berryjammer7 · 27 days
Why So Blue?
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Alright, Baby Varian writes about a lot science stuff in my Crescent Moon TTS comic (exemplified on this page and the next: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/637645850521272320/crescent-moon-pg-01 ), so now I am going to extrapolate excessively about it to provide you all with even more needless details--specifically about the science of blue! (This will be a long one and a lot of text, so grab some tea or something)
Firstly, let’s talk about what most fans know about Varian’s blue hair streak. The blue streak does exist. He’s had it since he was a baby as seen in a photo from the show, and the color eyedropper tool in my art app tells me that is blue (NOT green, you colorblind fools). Then there’s the whole theory that Varian’s dad Quirin absorbed some of the moonstone while working with the brotherhood after it exploded a little bit (as one does). Then he passed that on to Varian. All of which is well and good.
But let’s talk about the SCIENCE!
Ironically, this is not the first time I’ve dealt with blue hair [insert artist backstory]. Before TTS even came out, I created an OC I named Blueberry (my user-name-sake) who also has blue hair:
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(Don’t judge the anatomy, I was a baby artist)
Blue, as it turns out, is actually very rare in nature, and this sci-show youtube video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9cdoPD51bng provides a pretty good summary of why that is (and how pigments work in general).
So while I had long since determined Blueberry had a plant based pigment that made his hair blue (anthocyanin), Varian clearly had some sort of mineral based pigment from the moonstone. I’m guessing he only ever had enough passed on from his dad to turn his hair slightly blue (until he snatched the moon shard in my comic, that is).
But I’m going to take this one step further. Varian’s hair is black, and if you’ve ever tried to dye dark hair, you’ll know that it is hard for any color to stand out without bleaching it first. And that’s where Poliosis comes in.
If Varian has a single strand of hair that produces no melanin, then the blue pigment can show more clearly. I find this to be a really cool option because I actually have poliosis (or something similar.)
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(Kinda like reverse Rapunzel, amiright? My blonde streak is somewhere on the back of my head though, so not as cool.) This is also called a Mallen streak, but because that term is more modern coming from a book series set in the 19th century, using it in the comic is a bit anachronistic. The condition has been associated with witchcraft for a long time though, which seems fitting for someone dealing with the magic of the moonstone (whether he ‘works with magic’ or no.)
So yeah! That’s it! Seriously, go watch that sci-show episode, blue is SO COOL! I do wanna add a disclaimer though—if I am wrong on any of this science stuff let’s just all pretend it’s due to the limits of scientific knowledge at the time the comic is set rather than my own fallibility.😅 Maybe people already know all this stuff, but I just never see it talked about!
Bonus, this Wikipedia link for Al-Jazari: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ismail_al-Jazari Guys, this fellow is credited with making all sorts of automata (!?!), as well as the first flushing toilet—he deserves your respect!
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berryjammer7 · 27 days
First off (none of that ‘whole-life-story-before-the-recipe’ phenomenon), I’ve posted what I had written for this comic on fanfic.net here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14357056/1/Crescent-Moon. The comic left off around the end of chapter 1, so feel free to begin at chapter 2. It too is unfinished, and given my track record, I won’t promise anything. Just note that this version was older, and I had Rapunzel and Eugene present for Varian’s discovery of the Moonstone powers in this one. It is so much faster to write it out than illustrate each page.
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That out of the way, as many may have guessed given the length of time since the last update, I probably won’t continue this comic as I had hoped. Life has never been better, or more busy, and I now do graphic design for work. I love my job, but it takes a lot of the creativity out of me for drawing comics.
I also got married (these are some doodles of him!) and my interests have moved on. I want to create something of my own, and am biding my time, gathering wisdom that hopefully comes with age, before beginning. But, I wanted to give the folks who still, after all this time, give me notes on here some closure. You have been great, and this has been fun.
I have one more draft Tumblr post in draft that I’ll set about posting as well, and then I’m probably done for the time being. Maybe someday I’ll get back into it, in which case I’ll be posting here again. Till then, so long. 💙
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berryjammer7 · 3 years
Crescent Moon, pg. 10
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Link to Next: https://www.tumblr.com/berryjammer7/750823777619804160/crescent-moon-chapter-1-a-rapunzels-tangled
Link to Previous page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/647512767005327360/crescent-moon-pg-9
Link to Pg. 1:
Ha! And you all thought I was dead! 
I’m not even going to try to excuse my tardiness on this, so if you are somehow still interested after soooo long, and are willing to read through another ‘meh, plot progression’ page, then please enjoy. ❤️ (I still get notes on those older pages? Wow you guys are great! Hi new-ish readers!)
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berryjammer7 · 3 years
Crescent moon, pg. 9
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Link to next: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/654751261081616384/crescent-moon-pg-10
Link to Pg. 1: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636381657175375872/crescent-moon-pg-1-link-to-next
It’s Easter time, and I too have come back from the grave to give you all another long overdue comic page! I have to confess, this page was pretty much done weeks ago... except for that one hand touching the rock. That hand has been the bane of my existence for weeks. I need to tone down the perfectionism if I’m ever going to get anywhere with this comic. 😑 I was also just busy.
The next page should be the last one featuring Cassandra for awhile (assuming I can fit it all on the page nicely), and then hopefully we will catch sight of Rapunzel and Eugene! (And yes, after them I can get back to Varian. All part of the plan, rest assured.)
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berryjammer7 · 3 years
Crescent Moon?
So, as someone who as been rewriting the Tangled ‘Cassandra’s Revenge’ episode and thus rewatching it obsessively, I’d like to point out that the moon is full during Rap’s and Cass’s fight:
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and is not full afterwards (after Eugene’s birthday party):
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Coincidence? Most definitely. I’m just kinda chuckling at the background artists here.
(Unless, of course, it has something to do with the fact that Rapunzel just made the moonstone chip and the actual moon is now crescent to reflect that in some bizarre and fantastical turn of events full of foreboding and obscure foreshadowing... But no, that’s absurd. Absurd I tell you. Scientifically impossible.) 
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berryjammer7 · 3 years
Crescent Moon, pg. 8
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Link to pg. 1:  https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636381657175375872/crescent-moon-pg-1-link-to-next
Link to Next: 
I finally motivated myself to get back to the main storyline! I have the next few pages written out, but my life is a bit turbulent right now so we will see when I get around to drawing them (I have moved recently and am working on new job stuff, so we’ll see).
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berryjammer7 · 3 years
Crescent Moon, Pg. 0.2
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Link to First page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636381657175375872/crescent-moon-pg-1-link-to-next
Link to first page of this flashback (until I have other pages ready): https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/637644414044569601/so-stylistically-these-pages-shouldnt-come-till
Here’s a record of baby Varian literally pulling his hair out over the scientific anomaly growing from his scalp. Just the thing this world needs. 🙌
    I think I can officially add ‘the color blue’ to my list of hobbies (yay science!). For those of you who are as enchanted by this subject as I have been, I hope to make a separate post commenting on it so as not to bog down this one any more so than the comic page already has. And yes, I know I dumped a ton of text on you, and I’m sorry. But for those who are sick and tired of the endless science notes, fear not! This will be the last page of this Baby Varian flashback and it’s high time I returned to the main story. Time to try drawing Cassandra again 🙃🙂🙃 
PLEASE let me know if the image is too big to load or the little details are too hard to see! It has more pixels, so I have concerns.
Is it unrealistic for Baby Varian to have 307 pages of research notes? Maybe, but no more unrealistic than him running about with alchemy gloves and such a dead-inside attitude toward life. Yet here we are. (actually, this seems to be several YEARS of notes, so I’m sure its fine) Also, did you catch that season 1 ep.1 reference in the field note? :D
I am SO, SO SORRY that I haven’t posted anything for nearly a month (especially since this isn’t even a particularly enthralling page action-wise). By way of excuses, My work style consists of bouts of manic obsession (seriously, I think I maybe slept 45 min. last night. Help.) and indeterminable lengths of time during which I can barely stand the thought of working on something. Honestly, the sooner we all lose hope that I will ever gather the courage to fully commit to something (let alone a schedule) the less disappointed we will all be.
Speaking of commitment, I bought an iPad! And a pen too! They haven’t shipped yet, but my hope is it will be faster and easier than sitting here trying to finger paint on my iPhone (not gonna lie though, I’m rather impressed that I’ve made it this far just with that). It makes continuing this comic a more likely possibility.
Varian is a scientist! Of course he will be doing science! See? See the science? I take comfort in thinking he would be just as excited about these endless notes as I am.
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berryjammer7 · 3 years
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Here, you can use mine! (In all honesty tho, having to draw them makes me angry every time 😩)
Man, I really hate drawing the black rocks!
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berryjammer7 · 3 years
TTS Snippets
*creeps out of discarded Christmas present box*
Hey guys! Sorry, I don’t have a comic page for you yet. The holidays have a way of taking all of my extra creativity and throwing it at random stuff (eg., a cardboard Mandalorian helm, a stuffed whale, a pikachu birthday cake... rest assured the delay goes to a good cause.) But! Here are some random Varian snippets that have been collecting as a byproduct of comic drawing. It’s mostly trash, but enjoy! And happy New Year!
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(For sake of space, the rest are under ‘keep reading’).
^Yay art mediums! (It’s a redraw. It seems like something Rapunzel would paint and then hang next to her drawings of him taking over the kingdom.)
. . . .
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^From Baby Varian notes <3
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^Literally just me playing with the copy, paste, and mirror functions and adding stupid captions. Don’t read too much into it (I’m sure they ended up sending ‘duplicates’ to other dimensions or something)
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^If I had to see such cursed images whilst trying to draw these comics then so do you.
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^some of my other exploits :)
. . . . . 
ok, that's all bye (I will see how much time I have to draw now)
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berryjammer7 · 3 years
Crescent Moon, Pg. 0.1
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That distorted, magnified baby face, amiright? I’ll leave the undistorted version in the ‘read more section’ for those interested.
Link to first page: berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636381657175375872/crescent-moon-pg-1-link-to-next
Link to NEXT page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/642043530627465216/crescent-moon-pg-02
I dunno if you just came here for a bunch of Baby Varian doing science, but that’s what I’ve got... and this isn’t even all of it yet. However, this will probably be the last page I get out until after Christmas/New Years, though I might post some smaller random snippets at some point. 
This is a ‘Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure’(aka ‘Tangled the series’, or TTS) fan comic staring Varian, and DISNEY OWNS THE SHOW, NOT ME.
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Quirin is trying so hard to be a good dad! He’s just also pouring water on the pancakes. Bro, stop. Also, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you speak in spilt pancake batter word bubbles?
That pancake speaks to me on so many levels.  I feel you, soggy mad pancake.
I’m not even going to pretend these page numbers make sense. I’m realizing I may have flashbacks even further in the past, which would put them at -1, -1.1, -1.2... what have I done
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Here’s your prize, as promised--the undistorted baby Varian photo. its a big photo
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berryjammer7 · 3 years
Crescent Moon, pg. 0
So, stylistically these pages shouldn’t come till later in the story, buuut... I couldn’t wait to write them, so why should you have to wait to read them? It’s the promised Baby Varian flashback. Enjoy!
 I’ll let you know when to pretend you read them.
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Quirin’s face has so much emotion. Too much emotion. I’m not sure it was ever meant to show that much emotion. Oh well. 
Link to ‘next’ page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/637645850521272320/crescent-moon-pg-01
Link to first: berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636381657175375872/crescent-moon-pg-1-link-to-next
This is a ‘Tangled the series’ fan comic staring Varian, and DISNEY OWNS THE SHOW, NOT ME. Some of the art used comes from the show, and my username is written there simply so that people can find the rest of the comic. It is not made for profit, just fun.
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berryjammer7 · 4 years
Crescent Moon, pg. 7
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🙌Help👏me👏remember👏it’s👏his👏LEFT👏HAND🙌 theres already one mistake in the comic so far 🤦‍♀️.
Link to Next:  https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/643842565815271424/crescent-moon-pg-8
Link to first page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636381657175375872/crescent-moon-pg-1-link-to-next
Link to previous page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636563521543569408/crescent-moon-pg-6-link-to-first-page
Sorry for the whole fainting cliche, but he is canonically prone to passing out (and amputation does involve quite bit of blood, poor hemophobe). But! This paves the way for plot development elsewhere, as well as *drumroll* Baby Varian!!! So, you’re welcome!!!
Wow! You pushed the ‘keep reading’ button? Well, there can only be one reason for that. It’s because you’re  thinking ‘Those freckles? With that complexion?’ Well let me put your mind at ease. NO!!! No, no, no, my friends! It’s those freckles with that LIGHTING! I promise he will look better outside of his lab! (Or, ya know, fainting)
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berryjammer7 · 4 years
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Crescent Moon pg. 6 Link to first page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636381657175375872/crescent-moon-pg-1-link-to-next
Next page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/637364006931365888/crescent-moon-pg-7

This is a ‘Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure’ (aka ‘Tangled the series’, or TTS) fan comic staring Varian, and DISNEY OWNS THE SHOW, NOT ME. Some of the art used comes from the show, and my username is written there simply so that people can find the rest of the comic. It is NOT made for profit, just fun.
I feel the inclusion of Shorty (the bearded guy) should be explained a bit. In one of the episodes he became Varian’s assistant for a science exposition when Cassandra (the moonstone girl from pg. 1) backed out last minute. I don’t want to do a deep analysis of Shorty of all people (that would kinda defeat the purpose), but he WAS the only one who would help, and I have a theory that he kept a (vague) interest in Varian’s work afterwards and often hangs around the lab. Varian just sorta went with it and now addresses his long science rants to the raccoon and Shorty both. Mostly he’s here for comic relief. 
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berryjammer7 · 4 years
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Crescent Moon pg. 5 Link to first page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636381657175375872/crescent-moon-pg-1-link-to-next
Next page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636563521543569408/crescent-moon-pg-6-link-to-first-page
3rd-to-last panel is my favorite drawing I have made of him so far, and it was my own sketch that I scanned in :)  This is a ‘Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure’ (aka ‘Tangled the series’, or TTS) fan comic staring Varian, and DISNEY OWNS THE SHOW, NOT ME. Some of the art used comes from the show, and my username is written there simply so that people can find the rest of the comic. It is NOT made for profit, just fun.
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berryjammer7 · 4 years
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Crescent Moon pg. 4. Link to first page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636381657175375872/crescent-moon-pg-1-link-to-next
Next page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636562618942996480/crescent-moon-pg-5-link-to-first-page
Not really loving how the first shot of Varian’s face turned out, but eh, there's a learning curve with any character I guess. This is a ‘Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure’ (aka ‘Tangled the series’, or TTS) fan comic staring Varian, and DISNEY OWNS THE SHOW, NOT ME. Some of the art used comes from the show, and my username is written there simply so that people can find the rest of the comic. It is NOT made for profit, just fun.
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berryjammer7 · 4 years
Crescent Moon, pg. 3 fan comic
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Crescent Moon, pg. 3 Link to first page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636381657175375872/crescent-moon-pg-1-link-to-next
Next page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636562273836662784/crescent-moon-pg-4-link-to-first-page
He fell... and then this gif happened:
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This is a ‘Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure’ (aka ‘Tangled the series’, or TTS) fan comic staring Varian, and DISNEY OWNS THE SHOW, NOT ME. Some of the art used comes from the show, and my username is written there simply so that people can find the rest of the comic. It is NOT made for profit, just fun.
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berryjammer7 · 4 years
Crescent Moon, pg. 2 fan comic
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Link to first page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636381657175375872/crescent-moon-pg-1-link-to-next-page
Next page: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/636561870951776256/crescent-moon-pg-3-fan-comic
First off, sorry if I accidentally alert anyone excessively as I edit this. this is my first Tumblr and I only created it a few nights ago (Deviantart is dying, so I’m moving stuff. the plan is to post this and subsequent pages here too.)
This page has my first from-scratch drawing of Varian! And it was not an easy one either (what with him flying sideways off a tower). That said, this note is still very much needed: This is a ‘Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure’ (aka ‘Tangled the Series’, or TTS) fan comic staring Varian, and DISNEY OWNS THE SHOW, NOT ME. Some of the art used comes from the show, and my username is written there simply so that people can find the rest of the comic. It is NOT made for profit, just fun.
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