berryvined-blog · 7 years
The Last Unicorn (1982) starters.
❛  I dislike the feel of these woods.  ❜
❛  Unicorns? I thought they only existed in fairytales.  ❜
❛  This is a forest like any other. Isn’t it ?  ❜
❛  Let’s turn around. Hunt somewhere else.  ❜
❛  This is no world for you.  ❜
❛  Good luck to you, for you are the last.  ❜
❛  What do men know ?  ❜
❛  We are as old as the sky, old as the moon.  ❜
❛  We can be hunted, we can be trapped, we can even be killed but we do not vanish !  ❜
❛  Have you traveled very far ?  ❜
❛  Be a little respectful, do you know who I am ?  ❜
❛  Your name is a golden bell, hung in my heart.  ❜
❛  I would break my body to pieces to call you once by your name.  ❜
❛  In all your wanderings, have you seen others like me ?  ❜
❛  Have you seen the others? Where have they gone? Tell me which way I must go to find them.  ❜
❛  No, no, listen ! Don’t listen to me, listen !  ❜
❛  You can find the others if you are brave.  ❜
❛  What if they’re waiting for me ? In need of my help ?  ❜
❛  Well hello there little one !  ❜
❛  And just who might you belong to ? a pretty little thing like you ?  ❜
❛  In my heart I carry such a heavy load.  ❜
❛  And here I thought I’d seen the last of them !  ❜
❛  I know you. If I were blind I would know what you are.  ❜
❛  You wouldn’t have heard of me.  ❜
❛  It’s not much of a job for a real magician, but I’ve had worse.  ❜
❛  You’re mine. If you kill me, you’re still mine.  ❜
❛  Your death sits in that cage and she hears you.  ❜
❛  She’ll kill me one day or another, but she will remember forever that I caught her, that I held her prisoner. So there’s my immortality.  ❜
❛  You were out on the road hunting for your own death !  ❜
❛  He’ll not have you ! You belong to me.  ❜
❛  We are two sides of the same magic.  ❜
❛  You are safer here. You should thank me for protecting you.  ❜
❛  There has never been a spell on me before.  ❜
❛  It’s a very rare person who is taken for what he truly is.  ❜
❛  Will you help me ?  ❜
❛  You’re my last chance.  ❜
❛  Can you truly set me free ?  ❜
❛  I asked him a riddle and it always takes that lout all night to solve riddles.  ❜
❛  the spell was wrong but there was true magic in it ! try again.  ❜
❛  My dear you deserve the services of a great wizard but I’m afraid you’ll have to be glad of the aide of a second rate pickpocket.  ❜
❛  Okay, (name), I give up. Why is a raven like a writing desk ?  ❜
❛  She’ll kill you if you set her free !  ❜
❛  Don’t look back, and don’t run.  ❜
❛  You must never run from anything immortal, it attracts their attention.  ❜
❛  She chose her death long ago. It was the fate she wanted.  ❜
❛  You have no regrets as I do ?  ❜
❛  I’ve never seen anyone like you. Not while I was awake, anyway.  ❜
❛  I’m going where they are, to learn whatever they know.  ❜
❛  Take me with you ! for luck, for laughs, for the unknown.  ❜
❛  You could never have granted my true wish.  ❜
❛  I cannot turn you into something you are not.  ❜
❛  Hide yourself ! We’ll find each other later.  ❜
❛  Mind your heads now, it’s raining ninnies !  ❜
❛  Put me down you fool !  ❜
❛  I don’t like the look of him.  ❜
❛  That’s only (name)’s way, but she has a good heart.  ❜
❛  This is not happening.  ❜
❛  We’ll both be gentlemen of leisure in a months time.  ❜
❛  Oh, I love you.  ❜
❛  She shall never have you !  ❜
❛  We will perish together.  ❜
❛  Did you see me ? Were you watching ?  ❜
❛  Did you see what I made ?  ❜
❛  It’s gone now, but I had it !  ❜
❛  Where have you been ? Where have you been ! ?  ❜
❛  Where were you when I was new ?  ❜
❛  How dare you come to me now when I am this !  ❜
❛  It’s alright, I forgive you.  ❜
❛  You can’t come with us ! we’re on a quest !  ❜
❛  Well, you’re going the wrong way.  ❜
❛  You have all the power you need if you dare to look for it.  ❜
❛  What have you done ! ?  ❜
❛  The power will come to me whenever I need it, and one day! One day it will come to me when I call !  ❜
❛  You are an idiot !  ❜
❛  Don’t ! Don’t you hurt yourself !  ❜
❛  I can feel this body dying all around me !  ❜
❛  You are losing my interest, and that is very dangerous.  ❜
❛  I will keep nothing near me that does not make me happy.  ❜
❛  How would you know ?  ❜
❛  Well, just look at you !  ❜
❛  Come on, I’ll write you a reference.  ❜
❛  You have let your doom in by the front door !  ❜
❛  What are you looking at ?  ❜
❛  What is the matter with your eyes ?  ❜
❛  You may come and go as you please.  ❜
❛  My secrets guard themselves, may yours do the same.  ❜
❛  Please, let me help you. What can I do for you ?  ❜
❛  And then she looked at me and I was sorry I had killed the thing.  ❜
❛  For her sake I’ve become a hero but my great deeds mean nothing to her !  ❜
❛  I wish to be whatever she has most need of.  ❜
❛  You are cruel to him.  ❜
❛  He only wishes you to think of him.  ❜
❛  Who am I ? Why am I here ?  ❜
❛  I knew a moment ago, but I have forgotten.  ❜
❛  I was innocent and wise and full of pain.  ❜
❛  Now that I’m a woman, everything has changed.  ❜
❛  Why won’t you help me ? Why must you always speak in riddles ?  ❜
❛  I would tell you what you want to know if I could.  ❜
❛  I am always dreaming, even when I am awake. It is never finished.  ❜
❛  I would court you with more grace if I knew how.  ❜
❛  Drown out my dreams. Keep me from remembering whatever wants me to remember it.  ❜
❛  Words are always getting in my way.  ❜
❛  That’s all I have to tell you. That’s all I’ve got to say.  ❜
❛  I’m not a man of poetry. Music isn’t one with me.  ❜
❛  As if I didn’t have enough troubles.  ❜
❛  Well of course you’re of noble birth, anyone could see that.  ❜
❛  Love is slowing you down, my lady.  ❜
❛  It was pleasant enough at first, but it died quickly.  ❜
❛  There is nothing of yours that I desire.  ❜
❛  There is no movement of yours that has not betrayed you.  ❜
❛  I like to watch them. They fill me with joy.  ❜
❛  The first time I felt it, I thought I was going to die.  ❜
❛  Do you dare still pretend to be human ?  ❜
❛  It makes no difference. The end will be the same. I can wait.  ❜
❛  Shut up you pretentious kneecap !  ❜
❛  How would you like a punch in the eye ?  ❜
❛  It’s so nice to have someone to play with.  ❜
❛  Try me tomorrow. Maybe I’ll tell you tomorrow.  ❜
❛  Give it to me if you don’t want it but don’t throw it away !  ❜
❛  Give me the wine !  ❜
❛  You would have gone without me ?  ❜
❛  No name you could give her would surprise or frighten me.  ❜
❛  I love whom I love.  ❜
❛  I will go no further.  ❜
❛  Everything dies. I want to die when you die.  ❜
❛  Yes, that is my wish.  ❜
❛  I am a hero, and heroes know that things must happen when it is time for them to happen.  ❜
❛  A quest may not simply be abandoned.  ❜
❛  A happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story.  ❜
❛  What if there isn’t a happy ending at all ?  ❜
❛  There are no happy endings, because nothing ends.  ❜
❛  Do something ! You have the power ! I will kill you if you don’t do something !  ❜
❛  That’s what heroes are for.  ❜
❛  I’ve never had any friends before.  ❜
❛  Men don’t always know when they’re happy.  ❜
❛  I’m sorry. I have done you evil and I cannot undo it.  ❜
❛  No sorrow will live in me as long as that joy.  ❜
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berryvined-blog · 7 years
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okay. this is awkward. like, really awkward. at least, for him it is.
eyes are diverted from the son of apollo and subsequently the mini strawberry shortcake in his good hand, the teen successfully managing to find interest in the ground. normally, he would be way more casual, but when you were practically visiting someone (and their colleagues) a bajillion times a week for things that you had little to no control over, it gets...uncomfortable, for lack of a better term. (however, he appreciated the other and their cabin greatly, and held them in higher regard than he was letting on right now; he just felt bad for visiting so much.)
` i —— uh —— made you this? to make up for the fact that i’ve been, like...bothering you in here so much. and maybe stealing your lollipops. ` the former of which he couldn’t help in the slightest. ` sorry if...this isn’t really your thing. kinda last-second thing, ha... `
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berryvined-blog · 7 years
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castor was accustomed to peculiar creatures. he was practically raised around them, for heaven’s sake. perhaps he hadn’t seen all there was to see, but the demigod had enough knowledge of enough mythical beings to not really be shocked by them anymore. this situation, however, was very, very unlike what he was “used” to.
the divata stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of the wolf, just barely noticing it out of the corner of his eye. white fur glowed bright in the afternoon light, contrasting greatly to the green of the world around them. he accidentally caught black eyes looking back, and it felt...weird, just staring down a wolf when there were things to be done. the silence that encompassed them did not lift the odd nervousness festering in his stomach (ever familiar, too well-known for comfort; the word “wolf” suddenly not feeling right on his tongue).
hesitantly, the straw basket filled with the days harvest tucked beneath the demigod’s arm was set on the ground, the boy slowly kneeling down and carefully lifting off he top —— no sudden movements is something he has learned over the years, and even if he doesn’t feel threatened in the slightest, it doesn’t hurt to be cautious —— before reaching inside with gloved hands and pulling out a clump of strawberries. plopping down unto the soft grass, legs crossing, he extended a hand, palm up and fruit exposed.
(what is this, some kind of offering?)
` —— want some? `
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berryvined-blog · 7 years
during battle, he’s either assisted by a child of apollo or manages to hold his own until the end —— regardless, the injuries he’s sustained obviously take their toll, and by the end of the fight, he might as well be dead, even if he was helped: due to his arm (and, subsequently, his side) practically being sliced open and essentially useless, and earned a wicked hit to the head that rendered him incapacitated and would leave more than just a little migraine, it was easy to think he wouldn’t make it. but due to much persistence on pollux’s part, as well as dionysus’, he’s kept in the infirmary, otherwise unconscious for the longest time, with the exception of the few times he startled himself awake (only to pass right back out). it’s rough, and, as cliché as it may sound, pollux stays by his side almost the entire time, only ever leaving to train or help in the fields. and he keeps an eye on him, being the first to know when something happens; even before the apollo kids who are pretty much keeping castor alive.
and one day, he just wakes up: for real this time, too. not to start freaking out uncontrollably because he’s still in that battle mindset, or because he thinks that he’s dead, or anything like that. pollux damn near squeezes the life out of him when he stirs, or at least what he’s regaining. castor starts asking him things like did we win, is everyone okay, is this really happening, because he can barely even remember his own name this early on, and it’s obvious he’s on the brink of tears —— his voice hoarse and entire body trembling as he holds onto his brother, because he’s the only thing he can be sure is there. yes, we won, pollux reassures, already sobbing himself he’s so fucking relieved, this is real, i’m real, you’re real. he doesn’t even notice that castor starts to doze off again, the two still sitting there like that, finally happy, finally okay.
at first, it’s like nothing changed. when castor is good to go a few days later, he’s already back to the fields, sleeping in cabin 12 like always, and sitting at their table during dinner. he’s the same old castor; happy and content, and more grateful to be alive than ever.
only…things aren’t the same. and pollux, being the kids fucking twin brother and best friend, starts to realize that pretty quick.
when he’s helping the grapes and strawberries to grow, there’s this mask over his face. there’s a small smile on his features like usual, sure, but he doesn’t look fully there, and at times, will just stop and stare at the ground, motionless and unblinking. at night, he caves in on himself, curling up into a ball; the soft, nigh inaudible rhythmic melody of his breathing as he sleeps turning into stifled, panicked, and pained sobs that last hours, following him into the early morning, where he finally gets, at most, an hour of rest. at dinner he’s started to talk more, conversing more fluently with the others that sit with the boys. castor laughs and jokes around with them, like they’re family —— because war does that to people. brings you closer to people you wouldn’t expect to get close to. only pollux notices that not a bite is taken off his plate; all of his food going straight to the gods.
it doesn’t take long, for pollux to get him to open up. over a month after the battle, a week after castor had returned to the land of the living, he finally steps up, and the brothers spend an entire night talking. about everything. castor is not a tough nut to crack, especially in the presence of pollux; the anxieties he’s been facing since the moment he woke up spilling out without restraint. how he can’t stop thinking about the kids he saw die; that he can’t sleep without remembering, or eating without feeling nauseous; how he can’t even fight like he’s used to because the pain in his arm and side is still there, and his head is constantly swimming and he can barely stay on his feet during sparring; how he’s scared because he could have died, he could have left pollux, he could have, he could have, he could have. and pollux listens. he listens, and when castor can’t go on anymore, he pulls him close. they’re both crying, but it’s this silent pain that’s shared between them, not something to be afraid of. they share a bed that night, and no one questions them when they sleep in until well past afternoon.
pollux makes sure he enjoys his old hobbies. always sticks close to him when gardening, telling him little jokes whenever he seems to be zoning out or starts acting funky.
he makes sure he sleeps. whenever he hears that labored breathing at night, he doesn’t hesitate to plop down next to him. he runs his hands through castor’s hair, rubs his back, hugs him —— anything to calm him down, until he goes to sleep.
he makes sure he eats. the second castor starts distracting everyone from their meal, he offers him some of his food, and castor quickly catches on. no matter how many times he says he’s not hungry, pollux ensures that he has a full stomach by the end of the night.
and castor —— who is scarred like everyone else, and still clutches his side and arm and remembers in vivid details what should have been his death rather than his survival, and is so jumpy and anxious that his own father has half a mind to talk to him about it (a luxury most do not have) —— loves his brother every second of every day. he treasures each moment, even if he suffers greatly from his trauma, because he has to remember that thing could have been very, very different, and he was lucky to have pollux. he does the same for his twin, as he isn’t any less damaged by the events that took place barely a month ago, and they’re there for each other, and everything hurts.
but it’s okay, because he knows, they know, that they’re not alone. it’s not easy: just easier.
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berryvined-blog · 7 years
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eyo !! like this post for a starter my doods 💖
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berryvined-blog · 7 years
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eyo !! like this post for a starter my doods 💖
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berryvined-blog · 7 years
              Do you think I’d abandon you?
                               Leave you to deal with your problems alone?
                                                  Oh, no, I don’t think so.
                                                                Don’t you see? We’re a team, me and you.
                                                  You and I are going to make it through this.
                               I won’t leave you. Not now.
              Not ever.
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berryvined-blog · 7 years
We were tight knit boys Brothers in more than name You would kill for me And knew that I’d do the same And it cut me sharp Hearing you’d gone away
We were opposites at birth I was steady as a hammer No one worried ‘cause they knew just where I’d be And they said you were the crooked kind And that you’d never have no worth But you were always gold to me
Every time I hear it, I think of Sam and Dean. Kinda sad
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berryvined-blog · 7 years
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