berupii · 1 year
Forbidden Fruit: Shanks x F!Reader (Part 2)
Tags: nsfw, modern!AU (therefore Shanks has both arms and no scar on his face because he’s not doing pirate stuff lol), Age gaps, phone sex, oral sex, penetrative sex, creampie, squirting, daddy kink, dirty talk, and sex toys
Co-written with @littleblueeyedmoon
Thank you @aces-sweetheart for making this post which inspired me to write this fic!
Click here to read part one!
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Heaven existed.
After calling Akagami for a few weeks, you were sure of it. You still didn’t have a boyfriend, but you weren’t frustrated anymore; you still hadn’t gotten laid either, but your numerous talks with Akagami gave you the best orgasms you had ever had, so you had no complaints.
You were in a really good mood; you had just finished college, and you were moving back home with your dad until you found a job, which meant that not only could you call Akagami whenever you liked, but you’d also get to see Shanks often, your dad’s best friend. He was ridiculously handsome.
You thought to yourself as you continued packing the stuff in your dorm; you were excited for the day ahead. A knock on the door interrupted your train of thought. When you went to open your door, you gasped in surprise.
Shanks was leaning against your doorframe, an amused smile decorating his face, “Hey, kid.”
“S-Shanks?! What are you doing here? Where’s dad?”
He chuckled, “Lucky had an emergency and needed your old man’s help. He asked me to pick you up, little girl.”
He laughed at you in good fun as your face flushed slightly. He looked around at your packed-up boxes and grinned, “You in a rush to get home?”
“I guess I’m feeling a bit homesick.”
“Aww, don’t worry, kid. Just get the stuff in the car,” Shanks smiles warmly, “I’ll bring down the rest of your boxes.”
You nodded and went to his car as Shanks began stacking up boxes to bring downstairs.
As he finished up, he accidentally stumbled, causing one of the boxes to burst open. He quickly scrambled to put its contents back but froze when he saw a bunch of sex toys on the floor.
He laughed loudly. Who would’ve thought you were a perverted little thing? But no matter, your secret was safe with him. 
As he finished putting the toys back in the box, he suddenly realized most of these toys seemed familiar; His little princess had described toys to him over the phone that kind of looked like these ones.
Small world… Shanks thought to himself as he brought the last box to the car.
Even though the toys were yours, he couldn’t help thinking of his little princess and how his world changed once she started calling him.
Working as a phone sex operator was a fun thing to do. It got him off, and he also got to help other people. It was a fun, casual thing to make some extra cash. But then, once she called for the first time, everything changed. Shanks began looking forward to hearing her voice every time the phone rang.
She was a naughty little thing, a girl young enough to be his daughter who wanted him to take advantage of her; she even called him “Daddy.”
He’d had clients call him more than once before, but her calls became regular. He felt almost possessive of her; she was a slutty needy little girl who needed her Daddy to guide her. 
He almost growled at the thought of her getting off with another man.
He had spent the last few weeks fantasizing about his little princess and what she would look like in person. What color were her eyes? Was she curvy or slender? How would her body writhe for him when he showed her how to properly squirt? What would her face look like when he shoved his cock inside her tight pussy? 
The thought of her was driving him crazy.
Shanks was brought out of his train of thought when you looked up at him, patiently waiting for him to unlock the car’s front doors. He fished the keys out of his pocket, opening the door to you.
He suddenly remembered something when the two of you were buckled up in his car.
“Ah! Before I forget, I brought you something, kid, here!” He smiled widely as he handed you your favorite candy bar.
You smiled brightly at him in return as you quickly opened the candy.
“This is so good; you’re the best, Shanks!” You moaned in pleasure as the flavor of the candy hit your tongue.
Shanks’ brain stopped working for a moment.
He needed to get himself together; for a millisecond, an image of his little princess moaning for him flashed in his mind as you savored the candy.
Seeing your toys must’ve thrown him off.
Yes, that had to have been it, he reasoned. After all, if you were his sweet princess, he would’ve been tangled in such a complicated web. You were his best friend’s daughter. He and Beckman had been buddies since college, so if he were to go after his daughter…
Shanks swallowed, sweat building on his brow.
“Is everything okay?” You asked, leaning forward a bit, “You look stressed.”
You laughed, and Shanks laughed along with you, “No, it’s nothing, don’t worry.”
Shanks tried changing the subject quickly. 
“So, how was college? I haven’t seen you in a while.” 
“College? It was a piece of cake.” You shrug off sarcastically.
Shanks laughed, and the sound warmed your heart. For a moment, you even forgot about Akagami.
Shit, Akagami.
You felt bad, you had been fantasizing about him for months, but now Shanks would be back in your life. 
You and Akagami weren’t together, even though some part of you felt emotionally attached to him. But at the same time, your heart still yearned for Shanks, even though you knew it would never happen between you two.
You let out a sigh.
Shanks eyed you before asking, “What’s on your mind, kid?”
“Nothing; why?” You shrugged
Shanks smiled, “Well, because now you look down in the dumps.”
You hummed, “I guess I’m dealing with some pretty complicated feelings.”
“What, is there someone you like?” He smirked, looking back at the road again.
You shifted in your seat, “Well, yeah…”
Shanks let out a laugh, “And who could this mystery man be who stole the sweet princess’s heart, huh?”
You blushed, “Well, that’s the problem… there are two guys. And… I don’t know how to choose.”
Shanks hummed, “That’s a tough spot to be in, kid.”
After a few moments of silence, Shanks’ curiosity got the best of him.
“So, who are they?”
“The guys you like, who are they? Maybe I can help you decide” He winked playfully. 
“W-Well, uh,” you hummed as you thought how to describe them to Shanks without letting it spill that one of the guys is closer than he thinks, “One guy I’ve known forever… and the other I met just a few months ago.”
Shanks nodded, and you kept talking, “This new guy gives me lots of attention, but the guy I’ve known forever barely seems to know I exist.”
“Then go for the new guy!” Shanks smiled, “If he treats you well, then that’s who you should stick with.”
A long silence hangs between you and Shanks in the car as you drive past buildings on the road’s edge. You cleared your throat.
“W-Well, uh, that’s kind of the thing: we haven’t met in person...” Shanks raised his eyebrow at you.
“You haven’t met? Then how does he give you all the attention you were just telling me about?”
“Uh,” you had to think fast, “W-We’re Internet friends!”
Shanks hums, “Be careful about guys online, kid. They could be anyone, you know? This guy could be an old guy trying to creep on girls like you.”
You blushed when he came closer to the truth than you would’ve liked, “W-Well, we’ve talked on the phone. He’s not a creep, believe me.”
“But he is old, huh?” He chuckled, “Ah, I’m just kidding. I know you’re a good kid who wouldn’t go for that sort of thing.” 
You looked away from him as you blushed harder.
“R-Right, of course not!” Your response had Shanks raising his eyebrow at you again, but he let the comment slide.
A long silence settled again as you couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t sound even more suspicious.
Shanks smiled, “Anyways, I’m going to be staying with you and your dad at your house tonight.”
Your head whipped to look at him so fast Shanks thought you might’ve pulled a muscle.
“What? I thought you and Dad were staying at your house!”
Shanks raised his eyebrow at you again. You were acting strange; you were usually eager and excited to see him, and you loved spending time with your dad.
“What’s gotten into you, kid? Do you need your dad and me out of your house or something?”
“What? N-No, I just thought, you know…” you trailed off, not really knowing what to respond with.
You wanted to get out of the car as fast as you could; this was getting embarrassing. 
As you neared your house, the silence made things even more awkward.
You sighed, “I was going to talk on the phone with my online friend.”
“And your dad and I can’t be home for you to do that? Are you sure he’s not a creepy old guy, kid?”
“He’s not creepy,” you pouted, crossing your arms, “Can’t a girl just want some time alone with a guy she likes?”
“Easy, tiger,” he chuckled, “Just stay in your room. Your dad and I won’t barge in.”
You pout, “You promise? I really want to talk with Akagami tonight, and I don’t want Dad or you to interrupt us.”
Shanks slammed on the brakes, causing you to jerk forward. 
“What did you just say?”
You blink, furrowing your brows, “I asked if you promise not to barge in ’cause I wanted to talk to my friend Akagami-“
Shanks’ heart begins pounding, and sweat falls down his brow.
Oh shit.
He was so fucked.
The toys, the moan, the voice, the friend’s name.
He’s been dirty-talking his college friend’s daughter for months. 
“Are you okay? You’re sweating.” You eyed his sudden change of behavior, a bit frazzled.  
Suddenly, Shanks is taken out of his head by the sound of drivers honking behind him, reminding him that he stopped dead in the road. He quickly regained his composure and started driving again.
Shanks cleared his throat, “Uh nothin’, it’s just that name… I once knew a guy named that a long time ago, that’s all.”
Your eyes widened a bit. Did Shanks know Akagami? Did your dad? You bit your lip as you imagined a world where Akagami was much closer to you than you thought. 
“You still keep in touch with him?” You prod, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“Uh,” Shanks hesitates, “No, not anymore.”
You try not to look upset, “I see…”
The ride back to your house is filled with silence. It’s as if bringing up the name “Akagami” was a mistake in itself. Did this guy die young or something? Get in a tragic accident? Shanks’ face seemed to lose color at the name.
When you arrived home, your dad was waiting for you outside. You bolted out of the car, hoping to eliminate the awkwardness.
“Dad!” You jumped into his arms.
“Hey kid, how was the ride home?” He chuckled while hugging you tightly.
Before you could respond, Shanks beat you to it.
“It was good,” he grinned, ruffling your hair, “She was all packed up and ready to go, so we were in and out pretty quick.”
Beckman smiled widely, “Good. Shanks and I are going out for a bit, but he’ll be staying the night with us, and tomorrow the three of us will go out and have a celebratory breakfast.”
“Great, uh-I’ll be talking with a friend on the phone later, so please don’t barge into my room, please, and thank you!”
You ran to Shanks’ car, grabbed a few boxes, and bolted inside the house under the stare of Shanks and your dad.
Your dad raised his eyebrow at Shanks, “What was that about?” 
Shanks smiled awkwardly at him, “Kids these days, no?”
You unpacked for the rest of the afternoon while Shanks thought deeply about what to do. You were his little princess. He had spent months wondering how you looked, how you’d feel, and he fantasized about you constantly...
And now he found out you were his best friend’s daughter.
You were going to call him later; he needed to decide what to do. But the more he thought about it, the more enticed he was by you, the more he wanted to ravish you, care for you.
You were forbidden, after all, and that’s what made you even more appealing.
Hours passed, and your dad and Shanks came home, their laughter carrying throughout the house as you set up everything for your phone call with Akagami. You rolled your eyes, hoping they would settle down soon.
Your wish is granted in moments as you hear someone come up the steps and into the guest room. You assumed it was Shanks. You had to be quiet if he was staying across the hall…
Finally, your time slot came around for when you usually called, and you called up Akagami. 
You waited for the phone to ring, and soon enough, Akagami answered.
“Hey there, little princess.” already familiar with his greeting, you smiled.
“Hey, Daddy! I’ve been thinking about you.”
He chuckled, “Have you now? Have you been a good girl for Daddy, sweet thing?”
You pouted teasingly, “When am I not a good girl Daddy?”
He chuckled, amused, “Fair enough… But listen, little princess; Daddy has a surprise for you.”
You clenched your thighs together, “A surprise?”
Your mind was imagining multiple possibilities. What could he have up his sleeve?
“Mhm, think of it as a little graduation present from Daddy.” He hummed, well aware of your moving out day as you had told him ahead of time.
“Now, sweet girl, is the door of your room unlocked?” His deep voice rasps, and you furrow your brows in confusion.
“U-Unlocked? Uh, yes, Daddy, it’s unlocked; why?”
“It’s part of the surprise, little girl. Now, get your favorite toys out for Daddy, okay?”
“Okay, Daddy,” you got out your favorite clitoral vibrator and dildo.
“Good, little princess, now I want you to tease yourself, okay? Take your top off, grab your nipples for Daddy, and pinch them. Make them really hard for me.”
“O-Okay, Daddy” 
“Good, keep that up, little girl. Are they perky enough, or have you not listened to Daddy?”
“No, Daddy! They’re really hard. They feel so good.”
He hummed, “Good, very good, little girl. Now lose your pants and underwear. Tell Daddy how wet you are.”
You lay naked on your bed, perky nipples exposed as your fingertips grazed your wet pussy.
“Really wet, Daddy,” you panted, “I barely touched, and the cum’s all over my fingers…”
“Is that so? Then ease in your dildo for me, princess,” He growls lowly, “Tell Daddy, are you wet enough for it to just slide in?”
“Yes, Daddy, it eased right in. I think I’m so wet that I might get it on the bed...” You bit your lip and mewled, “I was so worked up while I was waiting to call you. My panties have been soaked all afternoon…”
He chuckled amusedly, “What a slutty and needy little girl Daddy has…”
“Now, princess, turn your vibrator on. Put it in the lowest setting while fucking yourself slowly with your dildo.”
You pressed the phone between your cheek and shoulder as you obeyed your Daddy’s command.
“Does it feel good, little girl? Let Daddy hear your moans as you describe how you’re fucking yourself.”
You mewled harder as you slowly moved the toy in and out of yourself with one hand while pressing the vibrator harder on your clit with your other.
He laughed softly, “I take it my little princess feels good?”
“Yes-” Your voice came out broken, “Yes, Daddy. I missed you so much-”
“Sweet girl…” He cooed, “We just talked last week... you missed Daddy that much?”
“Yes…” You mewled, and suddenly you froze up as you heard footsteps in the hallway.
“Sorry, I think someone is walking by… I’m back home now, so my dad and his friend might be around. I’ll have to be quiet…”
You could almost feel his smug grin through the phone.
“Is that so? Is my naughty little girl afraid of getting caught?”
You nod and say, “Yeah, It’d be awkward if my dad heard me… Plus, it’s his cute friend that’s over too…”
Shanks tsked, “You’re still on about that guy? I thought you were loyal to me, princess?”
You whine, “I-I am! I want to be yours, only yours, Akagami.”
He hummed, “I don’t know, little girl, I might have to make you forget all about this man…”
“Daddy, I promise!” You bit your lip, “After thinking about it, I realized that it’s you that cares for me and gives me the attention I love. You’re the one I want, really!”
You felt your heart stop as someone opened your door.
Shanks entered quietly and closed the door behind him, then he turned to face you, his eyes never leaving your body as he pulled his phone up to his ear.
“You really mean that, princess?” He murmured into the receiver, and your eyes grew wide as you realized that Shanks was the one on the other end of the phone, “You wanna belong to a perverted old man like me?”
Your heart pounded as blood rushed to your ears. You dropped your vibrator, and the phone slipped from your shoulder, falling onto the covers below you. Shanks gave a smug, toothy grin.
“Shanks? You’re...?” Your body lay frozen on the bed.
He hummed, “I am, and now that you’re in front of me, I want to show you everything I’ve wanted to do to you…”
You stammered, trying to find your words as he slinked closer to you, crawling onto the bed, “But first… it looks like I have a naughty little girl to punish, isn’t that right?”
That caught your attention as you looked at him, “Punish?”
He hummed, crawling in between your legs as he grabbed your forgotten vibrator.
“Naughty girl,” He teased, “I have to punish you because your loyalty wavered… You were thinking about someone else. The other man you mentioned in the car.”
“N-No, Daddy, it’s a misunderstand-” You were cut off by your own gasp as he turned the vibrator up a notch, bringing it towards your needy clit.
“Misunderstanding, you say? No, I don’t think so, little girl.” You gasped again as he started fucking you with the dildo with his other hand as he pressed the vibrator harder against your clit.
“God, you’re so fucking beautiful, princess. Let Daddy see you cry.” You released a broken gasp as he fucked you harder and turned the vibrator up another notch.
“Aww, is this too much for my little princess? I have to prep you, sweetheart. If not, Daddy might not fit in your tight little pussy. And nobody likes to break their toys before they get to use them, right?”
You whimpered as your hands flew to your mouth to cover your moans. Your eyes rolled back as Shanks fucked you relentlessly with the toy. Your legs shook as he guided you to the edge, your body instinctively catapulting off of it. You couldn’t help it, you were already so close and Shanks' presence made it all the more overwhelming.
“Now, what is this? Did my little slut come without her Daddy’s permission?”
Your chest heaved, “S-Sorry, Daddy… I was just… so excited that the man I always wanted was you all along.”
Shanks’ ears perked up at that, “What do you mean, baby?”
He dropped the vibrator and rubbed his thumbs into your hip bones, the dildo still packed inside your tightness.
“The men I was stuck between… Was Shanks and Akagami.” You laughed breathlessly.
Shanks smiled a bit at your words, “Yeah? I guess you’ve fallen for me twice…”
You nod, and he crawls up your body, kissing you sweetly. You tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling him even closer to you. A muffled moan escaped your lips as you felt his tongue dart over your lower lip. You willingly opened your mouth to him, allowing you to explore it. Your tongues slid over each other, your bodies seeming to melt together as they mingled.
“Shanks-” You moan happily between kisses, “Ah, feels like…”
You blushed when you reached between your legs, feeling his hardness grind into your palm. He looked at you, a dark interest in his eyes, “Can’t you tell I’m happy to see you?”
He winked, and you looked away sheepishly, “I-I can see that now…”
“Here,” He pulled away, “Let me get out of my clothes too.”
He makes quick work of his shirt and pants, leaving him in only his underwear. You reach forward timidly before looking up at him with innocent eyes, “Can I, um…” 
“Go ahead, princess, it’s all yours.”
You slowly tugged down his waistband and gasped when he came springing out. His giant, thick cock was throbbing and red. It looked desperate. You held it tenderly, the girthy dick pulsing in your hands.
“Woah…” You gasped, looking him over. He’s even better than you imagined.
As if lust possessed you, you sat up and situated yourself between his legs, eager to please him.
You looked up at him with innocent eyes while tentatively giving little kitten licks to his dick. As he hissed and fisted your hair with one hand, you hollowed your cheeks and took him in your mouth. Then, without thinking, you swallowed him down as far as you could, your nose brushing against his light pubic hair. He moaned out for you, tilting his head back.
“Fuck, that feels so good, sweetheart...”
You smiled to yourself, bobbing up and down his length as fast as you could, gagging all the way as little tears started to pool in your eyes. Still, you persisted, wanting to make your Daddy feel good. 
You pulled off for a moment, watching his cock twitch in the open air. The way it throbbed and twitched made your pussy wetter than ever before. Drool escaped the corners of your lips and you wiped it off with the back of your hand before diving between his legs, lapping at his full balls.
“Fuck-” He growled, grabbing at your hair even tighter, “Not leaving a single inch untouched, are you, princess?”
You pulled off his balls for a moment, your face red as your hands continued stroking his shaft.
“Nuh uh,” You shake your head, “I want Daddy to know how much I love his cock…”
He let out a hearty laugh before you went back to work, licking him from base to tip before swallowing him up again. With each movement upwards, you swirled your tongue around his aching tip. Shanks groaned happily.
“That’s it,” He encouraged, “You’re good at this, sweetheart. How many boys have you practiced on, huh?”
You pulled off him, stroking his leaking tip, “I-I’ve only had sex with one person before you, Daddy… But I wish I saved myself for you. I just- I figured you never would’ve done this with me, no matter how much I fantasized…” You shook your head, “I tried to move on.”
“Oh, honey…” He smiles softly, tucking your hair behind your ear, “Let’s make up for lost time then, alright?”
He picked you up and laid you on the bed, kissing your inner thigh softly. “Let Daddy take care of you, alright, princess?”
You gasped when you felt him lick a long stripe of your pussy. “D-Daddy!”
“Just relax, baby.” Shanks mumbled into your cunt, “Let Daddy show you what a lifetime of experience feels like…”
He groaned as he pressed delicate kisses to your clit, making your pussy clench around nothing. You tossed your head to the side as Shanks kissed your sensitive nub, his tongue eventually teasing it as well. Your legs relaxed as his warm, rough hands stroked your thighs, soothing you.
“What a pretty little pussy…” He kisses your cunt again, “So sweet… So swollen…”
“Ngh,” You tilted your head back, “Daddy…”
He continued pressing kisses to your clit. The action was surprisingly sweet and tender, his lips feather light on your sensitive, swollen nub. Eventually though, his tongue peeked out from his lips, the kisses feeling wet. His facial hair tickled your pussy lips, the feeling completely foreign to you.
Shanks then guided his hand to your slit, rubbing your hole with his fingers. Slowly, he pressed one inside, his middle finger instinctively hooking upwards. You arched your back, loving how he rubbed that special spot inside you.
“Ah, Daddy-!” You whimpered, and he looked up at you, long hair falling in his face.
“Quiet, don’t want your dad to come knocking, right?” He chuckles, “Man, this is reminding me of high school… Fucking girls while their parents were home… It’s so fucking hot, isn’t it?”
You nodded, placing a hand over your mouth as Shanks teased that bundle within you.
With deft fingers, he continued teasing your g-spot as his tongue busied itself with your clit. Sweet soft kisses turned to absolutely messy licking, his tongue swiping over your clit with drool dripping from his mouth. His movements were quick as the flat of his tongue worked you over and over. Your legs trembled, your second orgasm approaching much faster than your first now that you were so sensitive.
“D-Daddy, stop-”
“What’s the matter, princess?” He stopped, worried about you.
“I-I feel like-” you stuttered, “Like I have to pee-”
Shanks’ eyes light up, “Yeah? That’s good, baby. Let it go; that means you gotta squirt. You’re gonna do it for Daddy, right? You know how much he loves that.”
“I’ll try, but-” You whined, “I-I’ve never done that before-”
“It’s alright,” he shushed you, “I know just what to do, alright? It’ll feel so good once you do it, princess- just trust me.”
You nodded quickly, “I-I trust you, Daddy.”
Shanks smiles and inserts a second finger into your hole, two fingers rubbing your g-spot smoothly. You whimper as his other hand touches your clit, rubbing the bud. His fingers begin to pick up speed, causing you to clench your teeth.
“S-Shanks-” You moan, “I-I feel it- I-It’s coming-”
“That’s it, baby, let it happen-”
Your eyes shut tight, and you felt all the pressure inside release. You heard it, too, the sound of your juices wetting the bed sheets underneath you. You tried opening your eyes, but everything was spinning. You attempted to catch your breath as Shanks praised you.
“That’s it…” he cooed, “You did so well. You’re definitely ready for Daddy’s dick now, pretty girl…”
Shanks kissed your clit one last time before readjusting himself so he was leaning over you. He took his desperate, swollen cock in hand and rubbed it against your sopping-wet hole, your hip in his other hand.You whimpered as his fat head slid over your desperate, yet overstimulated clit. Even though you had already cum twice, your body couldn’t get enough of him.
“This is it, princess. You sure this is what you want?”
You nodded eagerly, “Yes, more than anything.”
Shanks sighed, “Here goes…”
He eased himself inside inch by inch, only stopping once he bottomed out within you. You gasped and reached for his back, gripping his shoulders tight. Meanwhile, both of his hands held your waist.
Shanks cooed at you, “Alright, pretty girl, Daddy will go slowly, okay? Let him know when he can move. He knows it’s been a while for you, so he wants to be gentle… at least at first.”
Shanks hissed, feeling how tightly your snug walls pressed around him.
As he was sheathed entirely within you, he pressed his forehead against yours, staring deep into your eyes.
“You’re the best little girl. Daddy is so proud of you. You are such a good girl, fuck-”
Shanks’ little ramble about you was cut short when your walls tightened a bit more.
You kissed him deeply and once you pulled away, you pressed your forehead against his, “Y-You can move, Daddy.”
Shanks nodded and started pulling out slowly, his thick length stretching you out. He only pulled out halfway before thrusting back inside, causing you to whine. You gripped his back even more, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Mm, Daddy-” You moan, “More-”
Shanks chuckled a bit before pulling out halfway again, this time forcing himself into you even rougher.
You let out a louder whine at the feeling.
As you were going to beg for more, Shanks shoved three fingers inside your mouth. Your eyes widened as you were taken by surprise.
“Now, little girl, didn’t Daddy tell you to be quiet? Do you want your dad to find us like this? Do you want him to see his daughter under me crying and begging for my cock?”
You shook your head as he started pounding a bit rougher into you.
“Then be a good girl for Daddy and suck on his fingers as he fucks your little pussy raw, yeah?”
His words made your needy cunt clench around him like a vice. You shut your eyes tight, eagerly sucking his fingers as he stretched you out.
Shanks’ hips are desperate, his balls smacking against your lips as he rammed himself inside you. You felt as though you were ascending to Heaven with how he was fucking you. Your toes curled and your back arched, your body desperately needing more of him. 
You opened your eyes timidly to see his dark red hair hanging in front of his face, his brow furrowed as he put all his energy into pounding you. Your nails dug into his shoulders, no doubt leaving red marks on his tanned flesh.
You let out a disappointed groan when Shanks’ hips stop moving.
“Let Daddy show you a position that’ll let him give your cervix kisses…” Shanks mumbled before folding your body into a tight mating press.
When he slammed back inside, you let out a loud moan around his fingers. You had never felt so full before in your life. Nothing compared to this feeling.
When you heard Shanks laugh, you opened your eyes to look at him. He slipped his fingers from your mouth, drool connecting his fingers to your lips.
“Now look at that, little girl, you can see Daddy’s cock in your stomach. How cute…” You looked down to see the faint outline of his dick poking out of your stomach.
You bit your lip to stop yourself from crying as he pressed down your stomach, feeling his cock through you.
The pleasure was getting too much, having already cum twice. You started tearing up a bit at the overstimulation.
Shanks cooed at you, “Is this too much for my little princess? But Daddy hasn’t come yet, sweetheart. We can’t have that now, can we?”
You shook your head, more tears falling down your cheeks as you pressed your hand to your mouth to avoid making too much noise now that Shanks’ hands were occupied.
“You look so cute with little tears in your eyes, princess. Are you gonna let Daddy fuck you raw until he’s satisfied? Will you let Daddy creampie your little pussy?”
Shanks’ thrusts were getting rougher each second. Your eyes roll back as he rams his cock into your further walls, the curve of his cock brushing your g-spot along the way.
You took your hand off your mouth so you could whisper, “Yes, Daddy, please creampie my pussy, fuck me until you’re satisfied. I-I’ll take it like a good girl.”
Shanks growled lowly at you as your pussy clenched harder.
Life felt like eternity as Shanks pleasured you. Your bodies fit together perfectly, your hushed sounds like a muted symphony. Everything was perfect.
Until there was a knock at the door.
Shit, it was your father.
“Y-Yes, Dad?”
“Have you seen Shanks?”
“Uhm-” You looked up at Shanks who had a wild grin on his face. You reached for his stomach, trying to push him away, but he only pounded faster, making your head fuzzy. Your legs quivered as you tried to come up with an excuse.
“H-He’s- uh- in the bathroom!” You squeaked out, hoping that would satisfy your father.
“I just checked,” Your dad responds, “The door’s wide open.”
“Uh, maybe he’s outside then?” You let out a frustrated groan, “I-I don’t know dad! I thought I told you I’d be on a call with a f-friend! I’m sure he’s somewhere around here!”
There’s a silence that follows, the sound of hips smacking against each other filling the room’s air. You hoped and prayed your father couldn’t hear it through the door.
“Right.” He says, “Sorry I interrupted your call.”
And with that, the sound of footsteps grew faint.
“Now it really feels like high school,” Shanks smiled, “Fuck, I was so close-”
You blushed furiously, “Y-You owe me for that!”
Shanks laughed, leaning forward to whisper in your ear, “C’mon, you had to admit, the thrill of it was amazing. We could’ve gotten caught just now…”
You whimper as Shanks bites your earlobe, his quick, powerful thrusts making you melt.
“S-Shanks, you’re crazy-” You gasp out, trying to look at him with a stern expression, but your lustful expression beats it easily.
“Just crazy about you.” He winks.
He moans softly as he buries his head in your neck, his chest positioned between your pushed back legs. His forceful thrusts somehow get even more strong, the power behind them knocking the air out your lungs.
“Mn, S-Shanks-” You whimper, your voice shaking.
“That’s it, little girl, so good, you’re so good for Daddy,” He cooed, “Daddy will keep you forever, fuck you dumb until your little pussy can only cum with Daddy’s dick. Is that what you want? For Daddy to keep you as his little girl forever?”
“Yes, Daddy, please,” You cried as low as you could.
Shanks’ thrusts were getting a bit sloppy as he fucked you, the thrill of everything finally getting to him.
“Can you cum again for Daddy?”
As he said those words, you felt yourself squirt again for him, the force of your orgasm pulling Shanks over the edge as you felt his cum fill you up. He groaned lowly, biting his lip to muffle his sounds.
The both of you collapsed, panting together, not letting go of each other.
You looked up to stare into his eyes, “Did you mean it, Daddy? Will you keep me forever?”
His eyes softened as he slowly pulled out, cum leaking out of you, as he went to hug you tightly.
“Did you mean it, princess? You really wanna belong to a perverted old man like me?”
You cuddled into him, “I’ve always wanted you, Daddy.”
He chuckled, “Then all we gotta do is think of a way to break the news to your old man that doesn’t end up with him killing me.”
Post Credits Scene
In the morning, you yawn and stretch as you come down the stairs, Shanks following not far behind. Your dad is already awake, as usual, his cup of coffee in his hands as he sits at the table. He gives a slight nod to you and Shanks, and you both take a seat.
“How did your call go?” Benn asks, looking at you with an unreadable expression.
“It went well!” You chirped up, unable to hide your excitement from last night’s events.
“Yeah, I heard.” Shanks grins, “Up all night talking to that guy, huh?”
You fight the urge to kick him under the table.
“I’m curious, though,” your father looked at you both, “What kind of call was it that involved all that noise?”
Your face paled, and you looked at Shanks, who wore an uneasy smile, trying his best to formulate some kind of excuse.
“W-What do you mean, Dad?”
“Oh, just…” Your father pauses, sipping his coffee, “There was a lot of thumping last night, is all. I don’t recall hearing those sounds since I was roommates with Shanks in college.”
Shanks’ face has a soft tint to it.
“Ah, well, you know…” Shanks vaguely gestures, his voice trailing off.
“Oh yes, I sure do. I just never expected for you to do it with my daughter as well.”
Your face lost all color as Shanks’ face blushed a bit harder. Your eyes darted to the older man, but it looked like even he couldn’t charm his way out of this one.
“D-Dad, listen, I-” Your dad cut you off before you could finish.
He suddenly snaps, his calm demeanor gone, “What the hell is wrong with you, Shanks?!”
“H-Hey, it’s not like that…” Shanks’ voice shakes a bit with uncertainty.
“Bullshit, How long have you been fucking my daughter?”
Benn’s stern expression causes chills to run up your spine. He’s usually a serious man, but that look is one you haven’t seen in a long time if you’ve ever seen it this intense.
“It’s really not like that, Dad, I swear!”
“You don’t have to protect him, sweetheart.” His tone softened just for you as he glared daggers at Shanks.
“I’m not! I started it; I-I just didn’t know it was him!”
Then understanding seemed to dawn on your dad. Still, though, he had that same disapproving look on his face. You were having trouble reading him now.
“You called a phone sex hotline?” Then he looked at Shanks, “My daughter is the ‘little princess’ you haven’t shut the fuck about for the last few months?”
“You told my dad about this?!”
Shanks looked pale now as both your dad and you glared at him, “I-I didn’t know it was you at the time!”
Shanks begins to scramble for his words, now confronted with two angry people instead of just one. His cool is suddenly out the window as his best friend stares at him, his gaze showing that he’s debating how to kill Shanks and hide the body.
“Look, I know this is bad, sleeping with your daughter was never my plan, it’s just, y-you know I’ve always liked younger girls, a-and then she called me, and I started to look forward to her calls and-” His rambling was cut short as he looked at both your dad and you.
Shanks took a deep breath before talking again, “I really like your daughter, Benn, like for a permanent thing. I promise I won’t hurt her!”
“I really like him too, Dad; please don’t hate us!”
His face is hard as stone, your father’s gaze is disapproving, and you let out a deep sigh, your shoulders slumped. You knew this wouldn’t have gone well.
“You break my daughter’s heart,” He starts, “And I break your fucking neck.”
Shanks gives a nervous but excited smile.
You let out a happy laugh as you hug your dad, “Thank you, you’re the best! I love you!”
“Yeah, you’re grounded for the rest of the month, kid.”
You sigh but give a smile nonetheless. There were certainly worse outcomes.
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berupii · 1 year
Ivy - Part 10
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gif by: @hotch-girl <3
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader (Sean Hotchner x Fem!Reader)
Series summary: Your relationship with your boyfriend, Sean, is going great. Well, that is until you meet his older brother, Aaron.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
my besties <333 i'm sorry it took me a while to update, but i'm here!! don't yell at me for not tagging anyone in this, no one gets notifications from me anymore, so there was no point. idk who is gonna see this without any tags but i'm posting it for the people who ask me about it and are waiting for an update 🥹 ilysm!!!!! this chaper is hurt/comfort and they're all gonna be okay! i promise!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“I’m saying we should double the prize. A hundred thousand dollars for your one and only. Sounds fair to me.”
Spencer held the button of Garcia’s device so he could speak without being heard by the people on the other side of the phone. “Agree with him.”
Sean nodded, looking at his almost empty apartment, left alone now with only Spencer and Penelope.
“Fine. A hundred thousand dollars. Tell me the place and I’ll bring them to you,” he said with confidence.
“I’m not telling you the location more than half an hour before our meeting. Do you think I’m stupid?”
Yes, Sean wanted to say, but he held back. “Alright. I’ll have them ready by eight o’clock tonight.”
“Good. Wait for my call around that time then. Say goodbye to pretty Y/N for now,” the man’s mocking voice replied, before hanging up.
Sean closed his eyes, exhaling as if it was the first time he had breathed all day. “Jesus…”
“You did a great job,” Spencer said. “They think you’re gonna meet in the evening so they won’t attempt to move locations for now.”
Reid’s reassuring words were comforting, but the weight on his chest was still heavy. “I won’t feel okay until Aaron calls me and tells me he has her.”
You, in his brother’s arms. His greatest fear had somehow turned into his greatest wish. As long as you were safe, nothing else mattered to him.
Being tied up and alone in a basement left plenty of time for your thoughts to travel wherever they desired. At first, those thoughts were filled with Aaron, and Jack, and Sean. But after that last phone call, your fantasies had shifted. This time they were violent and they involved the chair you were currently sitting at, and you using it to hit your kidnappers in the face.
They had, at least, finally shut up and left the room; although you were certain they were still in the house. You closed your eyes to appreciate the silence before a loud bang disturbed your little moment of peace.
“FBI! Drop your weapons.”
Aaron was here.
You smiled. Aaron was here and it was all going to be okay.
You could hear loud noises and yells from the other room, but you couldn’t make out everything that was being said. Two sentences, though, arrived perfectly clear to your ears.
“Where is she?”
“Hotch, slow down, you’re gonna kill him.”
Listening to the mess that was taking place on the other side of the wall and not being able to see any of it was actively killing you, but that torture ended fast when the door opened and you finally got to see the love of your life after a day full of agony.
Your heart melted at the sight of him and the tears you didn’t know you still had inside you spilled.
“Baby…” you cried, as he rushed to get next you.
Derek and Emily followed him, still pointing with their guns. “There’s no one else here,” you informed them.
“Sweetheart…” Aaron’s voice got your attention again. He kneeled in front of you, and started untying you gently.
It was hard for you to get any words out, your voice choked by your sobs.
“I’m here now. You’re okay.” he said.
“You’re here.”
“I’m here. I got here on time,” he said, kissing your forehead. You weren’t sure if he was talking to you or himself. “I got here on time,” he repeated against your skin. “You’re alive, I wasn’t too late this time. I wasn’t too late.”
“What did you do to them?” you whispered.
“That’s not for you to worry about,” Aaron answered softly, helping you to stand up and then immediately lifting you up in his arms.
You could feel the eyes of his team on the two of you. You knew how it looked, yet you did not have the energy to care. You hid your face in the crook of his neck, holding onto one of the straps of his vest, as he walked you out of the building, protecting yourself from seeing the reason behind the blood that had stained the sleeves of his white shirt.
Getting checked up by the doctors didn’t take long since - besides the scars on your wrists and ankles by being tied up - there wasn’t a single scratch on your body.
You shut your eyes letting yourself surrender to the safety of being in Aaron’s car. He was talking on the phone with someone from his team, but you didn’t pay attention to what he was saying, his voice muffled with the sound of the few drops of rain that were falling on your windows, the soft melody coming from the radio, and the sound of the other cars passing. His hand was holding yours, resting on his lap. He squeezed it softly every few seconds as if to make sure you wouldn’t suddenly disappear.
“Sean…” you whispered.
“I called him. He knows you’re okay.”
“Good.” You smiled, and finally dozed off.
Your nose was buried in something soft. A hand was playing with your hair and the sweet feeling of sleep was taking over your body, but you resisted it. Where were you?
Your eyes fluttered open, being met with the fabric of a gray t-shirt. Turning your body to lay on your back and looking up, you saw a pair of brown eyes staring at you sweetly.
“What time is it?” you asked, not recognizing your own voice.
“It’s four in the morning.”
“Four?” You palmed your forehead and closed your eyes, feeling tired and confused.
“I know you needed to shower and eat, but I didn’t wanna wake you,” he explained himself. “How are you feeling?”
“My throat is dry.”
“Here.” Aaron offered you the glass of water that was sitting on the table right in front of the couch you were laying at.
The feeling of the cool water down your throat was worth a million dollars.
“I feel like shit,” you said, handing back to him the now empty glass.
“Wanna take a shower?” he suggested. “Then we can eat something. I cooked.”
You nodded.
You didn’t have the energy to talk; you didn’t have the energy to cry. And you felt immeasurably grateful it was Aaron that you were with. Someone who understood you, someone you didn’t need to fake it with.
He led you to the bathroom and quietly removed your clothes. An action he had done before, but this time there was nothing sexual in his movements. There wasn’t lust in his eyes. Only care and worry.
“That’s it,” he whispered, as you stepped into the shower. He made sure the temperature of the water was perfect and then he placed the shower head above you so the water would be poured all over you. After a few moments, he opened the shampoo bottle, and dropped some of the product on his open palm. The feeling of his fingers scratching your scalp was what broke you.
Your sobs were soft and your tears blended with the shower water. Still, it wasn’t hard to miss that you were crying. But Aaron didn’t acknowledge it, giving you the space you needed, even though he was right next to you. Just when you thought it was impossible to love him more, he made you fall for him even harder.
“I love you,” you attempted to say, not sure if the words even came out.
“I love you,” he answered, cupping your cheeks. His lips touched yours, the kiss light as a feather; a reminder that he was right there and he loved you.
Aaron moved onto washing your body, his touch reaching every single inch of you, washing away every reminder of that experience.
His clothes had gotten wet and some parts even had soap on them, so you figured it was okay if you did something that would make an even bigger mess. When he was done rinsing all the soap of your body and hair, you opened your arms and pulled him into a tight hug. You held him as close as possible to your body and Aaron lost no time before wrapping his arms around you protectively.
“Thank you for saving me.”
“Thank you for coming back to me.”
“Your hair is still wet. You’re gonna catch a cold,” Aaron said from the kitchen, as you made yourself comfortable on his couch. You were dressed entirely in his clothes, seeking comfort in every little thing of his.
He walked towards you, with a bawl of soup and his famous Aaron Hotchner disapproving stare. He didn’t fight you, though, letting you settle in his arms even with wet hair, and fed you the soup he had prepared when you were asleep.  
“Baby?” he said, carefully, as you devoured the food.
“Are you feeling okay enough to call Sean now?”
His question took you by surprise.
“He asked me if you could call him at some point,” he explained. “He wants to hear your voice.”
“Of course,” you said. “I’m an idiot for not thinking of it earlier. I should have called him as soon as I woke up.”
“No, you’re not. You went through a lot today.”
You were in the middle of dialing his number when you realized what time it actually was. “Aaron, the sun is not even up yet. Isn’t he probably sleeping now?”
Aaron’s gaze dropped on his lap, in what you figured was guilt. “He said he wouldn’t sleep until he heard your voice. He…he thinks all of this is his fault.”
“It’s not.”
“I know. But you know Sean.”
“Yeah…I do.”
As hypocritical as it sounded, you both shared a love for Sean that you were afraid he would rightfully not accept. Sean would beat himself up for what happened to you, and you would not let that happen. You had already damaged his heart enough.
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berupii · 1 year
I Only See Daylight - Masterlist
-title from “daylight” by taylor swift, the soundtrack to this fic-
want to be on the taglist? let me know! (please specify if you want to be on the list for this fic, or for all my fics) (my full masterlist)
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader (AFAB)
Series Info: Ongoing, set after The Mandalorian season 2/The Book of Boba Fett.
Updates on Thursdays. No use of Y/N.
Summary: You’ve stayed in one place all this time, knowing that any move to leave could lead Them to find you.
But despite your desperate need to stay alone, to stay safe, when a Mandalorian and his child crash land in your middle-of-nowhere home needing help, you can’t turn them down. Not even when they offer to take you to see the Galaxy, no matter how dangerous it may be.
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Tags/Warnings: slow burn, eventual smut, post-canon, trauma, past emotional/physical abuse, religious trauma, cults, scars, negative self-image, din working out his shit, reader working out her shit, found family, injury, heavy angst but also lots of fluff and love
Notes: each chapter will have individual warnings/tags. this is slow burn, i'm still writing it and we're at 130k words and counting. 22 chapters in total. expect fluff, smut, angst, and appearances from mando’s friends :)
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Chapter One (6.8k)
Chapter Two (6k)
Chapter Three (6.1k)
Chapter Four (4.2k)
Chapter Five (5.5k)
Chapter Six (4.9k)
Chapter Seven (7k)
Chapter Eight (10k)
Chapter Nine (4.8k)
Chapter Ten (5.2k)
Chapter Eleven* (5.6k)
*indicates smut
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Fic Tag (inspo, updates, etc)
Also on AO3!
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berupii · 1 year
Could I request for dating headcanons for Jimbei, Fukaboshi, Shanks, and Mihawk with gn s/o?
A/N: I’m loving this lineup! Hope you enjoy these!
CW: none
The Dad Boyfriend(TM)
Constantly checking up on your physical and mental health bc he knows that being a straw hat is taxing on the heart and mind lol
His favorite question is “Have you eaten today?” Watch out because if the answer is no he will (gently) force food down your throat
I feel like he would love to cook for you, idk why I get that energy but I think he’s a decent cook and would always want to make you snacks
I feel like he’s one of the best people to be with when you’re sad/down bc he is so wise and def gives the best advice, not to mention the most amazing hugs
He isn’t a PDA guy, it’s more of a manners thing than a shy thing, but he will always be willing to hold your hand or have a hand on your shoulder for if you need reassurance
Dates are usually never extravagant unless there is a special occasion. He loves doing simple things and making sweet memories, like picnics or a nice walk through a picturesque area.
He loves offering words of affirmation. When you’re in a relationship with Jimbei, you will never forget that he loves you and that you are beautiful and strong and kind and—
Yeah he’s kinda whipped for you and it’s precious. You are his treasure and he will protect you at all costs.
Your knight in shining armor
His main goal in life other than fishmen equality ofc is to protect you, his beloved. Anyone says the wrong thing about you? Looks at you the wrong way? His glare could KILL. And good god let someone try to harm you.
He loves giving acts of service. Usually it’s in the form of protective acts, and deep down he is trying to impress you with everything he does
Chivalry is dead? What a joke. You will never open a door again in your life. This man was raised as a royal, so he knows exactly how to treat someone like royalty and will not hesitate to do so for you
He has a pretty stoic shell since he is an important figure to many people, but when you two are alone or in safe company, he just SO SOFT
He has the sweetest smile, only for you, and will always want to be near you. In public, a hand in yours or resting gently on your back because he loves to show you off. In more private places, his arm around your waist, tight hugs, small kisses all over your cute face
You would be very surprised at how jealous he gets. He knows you are good friends with his brothers, but he can’t help but get annoyed when they want to take up your time.
And god help anyone else who tries to get too close to you. If it isn’t an appropriate time to talk to you (or them) then and there, he will definitely have a small chat with you later.
Poor guy needs a little reassurance sometimes, but he knows at the end of the day that you love him, and he loves you too.
PDA? Who cares? This man cannot get enough of you. Sometimes you gotta tell him off a little to get some damn space. But he’s cute tho be nice to him
In a crew full of wild men, he’s gotta be careful who is getting close to you, so he’s almost always by your side. He doesn’t really h get jealous, he just doesn’t need anything messing with what’s his, you know?
Let’s not forget that he is absolutely yours, though. When I tell you he is whipped, I mean it. You will catch him staring at you daily, and he doesn’t even deny it. He just wiggles his eyebrows and makes some stupid face to make you laugh. (The crew just wants to vomit sometimes fr)
The teasing is non-stop. He loves seeing you blush and laugh, and he loves it even more when you can tease him back.
Want to make him melt? Just laugh for him, even better at one of his own jokes. Your laughter is like sweet music to this man and he cannot get enough of it. All he wants is to see you smile.
Obviously, then man loves physical affection. He’s either holding your hand, has his arm wrapped around your waist, or hugging up against you. Alone? Cuddles for days. He is so warm and loves to hold you close, but will melt in your hands when you decide to hold him too. He’s a little spoon at heart
He will DIE (/pos) if you play with his hair, just saying
And of course he is very very protective, in battle he will never leave your side unless he knows for a 100% certain fact that you will be safe. Besides, he loves to impress you with how strong he is in a fight.
You impress him with everything you do, as well
A quiet simp.
He isn’t a man of words, but he does the most everyday to treat you like a god/goddess because that is exactly how he sees you
The perfect gentleman all of the time. Loves to kiss your hand and see you blush
Malewife af. Will have a warm meal for you anytime you want one, will grow your favorite flower in his garden just to pick you a bouquet, will do literally anything to see you smile that heavenly smile of yours
He really enjoys just being domestic with you. Enjoying a home-cooked meal, chatting as you two tidy things up, reading in silence, just being in your presence.
Dates with him are usually pretty extravagant. He always wants to spoil you
Another one that will be caught staring all the time. In contrast to the red-haired bastard, he will quickly look away and try to play it off. The pink dusting his cheeks is unmistakable, though.
Not the biggest fan of PDA aside from hand holding when he wants to show you off, but when you two are alone he enjoys showering you if affection so you never forget how much he cares for you.
Forehead kisses are his specialty, and he loves having an arm around your waist when doing pretty much anything. He loves to have you on his lap as he reads, as well
He does value his space at times, so he isn’t the biggest cuddler in the world, but he still likes to have you close. Will simply hold you close to him and place little chaste kisses on your head and cheeks. Not the biggest fan of spooning, but is a professional big spoon.
As I said earlier, he isn’t a man of words, but one look from him with that adoring look in his eyes and you know that he is forever yours.
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berupii · 1 year
Hi, I just saw your recent dating headcanon and they are so cute! Could I request a little scenario when shanks manages to get his s/o to laugh in front of him for the first time and that leads to their first kiss?
Title: Third Time’s the Charm
A/N: That’s so nice of you to say!! Thank you sm! 🥹This scenario sounds super cute and I love it! We love our little red hair dork. I hope you don’t mind the personality that I gave the reader, I wanted the laugh to be extra special! Hope you like!
ANOTHER NOTE! Sorry this took SO DAMN LONG to come out! I had a bad fit of writers block and school was killing me and I didn’t want to put out anything that my heart wasn’t in. But here it is!!! I hope you enjoy <3
CW: fluff, mentions of alcohol, Shanks has a hangover, Shanks x GN!reader
Ever since you first joined the Red Hair pirates, you were always known for being quiet and stoic. You weren’t rude, and you surely weren’t devoid of emotion, but you were a very serious person when it came to the life of piracy. For a crew that loved to party often, you rarely let yourself fully unwind.
This was something that your spunky captain aimed to change. He didn’t want to change you, per se, but he had a very specific goal in mind. He wanted to hear you laugh.
He had realized not long after you joined that he had never truly heard you laugh. It was a quiet night, and the crew was settled around a campfire on a remote island telling stories. During moments filled with uproarious laughter, the most anyone could get out of you was a sharp exhale. He was originally worried that you were uncomfortable with the crew, but he quickly learned that it was merely part of your personality.
Now, do not misunderstand, Shanks adored your personality and the way it contrasted with his yet fit so perfectly like a puzzle piece. He loved working with you— hell, he loved you, but he wasn’t ready to admit that quite yet. His first goal was to get you to laugh, because he wanted the bragging rights.
He was honestly putting in effort every day, but there were two major points in which he came close.
The first time was a horrible failure.
Yassop had told a really dumb dad joke, which he did often, and it resulted in you doing that little nose exhale that Shanks thought was so cute. Seeing that reaction from you gave him hope, so he started making every terrible pun imaginable.
“What’s a pirate’s favorite letter, Y/N?”
“The C!”
The rest of the crew couldn’t help but laugh at how stupid his attempts were, but he was unsuccessful with you. You simply shook your head and smiled at the crew and their shenanigans.
The second time, Shanks was sure that he would do it! They had just completed a successful raid and the crew took the opportunity to celebrate. Drinks were being handed out left and right, and Shanks got an idea.
He declared a drinking competition, knowing how you enjoyed a good challenge, and thought that a little alcohol in your system would encourage you to let loose and maybe let out a good laugh!
As the night went on, you weren’t exactly winning the contest, but you were certainly enjoying yourself. You had drank more than you had in a while, and your cheeks were a deep red. The crew began to tell stories, and Shanks watched you intently in hopes of catching a giggle or two.
However, all he saw was you gently swaying back and forth as your eyes were half lidded.
Of course you were a sleepy drunk…
At this point, Shanks was starting to give up. It had been a while since he had made any big attempts, bringing us to the present.
It was a quiet afternoon, the ship gently swaying in the soft breeze. You sat on the deck and gazed at the horizon for a while as a specific thought plagued your mind. Something about the crisp air gave you a boost of confidence, and so you went to find your captain for a word.
You found Shanks sitting and chatting with Benn as his first mate forced him to drink water as opposed to another round of sake, because the poor man was still terribly hungover from the night before. A common occurrence, really. You were reluctant at first, but you approached your captain with his cherry-red cheeks and asked him for a word alone.
Of course, he didn’t hesitate to say yes. He guided you with a hand on the small of your back as he led you to his room, laughing to himself as he complained about his splitting headache. He looked like a bumbling idiot, but you supposed that was why you felt the way you did for him…
However, what he was about to do was going to make him look like a lot more of an idiot.
He began to walk backwards so he could look at you as the two of you walked, a slight stumble in his step as he smiled and stuttered some more, asking about what you wanted to talk about. How he could look so adorable and silly at the same time was a mystery to you…
You were about to give some obscure, avoidant answer before you realized that your captain was about to run straight into a—
Just before he went to open the door, Shanks had smacked his head right into the door jam. He grabbed his head, barely phased, and grunted about how that was definitely not gonna help his headache.
You had to take a moment to process what had just happened. To think that you were about to confess to this man. You were so worried about making yourself look foolish, but he took that title way before you could. A bubbly feeling filled your chest and spilled out of you before you could think about it.
“Pfft- hahahahha!”
As you doubled over, losing yourself in an uncharacteristic fit on giggles, Shanks suddenly felt pretty sober. He fell silent and looked at you, a dreamy look in his eyes, as he held his head and blushed. The sound of your laughter was more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. It was like music to his ears, like the first song of the morning birds.
He was in love with it. Almost as much as he was in love with you.
Once you caught your breath, you looked up at your captain, ready to apologize for laughing at him. How rude of you, right? Except, when you looked up at him, you were met with a pink face and a dreamy yet sober expression. Your words immediately got caught in your throat. You had never seen him look at you like that…
The two of you were silent for a moment, still standing just outside of his room. Suddenly nervous, you began to stutter out some word vomit of apologize and asking if he was okay or something to fill the void before he just interrupted you and blurted out:
“I’m so in love with you...”
Once again, you were thrown into stunned silence, and now you had a face to match the redness of his. It felt like minutes before you were able to find your voice again.
“That’s… what I was coming to tell you…”
Shanks’ expression softened even more as he processed your words. He was pretty shocked, but he was simply overwhelmed by your beauty and perfection to even care.
He didn’t waste another moment before pulling you close to him, wrapping an arm around your waist until your faces were almost touching. He didn’t move any closer than that, though. He simply gazed into your gorgeous eyes and waited for you to do the rest. He would hate to do anything you didn’t want.
But you definitely did want this— more than anything actually. You let your lips meet his, offering a kiss so soft and gentle it was like it was barely there. Shanks was pretty much putty in your hands now as he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss ever-so-slightly. You faintly taste the sake on his lips as his stubble tickled your chin. You couldn’t help but smile into his lips.
The moment the two of you pulled away for a breath, he pulled you into a warm hug and buried his face in your soft hair. He felt like he was in heaven… and he was stone-cold sober. He whispered how much he loved you with his lips on your ear, and he didn’t plan on pulling away anytime soon.
All in one afternoon, not only had he gotten his true love in his arms, but he even got to hear them laugh. Those were some pretty serious bragging rights, and he planned to use them until the crew got tired of it.
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berupii · 1 year
New Student at Grand Line High!
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I have been reading One Piece Academy (Basically a spin-off) So here is what I've been working on. Tbh I have to words I just hope you guys enjoy it!
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berupii · 1 year
the moment they knew you were the one
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ft. luffy, zoro, ace, sanji, shanks, law, sabo
a/n: Some more fluff n love because I’m a hopeless romantic
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luffy realizes you’re the one for him when he finds himself saving some of his food just to share with you. sure he may be pouting at the fact that less food will be filling his stomach, but, the second your eyes sparkle and your body does that little happy dance as you take a bite of his food, luffy decides that he’d share anything with you if it meant you’d be that happy.
zoro knew you were the one when he would look for you even when you weren’t around. even if he knew you were away, zoro would always turn to the side expecting you to be there. it felt weird, unnatural - wrong, even - for you to not be by his side. it was then that he realized he couldn’t imagine his life without you.
ace realized you were the one for him during your first fight. he looked like an absolute madman smiling while you were yelling at him about god knows what. “why the hell are you smiling now, of all times, you ass!?” you remarked. ace could only stare at you fondly, smile widening as he responded “because i’d rather argue with you than laugh with anyone else.” and it was true. ace wanted to experience everything with you; the good and the bad.
sanji had always heard people say “when you know, you know.” and god, they were right. because the second sanji laid eyes on you, he knew. he knew with his entire heart and soul that you were the one for him.
shanks knew you were the one when he was caught humming love songs randomly throughout the day. he didn’t even notice he was doing it until benn pointed it out, “boss, you’re doing it again.” shanks would look at him confused, “doing what?” he’d grin from ear-to-ear at the new revelation, deciding to sing the next love song at the top of his lungs. you were the one for him and he wanted everyone to know.
for law it wasn’t any one moment. there were many little moments along the way which culminated in his realization. the cup of hot coffee you left on his desk before you went to bed because you knew he’d be up late, the pout on your lips when he would say “no, we can’t take home another stray cat”, the way you would stick your tongue out when concentrating. everyday with you only made law more certain that you were the one.
sabo knew you were the one the second he opened your gift. it was something he only mentioned to you briefly once as the both of you passed by a store months ago. he looked at you, smiling at the way you bit your lip - a nervous tic of yours. his features softened as he realized ‘no one has ever paid attention to me like this.’ his attention was brought back by his name falling from your lips, “sabo? do you like it?”, scooping you up in his arms and spinning you around, he replied “like it? i love it!”
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berupii · 1 year
helloo its me ☁️ anon again! I hope ur doing great
im not sure if you've done this before, but if you, how would monster trio + law react if they forgot your birthday?
Thank you!!
Hi! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner! I’ve never been asked to do this before, and I’m thrilled you did! Thank you again ☁ anon!
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Whaaat! It's Your Birthday!-Monster trio+Law
Info: One Piece scenarios, Characters x gn/reader, sfw, romantic fluff, heavy angst in Law's part, implied relationships, implied mature content
Note: Some parts are longer than others (Law's part is easily 2k) since I just went with the flow. Please excuse any mistakes. I have been writing for about four hours straight.
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He woke up that morning feeling like he had forgotten something.
Most of the crew were acting normal, but Sanji looked busier than usual in the kitchen when Luffy went to sit for breakfast.
"Pss! Luffy," Nami whispered, "Did you remember to get it yesterday?"
Before he could ask Nami what she meant, you walked in, and everyone in the room immediately wished you a happy birthday, except Luffy.
He paled and began to sweat. How could he forget that it was your birthday today and that he was supposed to buy a present for you yesterday!
"Uh, yeah! Happy Birthday, Y/N!" Luffy laughed nervously as Nami groaned with her face in her hands. She had given Luffy 600 beris to buy a nice gift for you and didn't want to think what he had spent it on.
You gave Luffy a sympathetic smile as he laughed and rubbed the back of his head aggressively. He forgot that my birthday is today
"Thanks, Luffy," you started to say when a naughty idea entered your mind.
"What present did you get me?"
"Present?" He repeated.
"Yeah, Luffy" Nami growled, "What the hell did you buy for Y/N yesterday for 600 beris!"
You nearly choked out a laugh. Really, Nami should have known better than to trust Luffy with any amount of money.
"Wow," you forced out through a giggle, "600 beris, I wonder what sort of present it is."
"Um, well..."
Luffy's eyes shifted to the side and his voice came out monotoned. Everyone knew that Luffy was the worst lair. No amount of training from Usopp could help him.
"I misplaced it," Luffy said out of the side of his mouth while staring away from you.
Nami grabbed Luffy by his neck and choked her captain for misplacing money. Usopp and Brook had to pry her away from Luffy, who passed out.
They celebrated your birthday with a feast that night. The crew was enjoying themselves, and even Nami had chosen to forget the money incident; for now.
You were laughing at Chopper and Usopp doing a funny dance when Luffy came up behind you. He put a hand on your shoulder stealing your attention.
"Hey, Y/N, come with me for a sec."
You shrugged, set down your drink, and followed Luffy back to the men's dormitory. Luffy said nothing as he dug in his bed for something. After a minute, he pulled out a small shack. You had an idea of what was inside the shack without Luffy having to open it.
Sure enough, it was full of food.
"I can give you half of it if you want," Luffy said half-heartily. He clearly didn't want to give you any of it.
"That's okay Luffy, but you shouldn't keep this food here. It'll all go bad."
Luffy looked relieved for a moment as he closed the shack and tossed it onto his bed, but then he looked at you with concern.
"But it's not okay! I was supposed to get you a gift! I'm your boyfriend and I didn't even remember-"
You stepped forward and flicked off his hat. It fell down his back and hung there by the string around his neck. The move startled Luffy into silence, leaving him unguarded from your next attack.
You threw your arms around his shoulders, pressing close to him. Your mouth covered his, surprising him with a deep kiss. He rocked back by your sudden weight, then grabbed your waist to steady the two of you.
You kissed at his lips, coaxing them to part with a flick of your tongue. Luffy shivered and opened his mouth wider, but it was his tongue invading your mouth as he held you closer, making you moan.
"Geez," you sighed as Luffy started going at your neck, "even when you kiss, you're selfish."
"Heheh," he laughed breathlessly. "I'll let you take charge when it's my birthday."
You blushed, then said lightly, "I'm holding you that, Captain."
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He had no excuses, and Zoro knew it. For weeks you had been dropping hints, and nearly everyone in the crew took turns to remind him that today would be your birthday.
Yet, when he walked into the kitchen that morning, he dumbly asked why the spread looked so fancy.
"It's Y/N's birthday," Robin answered kindly. Everyone else glared at him except Luffy and you.
"You did remember that it's my birthday today, right, Zoro?"
His bottom jaw clenched as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Yeah, of course, I did. Happy birthday Y/N."
"Thanks," you replied softly.
You did smile at him, but Zoro could clearly see the disappointment in your face.
"Nice going, moss for brains," Sanji hissed at him.
"Shut-it, you-"
Your chair scrapped the floor as you quickly got up.
"Thanks for the nice breakfast, Sanji! It was sweet of you to go through the trouble."
"It was no trouble!" Sanji beamed at you.
You returned his smile then dropped it as you looked at Zoro. You then walked out of the room without looking or speaking to him.
Zoro cursed under his breath, knowing he had messed up.
You didn't speak to him for the rest of the day as you enjoyed your time with your other crew members.
Zoro thought giving you space would help you stop being mad at him, but Nami told him he was an idiot.
"Just apologize and do something nice for Y/N! They know you forgot what today was; it was written all over your face!" She shouted.
"Stop yelling! I can hear you just fine!" Zoro growled back.
"Hey, Nami!" You called out as you walked up to the pair. Zoro stilled, waiting for you to notice him, but you deliberately chose not to.
"Sanji asked me to go into the town to get something, and I was wondering if you would come with me."
Nami thought it was strange that Sanji would forget an ingredient he needed and was about to suggest Zoro go with you when the swordsman did it for her.
"I'll go with you, Y/N. There's something I need to tell you."
The two of you walked side by side, not saying a word till Zoro's natural lousy sense of direction kicked in. He was about to turn left onto another street when he needed to stay straight.
"Not that way," you murmured, grabbing his hand.
"Oh, right," he replied and for some reason, tried to cross to the right of you to another street.
"No!" You cried, digging your feet into the ground. "We don't need to turn! The market is straight ahead!"
Leading Zoro was like leading a bull by the horns. He could easily pull you over, but he stopped looking confused.
"Isn't the market over there," Zoro asked earnestly while pointing over his shoulder in some obscure direction.
"What direction is that!" You said then burst into a laugh.
Zoro frowned but said nothing since you were finally acting like yourself around him. He liked your laugh, even if you were laughing at him. His instincts took over and had the back of his fingers caressing your cheek.
The touch was so gentle that it shocked you into silence. His rough hands could kill thousands, yet he unintentionally demonstrated perfect control over them with one small touch. It was enough to make your chest glow with warmth.
For the first time that day, you looked up at him with an expression Zoro had grown accustomed to, and he felt relieved.
His hand cupped your face as he said, "Sorry, I forgot today was your birthday."
You sighed and covered his hand with yours as you lean into the warm touch.
"I forgive you. I guess it's too much to ask someone who can't tell their left from their right to know what day it is," you said pertly with a sly smile.
"Oi," Zoro growled lowly, but he had a playful smile on his lips.
He then leaned in close to kiss you and just as you were about to stop him (people were staring!), he kissed your cheek. A small gasp left you since you were expecting a different kind of kiss, making Zoro chuckle as you blushed.
"Nice reaction," Zoro whispered into your ear before moving back, "Nami said I should do something nice after apologizing to you, but that's going to have to wait till later tonight."
You bristled at his word as a group of shocked old ladies began whispering loudly to each other. As great as that sounded, the dummy had spoken too loud!
"Let's get the thing Sanji needed and head back to the ship!" You said, tugging at his hand.
When you finally returned to the ship, Zoro didn't wait to do something nice for you, and it almost made you late for your own party. Robin even commented on your lovely glow.
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There is no way Sanji would ever forget his partner's birthday!
The End
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Expect Sanji did forget once, and it wasn't his fault.
He was stressed due to his idiot of a captain devouring what was left of the ship's food supplies during a sleep-eating binge.
Luckily, Nami found an island nearby where he could quickly stock up before the log-post changes. Sanji spent the whole day ordering food and reorganizing the kitchen.
You and Brook were sipping tea together while watching Franky install a new Luffy-proof door onto the food storage. Sanji had his hands on his hip as he overlooked the cyborg's work.
"Do you want me to say something, Y/n-san?" Brook asked.
You shook your head. "No, it's better if he doesn't find out; besides, there's always next year."
"How kind you are," Brook replied, then farted. "Ah, excuse me."
The crew went out to eat, and while Robin and Nami tried to make it a birthday celebration, you made everyone promise not to say a word. Your boyfriend's pride was on the line, and you didn't want to see him getting upset.
The following day, Sanji felt irritated. He had forgotten something, and it nagged at him. You were in the kitchen with him helping with food prep as he paced looking over his long list of supplies.
"Sanji dear," you sighed, "Put that away already. You got everything we needed."
Sanji puffed out a cloud of smoke from his cigarette and rolled up the list.
"I can't help feeling I'm forgetting something, and I made a mistake with some of the orders."
That made you turn to him with worry. "What do you mean? Do you order too little?"
"No," he chuckled, "I order too much! I mean, we'll end up using it all, but it's a rookie mistake to make."
You went to Sanji and wrapped your arms around his waist to hug him.
"You were just stressed out, and having to rebuy everything with a limited time just has you feeling paranoid."
He put a hand on your lower back and let out a sigh.
"I guess you're right, my sweet," Sanji said warmly as he tucked a hair behind your ear. "Still, I can't help feeling like I for-"
"Sanji!" Luffy cried out as the door flew open. "Do you think we can celebrate Y/N's birthday today!"
He paused as both Sanji's and your mouth dropped open.
"Oh, morning Y/N! Happy belated birthday!"
"Um, thanks," You replied, then gasped as you felt Sanji's body shake.
"Sanji! It's okay, my love!" You started to say, but you couldn't see his face as he bent his head.
The rest of the crew showed up behind Luffy, but you mentioned for them to leave.
"So, the cook finally figured out that he forgot Y/N's birthday," Zoro smirked and was knocked out by Nami.
But the swordsman's words hit a nerve with Sanji, and he lifted his face to show tears streaming down his face.
"Y/N-SWANNNNNN!!!!" He cried.
"Um, we'll leave you to this, Y/n," Usopp said quickly and grabbed Luffy's collar to drag him out of the room. Franky grabbed the passed-out Zoro as Robin closed the door, saying, "Let us know when we can return."
Sanji was on his knees, sobbing into your belly with his arms around you. You smiled nervously at the crew and waved them off.
"Yep, just let this to me," you said while running your finger through Sanji's blond hair.
When the two of you were alone again, you worked on soothing Sanji's emotional out-break.
"There, there, it's okay my love. I know you didn't mean to forget."
"How can you not hate me right now!" Sanji cried with a sniff.
You smiled down at him and touched his wet face.
"Sanji, it's just one birthday. I plan to spend plenty more with you, and besides, you didn't forget."
Sanji's watery eyes gleamed at you. "I didn't?"
"Sanji, that list you made yesterday, you had to redo it all from memory. The reason you ordered more supplies than it was needed was because-"
"It was for your birthday feast." He finished for you in a whisper.
"Exactly," you beamed at him. "So, in a way, you didn't forget. You were just stressed."
Sanji's wiped his eyes on his sleeve and stood up. You picked up the cigarette that had fallen out of his mouth and put it to your lips. With a match from the kitchen, you relit it as Sanji fixed himself.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Sanji asked moodily.
You blew out a stream of smoke and walked over to him to place the cigarette in his mouth.
"Because I knew how upset you would be, and I was right," you laughed lightly.
Sanji sighed and suddenly pulled you close to him. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and kissed you. You were supposed to the taste of him and moaned, wanting more.
When Sanji pulled back, he looked seriously at you and said, "I'm going to make it up to you."
"Sanji, you don't-"
"But I want to. You are my precious partner and as your boyfriend, I will make you that birthday feast."
You were about to protest but deflated when you saw that Sanji had made up his mind.
"Alright, but I want to help you! Ah! Not a word, Sanji dear!" You said, putting a finger to his lips.
"I saw the list and I know what you were planning to do. I can't have you worn out by cooking! I know better ways to do that."
Sanji grinned at you and kissed your finger.
"Yes, you do, Y/N sweet, yes you do."
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If there is one thing Law could not stand on his ship, it was the smell of baking bread.
His whole crew knew that, yet he smelled the foul odor and tracked it to the kitchen, where Bepo was pulling something out of the oven.
Law winced at the strong sweet-smelling stench in the air and growled, "Why the hell are you baking, Bepo? You know I can't stand it!"
Bepo lowered his head, saying, "Sorry, Captain, but it's for Y/N."
When Law said nothing and continued to glare at him, Bepo raised his head and gasped.
"Oh no! Captain! Don't tell me you forgot!"
"Forgot what?" Law asked. Before Bepo could tell/warn him, an alarm went off. "We'll finish this later. Toss that into the trash and come to the control room."
Law had already left, but not before using his powers to send the baking pan into the trash. Bepo sighed, hoping that everything would turn out okay between you and Law.
"Boy, what a day," you chirped while putting on a heavy medical book. "That run-in with the Navy was something, but I'm glad it didn't take up all day."
In Law's opinion, you were acting odd and had been all day. This was the fifth time you had mentioned the morning fight with the Navy.
"And then that Sea-King nearly destroying the ship, what are the chances?"
You had brought this up six times.
"So, is there anything special that we are doing later?"
This was the tenth time you had asked this question, and Law was tired of it. He put down his pen and pushed away from the desk.
"Y/N, you know I hate surprises, so tell me what is so special about today."
The bright smile on your face instantly dimmed. Law had a limited sense of humor, but as you hopefully searched his face, you realized he wasn't kidding.
"You forgot, didn't you." You said flatly.
"First, Bepo, now you. What did I forget?" Law snapped.
His raised voice made you wince your eyes shut, and Law saw they were starting to water when you opened them.
His face softened as he said your name.
"You mentioned Bepo saying something; what was it?" You asked, holding back your tears.
"He was baking something for you, but you know I can't stand the smell." Law tried to reason.
You nodded your head, then sniffed. "Do you know what he was making me?"
You hated that your voice was cracking, but this time you were sure your lover would remember.
"I didn't-"
You went over to an intercom on the wall and pressed a button.
"Bepo, can you please come to the Captain's quarters."
Law was racking his brain, trying to think of what he had forgotten that would make you upset. Upset enough to have you nearly cry in front of him.
Another thing he didn't like that he had never done anything to make you cry before. Well, maybe there was one other time, but Law was too tired and now stressed to think of what it was he had done.
"Law," you called, grabbing his attention.
"How many years have we been together?"
Oh, he had really messed up this time but stayed calm.
"Five years," he shrugged, then said, "but we don't celebrate anniversaries."
You choked out a pitiful laugh that forced two tears to slide down your cheeks before you could stop them.
"Your right," you smiled bitterly. "We don't celebrate anniversaries because you don't like celebrations."
"But when we decided to become a couple, there was one thing that I clearly stated that was important to me, and we agreed that since it was important, again to me, we would celebrate it."
Before Law could ask, the door opened, and Bepo stepped in, already sensing the tension in the air.
"Bepo," you said, wiping away another tear, "what was it that you were baking me this morning?"
Bepo nervously held his paws together and answered, "A cake for your birthday."
Law closed his eyes and inwardly groaned.
"And where is the cake now?" You asked.
"Um, in the trash can because Captain-"
"Can't stand the smell of baking bread." You finished for him.
"Y/N-ya" Law had started to say.
But you were already out the door. Law went after you as Bepo cried, "I'm sorry, Captain, but I tried to warn you!"
The shared room you had with Law was just down the hall, and you made it time to shut the door in his face. He growled and ran a hand through his hair.
He had messed up.
Not once did he celebrate a single birthday with you during the five years. Either he would forget or be somewhere else on a solo mission. Each time he would promise to make the following year one to remember.
"Y/N, please open up so I can properly apologize to you and not to a sheet of metal." He begged.
You didn't say a word.
"Y/N-ya," he called out again.
Law was tempted to use his powers to get inside the room, but that felt like a violation, and you were already furious with him.
Would you become furious enough to leave him? Over something as trivial as a birthday? But it wasn't trivial to you, and he had made a promise.
Five times he made a promise.
Law glanced over to Bepo, who was peeking out of the office when he thought of an idea.
You had cried yourself to sleep that night locked away in the shared room.
You had wondered a few times if you were overexaggerating, but the feeling of hurt wouldn't stop. It was the only thing you had asked for. If anniversaries were off the table along with his birthday, you wanted to celebrate yours with him at least.
It would be like wrapping it all up in one day. You even got him a gift, just like you do every year.
For an intelligent man, he never figured out that he would get something from you after finding out it was your birthday. Then again, calling them an "accepting your apology present" probably didn't help.
But as you fell asleep, you wondered if you wanted to go on like this after all the compromises and excuses you made for him. Was it time to break things off?
A terrible burning smell woke you from your deep sleep. You wondered if you were dreaming then leaped out of bed.
Was there a fire onboard? Why hadn't the alarms awakened you? Was the crew okay? Was Law?
You opened that door and covered your nose from the pungent smell as the fire alarms went off and the sprinkler system turned on.
You could hear yelling as two crew members ran passed you.
"What's going on!' You shouted over the alarm.
"Oh! Y/N! Thank heavens! You have to stop the Captain before he kills us all!
"What! What do you-"
"You have to get him to stop baking!"
Your jaw dropped, not believing what you were hearing. Law, Trafalgar Law, baking?
You then heard his voice as he let out a curse. "Dammit! I slept through the alarm!"
He was about to head towards the kitchen when you called out to him, "Law?"
Over the alarm, he heard your voice, turned his head to you, and then went back into the office.
The alarm and the sprinkler system turned off, and over the intercoms, Shachi's voice reassured the ship that the fire had been put out and that there was minimal damage to the kitchen.
The two crew members went off as you went inside the captain's quarters. Law sat at his desk, trying to act normal even though he and the office were drenched with water.
You held back a laugh and said, "That was an exciting way to wake up. Do you know what caused the fire?"
"Probably some idiot baking," he mummbled.
You covered your mouth to stop from giggling.
"Yes, that's what I heard too. But Bepo is not a careless cook; where is he?"
"Food poisoning, from a taste test, along with a few other crew members."
Now what the crewmate had said made sense!
"Oh Law, you didn't!"
He sighed and looked up at you.
You couldn't help it. You were so weary from crying that you couldn't stop your laughter.
Law would have been annoyed, but he saw how puffy your eyes were from crying, and you were still in the same clothes from yesterday. He knew you cried yourself to sleep because he kept coming back to the door hoping you would open for him.
"I'm...sorry...," you said between giggles, "...but...it's...just too...funny!"
Law cracked a smile and laughed, then got up from his chair.
"Oh god, the books, your journals," you said as you gazed around at the mess.
"It doesn't matter," he shrugged and pushed back some of your wet hair from your face.
"But Law, your work, it's all-"
He kissed you to stop you from talking about things that didn't matter. Because nothing would if you left him. The kiss was sweet and tender and lasted too short, but the two of you needed to talk.
"Hakugan is steering the ship to an island," Law said as he reached for your hand. "There, I think we can find a cake and everything else we need to celebrate your birthday."
"Law," you sighed, "you don't have to do that."
"But I do, if I don't want to die alone," he joked.
"We all die alone," you said with a cheeky smile.
"Hey, that's my kind of talk, not yours," Law grinned at you.
You were tired from crying, but you felt like you would again as you thanked him.
"You don't need to do that, Y/N-ya," he sighed, then pulled you close. "I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass for five years. To make it up to you, we'll celebrate our anniversaries from now on."
You pulled back from the hug and shook your head, "No, Law, that's okay! That may be too much for you!"
"Will you let me do this for you!" Law growled, then said softly, "If we're going to survive another five years, you have to stop giving so much, and I have to stop taking."
What he said made sense, but...
"Do you even know when our anniversary is?"
Law blushed and glanced away muttering that he didn't.
"We'll get you a calendar once we reach the island," you laughed.
Though you got Law a calendar, the whole crew made it their sacred duty to ensure that their captain never forgot an anniversary or, most importantly, a birthday again.
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berupii · 1 year
Hello! I really enjoyed the confessing to an oblivious s/o, but dang watching even shank’s and mihawk’s self esteem plummet HURT
If you don’t mind can we get a part 2 where it turns out the s/o was actually trying to be a good friend but was absolutely shattered thinking their man was in love with another, like after that ‘practice confession’ they’re straight up sobbing in their room!
Thanks for always posting such good fics💙💙
a/n - AAAAA IT HURT ME TOO 😭 omg wait this would be so sad but cute at the same time- tysm anon!! I’m so glad you like my works :)) 💜💜💜💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, part 1
It’s always been you
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- of all the things you wanted most in the world, it was for mihawk to share the same feelings you had for him
- When he asked you for help with confessing his love to another, your heart broke in two, it was like your whole world came crashing down for a moment
- it was painful to help him, knowing that those words weren’t meant for you.. but for someone else
- how lucky that person was to be the receiver of Mihawk’s love
- why couldn’t it be you?
- you went to your room to hide for the rest of the day, face in your pillow as you started to cry quietly
- Mihawk always knows what’s happening, so he managed to hear your sobs from outside the door
- he didn’t want to intrude in case you didn’t want anyone to bother you.. But he just HAD to open the door, he couldn’t take it, hearing you cry like that
- But before you opened the door, he heard you say this, “There was someone else?… Dammit!”
- He stopped, his hand stuck on the doorknob, wait- so did you love him back? Were you literally just being your oblivious self?
- He wanted to break down the door just to confess his love again, but- that really wasn’t his style
- he knocked before opening the door, making you scramble to your feet, pretending as if you were doing something else
- your act was seen through way before you even knew he was there, tears still flowing down your cheeks, snot starting to leak out of your nose, your eyes puffy and red from sobbing
- “Y/n what’s wrong?”
- You could barely stand to look him in the eyes, “Um. I heard what you said- not that I was eavesdropping..” wait- he was.. STUTTERING?!
- you were shocked, mihawk never stuttered, never
- “There’s not someone else, it’s always been you.” He managed to say, the SLIGHTEST tint of pink on his cheeks
- you were about to faint or start sobbing again, you really didn’t know which one was gonna happen
- why not both?
- Mihawk was a bit confused as to why you were crying- were you depressed by his confession?
- maybe this was the best day of your life, you really didn’t know, but you gave him a big hug as you ugly sobbed into his chest
- prepare for the most awkward hug of the year, and very weird back pats 💀
- it’s like he’s trying to say “there there” but literally doesn’t know how???
- idk the message came across alright 😭
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- imagine Benn dragging Shanks to his room and just slamming his drunk ass on the floor while dumping a bucket of water on him 💀
- benn would literally just leave him be before he managed to hear someone crying in your room
- who else would it be other than you?
- to you, shanks was sooo- amazing
- there was no one else you had more feelings for than him
- His playful personality, the way he literally was drunk 24/7 and always flirting with you, and even the way he’d go to you whenever he’d start sobbing after drinking too much
- but when he asked you for help with confessing his feelings to someone else, you couldn’t help but have your heart shatter
- …you thought maybe there was hope that he liked you! With all that flirting he’s done with you, how could he like someone else?
- I guess you thought wrong
- fast forward to you starting to sob into your blankets, struggling to wipe all your tears away with your wet sleeves
- “There was someone else... I’m so stupid.” You said between sobs as you pounded your bed, your face slamming into your pillow, cries being muffled by the soft fabric
- benn hears all, you can’t escape him
- he grabbed shanks and shoved him against the wall for him to listen, and as you kept sobbing about how there was someone else, Shanks literally just ascended
- he sprinted out the room, breaking a window or two, maybe even a picture frame before bursting into your room, polluting the air with his alcoholic smell 💀
- “Y/n *hicc* I love you too-!”
- *dies and snores on the ground*
- … this asshole
- “What?! Shanks! Wake up!”
- literally didn’t wake up until 1pm the next day
- woke up hungover asf and literally didn’t remember confessing, but when you started kissing his cheek and giving him cuddles, he just went along with it 💀💀
- thought god enlightened his path, making everything he wanted come true 🫠
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- he’s gonna go sulk in his little training room for however long
- one of those people who will do a thousand pushups for every tear he sheds 💀💀
- (he actually cries a bit tho- he’s sad)
- after his 100000008 push-ups, he was tempted to go to your room and just- spit out all these bottled up feelings, but he didn’t
- when he walked past your room, he heard muffled sobs from inside (don’t ask me how he found your room he has an internal compass for you)
- “I’ve liked him for god knows how long- shit!” You said, sniffling and blowing your nose into nearby tissues
- Zoro’s eyes widened, so- you did like him!
- he was jumping for joy (inside his mind) on the outside he looked like 😐
- he opened the door without knocking, completely interrupting your crying session
- “Y/n. I heard you.”
- …
- “Why are you spying on me-?!”
- “I’m not spying on you dammit!”
- “Then how’d you hear me?!”
- “I- I was just listening very carefully as I walked by!”
- … idiot
- “Y/n. There’s not someone else. It’s always been you, not anyone else.”
- his words were filled with so much- devotion and sincerity, it was almost weird to see Zoro be so- romantic
- You were happy of course! But it was a bit shocking- and you were still trying to stop crying..
- There was a long awkward silence after his words, making him start blushing like crazy
- “Can you say something you idiot!” -Zoro
- “What am I supposed to say?!”
- “I don’t know maybe- I love you too or something?!”
- “… I love you too Zoro.”
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a/n - these were cute :)
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berupii · 1 year
hey!! I really enjoy your work and was wondering if you could write something for koby some fluff maybe thank you <<33
KOBY . most underrated marine to this DAY . he deserves the world and more.
First date with Koby!!!!
He probably asked you, but literally had to be shoved into it by Garp. (He's peeking around the corner behind you, holding up flashcards)
The most nervous boy EVER. starts getting ready three hours before your date. Is there 30 minutes early. Has flowers, expensive chocolate, the whole shebang.
Takes you to a movie or a little mom and pop restaurant. Small, not too overwhelming, but still good enough to show he's classy and really cares about the impression he makes. Refuses to let you pay. Dont even begin to pay he will whip his wallet out SO fast. (the marines pay pretty well, so don't worry)
Walks you around town after you've finished eating, absolutely turns beet red if you hold his hand !! He's not ready. (Garp is still around the corner. he's fangirling.) Buys you a nice little trinket or little sweet treat!! He just wants you to feel important. However, win him a little prize at a game booth, and he will treasure it forever. He sleeps with it against his chest every. single. night.
Walks you home even if you're a huge detour from his place. He would feel absolutely horrible if you didn't make it home safe or felt scared because he took you home after dark.
Give him a kiss before you head inside, and he just. Passes out. He can not handle this much sweetness in one night ... !!!
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berupii · 1 year
i could have a headcannon on the monster + ace trio with a s/o who died in the battle and when they come back in boat their kid comes up and says "where's mommy?? she said we'll be playing dolls when she comes back !!☹️"
((ooooh this one hurt. Thanks for requestin!!))
Telling Your Kid You're Gone
Characters: Warnings: Death (reader dies), angst, mentions of violence
Fem!Reader, Feminine Titles used "mama, mom, etc..."
- He watched it happen. 
- He watched the bastard that killed you commit the crime. 
- And he couldn’t do anything to stop it. 
- It was devastating. Flashes of other people he loved vanishing just out of reach filled his head. Sudden grief filled his heart, and he couldn’t hold back the brutal beating the guy had coming.
- He held your dead body for a while and made sure you had a burial. He wasn’t going just to leave you. He wanted to give you a proper one at sea, something beautiful. 
- He brought you back with him and Franky was quick to start setting something up while Chopper and Robin prepped you.
- He went off to do his own important task. He finds your daughter in the kitchen doodling at the table and singing. 
- She does look a lot like you when he looks at her.
- She looks over, excited for a moment before she pouts. “Aw it’s just daddy,” she stuck her tongue out. “I want mommy! Where’s she?”
- Luffy chuckled, walking over and pinching her cheeks. “Am I not good enough?” he asked her, pulling as she whine in annoyance. He stopped shortly after though and crouched down. Tears were already building in his eyes. And, he’s never been subtle, but he almost wants to try for her.
- Still, he tries to speak. Once, then twice, and finally he pulls her into his arms. “I’m sorry,” he says, still smiling just a bit, “(Y/N)’s gone away. She won’t be back.”
- The girl doesn’t mind the hug, but she leans back to take Luffy’s face into her tiny hands. “Quit crying! I don’t like crying!” she exclaimed.
- “It’s okay to cry,” Luffy argued as she stretched his face in revenge for the earlier treatment. “I just miss her a lot!”
- Your daughter nods and huffs. “I miss mommy too!” she decided with another nod before she squeezed Luffy tight. “Is she really nod gonna come back? Not even to visit?”
- It broke his heart to tell her no.
- Damn.
- He sat on the ground, covered in blood, next to your motionless body.
- You looked so peaceful and content.
- He was all for going out in battle, so the fact you died fighting until the end made him unbelievably happy in one way.
- It also left him feeling empty and lost.
- ‘More than usual?’ 
- He could imagine you saying something like that, and it almost made him laugh.
- He cried a handful of times in his life, and he swore he wouldn’t ever again after the fight with Mihawk. But tears just kept falling against his will. 
- So, he sat. Silently crying and deeply wounded. 
- He eventually called the others with him over once the tears had finished and his aching heart settled for the time. They helped him give you a proper burial, something quick, but it meant a lot to him.
- Once he returned to the ship, he headed for the library in search of his daughter. Robin was left in charge, and he figured that’d be his best bet in locating her. 
- He asked Robin to leave, which she did after a moment, patting Zoro on the shoulder before she gave them privacy.
- “Dad?” your daughter asked, looking at him curiously.
- “Hey,” he greeted, walking over and patting her head before he sat down with a small sigh. “I’ve got some news.”
- He told her honestly what happened, sugarcoating a few things, but he let her know about you and your brave sacrifice. And he was there for her as she cried into him.
- If anything, he was happy she was still alive. He would give anything to keep her from experiencing that loss again, as she became his world as they lost you.
- “(Y/N)!”
- He screamed your name. He watched the sword go through you in complete terror. 
- It all happened so fast, yet so slowly. The battlefield felt frozen at the moment. 
- He moved fast, kicking the man away that dared to hurt you. No one even saw where he went. For all they knew, Sanji kicked him hard enough to make him disappear. 
- That didn’t matter to the cook, though, not when he cradled your face in his hands and tried to get Chopper or anyone to help.
- But it was ultimately too late. You passed in moments, whispering your last words before going limp. 
- He was so full of grief immediately. The battle continued behind him while he mourned before he got up to help finish. And, when it was all done, the strawhats around helped put you to rest before they escorted Sanji back to the ship.
- He didn’t blame you or anyone on board, though he wanted to push it somewhere. He blamed himself in that steed, for being too slow, for not being strong enough. He blamed the stupid murderer as well and the gull of him harming you. 
- He dismissed himself from the group once they returned to the Sunny, and he quickly ran off to locate his daughter.
- He found her in the men’s cabin with Brook, the two playing dolls together. Brook could recognize the aura surrounding the chef, so he left the two alone.
- “Papa! Are you and Mama gonna play with me now?” she asked, holding up a doll towards him. 
- Sanji had to fight back tears, leaning down to brush her hair out of her face before cradling it much as he did yours. “No bugs. Mama won’t be able to play.”
- He carefully broke the news to her, holding her tightly as she cried into him. He cried with her, soothing her to the best of his abilities as well. 
- “It’ll be okay. I’m here, I’m here…”
- Needless to say, he was not okay when it happened. Not in the least. 
- He already struggled daily with his own worth, but losing one of the only people who made him feel worth loving hit him hard.
- The whitebeards were big on getting back at those who hurt their family, and given the fact you were not only his partner but the mother of his child, he was going to murder whoever dared hurt you personally. 
- His flames were hotter than ever, and the battle was over in minutes. He was left for a minute, cold despite the heat and afraid of heading back to the ship without you. But he did. He forced himself to walk to the ship and board.
- He felt like time was slow, and his reactions were late. He also felt suddenly as though he were a burden, like a curse that wasn’t worth living. 
- That was until he felt a hand tug on his. He looked down, and for a moment, he saw you. But then he noticed freckles and curious eyes, and he smiled tiredly. “Hey, Sweety.”
- “Pops said you were sad!” she declared, and she had this determined tone in her voice that ace would typically adore, but now he was just too beat to acknowledge it with anything but a sad hum. Which ultimately confirmed her suspicion. 
- She reached up, and Ace lifted her without complaint. She leaned in to wrap her arms around his neck, hugging him. “They said Mama’s gone,” she mumbled. “Is she really?”
- Ace’s breath hitched. She was clever, and he knew she could handle the truth, but that fact also hurt him in a way. He put a hand on the back of her head, gently patting her. “Yes… Yeah, it’s true,” he admitted quietly. “I’m sorry,” he choked out, trying to hold back a sob.
- But, to his surprise, she pulled back. And, with the strength of a child raised by pirates, she squeezed his face and looked at him sternly through her own tears. “Mama was strong! We gotta be strong for Mama,” she nodded and patted his cheeks. “Okay? Strong for Mama!”
- Ace stared at her, his tears falling, and he smiled a bit. “Right. We’ve gotta be strong for her.”
- It wasn’t much, but at that moment, he decided he’d live for her. He was sure that you’d want that for him, and he grieved hard, and sometimes it was… terrible. But, he kept going for her.
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berupii · 1 year
i know you've written spencer x famous reader but could you write something similar for hotch?
i love celebrity interview fics so much that it's unnatural. i hope this was what you're looking for
"In the interest of giving the people what they want, it's time to talk about your mystery boyfriend." The interviewer announces after you've discussed your latest movie.
You knew this was coming, it had been discussed prior, but you sigh anyway. "Okay, I'm ready. Hit me with it."
"How's it going?" He asks first.
It's the standard introductory question you expected. "Very well." You answer. "We're really happy."
"And he lives across the country? You fly out to see him?" He confirms.
"He comes here sometimes, but it's usually easier for me to go there." You explain.
You and Aaron have purposefully been private about your relationship due to safety concerns for both of you. It means most details about his job and full name are kept secret.
"Where'd you meet?" He asks.
"In Chicago in winter two years ago." You tell him. "We both ended up at the same bar since all the flights out were grounded. There was a lot of flirting. The night was ending, and I thought it was all over since he never asked me for my number, but he walked me back to my hotel room and did it then."
You run through a few more questions, all of them making you grin about how in love with him you are, before a final one that you didn't anticipate.
"So when's the wedding?"
Just the thought of marrying him is dreamy. "I've been waiting a while." You confess. "And I know he'll be watching, so, Aaron, hurry up." You joke, turning to look at the camera so it's like you're talking to him.
Aaron is watching, having been practically dragged into the conference room by Penelope so the whole BAU could watch. Half of what they were watching was Aaron's bright red cheeks and the smile he was unsuccessfully trying to hide.
"You heard the lady, Hotch. She's waiting on a ring." Morgan teases, patting his shoulder.
"Oh, he has one," Rossi admits, keeping his tone low, but not low enough to avoid inspiring squeals from Penelope.
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berupii · 1 year
Beer — Roronoa Zoro x GN! Reader
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➜ character . . . ; roronoa zoro.
➜ fluff/angst/nsfw
➜ female/neutral/male
➜ summary: Drunken zoro confesses to you.
➜ story classification: oneshot.
You and zoro were in a local pub and both were chattering. The others were out searching for food or any more stuff that was important in the ship.
"You've devoured 3 glasses of beer already, it's only been 5 minutes." Zoro mentions. "Aw, so it's not like you can compete with me! You only had 1 and you're still not done!" You laughed. "You challenging me?" He grins making youraise a brow. "I don't know– Am I Challenging you?" You spoke when he looked at you.
"Hm, maybe I will. Whoever drinks the most wins!" Zoro said, as you accepted. "Deal, but loser has to say a secret!" You said, when he nodded. "Deal!" And so– the challenge began.
Zoro was on to his 6th glass and you we're on your 7th. He was catching up fast and quick. You began to turn hysterical and started blabbering. "C'mon! I know you won't last another glass!" You yelled, making him brush the foam of his mouth.
"Hah, no way I'm gonna lose to you!" He flicked your forehead continuing drinking. You groaned in frustration also drinking. The beer was slowly getting onto your head when you snapped back to reality. You could see him on 11 glasses already and you we're on 11 also.
You could feel like passing out already but you weren't gonna lose, neither was him gonna lose to you. You could see him giving a smug grin at you as you continued to drop the alcohol beverages in your throat.
Both you and him can feel that the people around you kept staring cause of how many drinks you both devoured within an hour in the pub! "Give up yet.?" You weakily slurred. "N–nope! I'm still going!" When it was obvious you two we're at your end limit.
You saw more glasses incoming to both of your table as you called for more alcoholic drinks. You saw the table being swarmed with a ton of empty glasses that you both drank, slowly you could see his eyelids closing, when you waited for him to get down and admit defeat, but he still drank 3 more!
"C'mon can't you quit already zoro???" You slurred once again banging the drink to your table as he had felt a headache from all the drinking. "Urghh...I can still..Beat your ass.." He murmurs when you see the grip on the glass that he was holding slowly fell. You saw the glass that he held fall, symbolising that you won! You saw his head bang on the table when you laughed in victory.
"Ohh! You can't compete to me!" You proudly exclaim, as he sighed. "Now our deal!" You put your hand in your ear trying to gesture to give atleast one secret. "Urgh..I tell ya, you probably won't like the crap Im gonna say if I say it." He muttered. "Don't worry this is between us! I won't tell Luffy and the others I swear on my oath and blood!"
You replied to his words making him click his tounge when he felt his cheeks burn up. He looked away just in case he would be embarrassed. "I...Like..you.." The green haired swordsman muttered when you couldn't hear it. "I'm sorry what?" You asked him to repeat it again making him blush even more. "I said I like you! It's such a cheesy ass response, I know but I don't have the courage to say this crap to you but..If you don't like me back whatever." He swatted his hand.
"I.." You couldn't speak when he thought you didn't like him back but you finally spoke up before he could stand up. "I like you too..I also couldn't say this cause I thought you didn't like me.." You were embarrassed when he felt his skin burn up and so we're you.
"So any of you are gonna pay the bill?" The waiter asked. "Ahh..Honestly sir! Can this be on the house?" You pleaded when he kicked you both out of the pub. Both of you just sat in the ground trying to calculate what just happened earlier, but you just bursted into laughter. "This just started off as a challenge now we said our feelings to eachother! Let's hope we can remember this when we're sober!" You hysterically laughed, when he just smiled.
You both went back to the ship as nami scolded you and him for drinking to much. "You idiots! You just got into major trouble and look what happened you guys are drunken idiots!" She scolded when both of you fell asleep in the deck of the ship, nami left off rampaging as you both slumber in peace.
hopefully you both remembered what did you both confess to eachother that very night. Maybe if not who knows what would happen?
When you woke up you saw that zoro was already standing watching the sunrise. You went next to him as you felt a burning headache, "Hey zoro, good morning." You greet, when he didn't respond. "Do you still remember what happened last night?" He asked, as you could only remember one specific sentence he said to you.
"I like you." Those words echoed before you, when you'd ask the same question with him. "I do." He responds, when you and him were quiet for awhile. "So...What happens now zoro?" You'd ask him as he blushed. "You tell me." He pins his eyes still on the sea, as you thought for awhile. "Maybe a couple?" You spoke.
"I guess so.."
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berupii · 1 year
Zoro x Reader: Bent, not Broken
AN: this fic was requested by @sanjibby ! I appreciate the request and hope you enjoy! Nothing like a good angst with some even better comfort 💚
CW: angst, breakup, argument, swearing, GN!reader
After nearly getting their asses handed to them by the marines, the Straw Hats were currently in a recovery period. It was always quiet during these post-battle days, too quiet for a ship like the Thousand Sunny. The ship was almost somber in its stillness and silence, and it always made you rather depressed.
Today was no exception. In fact, your sour mood was far worse than usual recovery periods. This time, your boyfriend was terribly injured, and it was your fault.
Zoro wasn’t the most loving boyfriend, and it didn’t take being a couples counselor to know. It wasn’t that he didn’t love you, he said himself that he cared about you more than anything. He just wasn’t the best as showing it in conventional ways. His way of saying “I love you” was inviting you to nap with him, keeping you company when you had night watch, and doing his best to protect you in battle.
It was the latter that caused problems, though. You may not have been the strongest member of the crew, but you didn’t consider yourself the weakest. It always bothered you how Zoro treated you like a fragile little thing during battle, but you knew it was his way of caring for you. Today was the last straw for you, though.
An enemy was about to deal you a fatal blow, and your knight in shining green armor took the hit instead. The problem was that it was a data blow you were more than ready to dodge. And yet you wonder boy threw himself in front of you anyway, leaving him bedridden for days with a large gash in his chest.
After the initial worry wore off, you were livid, and if you hadn’t been avoiding him like the plague, you would have given him a piece of your mind.
He had just been released by Chopper today, and he had spent the last couple of hours filling up on the food and sake he had missed. Noticing that you rarely visited him while he was in the med bay, he invited you to join him for a meal so you two could talk. You declined, using the excuse of being full already, and sat alone in the Crow’s Nest.
And that’s where you had been all day, just thinking. Your anger wasn’t overbearing, but it weighed on your mind. The fact that Zoro felt the need to jump in like that mid-battle, treating you like a child, didn’t sit well with you. You were tired of feeling like a burden towards the swordsman, that idea had been weighing on you for months by now. After the hours you spent thinking on all of this, you figured that something had to be done about it.
You heard the familiar creak of the hatch of the Crow’s Nest being opened, and you didn’t move from your position on your back in the middle of the floor.
Neither you nor Zoro said a word as the swordsman sat next to you and gazed down at your face. A worried expression was painted on his face. You weren’t surprised, hey may have been a little dense sometimes but he was able to tell that something was wrong.
“What’s your damage?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “We need to talk,” you said, a crack in your voice revealing the tears that were yet to be shed.
Now he was really worried. He shifted to sit in front of you as opposed to the side as you sat up to look him in the face. Taking a deep breath, you began. “Why did you do it?”
“Do what?” Zoro asked. “Save you? Because you—“
“No. You didn’t ‘save’ me. You got in the way. Why did you do that?!”
“Get in the way?” His eyebrows furrowed. “Is that how you see it? The hell are you talking about?”
You huffed in frustration. “How many times have I told you I can handle myself? That was a blow I could easily dodge, all you did was get hurt! What were you trying to prove? That I’m just helpless? Or that you’re an idiot?”
“The fuck are you calling me an idiot for?” Zoro shouted, his worry now completely replaced by anger. “I just did what my instincts told me, so what if you could have dodged?”
Hot, angry tears began to prick at your eyes, but you simply ignored them as you shouted in retaliation. “Why do your instincts think I’m weak, Zoro? Is that what you think of me? I’m not a fucking child!”
“Can I not protect what I care about without you bitching about it, then? Because that’s all I wanted to do, and you’re throwing a fit over it!”
“I’m just asking you to stop treating me like a burden! I’m fucking done.” Getting to your feet, you turn your back on him. “If no longer being something you care about is what it will take for you to stop these stupid stunts, then that’s fine by me!”
“Hey, what are you saying?!” Zoro’s tone softened a little as he jumped to his feet and moved to place a hand on your shoulder.
“It means we’re done!” you growled as you shoved him away. “You and me. We’re done. We need to break up.”
The swordsman shook his head, “No the fuck we’re not.”
“You can’t just say no, Zoro. I’m breaking up with you. I’m not gonna sit here and watch you get yourself killed because you wanna protect me. What about your goals? How are you gonna be the Greatest Swordsman if you’re dead? I care about you too damn much to let you throw that away!”
“I’m not gonna die just because I choose to save you a few times! Your my partner, why should I let you get hurt?”
“I can face the consequences of my battles just like you do, Roronoa Zoro! You just can’t accept it! And you aren’t immortal just because you have a high fucking pain tolerance! I’m not saying it again, we’re done!” You tried to walk out of the room as you wiped the tears that were now on your face. However, you didn’t get far before Zoro grabbed you by your shoulders and spun you around to face him.
“Don’t you dare walk out on me! We’re not done here!” When you looked into his eyes, you were surprised to see he shed tears of his own. He so rarely cried, just how much did you hurt him?
“How can you say you care about me and then just try to end things?” he ask with a shaking voice. “I… I think I understand what you’re trying to say, but why the hell do we need to break up over this? After everything we’ve been through, do you really want to walk away? Tell me right now, what do you want?”
You hesitated to answer for a moment as you stood still in his gentle yet firm grip on your shoulders. What did you want? That wasn’t even a question. You knew exactly what you wanted.
“I just… want us to both be okay. I don’t want to see you die, I don’t want to see you hurt. I want you to trust me like I trust you. I’ll do anything…”
“Even break up? Tch, you can be such an idiot.” You didn’t even try to argue with the insult as Zoro pulled you close to him, locking you in his warm embrace. The comfort of being in his arms again completely broke you down, and you fell into a fit of sniffles and shakes.
Zoro spoke as he stroked your hair, “I want all of those things too. We can work it out, I know we can. Let’s not jump to anything rash from now on, okay? Let’s just… talk. I hate talking sometimes, but I’ll talk to you about anything, alright?”
Feeling you nod against his chest, Zoro placed a gentle kiss on your head. “Good. Now isn’t this better then a breakup?”
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berupii · 1 year
Hi! Could you write a romantic scenario with shanks slow dancing with his s/o under the moonlight? I see shanks as someone who can ve thr sappiest of saps sometimes
here you go <3
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you had a crush on Shanks for years, he was your captain so he never dared to make the first move, if he rejected you you would never be able to be on his ship again and leaving the crew would kill you so you always swallowed yours feelings.
now you are together alone under the light of the moon and with the laughter of the crew. You are sitting together on the sand near the heat of the fire, you are nervous because usually you and he are never alone, there is at least a third person. So you stare at your hands while you play with your fingers, not daring to look up.
at one point in the evening you heard the music invade your crew's little party, it was calm music, suitable for slow dancing. You heard Shanks stand up, then glanced up briefly to see an outstretched hand pointing at you.
"Captain's Orders" he says with a toothy smile as if he understood that you would have declined the invitation. So you take it gently – oh, his hand is so warm – and you stand up. Shanks gently pulls you towards him (although he has one hand it's strong), you place your free hand on his hips.
" Y\N don't be a log, I won't bite you " she says noting that you were stiff (you're dancing with your crush how can you not be?), so you try to be more loose. You've never danced with him but you're in sync, both of your feet move in time, not once have you tripped over him.
maybe it's the music, but you've learned to relax, your head is now resting on his chest, eyes closed and a smile on your lips; maybe you will never be able to confess that you love him but this moment is already important. He looks at you with a look full of love, even if you haven't noticed it, his only hand squeezes yours tighter but it's a sweet squeeze.
" The moon is so beautiful " you comment after opening your eyes, glancing at the moon, while your face was still half pressed against his chest.
"Hm…It's really beautiful" replies Shanks but he doesn't look at the moon but at you, obviously you don't notice.
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berupii · 1 year
I need
I need shanks being all cheerfully and loving to reader please. I had an awfull semester
aw i am so sorry :(
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this man is literally a cinnamon roll with you (with his opponents a little less). It's like a puppy, he demands all your attention, especially if you've been away for quite a while (there are some places he doesn't take you because it's too dangerous), when he comes back to you be prepared to be attacked by a hug and kisses all over the face.
he'll give away at a party and stick to you the whole time, obviously not in a creepy way i mean more stuff like putting his arm around your waist as you walk around. He will definitely get drunk and try to get you drunk by always pouring you wine or beer. But I think it's best for both of us that you stay sober.
no seriously, he feels really bad when he's away from you, he knows you miss him too, and being in charge of your pain makes him feel really bad <\3 he's the one who's supposed to protect you from the pain others cause.
normally he's still affectionate, you couldn't ask for a sweeter guy: he has the crew cook prepare you the best breakfasts and brings them to your bed with one of his warmest smiles.
being with his crew means being with very loud men who are almost always together to party, if you want time alone with your boyfriend/husband Shanks will take you for a walk along the sea in the area where the ship is landed, hand in hand as you exchange loving glances.
dates with Shanks are all different from each other, every time he surprises you, with him it's never boring to be together (nor even with the crew). He always puts effort into turning every date into an adventure, also because he feels bad every time he's forced to leave you.
he loves to cuddle with you more than anything, he loves being the little spoon because he loves receiving attention from you, which you happily do. You are his home, he loves you more than his crew, which is difficult since they are brothers to him but you have become the most important person in his life.
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berupii · 1 year
(NSFW/SFW) Having FWB Relationship with Law
If you like to read the Monster Trio Version you can read it here!
A/N: Ngl this may not be as good as the first one but one comment asked so nicely for it :(((. Also this is SUPER LONG—
CW: Mentions of sex, more Angst than usual because Law has mf trust issues, Law is pushing back his true feelings for the reader it’s not an actual one sided love, Fluff, FWB to Lovers(?), and yeaaahhh
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You fell for him, but it was his idea—well moreso you were already in love with him before the agreement even happened
It was something you knew was going to happen when you agreed to it seeing that Law wanted nothing to do with an actual relationship with you.
He’s been your captain for as long as you can remember, and through out your journey he has seen you go through heart break after heart break after heart break of terrible men that do nothing but use your kindness and some even your body without any regard of your feelings
How it started:
You only did this because your feelings for Law never subsided so you tried to fill yourself with anything to get your mind and heart away from him but alas it never worked
One night you both were working together in search of something—you were like an assistant to him—and during your break with him you both started to turn to the topic of relationships.
“So you’re ganna keep on giving these idiot men a chance, huh?”
“Gatta get laid somehow.”
You somewhat regretted your wording swing as Law frowned at your response. You didn’t have sex with any and everybody it was only about 2 dudes you ever gotten that far with your entire journey; one being a green haired swordman and the other being some pineapple haired guy. They both were sweet, but you knew the relationship you wanted wouldn’t last.
Law got tired of your complaining. It wasn’t long until you blurred out something you knew you couldn’t take back;
“Well maybe if my captain was the only one to satisfy my needs I wouldn’t be searching it from random pirates.”
It was a stupid, stupid, STUPID thing to say. You knew it. He knew it, but it was too late now. You couldn’t even blame it on the alcohol because Law cut you off after one cup.
“Is that right?” His tone was dark, you look over at him across the desk you were already sulking in and furrowed your brows. Law got up to take away the empty glass being twirled in your hands to sit on his desk beside you. His eyes never broke from yours and he had an unreadable face. He didn’t look mad, disgusted, or annoyed. Amused maybe?
“Look at me.” He noticed you breaking eye contact first, flustered still at your outburst and grabbed your chin. “You know if I ever got into a relationship with you—or anybody else for that matter I’d just end up breaking your heart. So us being a thing will never happen. It would be too much of a distraction.”
“…I know..” You groaned, his words stung so hard you just wanted to go back to your room with a bottle of Sake and drink until you forgot about this entire conversation.
“But…Just know I never said I didn’t find you attractive…and that we could still make something out of nothing.”
If you were in a cartoon your left ear where he was sitting beside would have enlarged itself 3 times the size. Did you hear him correctly?
You sat up straight and before you could ask him to repeat himself he was already invading your mouth. It wasn’t long until the research you both were doing was forgotten and you spent the rest of your night a moaning mess under your captain.
How it’s going
If you would have told yourself 7 months ago you’d be having almost daily sex with Law just to not have any strings attached you would have laughed  hysterically , but here you were; laying under him, heavy breathing being exchanged, and then having to get up and leave before anybody on the ship seen you.
The sex was amazing, it really was, but you still felt empty even though he always filled you up .
After taking what you now feel like is the walk of shame to the bathroom and then to sleep you just think, why doesn’t he at least want to cuddle you afterwards? Maybe some reassurance you’ve done good? Hell even a Pat on the head, but all you get is a quick kiss after he pulls out and the veiw of his back as he rolls over to go right to sleep.
One night you wanted to stay, just once, he really worn you out since he has been so pent up dealing with the strawhats and barely seeing you anymore you just wanted a little affection. Just a Little. And you’ll be on your way.
His back was facing you again, you admired his tattoos, wanting to trace them over your fingers as he held you close telling you how good you were for him, how beautiful you looked….
How much he loved you—
“What are you Doing?” His voice was cold. He broke you out of your empty thoughts and you noticed your finger making contact with his damp back. “You still want more or something?”
“N-no! I…I Just um…” Law turned over to make eye contact with you resting his head on his hand gazing at your body partially covered by the thin blanket. “I wanted you to…to hol—-“
“You want to be held?” He almost sounded like he was scoffing, you couldn’t blame him. You weren’t very subtle hiding your feelings for him even after he talked to you throughly that you both would never get into a relationship. It broke your heart a little when you thought that one day these moments of intimacy May run it’s course, and it may be soon from the way you seen him get so close with that one beautiful black haired Strawhat girl lately.
“I—forget it I’ll go.” Law almost did. Almost. But he knew he couldn’t. For the last few months he felt a tinge of guilt because he knew how much you loved him. He thought that maybe if you spent more time with him, got to know the real him besides just with sex— knowing how much of a grump he was, how straightforward and blunt he could be, maybe you’d be turned off and move on.
But he was so wrong and he felt bad. He started to feel like he was misleading you. He didn’t want that. He really didn’t want any of this he didn’t know how to be a boyfriend, how to take care of your romantic needs, how to share, how to be someone you need.
He knew that. He knew he couldn’t be with you.
So why was it when he seen you talk to that green haired swordsman today he got so angry? Was it jealousy? He knows about your past with him and he also knows you’re a grown consenting adult with no strings attached so WHY did it bother him so much?
Law grabbed your wrist, you looked back at him with sorrow and a hint of shock in your face feeling his grip tighten.
“You can stay.”
It was only three words, but it was what you always wanted to hear from him.
It was what you needed to hear.
You crawled back into bed hesitantly and Law noticed so he pulled you in closer to his chest. You heard his heart and it was pounding as if he were running a marathon.
Holding you was new, you both were still naked and a tad sweaty, your breath tingled on his collarbone, but this is the first time in a while Law felt…
Your fluffy body was something he enjoyed holding. Maybe he could get used to it.
But he didn’t want to he knew he would just end up hurting you in the end if he furthered this and thinking that caused him to you back a little.
“You can sleep here tonight. You’re probably—-“
“Why can’t you love me, Law?”
He nearly choked on his own breath hearing the hurt in your voice. You sat back up looking defeated. You’d probably end up getting kicked out because of this, but you didn’t care you wanted answers.
“You…you knew I still had feelings for you and you..you still put me in a position to fall more in love with you and it hurts!”
You didn’t mean to holler at the end of your sentence, but it was all too much. You hated yourself for getting into this situation and you hated him for allowing it.
“You knew I would never say no to you, and for us to be doing this for so long and I try to respect you not wanting to be with me so you don’t hurt me, but you’re hurting me more by being away. I want you! Do you know how hard it is going day after day seeing the man that you are in love with not feel anything back but in the same day can lay down with you and just fuck you?! I’m so STUPID to even let it go this far and I’m sorry! Okay!? I’m sorry I can’t stop thinking about you and about us! Not if we keep this up—“
“Then let’s end this.”
At that point your heart was torn. It was a truth you didn’t want to hear, but it was bound to happen eventually. Your eye immediately trickled with tears, you wanted to slap him, seeing how quickly he was willing to let you go especially after pouring your heart out, but—
“Let’s start something new then….I want to…I been wanting to for the past 3 months…but y/n I—“ Law sat up straight hitting his head on the headboard groaning—he didn’t want to spill his heart out because he wasn’t great with sentimental words but it was either that or just let you walk out of his room and possibly out of his life because he couldn’t believe if you guys broke off your little agreement like this you would still want to be in the same crew anymore.
And he couldn’t lose another person he loved.
“I’m sorry you feel this way…and more importantly I’m sorry for not being more attentive to your feelings. I…Y/N i do care about you….okay—?”
“I just…—”
“I don’t want to disappoint you…I thought that maybe if you seen more of me and realized who I really were you’d back off but now I feel like either way it goes I will hurt—-“
You cut him off with a kiss—it was a bit harsher than he was used to with you, but he managed to return the kiss back and pulling you closer to let you straddle him. You didn’t care about his stupid assumptions you knew he’d kill for you So what makes you think he’d actually hurt you on accident or on purpose for that matter? You also knew about his trust issues so you were willing to work on it for the sake of your relationship.
“Break my heart then, Law…” you muttered under his lips to then find his eyes. “If that’s what it takes to show you that you’re worth loving…then do it…break my heart.” He let out a breathy chuckle.
“That doesn’t even make any sense, y/n.”
“None of this really does make sense but….” You pulled back to admire his tanned skin, covered with a red tint and pulled back some of his strands of hair. “I’m willing to work on it with you.”
It was moment of silence between you both. He couldn’t look away from your eyes shining in the night as the moon bounced off of it. Maybe it was the post sex high or maybe he was really in love but you looked breath taking at this point.
“…I am too, y/n.—”
“I love you.”
You damn near cried on him and he did too, you almost couldn’t believe it.
“Wait what—“
Law rolled his eyes playfully and scooted you so close your nose was touching his.
“I…” he kissed your lips softly slowly rolling you over on your back,
“Love..” He kissed your warm neck with his hands rubbing the sides of your hips so gently.
“You.” Law bit the other side of your neck where your weak spot was and granting him a sight of you moaning just above a whisper, you were pretty like this.
He went back to your lips to return a most steamy and passionate kiss with his tongue rubbing against yours until you eventually end it with you sucking the tip of his tongue.
Freaky asses
“I love you, too Law.”
Law knew he had more to work on about himself so you both agreed that no longer will there be any of the “no strings attached “ rule, but now you both can start off with talking it slow
With you being his.
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