benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
I'm rewatching Supernatural and I'm noticing something I haven't ever really seen referenced before.
Quite a few times, in several seasons, it's strongly implied or downright said that Dean abuses pills and other drugs. It seems like mostly uppers or amphetamines but they mention pain pills too.
I've just been kind of surprised how blatantly stated it is at times but I've never really seen the fandom talk about it.
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
I love Joe’s softness.
You could see his smile in the hotel across the room. He gave Andy the biggest bear hug and complimented her. He teases Nicky but would never bet again his husband and laughed the loudest when Nicky lost. And then, and I love this the most he just croons ‘oh no, don’t worry’ because Nicky might not have won yet but he will one day and Joe will help him find the most obscurely made baklava on the fucking planet till he does.
I love his gentle, balanced explanations to Nile. The way he takes a deep breath in, one eye squeezed shut as he tries to explain why they dream of each other, you can see the ‘well’ forming in his mouth before Nicky speaks. The way he teases Nicky across the table and there’s that lovely intense look for the love of his life. That gorgeous, quick wink, just for Nicky. The way he can encapsulate 920 years in one wink.
I love the way his face goes so soft and he smiles widely, eyes crinkling and kindling when Booker says misery loves company and it’s such a beautiful shot and he looked so soft and happy and fuck he loves Booker as family, which is why later on hurts so much.
I love the bleary way he wakes up! I love sleepy snuffles into Nicky’s neck! Ultimate softness. Ultimate comfort seeking! Fluffy and so not ready for it and a deep sleeper. And like hands fluttering for Nicky because ‘babe, what the fuck, oh god okay I don’t need to fight’ and then just braces on Nicky’s hip.
I love the way he sits with Booker and watches the match but sketches during it during. Does his own thing but watched along and complained good naturedly and the minute the raid starts he’s out of his seat and screaming for Nicky.
The van scene. He uses Nicky’s full name, he uses old Italian because he’s so scared because what if Nicky’s dead on the floor? And slipping back into one of their oldest mutual languages, Nicky’s mother tongue just shows how orientated he is to Nicky’s needs, both in the van and the way they mutual distract each other in the lab, talking about Malta.
I love how young he became when he first woke up, how young and scared because this is a new experience and he might be and old man in a young body but he looked bewildered and worried and only settled when he knew Nicky was still with him. And then again, when Andy gently stops his yelling at Booker, it’s so beautiful because he just stops immediately, shocked and immediately there for Andy, whatever she needs, Looks at Andy, his big sister guiding the way it’s literally this emoji? 🥺 Big eyes and worried mouth and they’ve still got to get out and Andy’s not healing and he looks so young and vulnerable in that moment.
And then the smoke screen scene, the way he crawls over to Nicky the moment he can, the world shrunken to the fact that Nicky hasn’t come back yet and those beautiful eyes are staring at the ceiling and he can’t even bring himself to look, wants to touch but can’t do it and the Nicky breathes and God, but the way that settled over him, the way he breathed out as Nicky breathed in and that picture on Copley’s board of Joe with the two little girls, I’m in love with that picture because it’s so cleverly shot that we can only just see that it’s very likely Joe but also he’s holding there little hands and turned to listen to whatever one of them is saying attentive and smiling and distracting them from whatever they’ve just walked away from. Joe’s acts of love are subtle compared to his speeches but they are so attentive and yeah I love Joe’s softness.
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
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Immortal husbands
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
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#the inherent romanticism of existing in the same place while gay 
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
I read this great post about The Old Guard not sexualizing the women, but dressing them in functional costumes appropriate for their activities. No bare midriffs or thigh-high slits when they’re supposed to be warriors. Great point.
The Old Guard doesn’t sexualize the men either. The men are VERY nice to look at, but they haven’t been put through the Hollywood body-building treatment. I mean, have you read what Hugh Jackman went through to bulk up and be Wolverine? Daily hours-long grueling workouts combined with a high-protein diet of pretty much nothing but boiled chicken, then days of dehydration before a scene shoot because being dehydrated makes your muscles stand out more.
There was none of that in The Old Guard. When Joe and Nicky have their shirts off, this is what they look like:
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Normal muscle definition, not body-builders; no veins lining their muscles because they’re not dehydrated. Then, as soon as they’re freed, the first thing they do is put shirts on to fight their way out of the facility. This is Joe and Nicky ten seconds after Andy unstraps them:
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I love the way this movie treats their stars. The focus is on the emotions, on the people as human beings, and they aren’t fetishized.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go write fanfiction about how sexy they are because of the way they treat each other, not because they went to extreme lengths to look a certain way.
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
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catch me yelling abt their brotherly dynamic for Years
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
The fae smiled, sharply: “Give me your name, child.”
“Uhhhhh. Stick.”
“Does Leaf work better? I’m just kinda looking around this clearing. Look, I’m trans, I haven’t decided on one yet, I’m throwing some spaghetti at the wall, you know how it is.”
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
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women reading mb (bc i love women. and reading.)
darren thompson / laura lacambra shubert / fongwei liu 
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
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Art takes multiple forms.
One form is amazing lines of an illustration that speaks to you with no words.
Another form is acting, with your body and facial expressions only, in a way that leaves the viewer no doubt, how wonderful it must feel to have your partner's body against yours, nose pressed to his neck, breathing in the scent of his skin. How safe it must feel to have your partner's arm around you, to be wrapped in his warmth, how peaceful, how right.
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
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Hargreeves Siblings + text post meme
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
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Let them rest 🥺
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
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His heart overflows with a kindness of which this world is not worthy of.
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
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Cold Night
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
favorite allison and klaus moments ever:
when they all got the umbrella tattoo as children, and teenage klaus takes the time to comfort his crying sister, even though he’s obviously in pain as well
klaus being so happy to see her once they all start arriving at the mansion
how he makes her laugh by imitating their father
the way he gushes over her being a big superstar now and even asking for her autograph
how concerned she is when she notices the rehab bracelet around his wrist
klaus borrowing allison’s skirt, and she just lets him with an amused smile on her face
the fact that it’s canon that allison used to paint klaus’ nails during meals, and them borrowing clothes from each other is pretty much a given as well by this point
klaus being so concerned when they find allison in leonard’s house with a sliced throat, and offering right away to give her blood
klaus screaming for her after he and ben land in the 1960s
allison practically yeeting herself into the pool when she sees him and giving him a big hug
klaus doing her a solid and getting ray out of prison without allison even having to ask
klaus being so concerned for allison when he sees the riots about to start, and actually making an effort to pull her out of the ensuing chaos
allison putting a blanket over klaus when he crashes at her house
the two of them day-drinking and klaus openly stating that he loves her, which makes her smile
allison trimming klaus’ hair and beard for him
klaus resting his head on allison’s shoulder while they’re in the elevator on the way up to supper with their father
klaus patting her shoulder comfortingly when she finally leaves ray behind
allison pulling him to safety at the FBI headquarters when vanya’s energy waves start to overwhelm him
allison slapping him reproachfully when he drinks and tries to shirk off responsibility by saying that vanya knows he’s sexy trash
klaus (and diego) yelling for her when she tries to fix the vanya problem by herself
klaus tumbling over the front seat of vanya’s car and falling into allison’s lap, and her going “oH cHrisT” in the most exasperated big sister voice ever
allison covering klaus’ head as best she can with luther when they finally reach the farm, and all the commission agents open fire on them
allison simply sighing at klaus when he makes them wait for him while he picks up the hat the handler left behind
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
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The Umbrella Academy | 2x08 - The Seven Stages
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benny-and-the-mutts · 4 years
Andy's (Quynh's) necklace has two possibilities a) she was able to take it before she was put in the iron maiden or b) they had matching necklaces like wedding rings before wedding rings where really a thing
actually, no, that is not the truth, ellen.
the director, gina prince-bythewood made some very genius delicious sneaky bold sapphic decisions during the andromache x quynh flashbacks.
a) this is how the scene was framed when andromache, after thousands of years dreaming about this woman, finally found quynh. see: that shot is asking you, begging you to notice that quynh is wearing the necklace when andromache finally found her
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b) during the battle flashback, quynh’s necklace is in full view. hanging around her neck during a battle. you’d think it’s wise to tuck it in to avoid the string getting caught in a fight, but no, they made sure quynh’s necklace is swinging in full view while they opted for andromache’s armor to show the expanse of her neck
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c) during the witch trials (yup that tragic tragic painful gut wrenching scene) is the first time we’re seeing quynh’s neck bare of any string/necklace
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you know why? here comes goosebumps...
d) because quynh’s necklace, the only physical remembrance of her past life dead families and culture, is now around andromache’s neck.. as andromache begs not to take quynh away from her
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you can even see it swinging back and forth during this scene as andromache screams for quynh’s name... feeling rage and defeat and loss and desperation all at once
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yeah. this is what you see when you’ve seen the movie in an unhealthy amount of times lols. but seriously though, gpb made sure to keep you asking pondering wondering about that necklace. because every outfit of andy in the present time, they made sure that the necklace is in full view.
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so... the only question here, actually, ellen, is this: at what point in andromache and quynh’s very very long life did quynh decided to give andromache her necklace?
see: this flashback is not during the witch trials. this is just quynh and andromache looking like the immortal wives that they are... and gpb, interestingly, decided not focus on quynh’s neck, and andromache’s is covered. so yeah. we are left questioning when did quynh gave her necklace to andromache. and why.
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in conclusion: im crying
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