Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu / We Got Married as a Job (2016)
Bless this show. Seriously bless this show. Despite my initial reservations I was completely won over. Aragaki Yui’s acting (for once) did not make me sigh in despair. But that is only the tip of all that’s great about this drama. Chemistry between the leads is one important thing (and made me grin like an idiot all throughout), but the writing is on a whole other level all together. 
I’m not sure how closely the drama followed the manga (so I don’t know who is the one to applaud here) but irregardless, the writing was excellent. The clever ‘daydreams’ that borrow from well known reality, variety, game shows as well as PC games never got old. I almost fell off my chair laughing when the Sanada Maru theme song started playing and the couple strategised complete with visuals - just like in the taiga drama. 
The characters were all quirky in one way or another, yet felt like honest portrayals of people that you and I would know in real life. In that vein, though Hiramasa and Mikuri’s relationship is so out of this world, it’s one of the most healthy and honest portrayals of a romantic relationship (and marriage in particular), that I’ve ever seen. We see the two leads grow and become more vulnerable and open, while continuing to hold on to their personalities. They had to mature, but in maturing they didn’t need to change the core of what makes them who they are. The way it plays out is all a little shy and a little distant (and distinctly Japanese in nature), yet it’s one of the rare times I’ve watched a show and thought, yes! This is what a normal relationship looks like! 
That’s not to say that dramas should show only healthy relationships. No, that’s not the point of TV at all. But in an industry saturated with shows where young people are taught to idolise violence and selfishness as ‘he’s secretly just into you’, and where women are shown to become bumbling idiots when in love, this show just a breath of fresh air ok? 
Despite the show’s pacing slowing down considerably in the last few episodes, nothing felt particularly convoluted or unnecessary. Such a satisfying drama. 
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Koi dance + lyrics
from nigeru wa haji da ga yaku ni tatsu 
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Kouhaku Uta Gassen 2016.12.31 - Hoshino Gen, Aragaki Yui
Hiramasa-san and Mikuri-san (´;ω;`)
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Hoshino Gen as Tsuzaki Hiramasa in Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu (2016)
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In tough times, just having someone to say they’re on your side can save you.
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“誰かに選んで欲しい ここにいて良いんだって認めて欲しい それは贅沢なんだろうか みんな誰かに必要とされたくて でもうまくいかなくて 色んな気持ちをちょっとずつ諦めて 泣きたい気持ちを笑い飛ばして そうやって生きているのかもしれない”
— Anyone wants to be chosen by someone Wants to be acknowledged that it’s good that I am here Is this too much to ask? Everyone wants to be needed by someone But.. it doesn’t go well. Gradually giving up on various emotions… Laughing it off when you want to cry… That’s how I might be living. — We Married as a Job 
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Bangsat ini scene terbaper nigehaji FIX
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