berrydailies · 5 years
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Luna Caelum’s Medium House(Mist Plot 7 , 13th Ward)
A decoration job for FC mate. Top floor is western style with his beloved Tsuyo’s trimmings, and basement is oriental style with his favorite onsen bathtub.  Relax style and veryyyyy comfy <3
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berrydailies · 5 years
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Lala Uwa’s Mansion  (Tonberry, Plot45, 19 Ward, Mist [Large])
I had been vacation for long... and finally I’m back to continue this house.  I’m really sorry for dragging him so long (almost 2 months). This is a mansion which I closed most of the spot just to “enriches” the decoration because Lala prefer this kind of decoration.  Although this is not my first time to decorate a indoor garden, but this is my first time to float large amount of decoration on the verdant partition.  The effect is great! <3 this house!
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berrydailies · 5 years
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Just finish a Lalafell’s FC house. I’m not good in “Cute” theme... I had tried my best. The house location is at Plot 19, 8th Ward, The Goblet (Medium). They are cute lalafell! So when I was decorating this house, I think of kindergarten theme. At the end, added a pokeball inside. xD
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berrydailies · 5 years
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Right after finishing Der’s personal house, I have the honor to decorate his FC mansion. Tried to make a garden inside the house again :D and tried several new design which I never try before. Luckily they looks great. :D
This mansion is located at Tonberry Plot 6, 20th Ward, The Lavender Beds. 
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berrydailies · 5 years
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Been a long time since my last decoration on commission. This mansion is located at Tonberry Plot 7, 12th Ward, Shirogane. This is my very first time trying to make a “Jungle” in a house. XD
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berrydailies · 5 years
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Jay's House 【Interior decoration | 室内装飾 | 室内装饰】 House Location 住所→ Tonberry, The Lavendedr Beds, 13th ward plot 27 (Medium)
【Customer Request | 顧客の要求 | 顾客要求 】 Ground floor: Stage for performance usage, Bar counter, Dining Area, Reading Area First floor: Kitchen, Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom with bathtub, Toilet, Basin
1階:舞台,バーカウンター, 食堂, 読書コーナー, 2階:台所, 寝室, 居間, 浴槽, 洗面所
1楼:舞台,酒吧前台,饭座,阅读书籍的地方 2楼:厨房,睡房,客厅,浴槽, 洗手间
【Berry’s message | デザイナーのメッセージ | 小梅的信息】 This is one of the house which I was limited by item count in the house. Some of the parts I can't make it into more details because of hitting the item limits. That make me so sad. But overall, this is a nice house! First time floating a toilet in the staircase area. It was so difficult but once it's done, I'm so happy. I also make a broken keyboard attached to the monitor at the owner's working desk. Please SE... give us some keyboard and mouse.. or PS4 also can. :(
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berrydailies · 5 years
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【Interior decoration | 室内装飾 | 室内装饰】 House Location 住所→ Tonberry, Mist, 7th ward plot 34 (Medium)
【Designer | 設計者 | 设计者 】 Jay Noob @ Tonberry
【Theme | 主題 】 Viera's forest house ビエラの森の家
【Berry’s message | デザイナーのメッセージ | 小梅的信息】 This is a FC house which only for Viera! Full of forest. This is Jay's first time in using float technic! これはビエラだけのFC専用住宅です! 森いっぱい。 フロートテクニックを使うのはこれがJayにとって初めてです 这是一件属于Viera's FC的屋子。 充满了森林的气息。 这也是Jay第一次把家具给腾空起来。
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berrydailies · 5 years
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【Interior decoration | 室内装飾 | 室内装饰】 House Location 住所→ Tonberry, Mist, 14th ward plot 30 (Medium)
【Customer Request | 顧客の要求 | 顾客要求 】 Ground floor: Fish tanks and plants First floor: Kitchen, Bedroom, Living room, Moogle stage
1階:水槽,鉢植 2階:台所, 寝室, 居間, モーグリの舞台
1楼:鱼缸,植物 2楼:厨房,睡房,客厅,舞台
【Berry’s message | デザイナーのメッセージ | 小梅的信息】 This is a house which only for Lalafell! ララフェル専用住宅! 只是一间只是属于拉拉菲尔的屋子!
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berrydailies · 5 years
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【Interior decoration | 室内装飾 | 室内装饰】 House Location 住所→ Tonberry, The Goblet, 15th ward plot 50 (Small)
【Customer Request | 顧客の要求 | 顾客要求 】 Ground floor: Kitchen, living room, dining room Basement: Bathroom, Working desk, Bedroom, Washroom, Chilling Area with wife. Other: Warm, Family feeling, Less windows, moderate floral 1階:台所 、居間, 食堂 地下:浴室、作業室、寝室,洗面所  別の:暖かい、家族向けの雰囲気、窓が少ない
1楼:小厨房,客厅,饭厅 地下室:浴室,工作房,睡房,梳洗台,休闲空间 其他要求:温暖,家庭的感觉,少窗户,中等数量的花草
【Berry’s message | デザイナーのメッセージ | 小梅的信息】 This is a house with a sweet story. I'm glade to be their designer of the house. これは甘い物語のある家です。 家のデザイナーになれて嬉しいです。 这是一间充满了甜蜜故事的房子。我很荣幸能够成为他们的室内设计师。
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berrydailies · 5 years
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Interior decoration 室内装飾 House Location 住所→ Tonberry, The Lavender Beds, 6th ward plot 57 (Medium)
Customer Request 顧客の要求: First floor: Bathroom, study room, bedroom 2階:浴室、書斎、寝室 Ground floor: Kitchen, living room 1階:台所 、居間 Basement: dining room 地下:食堂 Other: Modern oriental style 別の:現代和风
Berry’s message デザイナーのメッセージ: I like the living room! The bed room and study room are not bad too! 私は居間が好きです! 寝室と書斎もすごいです!
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berrydailies · 5 years
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Interior decoration 室内装飾 Cost 費用 → 5,000,000 gils House Location 住所→ Tonberry, Shirogane, 18th ward plot 35 (Small) 
Customer Request 顧客の要求: 
Dark 暗黒
She like Mounted Bookshelf 彼女はウォールブックシェルフが好き
Reading corner 読書コーナー
Want to create second floor 2階を作りたい
Indoor garden 屋内庭園
Berry’s message デザイナーのメッセージ:
First time use Mog Sofa to create the fireflies or stars effect in the indoor garden. The outcome is pretty good. created a small secret area for the house owner. The rest of the areas are warm for the owner to sit / hang out. TQ SE for creating so many adorable furniture in game recently.  初めてモグモグソファを使用して、屋内庭園でホタルまたは星の効果を作成します。 結果はかなり良いです 。 家の所有者のための小さな秘密の場所を作りました 。 本を読んでいるときに彼女が暖かく感じたことを私は願います 。 最近ゲームで非常に多くの愛らしい家具を作成してくれてありがとう, SE. 
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berrydailies · 6 years
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Noct’s House [Tonberry][Mansion][Hingan]
Basically client requested everything in Hingan style. First time ever try Zen Garden in the basement. It looks great! The staircase of the house looks so nice. I really doesn’t want to make anything to block it. Hence, only put a Fool’s Portal and some floating map to make some cossy style on it. The living room is nice too. Conclusion, everything are in hingan, simple, clean and nice environment.
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berrydailies · 6 years
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G. Ultima’s Personal House [Small][Tonberry]
Main Floor: Client request to have 1 more upper level in this floor. He also wanted to have a sofa corner which can view florist and aquarium.
Basement: Client request to have a bed room and a wash room in western style. 
Designer’s Comments: This house I tried some new method, which are demon wall holding an armoire and another demon status holding a floating LED ball like protecting his egg. Besides that, I also tried to make a white / cossy washroom for him. 
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berrydailies · 6 years
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<STORM> FC House [Mansion][Tonberry]
Upper Floor: Client request to have all the crafting furniture in 1 room, while another room is decorated into spa room, with a small area for triple triad
Main Floor: Client request to make it like a hotel main floor. Having a relax area while a dining area.
Basement: Client request to make a ship inside this floor. Hence, adding in piers and Beach Bar Island at another end. 
Designer Comment: First time even decorating a Mansion size house. In this house, I tried something new like making a sea view outside a window, and created a moon in the view of the windows. And of coz, my favorite demon holding a armoire, can you heard it was saying “My precious...”?
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berrydailies · 6 years
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One of the design which I had done last time. I did this after the new release of Carbuncle bathtub. 
Client request: Main floor: Oriental style with a must for Kotatsu Table and Altar.
Basement: Western style with a must for Carbuncle bathtub and a mini bar. 
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berrydailies · 6 years
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Design in progress... 
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berrydailies · 6 years
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<BUNNY> FC house [Medium][Tonberry]
Upper floor: I wanted a corridor for putting the altar, and a windows to allowed sunlight came in while able to see green trees. 
Main floor: Soft, white, and bright area. A kitchen with a lalafell stood there to wash plate for us. 
Basement: Was wanted to have a dark + library + relax lounge. My FC mate rate 100/10 for this area. 
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