bestscalel 4 years
A solution under the brand name of the once famous Finnish Nokia. Much of the cost justifies the design of the device, which can be a bright spot in any room. The maximum load on the scale is 180 kg. Nokia WBS05 determines the proportion of fat and muscle tissue, as well as the proportion of water in the body. It syncs with smartphones and tablets via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi using its app. The gadget can automatically turn on and off, and also remembers up to 16 users. What's interesting, unlike the previous Body model, WBS05 doesn't show the weather forecast. Why is it weighed, though?
+ Memorable design + Functionality and stable operation with mobile application
- High price
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bestscalel 4 years
Even though this scale is considered smart, there's nothing extra in it. There is an AiFit mobile application for Android and iOS devices. However, many users complain about frequent departures and incorrect operation of the applet. Like many competitors, MGB Body fat scale can measure muscle, fat and bone mass, calculate body mass index and give nutritional advice. By the way, the platform itself on this model is made of plastic, which is both good and bad - polymer material is prone to mashing, but warmer than glass.
+ Good value for money + Calculates any body weight
- Possible software malfunctions
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bestscalel 4 years
Popular inexpensive smart scale capable of tricky measurement of the ratio of fat to muscle in the body. The fact is that the model measures body resistance using vibrations of the built-in generator. However, because of this, the manufacturer advises to measure weight by standing on the device with bare feet. Picooc Mini has its own application, which keeps detailed records of the progress (or regression) of body weight. Synchronization is via Bluetooth. The model has a rather small platform, so the owners of feet from size 38 will not be too comfortable to use Picooc Mini.
+ Democrat price + Accurate measurement of the ratio of fat to muscle
- Small platform
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bestscalel 4 years
Smart scales from Chinese Huawei know a lot, despite the low price tag. Synchronization with a smartphone or tablet takes place during the weighing process using the "Health" application, which Huawei developers managed to make convenient and logical. On the other hand, the manufacturer decided to save on batteries without putting them in the package. And here you need 4 AAA batteries. Bracelet works well in paired with fitness devices from Huawei/Honor. The device, like many competitors, calculates the percentage of body fat, but many users complain about the error of these measurements. In addition, the Huawei AH100 Body Fat Scale has an alarm clock.
+ This smart scale is one of the cheapest on the market. + Visible application + Support for popular fitness bracelets from the same manufacturer
- No batteries in the kit. - Error in measuring the fat layer
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bestscalel 4 years
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Cheap scales from an American manufacturer of smart fitness equipment. The owners of Garmin gadgets will like it because of deep integration with the company's services. The maximum weight to be weighed on this device is 180 kg. The scale supports Bluetooth syncing with your smartphone, and the Wi-Fi module is used for wireless connection and data transfer to the Garmin Connect application, where the necessary data is concentrated. And the highlights are shown on the backlit screen on the Garmin Index itself. The device is able to measure muscle and bone mass as well as the percentage of water in the body. The scale can store up to 16 regular users.
+ Working with heavy weight + Smartphone function application
- Very high price
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bestscalel 4 years
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bestscalel 4 years
Smart health and fitness electronics have literally burst into our lives in recent years. Of course, a wave of new gadgets couldn't help but overwhelm such a conservative segment as floor scales. And if we used to think about replacing a device that worked in the kitchen or bathroom for many years, now a scale capable of measuring the water balance can be a profitable purchase. Especially if you want to improve your quality of life.
Buying a smart scale, says Vladimir Reshetnikov, a nutritionist and psychologist at the Otkrytie clinic, you can get additional motivation to lose weight or gain muscle mass.
- Often met in his practice, when the client begins to use a scale that can show the proportion of fat in the body, dodges from the fact that it is not in shape. And receives an additional incentive to develop good nutrition or exercise. But I always tell the patient that any gadget is not a panacea. The main thing is to keep the regime and not lose interest in your health.
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