bestjaydee · 6 days
That’s cute.
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The Cairndale Hotel & Spa FB
Nice story!
Posted 17th September 2024
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bestjaydee · 17 days
Sam made a joke about the similarities in the bottles of whisky. A joke. Everything about him is not serious and cause for a meltdown. People can have fun in life so it’s ok! Just breathe….
Did I miss something? Who is melting down? Maybe it’s you Anon, because I merely made a comment about a pattern I see.
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bestjaydee · 18 days
It’s good to see he spends time with his Mom. Love this side of him.
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With mom at the Kelvingtongrove Art Gallery & Museum posted 5 September 2024
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bestjaydee · 18 days
Who in this corner is really surprised that he would post such a thing ? That’s just who he is and what he does.
He may be in for an unpleasant surprise though if his super fans decide to go after Beyoncé and her fans fight back.
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Is he trying to get some of Beyoncé’s 316M followers to notice him🤔… or is he just being snarky? (Especially petty is the slight difference in font size on the Sassenach Spirits hashtag!)
Oh btw, Hibiki didn’t seem to mind you borrowing their design Sam..
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bestjaydee · 2 months
Love the clip and @its-moopoint comment.
Instagram outlander_starz What a journey @caitrionabalfe and @samheughan have been on together. #Outlander
Posted 6 August 2024
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bestjaydee · 2 months
What do mommies gain by defending and praising him to this OTT level. All he cares about is their wallets and pushing him ahead of everyone whether fair or not. What has this man done to deserve this kind of ruthless fanaticism, because nothing he's done in OL deserves any of it.
The short answer to that is quite simple : recognition that they exist. Sam is quite personable when you meet him from what I'm told. Whether at cons, on the street or at booze events, he looks at the people he meets and makes them feel like they matter, like a million bucks. And of course, that's what these encounters mean to him : $$. Because it doesn't matter if these are paid events or not, he gets money out of them, each one buying him their loyalty to his acting projects and to his products. A lot of these women fail to see the transactional nature of the encounters, or they see it and don't care, because for one moment they were seen by a "famous" person. Kudos to him for making them feel that way, not all actors do. I think part of it is that he has an engrained need to please and for recognition as well. In the end, it all boils down to that.
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bestjaydee · 2 months
"Why do I have the feeling you're one of those I was talking about?"
I have never sent hateful messages to any bloggers. I mostly lurk around some blogs. I do have my own opinion of SH but read bloggers with different opinions with an open mind. I don't insist that my opinion of him is correct since I don't know him personally. I don't get why you are accusing me of being one of those you were talking about. This is unacceptable to me. I'll just stay away from your comments and blog.
You're funny Anon. Do you think I didn't recognise some of my writing in your first message? Or that you were trying to use my words against me? That wasn't hateful, granted, but it's the reason I responded the way I did. You can come and go as you please. I'll just continue to share my opinions as respectfully and thoughtfully as I can. Some like to read them. Some don't, and that's okay too. Cheers!
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bestjaydee · 2 months
Sorry, but I have something to say about your comment I read on another blog.
"Some are also hateful towards bloggers who put out evidence of Sam’s behaviours that go against the image of him they have in their heads."
"evidence of Sam's behaviours" - Perhaps it should have been "evidence of Sam's behaviours from SM". People should take into account much of what he puts out there for fan consumption in particular, including info from Anons, is PR operation or Anons with a certain agenda stirring the pot. Also, people on here have their own image of him in their heads for various reasons and based on how they interpret what he puts out there. For instance, one says, "I just don't think he's gay based on what I see", while another disagrees.
And let's not forget this - Some bloggers don't post about things regarding his sexual orientation because according to them, "it's his privacy", but they are so eager to "prove" that he is a manwhore who sleeps around. If that's what he really is, then these bloggers don't think "being a manwhore who sleeps around" is his privacy??
Of course it's all based on what we see on SM, since none of us know him personally. And it's perfectly okay to disagree with someone's opinions, but arguing on someone's blog and sending hate messages over them is not. Why do I have the feeling you're one of those I was talking about? And as for your last point about his privacy, there's a difference between posting about what is available for all to see on SM and what is not. We are not imagining the succession of women. If you want to believe he's only holding hands with them, fine, but let those of us who think otherwise have our opinions as well.
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bestjaydee · 2 months
Guess the hornet’s nest got stirred (and basically reiterates why they’re called his mommies). I’ve been in the fandom since the beginning and the one thing (amongst many) that I’d love a genuine answer to is why people insist on reading content they don’t like. Is it the dopamine hit from the anger and offense? It’s never made an ounce of sense. Find your tribe, enjoy your day. With the variety of flavors in the fandom it’s just not that hard.
I know, right? This is a classic case of "toxic fandom". Here's a definitions I read about it: Toxic fandom occurs when fans take their devotion to an extreme level, becoming aggressively protective and hostile towards any perceived criticism of their idol. And they say, we're toxic! 🤣🤣🤣
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bestjaydee · 2 months
Things I won't publish I know I'm in the snark corner, but there are things I won't publish. Over the last few days I've received many Anons spilling views on Sam that I refuse to publish, and they include:
Views on his sexuality
Nasty comments on his looks
Hateful comments on his behaviours, even behaviours I personally disagree with
Wishing him ill in any way
You see, I believe in respect. You may be critical of something, but there's a way to say it respectfully without personally attacking the person. If you feel the need to spill hate, you can do it on your own blog, I won't do it for you by responding to your Anons. And for those who don't agree with what I do publish, you also have the choice to walk away.
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David Grossmann, Sunflowers on green
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bestjaydee · 2 months
I don’t understand either. I remember early on someone saying, “He’s so pretty I’d forgive him anything”, and while she may have been joking I do think there’s some truth to it for some. Let’s face it, pretty privilege has many facets, and sometimes it assigns traits to someone that aren’t there. Whereas once I begin seeing cracks in character, that changes the color of my lens. It’s not about perfection, but character. And fairly early on in his breakout there were little things that contradicted what we were being sold that caused me to start questioning. I’ve been baffled by the psychology behind his fans (or any blindly devoted fan of anything) for many years. I also think you’re being very generous with S3 😅. That’s another thing I don’t understand—when his castmates are able to deliver, you can’t then place all blame on the director or anyone else when he doesn’t. I’ve seen a million excuses for his performances, none of which place any responsibility on him.
I've written about pretty privilege on my blog before. I had read an article that called it the Halo effect. It basically means that if there’s one good trait in a person, you then associate a bunch of other good traits with that first good trait. And usually the first good trait we’re talking about is physical beauty. This explains why people tend to assume that conventionally beautiful people are also smart, funny, or talented. 
Add to that, the JAMMF effect and you have women acting like they do around Sam, spending insane amounts of money on him and defending his every move, even questionable ones, such as paying for an escort. They also think terrible movies are good, just because he's in them, juvenile behaviours become cute, while entitled behaviours, commendable.
Furthermore, these mommies talk about his curls, his arms, the veins in his arms, his knees like he's a piece of meat. And they don't get how cringe they sound.
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bestjaydee · 2 months
Instagram outlander_starz
The cast of Outlander: #BloodOfMyBlood reporting in live to announce... that's an official wrap on Season 1!
ft. Hermione Corfield (@hermionecorfield) who plays Julia Morison, Jeremy Irvine (@jeremy.irvine) who plays Henry Beauchamp, Harriet Slater (@_harrietslater) who plays Ellen MacKenzie, Jamie Roy (@jamie.roy_) who plays Brian Fraser, Rory Alexander (@r_o_r_ee) who plays Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser, and Tony Curran (@tonycurran) who plays Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat.
Posted 19 July 2024
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bestjaydee · 2 months
I agree with most of what you say about SH but can't understand why you still like him. I don't rule out the possibility of him being gay, considering his shenanigans going on for 10+ years and counting.
I can say I like him because I know I wouldn't be here if I truly didn't. Let's be honest, I came to this fandom first and foremost because of him. I never worshipped Sam like some do, but found him attractive and liked what I thought he stood for: a healthy lifestyle, a love for his homeland and good values. I quickly found out he was not the image he tried to sell, and I was disappointed. I stayed here because of the entertainment he provides mostly. And I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say that part of me still hopes he can be better and closer to the image he's trying to sell. To me, that's enough to say I like him still, despite all of the shenanigans. And you know what? I'll go as far as saying that most people here who fall in the "haters" category according to worshippers are not truly haters either. Why would they still be here if they were? I'm not one to comment or entertain anything about him being gay. I just don't think he is based on what I've seen.
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bestjaydee · 2 months
Things I don't understand
So, I get Sam’s attractiveness. He’s very good looking by most standards, plays a lovable character in a show with an invested fan base, and is nice to fans who meet him in person. Add to that the money he’s raised through MPC and other endeavours, and his approachability, yeah, I get it.
But do these things erase all other aspects of who he is and the work he does to the point where they don’t matter at all? Is he worthy of admiration outside of his outer shell? For me, the answer is no, because I believe that true beauty is more than skin deep and that being paid to be nice doesn’t really count as a good measure of character.
That being said, I could admire an actor's craft despite his physical appearance or his character if he excels at it. But those who have eyes to see know Sam has not excelled as an actor since the first half of OL Season 3 if I’m being generous, and in none of his other acting projects since.
What I don’t understand is why some people refuse to acknowledge that and some of the things he does, like him being a player and “dating” woman after woman, probably with overlapping, hiring an escort when no other option could be secured, being petty and throwing tantrums or unfollowing people close to him or their business, when feeling challenged.
These aspects of Sam’s are there for everyone to see. You don’t have to judge him for them; he’s his own man and can do whatever he wants, and we all have character flaws after all. You can still like him (I do), or even admire him (sorry, that I can’t) despite them if that’s what you want to do, I don’t care.
But to just refuse to acknowledge these aspects exist despite all the evidence? I don’t understand that. (Please note that I’m not talking about shippers here; they’re an entirely different story.)
It makes me wonder about the motivations of those who see but refuse to acknowledge. Some refuse to see, actually avoid seeing at all costs, but I put those in the same basket as shippers.
I'm talking about those who see but find excuses, or say we can't know for sure. At what point does 1+1=2 for these people? Are they afraid to destroy the house of cards they’ve built? Sometimes I think they’re afraid of how they’ll view themselves once their goggles are off.
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bestjaydee · 2 months
If the timing of the DM's was before the tennis event as you said, why does that make them credible?
Because they were received before anyone in the fandom knew they were going to be there, which means the person who wrote them must have had inside information.
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bestjaydee · 2 months
Interesting and may explain Sam's not quite Scottish accent.
An interesting watch regarding Sam's family tree
11 July 2024
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bestjaydee · 2 months
Awh! Poor Alice who thought she was THE one...
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Deuxmoi 14 July 2024!
And next................ 👩
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