was considered good from the beginning, except him. I don't wanna lose him, I don't wanna lose Hoechlin and I don't wanna lose the show. Because that is what it means for me :-((((
Derek won’t die. We grew to love all the main cast.
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 6 years
Color and Repetition
This theory will probably be disproved rather quickly, but something doesn’t seem to be adding up, which I know people picked up on. The animal traps did not snap shut on lydia according to what we were previously shown. At first I thought they were all spring loaded and once Isaac had stepped off, that was the trigger, except that particular moment was slower than the previous of him running. 
You don’t see his foot lift. 
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The only movement is from the trap snapping shut. 
Lydia’s, on the other hand, does no such thing. Even when she almost panics and fidgets. You can hear the trap squeak because of the changed weight distribution, and Stiles subsequently says, “Don’t move.”
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Mr. Tate even gives us a basic show and tell of how the traps are supposed to work. When he drops the piece of wood between it’s teeth, it snaps shut when it hits it’s mark. 
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That is either a glaring continuity issue, or it’s actually a hint that something is amiss. Maybe I just have more faith in Jeff than most people though. 
I know above has already been pointed out, but I don’t know if color had come brought up yet. I’m probably way behind on this meta.Lydia in this scene is wearing our trigger color: RED. It’s the color that was so strong in the first episode, when everything was going amiss, and I’m associating it with Stiles every time he is dreaming or is going to have waking dreams. He is void of red in the woods, wearing blues and white. I don’t have time to look this up right now, so I’ll have to come back to it. 
but Lydia, Stiles’ tether, is wearing the color. 
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Athenadark pointed out in a meta a few months ago that red has previously been used to point out a seduction , which might be relevant here because the darkness is trying to lure them in or out. There is also a lengthy meta by Whitney about the color of their outfits in the 3b promotional photo. It’s very insightful and you should check it out. 
Lydia is usually only known to wear red as an accent color, as she did in 301. It’s minimal to her outfits because Lydia is usually seen in blues or greens.
For some reason I think this Lydia is, at least on some part, either part of a waking dream or hallucination. Not only is she wearing red, but the entire scene played weird to me, especially because of the previous shots of the animal traps closing once weight was applied, NOT lifted. 
What if this version of Lydia was trying to convince Stiles that he is okay, in order to break him further without his notice?
It became more weird when I noticed that Lydia is wearing a recycled skirt. The skirt in question was first seen in the pilot episode:
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This could be insignificant, but it is screaming warning bells at me. This is the first time we have seen Lydia, and for that matter, any of the main cast I believe, in a recycled article of clothing. The only other instance I can think of is the teacher/philosopher that was sacrificed by the Darach. In the scene where Jennifer took him, he was wearing this outfit:
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and when Stiles had his dream within a dream during the opening of 313, the teacher was there:
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in the same outfit, with the same thing written on the board behind him. A Repetition of something that had already happened. 
What if this Lydia was keeping Stiles separate in order to give him a false sense of security that he was still fine? That he can still solve things.  I admit, it’s a stretch, but it’s possible. I mean, even the face she makes after Scott roars/howls…
At first I thought it was a look of pride, and believe me, my shipper heart soared because I ship Scott/Lydia like nobodies business. When I re-watched it, however, it just doesn’t seem right on Lydia’s face. That seems triumphant. Like she got exactly what she wanted. 
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Scott was afraid of giving in to his wolf, of shifting, but when he does, this is the face she makes. Now, I’m not saying this is even the real Lydia. I know it most likely is, but Stiles is seperated from the rest of the group. 
It just seems odd to me that they overcame what was holding them back in one episode. Scott, his wolf. Allison, her steady hand. Stiles, his ability to read. 
Something is wrong here. I just don’t know what. 
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 7 years
I stg I need a sonya alone lyric video in my life rn someone who knows how to make one pls do.
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 7 years
*stifles a sob* 
*side eyes jeff davis* 
*whispers* sterek.
There is always this non-canon ship that makes you feel like
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 7 years
Davey: Before I do anything, I ask myself: “Would Jack do that?”
Davey: And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing.
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 7 years
Mrs Jacobs: How was your second day of work? Did you make any money?
Davey: ok so heres the thing
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 7 years
Spot, pointing to a high shelf: Can you reach that for me?
Jack: You need me in your life after all.
Spot: I could replace you with a step ladder.
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 7 years
When Snyder is looking for Jack to send him back to the Refuge
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Snyder: Where is Jack Kelly?
Race: Name doesn’t ring a bell
Albert: Yah, no bell
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benfankhauserisanangel ¡ 7 years
I'm trying to prove a point to my brain: Reblog if you think fanfiction does not need sex to be good.
There is a trend I’ve noticed that smut fics tend to be much more popular than anything else and honestly I just want to have something to look at to remind myself and that writing doesn’t have to have sex to be worth putting out into the community.
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