bengaliatull · 2 years
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bengaliatull · 2 years
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bengaliatull · 2 years
B tech student Nishank Rathore got murdered in Bhopal, his father recieved a message from the son’s number which read:
Aapka beta bohot bahadur tha Rathore Sahab
Gustakh-e-nabi ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda
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The Audacity
The sheer fucking audacity guys
These fucking radicals are trying to send a message that we aren’t safe in our country, our own home, our own system. They are hunting innocent people like Hyenas for the sake of radicalism.
These cockroaches are out there for blood, and they’ll come after anyone for no fault of theirs.
I feel so angry and afraid.
Who gave these sub animals rights over our lives in our own home? Why does no one does anything?
Am I even safe in my own country anymore? Am I going to pay for my faith despite being the majority too?
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bengaliatull · 2 years
भाई woke ke chodon ko kon samjhaega? Unko dimag hee nahi hai. They behave according to their mood swings. Ye logg Marxists ke bhakts haii. Ye log cool lagne ke liye kuch bhi bhaukte hai. Thus this is da real cancer born in gen Z. Tumblr anyways lack intellectual side because of terrible clowns smoking their propagandas and dude they frame anyone as "racist" having opinion that differs to theirs.
Why isn’t mass media more neutral?
Disclaimer: I’m not taking any sides here, nor am I provoking any of you to say it, but this has been on my mind quite a bit and I feel like saying it now: Honestly saying, I’ve always felt like the media favours Palestine over Israel way to much even tho media is supposed to be neutral.
Essays in exams, front pages of newspaper, stars on social media always talk about Palestine but seem to be painting a rather black and white “Palestine good Israel bad” picture but never seem to be willing to dwell deeper into the topic, and when they they go somewhat below the surface it’s always from Palestine’s perispective only, nothing explaining Israel’s side of story as passionately even if at all. Even in India vs Pakistan wars, you’ll find motives and aggressions from both sides easily enough if you looked.
“Stars” like Bela Hadid raise slogans demanding Israel’s dissolve under the ruse of Palestine’s independence and no one bats an eye. The founder of Human rights watch left the organisation saying that it was being biased towards Palestine and has forgotten its original purpose. A lot of funding of these pro palestine news channels comes from Pro Islamic nations organisations, most of the said countries being Palestine supporters.
Palestine is suffering, yes, but it’s not just Israel that’s making it suffer. Hamas has a major role to play too. It kills its own civilians more than Israel does. Palestine has seen some serious bloodshed since Hamas came into power but no one seems to focus on that. There’s little to no discussion about how Palestine is bleeding internally due to hamas, but only the stuff that can be used against Israel.
You’ll hear about how Israel “attacked” Gaza and most of the times it turns out to be some retaliation. We always hear about civilian deaths whose names are never revealed but no one ever wonders what civilians were doing around militant bases. We talk about how palestinians are being thrown out of Israel to show them as big aggressors and it turns out that the land was originally Israel’s territory to begin with.
I’m not being pro-Israel here, And I very well admit that it can have its fair share of violations, such as killing of the one Al-Jazeera reporter , accident or not (look, I fucking hate that platform but that doesn’t mean I condone killing of someone who didn’t do anything) but this is something that has always made me curious. It can’t be as simple as “Israel evil”, can it?
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bengaliatull · 2 years
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bengaliatull · 2 years
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To my understanding, this is what happened in the Cruella movie right?
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bengaliatull · 2 years
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bengaliatull · 2 years
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bengaliatull · 2 years
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Book Review # 3 : Why I Assassinated Gandhi by Nathuram Godse
This book, apart from many other things, features the statement given by Nathuram Godse to the Special Court, on the 8th of November, 1948, in response to the Charge-Sheet against him on account of having shot M. K. Gandhi.
It's a non-fiction, so I do not really have much to post about in form of a review. I have my share of emotions stirred up by this book owing to my specific political and civilizational inclinations, but I will not be opening up about them.
However, I still have something to say. I believe that if an individual has a side of a story and they wish for it to be heard, then whether or not I subscribe to their thinking is immaterial.
Nathuram Godse's statement was banned from publication; the ban getting lifted only in 1968. 20 years after the making of the statement, yes. But also, 18 years after India got its own Constitution - the supreme document that promised the right to freedom of speech to its citizens.
To be free to speak is pointless if you're not being allowed to be heard.
There are a lot many interesting sections in the book, apart from Nathuram's statement, like an exchange of letters between him and Ramdas Gandhi, M. K. Gandhi's son, for example.
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bengaliatull · 2 years
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bengaliatull · 2 years
Mujhe kya me to nalla hu
Mujhe kya mai to patta gobhi hoon
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bengaliatull · 2 years
nobody has ever rejected me the way autowalas have 💔
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bengaliatull · 2 years
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“I came upon twin fawns in the display case of a mom and pop toy and science store in kansas city, missouri. it took me two years to win the trust of the shop owner and save the money to buy them. a taxidermist spotted a dead deer by the side of the road. he stopped to properly dispose of the body and realized she was pregnant. he opened her and found near full-term twin fawns, he removed and preserved them.  Deer rarely have twins and the taxidermist retained the uterine gesture of their bodies. i built them a vitrine with a light blue base. their prematurity exaggerates the delicacy of an incredibly sweet thing. the points of their hooves, the length of their lashes, the spots of their hides, nose to small nose in an ur-cartoonish realism … viewers’ eyes trick them into believing the fawns are breathing. the tragedy of beauty is its transience.  The twins live forever in their own demise. they are sleeping beauties. they have been muses since i first saw them. We dress death in lilies and bronze the names of our dead sons on walls. we erect altars of toys and hold candlelight vigils to express hope. my twin fawns sleep endlessly on their baby blue block in my studio. the twins never opened their eyes yet their wondrous fatality evokes an acceptable alternative to death.”
-Peregrine Honig
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bengaliatull · 2 years
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bengaliatull · 2 years
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bengaliatull · 2 years
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bengaliatull · 2 years
Today, India is observing 'Partition Horror Remembrance Day', not many people know but partition claimed life of 40 lac people (that is 40% of today's Bangalore population) and it displaced Hindus, Sikhs and Jains from Sindh, Punjab, NWFP, Bengal and Balochistan which were part of erstwhile Bharat. The partition was a historic blunder, an atrocity and a human right violation of greatest degree. Hindus and Sikhs never wanted partition and it was forced upon them. In 1941, Hindu population in Pakistan was 16% and today it is 1%, while in Bangladesh it was 22% and today it is 8% or less. Partition did not even mean displacing but also leaving behind their land and their places of worship. The gurudwara also leaving behind their land and their places of worship. Todaymost Hindu temples in Pakistan are used as dumping ground or have been converted to mosques and toielts and temples are regularly attacked and Hindus/Sikhs are humiliated and shamed for being mon believers. Bangla Hindus are facing same issues and even worse. Hindu girls are kidnapped and forcibly married. This is and was the idea of Pakistani government and radicals playing even today. We pay our homage to those people who lost their families and livelihood and culture and place of worship. We hope Nehru and political establishment that time had been more sensitive to them and their demands. But we also take firm resolve, we will protect our India against these extremists and spineless ideologies of communism or marxism which is destructive for everyone.
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