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Week 10 Reading and Response
In the interview with the Brothers Quay, the artists discuss their creative processes. One of the main points of discussion was how figures in art can create narratives. This is an interesting concept to me, as I find that when I am working on an art project, the subject matter often times can escape me in terms of meaning and representation. I would like to take this idea from the interview and apply it to my own work in the future, so that I might better create subject matter that can lead to a better developed narrative in the art. For instance, when attempting to complete our perspectives in video project, I knew that I wanted to make cars and the danger of cars the subject. However, I struggled to coax out the meaning or feeling I wanted the viewer to feel when watching the short film. After some trial and error, I was able to eventually develop a way to help the viewer understand and feel this danger I wanted to create. The artists in the interview also discuss making storyboards to develop a narrative. This is a tactic I would not have thought to use myself when creating a video. I suppose it would help to organize the artist’s thoughts better, in addition to helping with teasing out a flowing narrative.
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Point of View Final: Artist Statement
Throughout this project I struggled to tease out the meaning of point of view. I knew that I wanted to use the car as a tool to convey the sense of danger and loss of control. So for my final, I decided to take footage of someone traveling in/operating a vehicle. In order provide the sense for danger in the car, I have chose to insert clips of my own eyes looking at the road, and dart around while I travel down the road. The ‘eye-clips’ would then be followed by small unrelated video excerpts of car crashes and accidents. This would hopefully get across the unsettling feeling of danger while driving and how something so simple and ingrained into our daily lives can be, at the same time, so volatile and complex. 
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Week 9 Reading and Response
Jan Svankmajer’s video on magic and illusion explores notions of sex and violence through the use of meat. The two pieces of meat throughout the video interact with one another in a very humanized manor. At first one steak is looking at itself and is seems surprised and embarrassed about being caught staring at its own reflection in the spoon. The other steak them instigates a moment of dance and eventually what would appear to be sex. Svankmajer’s video is a very interesting take on a very human action. The meat is acting in such a way that conveys the idea humans are simply slabs of meat interacting with one another in a natural way.
Kentridge’s animations show pain and suffering through the use of dark charcoal drawings. These drawings depict men in states of agony or extreme loneliness (as we saw in the first clip called Felix in Exile). There are a number of long shots in this particular film, that show Felix sitting in silence, doing absolutely nothing. The film also cuts away to scenes of gore, that seem to show the inner emotions of Felix, if nothing else; and how loneliness can cut deep much like a knife. 
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Point of View Part I: Artist Statement
For the Point of View Project I wanted to capture a sequence of footage that explored the perspectives of travel. Going from point A to point B we do not often think about where our eyes are going, as it has become an instinctive to focus on the road, respond to street signs, and of course look both ways to continue on safely. I wanted to give the viewer the sense of being in a moving vehicle without actually having to put their hands on the wheel. I want the viewer to take a closer look into where the eyes also travel as one operates a moving piece of machinery. Everyone also is a different driver entirely; everyone has their own style, if you will, of driving, therefore, the feeling of not being in control is felt throughout the video, as the viewer cannot reach out and take the wheel. 
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This is the second test-run for the Perspective Project. For this clip I wanted to get a visual of the steering wheel for sure. If I was to change this at all, I would most definitely take it from an angle that appears to be more from the driver’s perspective going down the road.
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In this test-run for our Perspective Project, I chose to play with the perspective of the passenger. The focus is in the driver’s general direction and the shakiness of the camera gives the effect of looking through the eyes of whoever is sitting next to the driver.
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