bestcoinlist · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/airdrop/cezo/
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Cezo Airdrop is worth 1,000 CEZO tokens.
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/exchange/tokenomy/
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Tokenomy is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange.
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
Crypto ATMs are increasing worldwide
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/crypto-trading-idea/crypto-atms-are-increasing-worldwide/
Crypto ATMs are increasing worldwide
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● US Dollar Soars on Election News and Vaccine Hopes
● Europe Appears to add Backdoors to Encryption
● Crypto ATMs are Booming
Hello again and welcome to this week’s edition of Overbit News, where we try and survey some of the biggest stories in the financial world.
After months of uncertainty, uneasiness, and downright pessimism in the markets brought on by the coronavirus pandemic; the markets welcomed a bit of good news this week. The general mood is soaring thanks to reports that the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine trials have shown more than 90% effectiveness against COVID-19 with no serious safety concerns.
As one could imagine, markets across the board posted sizable gains on this news, with European indices rising and the American Wall Street rallying to all-time highs. After a post-election down week for the U.S. dollar, even the greenback recovered, posting gains against all its major rivals. Even with worries of monetary easing, EUR/USD held strong near the 1.18 level. GBP/USD held strong as well around 1.3150, with positive news on the Brexit front offsetting some of the greenback’s gains.
The crude oil market followed equities as well, with WTI settling above $40.00 a barrel. One of the only losers on the day was gold, which plummeted to $1850 per troy ounce from its daily high of $1965.67. All in all, this type of day in the markets seems like a stark difference versus the past couple of months, where almost every move could be described in terms of risk aversion. Traders and investors should see this as a welcome sign that the pandemic’s effect on global markets might be coming to a close soon.
In a news story away from the markets, yet closely linked to cryptocurrencies, we look towards Austria. According to a story in the Austrian press, there are talks of banning end-to-end (E2E) encryption – a decision linked to a recent terror attack in the country. For anyone closely following, talks of banning E2E encryption shouldn’t be too surprising; members of the European Union have been discussing the topic of encryption and regulation for several years now. This most recent report coming out of Austria is based on a draft from the Council of the European Union (CoEU).
There’s a lot of jargon in this draft, but the premise is simple: how can the E.U. preserve its member states and their citizens’ right to privacy and due process, while also preserving the rule of law and their ability to keep an eye on criminals and their communications? “Competent authorities must be able to access data in a lawful and targeted manner, in full respect of fundamental rights and the data protection regime, while upholding cybersecurity,” one part of the CoEU report states.
Though it’s unclear how exactly they plan to achieve such a system, the report makes clear its stance on E2E encryption: they have full support for “the development, implementation and use of strong encryption”. Though they certainly have their eyes on the technology, one that is integral to many cryptocurrency systems, it seems clear at this point the E.U. has no point in installing ‘backdoors’ into these types of systems.
Closing out this week’s edition of Overbit News, we’re going to cover one of the fastest-growing trends in the world – Crypto ATMs. Crypto ATMs are growing quite rapidly, with new machines coming online at a rate of nearly one per hour according to a recent report by MobilePaymentsToday.
The evolution of Crypto ATMs has a long winding history, going all the way back to 2013 when the first-ever Bitcoin ATM came live in a Vancouver Coffee Shop. This first-ever Bitcoin ATM, allowed users to buy and sell bitcoin with cash and had volumes of $10,000 in BTC on its first day according to a report by CoinTelegraph.
From the first Crypto ATM ever in 2013, we now see 11,665 global crypto ATMs, that’s an enormous growth rate according to stats provided by CoinATMRadar. With nearly 12,000 ATMs clocking online globally, this is a marked increase from just 2019, where it was estimated at 6,372 machines, almost an 80% increase – averaging 23 new machines rolling out daily.
The United States clocked the largest increase of any country growing from 4,213 ATMs in 2019 to 9,242 ATMs in 2020, an increase of more than 50%, and acquiring the largest shares of ATMs by any country. For the top 5, Canada is placed second with 880, the U.K. with 268, Hong Kong with 62, and Columbia with 59.
As you can see, people globally just can’t get their hands on enough crypto, and ATMs, along with behemoths like PayPal will continue to spearheads new FIAT on & off ramps for the burgeoning industry, and you can rest assured that Overbit.com is keeping up with this rising demand through its suite of products.
  Our publications do not offer investment advice and nothing in them should be construed as investment advice.  Our publications provide information and education for investors who can make their investment decisions without advice.
The information contained in our publications is not, and should not be read as, an offer or recommendation to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer or recommendation to buy or sell any positions.  Our publications are not, and should not be seen as, a recommendation to use any particular investment strategy.
Risk Warning: Margin Trading carries a high level of risk to your capital and you should only trade with money you can afford to lose. Margin Trading may not be suitable for all investors, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, and seek independent advice if necessary.
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
IQeon x EXMO
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IQeon x EXMO
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IQeon x EXMO is launching a competition with the prize fund of 900 IQN!
In addition to the digital asset prizes, the winners will receive one more reward, up to 70% cashback rate from exchange transaction commissions for each verified user!
The offer is valid for a month from the date of registration.
KYC is a requirement.
Estmated value: ~$1,650 + cashback + referral
Note: only new verified users of the exchange platform will be able to become the owners of IQN and cashback. 
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/airdrop/yfxl-farm/
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YFXL FARM Airdrop is worth 1 cYFXL token (~$ 1,200) for the first 3,000 participants. 
Note: The Beta version of YFXL is pending to be audited by a professional third party before being released on the mainnet.
Airdrop Distribution: 10, December 2020
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/airdrop/nakerdao/
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NakerDAO airdrops 0.03 NKR tokens (~$19,50) to their airdrop participants for the following simple tasks. Also, earn additional NKR for each referral.
NKR token is using Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20). 1 NKR = 23 BNB
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/exchange/coinall/
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CoinAll is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange located in Hong Kong.
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
The next U.S. President has been Elected, as Crypto Markets Look for Direction
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/crypto-trading-idea/the-next-u-s-president-has-been-elected-as-crypto-markets-look-for-direction/
The next U.S. President has been Elected, as Crypto Markets Look for Direction
● Joe Biden declared winner of 2020 Presidential Race: A look at post-election market trends
● Bitcoin and Ethereum Falter as DeFi market shows signs of life
As always, thanks for joining us with today’s edition of Overbit Insights. At the time of writing, former Vice President Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the U.S. 2020 Presidential election, by most news outlets. The final ratification of the U.S. president will be through the Electoral College (electors voting on December 14th), and final certification by the U.S. Congress on January 6th, 2021. Notwithstanding any unexpected events, the new president of the United States will be sworn in on January 21st, 2020. Given the position of the U.S. in the global financial markets, this tumultuous election can be linked to quite a few ongoing trends in finance, which we’ll cover below.
The first of which are the recent upward moves displayed by some of the G-10 currencies, such as the Japanese Yen, the Euro, and the Great British Pound. All of these, and more, displayed strength leading up to and through the U.S. election, moving up a percentage point or two. None of these currencies have cleared their local resistances, though, so this upward movement is still considered a minor swing amongst a macro trend of mostly stable, if not decreasing prices. It seems Goldman Sachs believes this macro, downwards trend will continue, at least in the case of the Euro, after removing the EURO from its list of G-10 currencies expected to outgain the dollar in the coming months earlier in the week.
The post-election movements don’t seem to be constrained to forex markets, either. Leading up to the election, gold (XAU) took a downward spike towards the $1860 level. However, gold has swiftly recovered since then into the $1950 region – the highest it’s been in over a month. Evaluating all of these trends on a macro level, it seems that the U.S. election and its associated craziness weighed on the U.S. dollar quite heavily, bringing up all markets traded against it like the G-10 currencies and XAU.
Closing out with the digital side of the markets, we look back on quite a good week for the cryptocurrency markets. After starting the week at $13,200 and $378 for Bitcoin and Ethereum, respectively, the two market leaders have seen a massive jump upwards throughout the week. BTCUSD topped outright at $16,000 on most exchanges, and ETHUSD stopped right before $470 – a nearly 20% gain for the two coins. It’s a bit early to tell if this was a local high for either pair or just a simple correction, as they have both retraced about 10% since hitting these highs.
There is a reassuring sign coming from the altcoin market, specifically the DeFi tokens, that this won’t be the end of the cryptocurrency run, though. On Friday and Saturday, 6 and 7 November, there was a massive rally across the board. Compound, Sushi, Uniswap, Aave, Core – you name it. All of these (and more) saw upwards of 50% gains within a single 48 hour period. One of the pinnacle DeFi tokens, yearn.finance (YFI) even shot up over 2x from the bottom, jumping from $7400 to $17000. Whenever we see the cryptocurrency market’s leaders like Bitcoin and Ethereum moving in tandem with the rest of the market, it’s more often than not a bullish sign.
Thanks again for reading this week’s edition of Overbit Insights. As we said in recent editions, it certainly seems like the closeout of 2020 is ramping up in terms of volatility. Here at Overbit.com, we’ll always do our best to keep you up to date and hopefully ahead of the curve amidst all the market madness.
Our publications do not offer investment advice and nothing in them should be construed as investment advice.  Our publications provide information and education for investors who can make their investment decisions without advice.
The information contained in our publications is not, and should not be read as, an offer or recommendation to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer or recommendation to buy or sell any positions.  Our publications are not, and should not be seen as, a recommendation to use any particular investment strategy.
Risk Warning: Margin Trading carries a high level of risk to your capital and you should only trade with money you can afford to lose. Margin Trading may not be suitable for all investors, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, and seek independent advice if necessary.
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/exchange/gokumarket/
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GokuMarket is a decentralized and secure nature of marketplace with an artificial intelligence-enabled digital assets escrow mechanism enables various real-world cryptocurrency applications
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/ico/yfxl/
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YFXL is an innovative yield aggregator for DeFi lending platforms that rebalances for highest yield during contract interaction with lending protocols. The architecture of our cross-chain platform is designed for communication with lending protocols and pools from other blockchains such as Bitcoin. We formulated a self-improving algorithm that rewards participants for staking YFXL coins together with other crypto assets. The YFXL platform is designed to continually provide value to its holde…
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/ico/decorum/
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Decorum is a decentralized finance project. Our goal is to create a token that prevents dumping on exchanges. A lot of cryptocurrency crowdsales go to zero because of dumping on exchanges. Our mission is to prevent this by the intergration of our simple formula.
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/airdrop/coinbase/
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Earn crypto while learning about crypto! Learn how EOS, COMP, and XLM work and you’ll earn up to $117 in crypto.
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
KEEPP announces blockchain based equity-token crowdfunding (STO)
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/pr/keepp-announces-blockchain-based-equity-token-crowdfunding-sto/
KEEPP announces blockchain based equity-token crowdfunding (STO)
  Keepp – a share company, registered in Latvia is announcing plans for equity crowdfunding campaign assisted by technology and compliance provider Fintelum (https://fintelum.com). In the unprecedented fundraise, Keepp will be issuing a security token on the Ethereum blockchain, representing the share ownership
The EU-based business Keepp (keepp.eu) aims to scale market-proven network of short- and long-term self-service storage facilities. In the first phase, the project plans to develop across Riga, Latvia. In the next, Keepp targets Lithuania and Estonia, fully covering the Baltic States and later follow with the expansion across Europe. This fundraise is related to the first phase of business development.
Keepp tested the self-service storage concept from 2018 until late 2020 under the name CityBox (city-box.lv). In order to ensure the growth of the company, the founders Kristaps Laipnieks, Kārlis Jansons and Reinis Grunte changed its trademark, and established a new company – Keepp AS (akciju sabiedrība). The existing investments, clients, cash flows, as well as the experience accumulated by the team were transferred into the Keepp AS capital.
The euro denominated security token offering is planned to be represented on the Ethereum blockchain. The fundraise plans to accept EUR, BTC, ETH as investment currencies. Total funding sought is EUR 850,000. The offering will be open to investments from individuals and corporate entities. Investors may purchase dividend-paying preferred shares of Keepp AS at EUR 2.50 per share. Depending on the investors’ demand, the project considers to open the secondary market, enabled by the Fintelum platform.
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
Psyche Cash
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Psyche Cash
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Psyche Coin Airdrop is worth up to 17 Psyche tokens for each participant.
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/ico/afreum/
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Afreum is building the ecosystem that will define the future of blockchain and decentralized transactions in Africa, and everyone is invited. Holders of AFREUM (AFR) and AFREUM X (AFRX) will be able to stake their tokens across the Afreum ecosystem, allowing Africans to access Payments, Remittances, Savings, Micro-Loans, Mobile Minutes and much more. The goal of Afreum is for AFREUM (AFR) to become the de facto digital token in Africa, powering a rich ecosystem of governance tokens, local st…
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://www.bestcoinlist.com/ico/primedao/
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PrimeDAO is here to facilitate the wide adoption of open finance by coordinating and cultivating projects that promote safety, reliability, liquidity, and open access, while avoiding centralized appropriation of critical financial infrastructure through decentralized governance. PrimeDAO is launching a DEX Aggregator, DAO-governed liquidity pools, a DeFi safety rating interface, and tooling to support DAO interactions. PrimeDAO is a collective of experienced builders that intends to facilita…
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bestcoinlist · 4 years
ORN x Binance
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ORN x Binance
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Binance is excited to introduce the 5th Binance Learn & Earn series with Orion Protocol ($ORN), built on an advanced liquidity aggregated network. Orion Protocol aggregates the liquidity of every single crypto asset marketplace into one decentralized platform: providing a singular and non-custodial gateway to the entire crypto asset market.
All Binance users will be able to learn about Orion Protocol and earn up to $20 equivalent in $ORN. In total, we’re giving away $20,000 in $ORN.
The rewards will be distributed to your Binance wallet within seven days after the end of the campaign.
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