benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          “--sorry,” Bucky said, looking up from the book he was reading, propping his chin on his hand as he glanced over at the other. He had been engrossed in his book, content to be left alone, and hadn’t immediately realized there was a voice issuing close by. “If you were talking to me, I wasn’t paying any attention.”
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          Ben shook his head and shrugged. “Well..” He grinned as he flopped next to his dad, since school was actually going to start again - and with all the shit that had gone down before the school ended, he made it his mission to not show himself around the campus. “Hello Dad”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          “I know I’ve been a shitty friend lately.” Well, lately was a loose term — he’s always been shitty. He grinned, putting his arm around Kim’s shoulder. “But Tell me you don’t plan on throwing any party for your birthday just to get back at me.” Because no matter how people get on Ben’s nerves sometimes, he’s going to be around for Kim’s birthday, even if the whole city is invited. “Or at least tell me we can plan an early escape?” 
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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        “this is a very serious emergency” cassie said, looking over at the other person in the room, “i have no idea what movie to watch.”
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         “That is an emergency I can’t help you with.” Ben is not a big movie guy, the only thing he’s well versed in when it comes to Films are Disney ones and the ones his ex made him watch. “I think google might be able to, just type ‘movies you need to watch before you die’”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          Josh was one hundred percent he wasn't by far the person Ben had been expecting to see when the propositions left his lips. However, that did not mean he would take pity on the other male and let him go. Especially considering he was trapped. "Well, Benjamin," the name was pronounced with a sweetness uncharacteristically in him. One that would probably annoy Barnes. "You can step on my feet as much as you want. And other things." The wink that followed was equally flirtatious and playful. 
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          Ben sighed and shook his head but smiled. “Joshua.” He can’t do a strategic retreat now. “Thanks for the permission to step on your other things.” He keep a polite face, that could rival his father’s when it’s doing the — I’m the person from the 40’s but I’m strangling you in my head.He extended his hand further more. “Do I get permission to twirl and dip you too?”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          Isabelle eyed the outstretched hand for a moment before glancing up at his face, one brow arching in amusement as a smirk tugged at her lips. “Don’t you think we outgrew brother-sister dances a few years ago? Like, when we were six?” 
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          “Definitely not.” He grinned, wiggling his fingers to ask for her hand. “You at least deserve a partner or two that can keep up with you and what kind of brother would I be if I didn’t dance with you?”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          Adore hadn’t been to a dance or a prom before. She had the chance in high school but due to numerous hospital trips, she wasn’t allowed. The blonde was stood on her own instead of mingling with other people, and she fiddled with her fingers as nerves began to rise up in her. When she heard someone talk to her, she instantly snapped out of it and smiled sweetly towards them. “I wouldn’t step on your foot, I’ve been dancing since I was a kid.” She giggled.
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          “Thank god then, because the last partner I dance with stepped on my toes at least four times.” He joked as he turned to the dance floor. “I took a few lessons, there and there but I’m no expert.”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          “Let’s not.” He shook his head. “Let’s just pretend we did, and grab a drink on the bar. Besides, you know I’ll be compelled to step on your toes because of...” he trailed off, he’s sure the other would know what he meant by it. “How bout that drink?”
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          “Really?” Ben raises an amused challenging brow but drop his hand and stood beside the Stark and turned to the bar. “You sure you’re not going to slip poison on my drink then?”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          Sharon stared at the boy for what felt like an eternity with bewilderment as if trying to figure out what was wrong with him. "No," she replied, simply and direct, not wanting to be rude but not caring too much about it either. She was pretty sure he wouldn't find offense in her refusal. "Go find someone your age."
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          Ben smiled and shrugged, dropping his hand. “Of course Agent Carter.” Keeping the sheepish, I’m a student being scolded look.
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          “Dancing in these shoes might actually be deadly,” Radley laughed shyly, “I can barely stand up as is, adding movement to the equation is just too wild.”
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          “I’ll be sure to not let that happened.” He smiled. “Besides what kind of alumni would I be if I let someone not dance at least once.”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          Howard wasn’t planning to be here in the beginning. He was going to stay home and not have a chance to run into the other. He knew he needed time to heal but. the sights on social media, they drew him towards the fun, To the party. Howard was simply walking pass towards the bar when a sudden hand popped out in front of him and a familiar voice echoed in his ears. “Benji? Are you sure?” Howard asked as he looked at the other nervously as he stopped his from taking the others. God he should have listened to his sister. “There are plenty of others around you could dance with.”
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          “Why not?” He shrugged and laid his palm flatly. “I’m sure it’ll be fun.” He looked around, as people started to move around them. “There are but you’re already here and I already asked you unless it’s going to be a problem..”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          Terra rocked on her heels before fixing up her dress from the bottom as it got caught under her heel a bit. She was a bit clumsy and knew if she walked, she’d probably trip over her own dress. When Ben spoke, she looked over at him and chuckles, “I promise and if i do, i apologize deeply. I’m not the best dancer.”
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          “It’s alright, if it helps, I haven’t had the quota of shoe stepping tonight.” Which was new because he does do the whole lets be polite and ask someone to dance , all the time. He offered a hand and gave a boyish grin. “Let’s start dancing before the whole, everyone is drunk to care about dancing classical.”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          “And here I was - thinking you might now show!” She spun and grinned at him, holding up her fists in a mock boxing stance.  “Don’t worry, Romeo - I’ll protect you from all the wannabe partners.” Her laughter bubbled over as she lowered her hands to her hips.  “Thank you! I did my best.”
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          “Are you kidding, it’s disney.” He smiled, as if he were wearing any Disney inspired costume — he wasn’t, but he figured he might as well show up for some of the graduating students - he knew and the food. “I would bet my ass they’re going to be asking everyone to at dance at least three times.” He shook his head and smiled.
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          “Well clearly neither of us are doing too good at that, as I am assuming this is conversation and I don’t do the whole unstructured dance thing,” Katri laughed lightly while playing with the cutouts in her skirt.
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          “I can only dream of being successful on that” He shrugged. “Don’t do, as in, you’ve never tried?”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          Ben sighed when the MC had announce for everyone to get a partner they haven’t danced with and that everyone should be dancing. When your father is from the era where dances was a big thing, you’ll learn to pick up a thing or two. He looked around meeting the closest person’s eyes and he offered his hand. “I’ll try not to step on your foot, promise you’ll do the same.”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          Katri looked around at the room at all of the various people at the dance. They had absolutely horrendous technique and she couldn’t help but notice it. It must be the dancer in her. Her long gown followed her as she explored the area. It looked pretty nice, she turned to the person next to her, “What exactly am I supposed to be doing again?”
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          “Smile, find a decent dance partner or just someone to talk to.” Ben tucked his hand on he pocket of his suit pants. “For me, it’s food and avoiding conversation as much as possible.”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          Kim glanced over her shoulder as she sensed someone coming up to her.  “I love a good party, don’t you?” she grinned. Turning in place, she felt the material of her skirt swirl around her thighs. “And everybody looks fantastic!”
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          Ben smiled and shook his head. “A good party only requires good food and no strangers trying to talk to me.” He paused thoughtfully. “And no on trying to ask me to dance. You look fantastic.”
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benromanoffbarnes · 6 years
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          “Hey, Romeo.” Her smile trembled a bit with the relief coursing through her.  She let herself really take a breath when he hugged her, even letting out a little laugh at the pat on the head.  “I’m looking for you,” she replied.  “What did you think I was doing?”  The years of best friend experience prompted her next comment.  “And I’m perfectly fine - I wasn’t anywhere near everything, I promise. I was helping herd the children away.”  Maybe not the nicest way to put that, but... She shrugged it off, focusing on his hands.  Her fingers reached to brush his forearm - above the bandages.  “What happened?”
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          “I swear Uncle Steve is a tattle tale.” Only two person’s should have known he was here — and there’s he was sure it was Steve who told his mom and by extension everyone. He doubts - Liam told Kim. “Yeah, sorry about - not texting..” he made an empasis to his hands. He nodded. “I was 5 seconds away from knocking one out. You’d think they’d know better than to run after hulk.” He sighed, looking back at the clinic. Liam would keep him updated. He tilted his head gesturing Kim to follow. “Come on, I’ll tell you on the way to your place. I’ve reach my quota of dealing with people today.”
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