Well, you've made your point. And it was a pretty good kiss.
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[She took a step back, smiling at Ben’s reaction] That was a kiss Ben. A great kiss. And also me proving a point. 
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Sorry to disappoint you, Mar, but if a pretty girl tries to touch my willy, I'm probably going to let her. Who cares about virtue?
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It doesn't suit you. I need you to be the fun sister. I can't have both of you smothering me at once. Besides, I think Ella was built for that role.
It’s dangerous out there little brother, you better be careful. There will be people who want to touch your willy, and you mustn’t let them for your virtue’s sake.
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Was that convincing? I was trying the ‘caring older sister’ thing Ella does and I don’t think it suits me.
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[Stand in stunned silence before pulling his head away, dumbfounded.] What- What was that?
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Oh just shut your mouth Mckinnon. I’m ten times the girl Emma is. And I’ll prove it.
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I'm a silly boy and you're a bratty girl. And yeah, I think smiles make anyone beautiful. But Emma is beautiful whether she smiles or not.
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I don’t care if you believe me. It’s still true. Besides. You’re just a silly boy. You probably think anyone who smiles at you is beautiful. 
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who was the last person you shagged
Is this a trick question? I’m a virgin.
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I don't believe you.
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Emma isn’t even the most beautiful girl in our family. 
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I do know your sister. We're really good friends. ------ Well then you must be blind, because Emma is beautiful. The most beautiful in the whole school.
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Don’t pretend like you know my sister. And she’s not pretty. She’s a troll.
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That's a little harsh. Emma isn't a disgrace. She's amazing. And really pretty, and she's good at Quidditch too. 
I don’t think there’s any debate actually. I win. Hands down. And everyone knows it. My sister is a disgrace. 
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Woah there, I was just joking. I'm not trying to get into a debate over who's the better Vanity. I don't think that would end well for anyone.
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Excuse me? I am not the meaner Vanity. I’m the better Vanity. 
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Probably. Aren't you the meaner Vanity?
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Would I ever sarcastically make fun of your dancing?
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Are you sarcastically making fun of my dancing or were you being serious?
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Okay fine. You’ve definitely impressed me. All the way impressed me. The dancing in particular was great.
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               My friends say I'm actin' wild as a bug. I'm in love, I'm all shook ---- [He stops playing.] Wait a second? Almost impressed? Why aren't you all the way impressed? This is some quality entertainment.
I knew it!
[She starts to bob her head along to Ben’s singing]
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Not bad McKinnon. I’m almost impressed.
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Only once or twice.
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[He resumes his Elvis impersination, and puts great emphasis on flipping his hair.] Well I bless my soul what's wrong with me? I'm itching like a man on a fuzzy tree. [Along with his goofy singing, he also adds in some ridiculous dance moves.]
As if you wouldn’t do the same thing.
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Let’s go with All Shook Up. I think I like that one. 
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It still doesn't make it any less rude. 
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[He continues with the Elvis impression.] Would you rather hear All Shook Up or Hound Dog? [He grins, stopping with his Elvis impression for a moment.] Those are the only two I know.
I would only save it for special occasions. 
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Of course I have. If you sung me some Elvis, and pulled it off, I’d be pretty impressed.
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Now that's rude.
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That's easy. [He smiles, and throws his head back, doing an impression of Elvis Presley.] You ever heard of Elvis?
Oh I don’t know. It could be a convenient way of avoiding talking to some people. 
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Whatever song you know best then. One that you’re not going to forget the lyrics halfway through. 
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Erm, I haven't really kept up with any drama. I don't really care all that much about it. I'm not exactly the best person to gossip with.
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Why? You know it's true? I've known him since we were babies. He's probably around here, bragging about something.
Everything I’ve missed! It’s been — what, two weeks? Don’t spare any details, because I know I’ve missed loads.
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And I’m ignoring that thing about James.
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Lip reading isn't as fun as hearing. And I wasn't being rude. 
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So do you have a preference to what song? I have a limited repertoire.
I would be very grateful if you could. Don’t be rude. It would be still be fun. I would just have to learn how to lip read. 
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