bententityu2123 · 4 years
Yeah,your initials: K.S.C. I would have trusted you with my life till my death.
What a mistake it was,letting you through that gate.
What a sellout. (Sell-out)
No amount of anything would have been enough for me to want to use you,or lead you to the place of pain and confusion you are on your way to.And that is why I stayed in my room.I didn't
know what to do.I had no idea what was in that house we shared or what was coming for you. I saw it later.
I love you hate you,I guarantee we are not done thinking of one another.
I never told you what I should have.
I showed you even less.
I expected something from you too.
I will go from sadness to rage all day for a long time,over you.Hell.
Don't think I blame this all on myself.
Whatever IT is,I can't put it to rest without you.
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bententityu2123 · 4 years
Yeah,your initials: K.S.C. I would have trusted you with my life till my death.
What a mistake it was,letting you through that gate.
What a sellout. (Sell-out)
No amount of anything would have been enough for me to want to use you,or lead you to the place of pain and confusion you are on your way to.And that is why I stayed in my room.I didn't
know what to do.I had no idea what was in that house we shared or what was coming for you. I saw it later.
I love you hate you,I guarantee we are not done thinking of one another.
I never told you what I should have.
I showed you even less.
I expected something from you too.
I will go from sadness to rage all day for a long time,over you.Hell.
Don't think I blame this all on myself.
Whatever IT is,I can't put it to rest without you.
29 notes · View notes