The patients having symptoms of a brain aneurysm should consult with Neurosurgeon in Faridabad
The brain contains a large number of blood vessels for transporting important chemicals in and out of the brain. In normal cases, these vessels are smooth without any structural abnormality. However, in some cases, these vessels form a bulb or balloon. This condition is known as a brain aneurysm. These balloons may rupture and cause a brain hemorrhage. The patients having symptoms of a brain aneurysm should consult with Neurosurgeon in Faridabad.
What Is Brain Aneurysm?
A brain aneurysm is a condition characterized by bulging or ballooning of blood vessels of the brain. There is a weak area in the blood vessel of the brain. This area, due to the constant flow of blood, worn out and bulges in the form of a hanging berry. As the blood vessel is weak from that position, it carries the risk of getting ruptured.
There are two types of brain aneurysms.
Saccular aneurysms: This is the most common type of brain aneurysm. These aneurysms comprise of a neck and a dome. Aneurism is connected to the parent vessel through the neck.
Fusiform aneurysm: This is a less common type of brain aneurysm. These aneurysms do not have definite neck and are widened from both sides of the arteries.
What Is The Cause Of Brain Aneurysm?
Although the exact cause of brain aneurysm remains unknown, it is believed that aneurysm may be caused due to following reasons:
Marfan’s syndrome: Formation of the connective tissue in the body is controlled by various genes. Any alteration in the functioning of these genes may result in weak arteries, not only in the brain but in other parts of the body. Marfan’s syndrome, which is a genetic condition, affects such genes.
Brain Injury: Brain aneurysm may also be caused by brain injury. The traumatic brain injury causes tear in the brain tissues which may also lead to a brain aneurysm.
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: This condition primarily affects the kidney and have an impact on the brain. While it causes cysts in the brain tissue, it also weakens the vessels.
Miscellaneous: Various other probable causative factor includes smoking, serious infection and chronic hypertensive condition.
What Are The Symptoms Of Brain Aneurysm?
In many cases, patients suffering from brain aneurysm do not experience any symptoms. The symptoms related to unruptured brain aneurysm include:
Blurred vision
Vision changes
Mild to severe headache
A ruptured brain aneurysm may have the following symptoms:
Nausea and vomiting
Lack of consciousness
Neck stiffness
Increased sensitivity to light
Difficulty walking and speaking
Sudden and severe headache.
Immediate medical intervention is required in patients with the symptoms of a ruptured aneurysm.
What Are The Risk Factors For Developing Brain Aneurysm?
Following are some factor that increases the risk of developing brain aneurysm:
Age: Old age people are at higher risk of developing a brain aneurysm.
High blood pressure: Because of the constant blood flow through blood vessels, the vessels become weak or worn out leading to a brain aneurysm.
Cigarette smoking: Cigarette smoking significantly increases the risk of a brain aneurysm because smoking weakens the blood vessel which may result in bulging.
Alcohol consumption: Alcohol consumption and its intensity also influence the development of brain aneurysms.
Factors present by birth: Various congenital conditions may result in an increased risk of developing a brain aneurysm. These include Polycystic kidney disease, Cerebral arteriovenous malformation, Inherited connective tissue disorders, Abnormally narrow aorta, and Family history of a brain aneurysm.
How The Diagnosis Of Brain Aneurysm Is Done?
In many cases, brain aneurysm doe not show the symptoms and the condition is diagnosed while diagnosis other ailments. Following are some of the diagnostic techniques for diagnosing brain aneurysm:
Imaging technique: Various imaging techniques such as MRI are employed to diagnose the disease. MRI angiography identifies the presence of an aneurysm.
Cerebrospinal fluid test: The cerebrospinal fluid test may indicate the presence of blood cells in the region between the brain and thin tissue covering, the area known as subarachnoid space.
Cerebral angiogram: Cerebral angiogram is the procedure in which a flexible tube has inserted the artery and it travels through the vessels in the brain. The results are drawn with the help of X-ray images obtained through the procedure.
What Is The Best Treatment Of Brain Aneurysm?
Following are the treatment options for brain aneurysm:
Endovascular coiling: It is a less invasive procedure in which a soft wire is transported to the aneurysm and the wire coils up inside the aneurysm.
Surgical clipping: Through brain surgery, the blood flow to the aneurysm is stopped.
Management of symptoms and reduction of risk: Various drugs are used for these purposes such as Anti-seizure medications, analgesics or pain relievers and calcium channel blockers.
Lifestyle changes: Healthy eating, doing routine exercise and staying away from recreational drugs, smoking and alcohol also helps to manage the symptoms of a brain aneurysm.
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Suffering From Spinal Disorder: Choose Best Spine Surgeon In Gurgaon
When the pain in the spine first strikes the patient, he preferably consults with the family doctor, who in most cases is MD in medicine. The family doctor may ask the patient to visit a specialist in spinal disorders generally called a spine surgeon. The patient should choose the best spine surgeon in Gurgaon. Spine surgeon is generally a specialist in orthopedic surgery or neurosurgery and obtains an additional training or fellowship in spine surgery. Spine surgeon is an expert in treating various complex cases related to the spine including spinal deformities, spinal tumor, spinal injury, fractured vertebra, stenosis, herniated discs, scoliosis, and congenital abnormalities.
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The spine is an important part o the body that assists in maintaining posture, movement and performing various activities. It is an integral part of the body and any problem in this vital structure requires immediate medical attention from the best spine surgeon. There are various spine surgeons in Gurgaon and the main challenge faced by the patient is how to select the best spine surgeon in their area. The patient may judge the competency and expertise of the spine surgeon by judging him through various criteria. It is also to be noted that for judging the best spine surgeon in Gurgaon, the patient has to consult few spine surgeons and choose the best for getting spinal surgery.Following are some of the criteria that may assist the patient in choosing the best spine surgeon:
Comprehensive information dissemination: Many cases of spinal disorders do not require surgery and in such cases the operation is elective. In other cases, the pain, discomfort, and mobility do not subside with non-invasive therapy and thus spine surgery is inevitable. As a patient, you are the only one to judge the intensity, severity, and frequency of the pain and it is you who has to decide for surgery. The doctor who provides ample information and assisting you in taking this decision is good.
Type of disorder: Orthopedic surgeon and Neurosurgeon with additional training, are capable of performing spine surgery. The orthopedic surgeon performing spine surgery would be more suitable in cases of bone deformity and other disorders that directly involve the bone while neurosurgeon would be better in cases where the nervous system is substantially affected such as spinal tumors.
Experience and training of the surgeon: You should never hesitate to ask the surgeon about his experience and training he has undergone. After all, it is you that has to suffer in case surgery goes wrong. As there are various types of spine surgery, the patient should specifically ask about the surgery which the surgeon has recommended to the patient. The patient should not hesitate to talk about the training undergone by the spine surgeon as additional training evolves the skill in the surgeon for managing extensive procedures such as artificial disc replacement.
Hospital with which the spine surgeon is associated: The patient should also consider the hospital with which the surgeon is associated. Spine surgery is generally done through advanced procedures such as minimally invasive surgery which has less healing time and reduced risk. The hospital with advanced technology and huge infrastructure should be preferred due to two important reasons. First, the surgery would be conducted with ultra-modern equipment operating through advanced technology and second, if anything goes wrong, the hospital has ample resources to take control of the situation.
Do not always blank upon the second opinion: Many patients visit other doctors for a second opinion. It has been seen that the patient thinks that the doctor providing the second opinion is always right. This is not always the case. The primary aim is to get the proper diagnosis and decide yourself after consulting with a few reputed surgeons.
Taking advice from other patients and relatives: The reputation and expertise of the doctor are judged by obtaining feedback from the patients who had already undergone surgery from a particular doctor. These patients may include family members or friends. The information may also be provided at the hospital and you can take reviews about the surgery.
Success Rate: The Success rate of the surgeon and the number of surgeries performed is also an important criterion for choosing the best spine surgeon in Gurgaon. Based on the success rate, the experience and expertise of the surgeon can be judged.
Bedside manner and Patient-Surgeon interaction: a study shows that although the surgeon focuses more on surgical outcome and operative quality; the patient is more concerned about the bedside manner or physician manner. Maintaining a healthy relationship with the patient should also be on the priority list of the surgeon.
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Headaches and its implication by Dr Vikas Kathuria, Consultant Neuro Surgeon
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Risk To Ignore Spinal Stenosis Symptoms know From Spine Surgeon In Gurgaon
Tag: Spinal Stenosis, Symptoms Of Spinal Stenosis
Spinal Stenosis is a disorder of the spine which causes pain and discomfort. Proper diagnosis and treatment are necessary to prevent further progression and for improving the quality of life. The patient should consult with a spine surgeon in Gurgaon who should be specialized in diagnosing and treating various neuro-spinal problems.
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What Is Spinal Stenosis?
Spinal Stenosis is the condition characterized by the narrowing of the passage of the nerve canal through the spine. This results in increased pressure over the spinal canal. The conditions result in constriction of the nerve and nerve roots. In most cases, the condition develops due to osteoarthritis.Various other causes that may increase the risk of spinal stenosis include slipped discs, degenerative disease, tumor, thickening of ligament and bone spurs or bone overgrowth. Traumatic conditions such as accidents that lead to spinal injuries may also cause stenosis.The condition may occur at any part of the spine but is most commonly found in the neck, known as cervical stenosis, and lower back, known as lumbar stenosis.In severe cases of spinal stenosis, where non-invasive treatments fail to provide an optimum reduction in pain and discomfort, the doctor may recommend surgery which results in creating more space for the spinal canal.Age is the most common risk factor for developing spinal stenosis, however, the other factors which increase the risk include spinal injury and underlying diseases such as scoliosis and genetic diseases.When untreated, the spinal stenosis may further progress and cause paralysis, numbness, balancing problem, weakness, and incontinence.
What Are The Symptoms Of Spinal Stenosis?
The symptoms of spinal stenosis depend upon the amount of pressure exerted on the nerve or nerve roots due to the narrowing of the spine. Some patients with mild pressure do not experience any symptoms. Following are some of the symptoms of spinal stenosis are:
Pain that slowly fades away: Pain of spinal stenosis increases with an increased level of activity. So it is, therefore, advised that you should not stretch activity hours. The pain subsides after taking rest for a few minutes. The intensity of pain may vary. Sometimes the pain is quite severe while it is mild or absent on other occasions.
Pain triggered by changing position: Change in position changes the orientation of the spine. This results in more pressure on the spinal nerves leading to pain. Sometimes the pain is so severe that you have to halt the work. Exercise or other strenuous activities increase the risk of pain. It is also to be noted that spinal stenosis is a progressive condition and the pain worsens over a period. Change to a comfortable position and physical therapy may improve the pain.
Weakness and problem in balancing: You should never ignore any weakness or balancing problem like these, in most cases, are due to neurological problems. The nervous system controls the activity of muscles and if they are compressed due to the narrowing of the spine, the patient experiences reduced neuronal activity. The tingling sensation is another symptom that should not be ignored.
Sciatica symptoms: The patient should not ignore any radiating and shooting pain in the legs through the buttocks. These may be due to underlying medical conditions. The patient suffering from spinal stenosis, too, have sciatica-like symptoms. These symptoms include numbness, tingling sensation and radiating pain in the arms and legs.
Relief in pain when leaned forward: Many patients experience relief in pain when they bend forward. If this happens, there are high chances that the pain is due to spinal stenosis. This is because while bending forward, the space in the spine gets widened and the compression on the nerve gets relieved. It is to be noted that this relief is transient and as the person changes the posture the pain may return. The patient should consult with the spine surgeon in Gurgaon.
Why Should You Do Not Ignore The Symptoms Of Spinal Stenosis?
The person should never ignore the symptoms related to spinal stenosis. The best spinal neurosurgeon should be consulted for diagnosing and treating this condition. Like with many other neurological diseases, spinal stenosis is also a progressive disease and the pressure on the nerve and relative severity of symptoms increases with time. Further, untreated spinal stenosis may lead to various complications including paralysis, poor bowel movement, and urinary incontinence, increased risk of falls due to weakness and balancing problem, and numbness especially on the extremities. In the case of severe spinal stenosis, the patient may experience serious complications known as central cord syndrome.
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Treating Neurological Disorders Through Psychotherapy from Best Neurologist In Gurgaon
Psychotherapy is a method for treating mental illness by taking counseling from a psychotherapist. Although all the cases are not treated through psychotherapy and other methods of treatment such as medications or surgeries are generally recommended in various neurological disorders, psychotherapy can also be used as an adjuvant therapy along with the main treatment in these cases. For getting the best benefit from psychotherapy treatment, the patient should consult the best neurologist in Gurgaon.
What Is Psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is a type of talk therapy and is recommended for people who have mental illness and are emotionally challenged. Psychotherapy infuses the controlling power in the patient and they learn to control their emotions in a bothersome environment.Psychotherapy allows the patients to manage their emotions, feelings, moods, behaviors, and thoughts. Various names are given to this therapy such as psychosocial therapy, counseling or talk therapy.The therapy is done in different sessions and may either on a group basis or individual basis. Many neurologists use the combination of medications and psychotherapy to obtain the best results for their patients
In Which Conditions Psychotherapy Is Required?
There are various types of psychotherapy and the type is recommended based on the condition of the patient. Different conditions require different psychotherapy approaches. Psychotherapy is not only helpful in case of mental illness, rather it is equally useful in the management of day-to-day stresses and conflicts.Following are some of the conditions requiring psychotherapy:
Schizophrenia: It is a psychotic disorder in which the person is not linked with reality. Psychotherapy could be a valuable option in such circumstances.
Eating disorders: Eating disorders such as bulimia, binge eating or anorexia also requires the services of a psychotherapist.
Mood disorders: Through psychotherapy, the person should be able to manage mood alterations as seen in bipolar disorder and depression.
Addictions: The person can also be de-addicted through psychotherapy. Additions may include alcoholism, smoking, compulsive gambling and drug dependence.
Anxiety disorders: Psychotherapy, along with the drugs and other treatment options, plays a vital role in managing anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Personality disorders: Psychotherapy is also effective in patients suffering from a dependent personality disorder or borderline personality disorder.
Trauma: Psychotherapy is usually used in life-changing situations or trauma such as the death of loved ones, significant business loss, and divorce.
Medical illness: Medical illness may lead to mental illness. The patient is under depression and holds a negative attitude towards life. Psychotherapy helps the patients in getting him out of depression.
What Are The Various Psychotherapies For Treating Neurological Disorders?
Although various types of psychotherapy exist but following are some of the most effective psychotherapy:
Cognitive-behavioral therapy: It is one of the best approaches to managing neurological disorders. Various studies indicate the efficacy of CBT in treating neurological disorders. This therapy can change the nervous system dysfunctions. CBT modifies the neural circuits that are involved in regulating fear extinctions and negative emotions. This therapy also plays a major role in children in the management of functional neurological symptoms including seizures.
Interpersonal psychotherapy: This therapy is generally used to treat mood disorders. This approach is evidenced-based and time-limited. Through interpersonal psychotherapy, the therapist aims to reduce the distress in the person which is caused due to social functioning and interpersonal relationships. It is used to manage social isolation, grief such as the death of loved ones, life-changing situations such as divorce and interpersonal conflicts such as in between partners, parents or couples.
Acceptance and commitment therapy: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is generally used in Functional Movement disorders. The patient suffering from this disorder have motor symptoms such as dystonia and tremor. Some may also experience limb weakness. Studies indicate that apart from the use of this therapy in pain management, this therapy may also be used to manage mental disorders and chronic diseases including those affecting the nervous system.
Dialectical behavior therapy: This is an evidence-based therapy and is used in the management of borderline personality disorder. Studies indicate its use in targeting amygdala hyperactivity for emotional regulation. The efficacy of this therapy may also extend to reduce the number of suicidal attempts by adults.
Supportive psychotherapy: Supportive therapy is highly effective in cases of severe personality disorders. This therapy is used to revive the self-esteem, adaptive skills, and ego functions. It also infuses the ability to cope with low socio-economic status, low level of education and other depressing circumstances related to life.
Psychodynamic and psychoanalysis therapies: These therapies are used in the management of depression and to treat the patients who have lost the meaning in their life. These therapies are also used to manage social anxiety disorder, eating disorder and addictions.
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Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery In Gurgaon by Best Spine Surgeon In Gurgaon
What do you need to know?
Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) is a newfound, alternative method to the traditional open surgery which was used to manage various spinal conditions. Of late the use of MISS is becoming increasingly popular due to the many benefits that it has over open surgery.
How is MISS performed?
It is an endoscopic procedure, which means that the surgeon will only make 3-4 small incisions on your back, compared to the tradition large incision. Through these incisions the surgeon will then pass the endoscope, a thin tube fitted with a camera, as well as small instruments, which can all be controlled from the outside. The surgeon will also make use of real time X-ray imaging to visualize the spine and the corrections which are being done.
What kind of spine conditions can be treated with MISS?
The following spinal disorders can be successfully treated using MISS:
Degenerative spinal disease – which occurs as a result of wear and tear in the discs. Which leads to abnormalities in the shape and structure of the disc, which then leads to abnormal movements of the lumbar spine leading to pain.
Disc herniation – is a condition where part of the intervertebral disc is pushing into the spinal canal and pressing on the nerves which are exiting the vertebral column leading to pain. This herniation can occur as a result of degeneration or due to sudden lifting of a heavy weight.
Canal stenosis – is the narrowing of the spinal canal which can be caused as a result of disc herniation, or swelling and bone spur formation due to osteoarthritis. Stenosis will lead to nerve compression and pain.
Scoliosis – is a spinal deformity arising as a result of the sideward curving of the spine resembling an ‘’S’’ or ‘’C’’, and is a condition which commonly affects children.
For all of the above mentioned conditions, surgeons prefer to opt for MIS fusion procedures, which is stabilizing the spine using bone grafts to make the vertebral column more stable, using minimally invasive techniques. Minimally invasive spinal fusions are done on the thoracic and lumbar spine, and the most commonly performed minimally invasive surgeries are:
Minimally invasive spine lumbar discectomy – which is performed for herniated discs in the lumbar region which cause pain in the lower limbs such as what occurs in sciatica. A small incision is made in the region of the back where the herniated disc is located, and using the endoscopic tools the surgeon will remove a part of the herniated disc
Minimally invasive spine lumbar fusion - are surgeries where two or more lumbar vertebrae that make up the column are joined together. It involves the preparation of the intervertebral disc space by removing the disc and replacing it with Peek Cage, Bone, allograft or other implants which will hold the adjacent vertebrae in place. Rods and screws might also be used following this in order to provide further stability. There are three common approaches to this surgery, which include:
Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF) – where the incision is made on the patient’s back
Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion – where the incision for access to the vertebrae is made on the patient’s abdomen anteriorly
Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion – where the incision is made on the patient’s back, but the vertebral column is approached from the side.
Why should I opt for MISS and not open surgery?
The reason more and more people are opting for MISS than open surgery is because of the many benefits it has to offer both the patient and the surgeon. These include:
Few small incisions and scar instead of one large incision and scar, which is thought to be a better option cosmetically
Less damage to surrounding tissue and less blood loss during surgery
Reduced risk of infection
Reduced post-operative pain
Shortened recovery period and hospital stay, with quick return to daily activities and work
How safe is this procedure?
Endoscopic techniques have been practice for many, many years. Initially they were used only for diagnostic purposes, but later came into use therapeutically as well. Surgeons undergo special training to learn how to handle the instruments used in endoscopic procedures, and these instruments themselves are considered precision tools which have a very high accuracy rate. Therefore minimally invasive spine surgery(MISS) is considered to be safe method of spine surgery, which is becoming popular world over.
What are the possible risks involved with MISS?
Undergoing any type of surgery in the spine comes with its potential risks and with MISS too. Listed below are some of the possible risks you will be taking if you decide to undergo minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS).
Complications of anesthesia
Injury to the nerves or spinal cord
Excessive bleeding
Formation of blood clots
Leakage of cerebro-spinal fluid
Is there any preparation required before I undergo MISS?
Preparing yourself for minimally invasive spine surgery can be daunting, and there are a few preliminaries which you need to get done before you are ready for surgery. These include:
Discuss all the medication you are taking with your doctor, for pre-existing conditions such as hypertension and diabetes.
Stop smoking if you do
Follow the instructions given by your doctor, such as fasting for a period of 8 hours before the surgery, taking any premedication, undergoing any investigations to assess your level of fitness for surgery as well as avoiding any medication prior to surgery.
Once these aspects have been taken care of, you are ready for surgery.Always have a detailed discussion with your doctor regarding your condition, and the different treatment options available to you. So that you can make a well informed decision on how you want to go forward with your treatment plan.
How do I recover from minimally invasive spine surgery?
The recovery from minimally invasive spine surgery depends on individual factors. But since this is minimally invasive the hospital stay is usually around 1-2 days compared to the 5-7 day stay that you will have if you undergo traditional open spine surgery. During the recovery period you will be introduced to a physical therapist, who will help you with mobility. Usually your doctor will ask you to walk unassisted the very next day following surgery although you will be asked to take things easy for about 4-6 weeks following surgery. Follow-up investigations such as X-rays and other imaging studies will be done in order to determine the success of surgery.Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) is a newfound, alternative method to the traditional open surgery which was used to manage various spinal conditions.
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Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Treatment by Best Spine Surgeon In Gurgaon
Lumbar spinal stenosis is generally a condition of older age. It significantly reduces the quality of life. For evaluating the exact cause and best treatment option, the patient should consult the spine surgeon in Gurgaon.
What Is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?
Lumbar vertebrae form the lower part of the spine. This section of the spine bears the weight of the body and improves flexibility and movement. The spine is formed by the association of various vertebrae. These vertebrae are arranged in such as fashion to form a tunnel known as the spinal canal. The spinal cord runs through this spinal canal. Spinal cord requires optimum width of this canal to smoothly go through it.In some cases, this spinal canal becomes narrow leading to compression of the spinal cord. Though the spinal canal can get narrow at any place throughout the spinal canal, most often it gets narrowed in the lumbar region. This condition is termed as lumbar spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis compresses the nerves that innervate the muscles.
What Are The Causes Of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?
Following are some of the causes of lumbar spinal stenosis:
Tumors: Any abnormal growth inside the spinal canal may also cause spinal cord compression. These growths can be diagnosed through CT scan or MRI.Thickened ligaments: Thickening and stiffing of the ligaments with time may cause spinal stenosis by bulging inside the spinal canal.Bone overgrowth: Diseases such as Paget’s disease may cause bone overgrowth which may lead to spinal cord compression.Herniated disk: Disk is the cushions present in between the vertebrae. These cushions, with age, ruptures and bulges into the spinal canal causing stenosis.Spinal injuries: Spinal injury such as during accidents may cause vertebral dislocation which may alter the width of the spinal canal. Inflammation resulting from the spinal surgery also cause spinal stenosis.Arthritis: Arthritis is one of the most common causes of spinal stenosis. Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis may cause this condition. Arthritis also results in an increased size of ligaments that further reduces the space for the spinal cord.
What Are The Symptoms Of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?
Some of the symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis include:
Numbness and tingling sensation in legs.
Weakness and cramping
Reduced sexual functioning
Moderate to severe pain in back
Burning pain graduating from the buttocks to legs.
Loss of control on bladder or bowel.
Progressive pain
Pain reduces during sitting or leaning forward
“Foot drop” symptom
What Are The Risk Factors For Developing Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?
Following are some of the risk factors for spinal stenosis:
Age: Increasing age increases the risk of spinal stenosis. People over the age of 50 years generally suffer from this condition.Underlying medical condition: Presence of various diseases such as Paget’s disease, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis increases the risk of lumbar spinal stenosis.History of spinal surgery: People who have the medical history of having spinal surgery at increased risk of developing spinal stenosis.
How Is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Diagnosed?
Various diagnosed approaches are available for diagnosing spinal stenosis. These include:
Medical History: Neurologists will comprehensively evaluate the medical history by asking a various question related to the symptoms and if the patient has undergone spinal surgery in the past. CT scan: Through Computed Tomography, the internal area of the spinal canal is viewed for any growth or nerve compression. CT scan is done by combining various X-ray images taken from different angles.MRI: MRI provides a cross-sectional view of the spinal canal. It helps in identifying damage to ligaments and tumor growth.X-rays: X-rays reveals any bony overgrowth inside the spinal canal that may compress the spinal cord.
What Are The Treatment Options For Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?
Treatment options for lumbar spinal stenosis include both non-invasive and invasive methods.
Non-invasive methods of treatment for spinal stenosis include:
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory medications
Physical therapy
Steroidal injections
Lumbar traction
Chiropractic manipulation
Anti-depressants and anti-seizure drugs
Spinal fusion
Minimally invasive surgery
How To Prevent Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?
Although there is no way to completely prevent the occurrence of lumbar spinal stenosis the following few measures would certainly reduce its risk.
Maintaining a healthy weight
Proper sitting and sleeping posture
Regular exercise
What Activities Should Be Avoided During Spinal Stenosis?
Lifting heavy weights
Avoid standing or walking for a long period
Avoid contact sports
Avoid strenuous exercises
What Are The Complications Of Untreated Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?
If the symptoms of the spinal stenosis are not effectively managed and the condition remains untreated, this may lead to the following complications:
Progressive pain, numbness, weakness and increased incidences of cramps
Urinary incontinence
Poor coordination and balance
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(Dr. Vikas Kathuria)
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Seeking specialist neurological help
Can I be suffering from a neurological condition?
When most people hear the word neurology, it sends their minds wondering towards the most serious diagnosis that people can think of. It is important for people to understand that not all neurological conditions are life threatening and that most of them can be completely cured or prevented from progressing any further, if you seek early advice and treatment from the best neurologist in Gurgaon. And this is the reason why you need to act quickly when it comes to a neurological ailment, so that you don’t allow it to progress to a state where there is no turning back.
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A neurological condition is one which affects any part of the nervous in your body. When it come sot the human body, the nervous system has been divided into two parts, the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central; nervous consists of the most organ in our body, the brain and the spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system consists of the different types of nerves which traverse throughout our body, supplying various impulses to all the different parts. It is the nervous system consisting of all these components which controls most of our bodily functions including those which we can see to the outside such as movement and sensations as well as those functions which occur in our various internal organs. Therefore the nervous system plays a vital role in determining, how the human body functions.
Some of the common symptoms you may experience if you are suffering a neurological condition include headache, disturbances in vision, dizziness and blackouts, seizures, weakness of paralysis in one part of the body, tingling sensations, disturbances in speech and memory loss. If you have developed any of these symptoms and you are worried, you should seek medical advice immediately.
Seeking specialist advice:
A neurologist is a doctor who deals with and specializes in the field of neurology, and deals with problems related to the nervous system all the time. Therefore they are well trained to detect problems early on and they have the best knowledge on the course of treatment that you may require depending on the condition you are suffering from and the severity of it. Since the nervous system plays a vital role in our functioning, advice from the best neurologist in Gurgaon is what you may need.
The neurology consultation:
Just like any other consultation, even during a neurology consultation, your doctor will start things off by asking what problems you are suffering from. Once you state your problem to them, they will continue to ask more questions regarding it in detail. Once a detailed history has been obtained, your doctor will have a significant idea about what your problem may be, but he/she will continue with a thorough physical examination, which will further add proof to their suspicions of your ailment.
In most cases, when it comes to a neurological condition, although with a history and examination your doctor may be able to come to a conclusion about the condition, they will most likely order some investigations to be done such as blood tests, imaging tests such as CT scan or MRI scan of the brain and spine or even an EEG or EMG, in order to confirm the diagnosis and plan the course of treatment.
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All you need to know about Parkinson’s disease
What is Parkinson’s disease?
Parkinson’s disease is said to be a degenerative disease of the central nervous system, which mainly affects the motor system in the body. A degenerative disease is one which takes place gradually over time, where cells which produce a neurotransmitter known as dopamine within our brain, slowly get destroyed. The cause of this destruction remains unclear, but it is thought to have a genetic predisposition. This lack of dopamine in our body leads to motor symptoms, meaning that this disease manifests as difficulty and abnormalities related to movement. The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease start off insidiously and then gradually worsen with time. As result of its manifestations which include gradual onset stiffness of the muscles, weakness of the muscles, abnormality in the gait and so on, this disease is classified as a movement disorder.
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The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease:
Since this disease progresses gradually, most patients will experience some common symptoms early in the disease, which include:
They will gradual develop a slowness which takes over all of their voluntary movements including something as simple as rolling over in bed or something as natural as walking.
There can be other movements which are involved in the early stages, such as blinking movements, the ability to have different facial expressions, as well as your ability to articulate well during speech.
This disease also affects you gait and posture, which means the way your body is positioned when you stand and how you move when you walk, it mainly affects the manner in which you swing your arms while walking.
You may experience some unsteadiness while walking, and there may be patients who experience difficulty in rising from a seated position, this occurs because they develop weakness in their proximal muscles, like the thighs.
As the disease progresses all of these symptoms will worsen and they may develop other serious symptoms such as difficulty in swallowing as well episodes of light headedness and fainting.
This disease is considered a serious neurological condition, because early on in the disease most of the symptoms are mild, and they do not affect people a lot. It is when the disease had progressed a lot and the symptoms have started to affect how these individuals function in their day to day life, that they think about consulting a doctor regarding Parkinson’s treatment. By then it has begun to have an impact on their daily lifestyles as well as their occupational and social lives.
Parkinson’s disease usually manifests as symptoms which can be grouped together as a result of how they are causes. And if you understand the reasons behind why patients develop these symptoms, you may be able to detect it in the early stages and seek help form a specialist regarding Parkinson’s treatment. These four categories include:
Muscle rigidity: There are times when our body requires our muscles to be stiff and then there are times when our body requires our muscles to relax. The inability of the muscles in our body to relax and always remain contracted, leads to the development of stiffness within the muscles, where the muscles tend to stay in one position. The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease begins with this kind of stiffness which is usually experiences in the limbs, and gives the individual a feeling of inability to move their limbs freely. This can even lead to muscle pain on certain occasions.
Tremors: These are what most people tend to call the shivering movements. Shivering/tremors can be gross or fine tremors. In Parkinson’s disease people develop fine tremors, such as rubbing of the thumb against the forefinger. With time as the disease progresses, the tremors tend to worsen and become more visible. Slowing of movements: There is loss of spontaneous activity and the ability to freely move as and when you like. This results because of the inability of the brain to transmit the necessary messages to the different parts of our body in the same speed on all occasions. Therefore at certain times the patient will be alright, and the next minute the movements have been restricted. This can be quite disabling for most people. Altered gait: This again results because of the stiffness and the slowness of movements, where the patient has difficulty swinging their arms and legs freely. Therefore sharp and sudden movements may not be possible in these patients.
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Understanding Spine Surgery By Spine Surgeon In Gurgaon
What is the spine?
The spine or vertebral column in the human body comprises of two components. The bony vertebrae, which forms almost a tunnel like structure, and the spinal cord that runs through it. Therefore it is this bony structure or vertebral column that surrounds the spinal cord, which almost like a protective cover, helping to prevent the spinal cord from getting damaged during trauma which does not cause breaking of this cover. There are 33 vertebrae in total, divided into segments known as the cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, sacral spine and coccyx. Within the vertebral column, in-between these vertebrae, there is an intervertebral disc, which is a gel like substance that helps to act as a shock absorber and prevents the bodies of the vertebrae from rubbing against each other and causing pain.
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The vertebral column in the human body therefore functions for three purposes, protection of the spinal cord, weight bearing and flexibility. And any damage to the bones of the spine or shifting of the intervertebral disc to either side within this column, will lead to an abnormality of the structure of the vertebral column, resulting most often in pain, because this abnormality is either compressing the nerves which are exiting the spine or compressing the spinal cord itself.
What problems can arise in the spine?
There a variety of problems which can arise in the spine, which may require you to see a specialist doctor, who only works with problems regarding the vertebral column and the spinal cord. This type of doctor is called a spine surgeon. Since the vertebral column, the spinal cord and the nerves that arise from the spinal cord, play a major role in determining how our body functions, it is important that you visit the best spine surgeon in Gurgaon, for medical advice, if you fear or suspect that you may be suffering from a problem which affects your spine.
Problems which arise in the spinal cord and vertebral column include:
Infections of the bones of the vertebral column, or the layers which cover the spinal cord called the meninges.
Fracture of the vertebrae which make up the vertebral column, either as a result of trauma or because of infections in the bone or bone tumors causing the bone to become weak and break off spontaneously.
A slipped disc, which means that the gel like substance in between each vertebra has moved from its position right in the center to either side and is causing a narrowing within the vertebral canal which can lead to compression of the spinal cord and the nerves which are exiting the vertebral column at this point.
Tumors of the spinal cord, although very rare can also be a problem for which you may require spine surgery.
Those individuals who are suffering from spine deformities such as kyphosis and scoliosis, which are abnormalities regarding the curvature of the vertebral column, where there is increased curvature of the spine or an ‘S’ shaped curvature of the spine.
If you are suffering from any of the above mentioned problems, then it may mean that you need to get in touch with a spine surgeon in Gurgaon so that you can have it looked into in detail.
Symptoms of spinal cord problems:
People who are suffering problems in their spine can complain of a variety of symptoms. These include:
Back pain, which can arise as a result of infections in the vertebrae, or compression of the spinal cord and the spinal nerves.
They can experience sharp, radiating pain which travels along the back of the leg, a condition which is known as sciatica, and is a common problem which is diagnosed.
Patients complain of numbness or tingling sensation which are present in their upper limbs as well as in the lower limbs which again can be the result of spinal cord or spinal nerve compression.
Some people can even develop sudden onset paralysis in certain parts of their body, especially the upper and lower limbs which are more susceptible.
It is also important to understand that the spinal nerves also play a role in innervating some of our internal organs such as our bowels and bladder. Therefore if there is any damage to these nerves people may experience loss of bowel and bladder control.
If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, it should prompt you to seek medical advice immediately, so that the correct management plan can be put in place and prevent the condition from progressing any further.
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Dr. Vikas Kathuria is a dynamic Neurotherapist or Neurosurgeon specializing in brain and spine related surgical and Non-surgical Procedures. He Did graduation and post graduation from PGI Rohtak, Haryana, India and further did super specialization in Neurosurgery from Sheth Vadilal Sarabhai General Hospital and Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
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Spine Surgeon In Gurgaon -Dealing with problems of the spine
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Understanding the anatomy:
The human body is structures in such a way that our back bone or vertebral column has a significant role to play in the determining how our body functions. This is because it is our vertebral column which helps us stand up straight while walking, helps us carry the weight of our head and shoulders, and helps us bend forward and so on. Therefore it plays a role in a number of functions without which we would find it almost close to impossible to function normally in our day to day lives. This is because the vertebral column helps our body with three main functions which include weight bearing, flexibility and last but not least protection of the spinal which runs through it.
The vertebral column can be thought of a bony canal, the center of which is hollow and houses the spinal cord, which a continuation of the human brain. We have in total 33 different vertebrae which come together in order to make this single column, which in turn protects the spinal cord. Depending on the region in which these vertebrae are found, they are named as cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae and sacral vertebrae.
If we are to understand how the spine functions and what kind of problems arise from it, it is important for us to have a slight idea about its structure, so that any symptoms which indicates you are suffering from a problem in your spine will prompt you to seek help from a spine surgeon in Gurgaon immediately.
The symptoms of spinal conditions:
People who are suffering problems in their spine can complain of a variety of symptoms. These include:
Back pain, which can arise as a result of infections in the vertebrae, or compression of the spinal cord and the spinal nerves.
They can experience sharp, radiating pain which travels along the back of the leg, a condition which is known as sciatica, and is a common problem which is diagnosed.
Patients complain of numbness or tingling sensation which are present in their upper limbs as well as in the lower limbs which again can be the result of spinal cord or spinal nerve compression.
Some people can even develop sudden onset paralysis in certain parts of their body, especially the upper and lower limbs which are more susceptible.
It is also important to understand that the spinal nerves also play a role in innervating some of our internal organs such as our bowels and bladder. Therefore if there is any damage to these nerves people may experience loss of bowel and bladder control.
The spinal consultation:
Just like a consultation for any other ailment, even your consultation with a spine surgeon in Gurgaon will start off with the doctor obtaining a detailed history of the problem you are suffering from. In this case it is very important that you are precise about your symptoms, its duration and how it has progressed with time. Because all of these play a role in determining how severe your problem might be. Once your doctor has obtained the detailed history he/she will move onto a thorough examination, which includes checking the movement and sensation in your all your limbs. After the examination is done, even though your doctor will have a fairly good idea about the condition you have, he/she will ask you to undergo some investigations such as imaging of the spine, including X-ray of the spine or CT/MRI scan of the spine, which will help them have a clear picture of what is happening.
These investigations will help them determine the severity of the problem and also help them plan the way forward, with regards to the management plan they will want to put you in.
Is spine surgery dangerous?
Although it is very rare that doctors suggest for a patient to undergo spine surgery, it may be that the severity of your condition is such that it requires a drastic measure like spine surgery. Because in most cases of spine problems, including mild fractures of the vertebrae, bed rest and limitation of movements help to overcome the problem. In some cases you may have to have strict bed rest for as long as a couple of months.
Just like any other surgery, elsewhere in the body, spine surgery also carries with it its share of risks, but in the hands of a good spine surgeon in Gurgaon, you will be able to minimize them.
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Treatment Of Head Injuries In Rohtak
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A head injury may or may not be a life threatening condition, depending on the severity of the injury and the consequences of it, which can be expertly assessed by the best neurosurgeon in Rohtak, Dr. Vikas Kathuria. A head injury is defines as any type of trauma which occurs to the scalp, skull or brain. They are further classified into closed injuries (where there is break in the skin and no exposure to the external environment) and penetrating injuries (where there a break in the skin and there is exposure to the external environments as a result of breakage of the skin or bone). Head injuries are considered dangerous conditions because, the symptoms of a head injury may not always develop immediately after the injury has occurred, and instead will develop gradually, in a very insidious manner. Therefore patients who report a head injury have to always be admitted to hospital and observed for a period of 24 hours, even if they seem like they have not sustained serious injuries and they are fine.
A head injury can be involved with cranio-cerebal trauma, which means that there has been some damage to the brain tissue as a result of the injury. These types of brain injuries can again be classified according to the extent of the injury, where if the meninges are intact following the injury it is known as closed traumatic brain injury and if the meninges have been damaged, it is known as open traumatic brain injury. These traumatic brain injuries can again be classified with regard to the severity of damage to the brain tissue itself, which includes:
Contusion –  where there is minimal amount of or no damage to the brain cells at all
Concussion – where there is a localized and minimal alteration in structure of the brain tissue
Brain compression –  where the alterations to the brain tissue is significant
A head injury is always caused by an external force applied directly to the head, or as a result of transmission of forces from a region close to the head, such as the back or the neck. The external forces are usually applied during a collision with a hard surface, which can occur in road traffic accidents, falls and assault.
The treatment of head injuries:
Head injuries require careful evaluation by a head injury specialist in Rohtak such as Dr. Vikas Kathuria, who will be able to identify signs and symptoms which may indicate the severity of the injury, which requires prompt treatment.
There is no standard treatment of head injuries, although all patient who complain of one, must be monitored carefully, and frequently using the head injury observation chart, which includes checking vital parameters which may indicate that there is a problem in the neurological system of the patient. Specific treatment of head injuries depends on the type and severity of the injury sustained. For example a concussion does not require any major intervention from doctors. Simple bed rest and avoidance of bright light and loud noises are adequate to help an individual recover from a concussion. In order to assess the severity of the injury, your doctor may need the assistance of investigations such as CT and MRI of the brain, along with the examination findings.
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Best neurosurgeon doctor in gurgaon, India - Best neurosurgeon doctor in gurgaon, India (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/1gZhtiCN8V When it comes to problems related to the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord and the nerves which carry impulses all throughout our body, you want nothing but the best treatment from one of the best doctors. Because the nervous system is basically like the electrical network that controls your entire body and how it functions, and when a problem arises in this system, you want to make sure that the correct treatment is given at the appropriate time, so that adverse consequences can be avoided. And for this you need a skilled and experienced doctor who can make the right diagnosis and initiate the correct treatment. Dr. Vikas Kathuria is the best neurologist in Gurgaon, a doctor who has vast experience in matters dealing with the nervous system, and his experience is exactly what you need. Specializing in neurosurgery, Dr. Vikas Kathuria is the best neurosurgeon doctor in Gurgaon and is well known to treat many conditions of the nervous system such as tumors of the brain and spine, infections of the brain and spine, vascular surgery, stroke as well problems related to trauma of the brain and spine. Some of these conditions require you to undergo complex procedures related to the brain and spine, and this means that you run the risk of permanent damage to a part of your nervous system if the surgery is not carried out with extreme care and skill. Dr. Vikas Kathuria specializes in surgical procedures such as: Spinal Surgery Disc Arthroplasty Those related to head injury Carpal tunnel Those related to a Stroke Brain Attack Dementia Awake Craniotomy Pinhole surgery Carotid Endarterectomy Onyx Radio Surgery Open surgery
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Looking for healthcare consultants in Gurugram, India? Visit bestneurosurgeoningurgaon on Trepup.
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Treating tumors in the base of the skull (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/T0jWLSS3BV
 What are tumors of the skull base? The base of the skull is that part of your head on which your brain lies. It is made of multiple bones which are fused together with sutures. It is a complex region of the brain, because all the blood vessels supplying the brain traverse through the base of the skull in order to reach the other parts of the brain. Even most of the critical nerves supplying the rest of the body pass through the base of the skull. From the outside, the base of the skull is somewhere in the region behind your eyes and nose. Therefore tumors which arise in this part of the head, require complex procedures which have to be done with extreme precision in order to obtain the desired results and prevent adverse consequences of surgery. Therefore you want someone with experience and adequate knowledge to handle the surgery for you, and Dr. Vikas Kathuria, the best neurosurgeon in Rohtak, is the person you want to go to. With vast experience and the skill of performing these complex procedures, he is well known as an expert in brain tumor surgery in Rohtak. Are there different types of skull base tumors? Yes, not all skull base tumors are the same, and they differ from one another in the basic way, which is whether it is a primary brain tumor, arising from the brain tissue itself, or if it is a secondary deposit from a tumor which has spread from elsewhere in the body. Furthermore, primary skull based tumors are also differentiated according to the type of brain tissue they arise from. For example the different types of brain tumors include, Chondrosarcoma, Chordoma, Schwannoma, Meningioma, Pituitary tumor, Glomus jugulare and Craniopharyngioma. Depending on the type of tumor, the size of the tumor and its precise location, the type of procedure done to remove it will vary.
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