bestvrsystem-com · 5 years
Why You Should (And Shouldn't) Buy PlayStation VR in 2019
okay so I haven't really done a dedicated PlayStation VR video in a while in fact I think the last time I did one was back in 2016 when the platform originally came out and since then a lot has changed I mean it's two plus years the device is certainly matured gotten a lot better and it really is giving you the point where I think you should consider buying one and to be fair we're not going to spend ten plus minutes making this a PlayStation VR promotional campaign there's certainly some negatives and we're going to go over those as well but it is a situation where if you weren't sold on it back in 2016 maybe you will be now see the thing is back in October 2016 when PlayStation VR first came out the reservations many people felt were certainly warranted it was brand new unfamiliar tech to many that was essentially launching as a platform by itself with a steep starting price of $400 in requiring a ps4 to begin with it was easy to understand why people weren't so quick to throw money at it especially given the circumstances of virtual reality it's like asking someone to buy a car without letting them test-drive it if anything it's probably more comparable to say you're asking somebody to buy a car and they've never driven a car to begin with virtual reality is a really tough sell when you've never even tried it and this was something Sony was vehemently aware of you've got to have people actually try it firsthand to understand how immersive and incredible of a gaming experience it can be no amount of promises gameplay aware testimonials are going to relay what it's like so when you have a hurdle like that on top of a high price with requiring a ps4 and it essentially being a brand new platform with its own set of launch games it's understandable that the adoption rate has been slow going but fast-forward to the making of this video in the first half of 2019 and you'll notice that two of these hurdles have been rectified because it's been two years PlayStation VR like any platform has now matured to the point of coming in at a lower price point with a vast library of content the passing of time is indeed a gamers best friend when looking to buy into a system they've never owned it before PlayStation VR can now easily be had for as low as $250 brand-new and that's almost always going to include the necessary ps4 camera and two games bump that price up to the $350 range and you'll find retail bundles with two PlayStation Move controllers which you'll certainly want to grab at some point as they are required for some games and enhance the experiences of many more speaking of which can we just pause for a second and wreck that PlayStation Move was announced in June of 2009 10 years ago during Sony's e3 press conference and do you remember watching that press conference and gamers in the video game industry across the world everybody was just reacting to this thing and thinking off sell anyone what are you doing a PlayStation motion controller being demoed as a tennis racket and a sword and this was at the height of Nintendo Wii sales and yes PlayStation Move was probably are indeed well before Sony ever caught when to what Nintendo was doing at the week prior to its public reveal but it's the simple fact that PlayStation move came after so it never really broke that identity crisis especially when you have games like Sports Champions or being shoehorned into games like Killzone socom BioShock Infinite just never really worked out but would you believe in 2009 that we'd still be using this today 10 years later on ps4 with virtual reality mind you I think it's much better used today for that case but man I don't know if we should say like that's a true testament of time or if this thing really just needs to be updated and to be fair totally does need to be updated and it we probably will get a PlayStation Move 2.0 of some kind on PS 5 whenever Sony decides to show us that but yeah I think it's much better used today with PlayStation VR the unnoticed side-effect of PlayStation moves still being relevant 10 years later is that it's held its value because it's still being used today on ps4 with PlayStation VR you're still seeing used mini-usb Move controllers being sold regularly for more than twenty dollars people are picking these controllers up to use them today on PS VR which just as an FYI brand new Move controllers today come with a microUSB and they do not work on ps3 so if you ever find yourself buying move for ps3 specifically make sure you buy the correct one but this whole discussion of move and its retain value brings me to this greater point and that PlayStation VR itself is very valuable if you buy into it you feel that it's just not for you you can get a lot of your money back by posting it on a third-party site so at the very least you don't have to feel as though you're taking this huge risk buying something that you might not like hell if you don't mind the more personal aspect of the device by PlayStation VR used from eBay and if need be list it back on there for what you paid you'd only eat the eBay fees at that point in fact here's an extra tip assuming the sellers shipped it in a cost-effective box that wasn't overly way down keep the box and packaging materials for a little bit so if you decide you don't like it you have all the packaging ready to go I actually do this a lot as you can see we're in my living room and uh yeah I got a lot of box just in case you know Sam that's actually Melissa's house and yeah liver rooms basically turned into a storage closet at this point now monetary value aside here's the real safety net Sony had a pretty rough reputation with her PlayStation Vita support they spent the first two years releasing some first party games giving the Vita some stage time at press events and that was really about it so while Vita was a fantastic handheld with great games it was a tough sell for people when you see the manufacturer not giving it the support that it needs if there's one thing about PlayStation VR that everybody can agree on it's that Sony supports the living hell out of it to the point where it's beginning to annoy a regular ps4 users that have no interest in VR and they're tired of seeing it it's almost ironic but it really does give that reassurance that two years onward it's a great time to buy there's a ton of games on the horizon Sony has constantly filing new patents related to VR tech and most importantly the headset you buy today has recently been confirmed to be playable on Sony's next-generation PlayStation presumably PS 5 that in itself is fantastic news because while yes there will probably be a next-generation version of PlayStation VR at the very least your current headset can still be used and all the games that you buy today will still be playable but another key factor many are also overlooking as Sony's dominance in the VR space while some may say psvr isn't doing all that well it's actually the market leader in the premium line up against HTC vive and oculus with over 4 million headsets sold with sony securing all these patents and supporting VR like crazy you have to imagine that it's only going to get better from here and what does here look like we've talked a lot about the value in the future of the unit but realistically what does today get you as it stands I think you're finally seeing some prime examples of just how fun immersive and compelling PlayStation VR can be initially a lot of these games were more static experiences where you don't actually move around and all the content is seen in under an hour but today we've got games that well they're really considered more full-blown games Skyrim VR Resident Evil 7 or 2 - these are perhaps the best examples they're games that are very familiar but can be played completely in virtual reality and it's one hell of an experience to finally be inside those worlds these are the kind of games that are proof-of-concept to ease that transition of someone who initially would never care for VR because naturally people dismiss experiences they can't relate to [Music] the thing is though original VR titles are also blossoming and finding their place games like beat saver Farpoint doom VFR firewall zero our job simulator Moss Astra bot rescue mission Creed rise to glory and so so so much more and you know one thing I'm really starting to notice with PlayStation VR is that it has the same magic from 2006 you know what I'm talking about the first time you and a group of friends played a weed together you all had a blast that was the catalyst a lot of people were first exposed to we in a group setting with friends and it was just a fantastic time that social experience is what got so many people into it and ironically despite VR being an enclosed experience it's becoming social just as Sony planned it you're seeing friends together playing psvr and taking turns laughing and reveling and how cool the tech is now yes the barrier of entry is still much higher and I'm not saying PSP are suddenly going to see a massive jump in sales just like Nintendo did back in 2006 but the magic is there slowly but surely every time people try it they always have a great time geez now let's get to the negatives here's one of them the set up is a mess wires everywhere so when you're doing PlayStation VR you really have to consider where you're going to put this in terms of your play area in your room so for me I think I've found a pretty good balance here which is that I keep it on the bottom shelf of my TV and whenever I need it obviously I kind of made a mess here on purpose but basically whenever I decide to play it I keep most of that tucked under there I keep this whole area free it's a little bit dusty excuse me but I keep that whole area free and without having to think about it I just plop it in plop it out one wire just to hold it and move it around freely but for my space specifically it's a bit cramped as you can see I've got my desk right here with my computer and I do that in close proximity to do YouTube videos and gameplay recording and things like that but because of this my reach is severely limited when doing things like a PlayStation Move so I often hit the desk a lot my vertical is also a bit limited in this regard and so sometimes a lot of the games just flat-out don't work for this particular space and I have to take the whole setup out to the living room which as you can see I don't really like moving all this and then there's the general fatigue of the device even if you don't experience motion sickness you really should take a break every hour two hours and I know some people play longer than that but you do want to avoid that eyestrain that exhaustion especially if it's a move game or if it's using a lot of head tracking it tires you out a bit you do have to have the energy you do have to be in the mood for which I know sounds off-putting to want to be in the mood to move around like that but that's kind of how it is and that's actually why I've been gravitating more towards the games that just let you sit down be in that world and use a controller although it's also because of my setup like we just went over but it is a thing where once you are in the mood for it you still have a really great time so if you're on board now here's some quick tips to get you started definitely get those Move controllers you'll need them for some of the best experiences the aim controller I wouldn't buy right away until you know you're really enjoying VR but then definitely get that as well because it really feels like firing a gun and it's just a blast be sure to visit the PlayStation Store and go to the free section there's actually a lot of free viewer content you could spend all day playing with from live experiences to videos and speaking of videos if you have any 3d blu-ray movies psvr can play those and reproduce the 3d effect beautifully so try that out be conservative with your play time so you can avoid sickness or eye strain and perhaps most importantly invite some friends over who have never tried it watch how much fun you have order a pizza for the night and just have a good time thank you so much for watching this video I hope you've enjoyed it if you haven't yet of course please subscribe for the best PlayStation news reviews and updates that are here on YouTube and also follow along on twitter at mystic ryan and tweet at me let me know if you bought PlayStation VR because of this video if you didn't if I'm wrong please let me know because I'm pretty much wasting all my time on Twitter anyway so might as well have some things to read other than that though that's pretty much it I will see you on my next video and you take it easy
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bestvrsystem-com · 5 years
15 BEST GRAPHICS on Modern VR Systems
we don't get to talk about VR very often but we love it when we can and we love graphics so we figured it was a good time to feature 15 VR games with some of the most insane graphics let's just get started with number 15 and talk about Vader immortal it's by far not the best-looking game on this list but it has a few key things first it's one of the better-looking games on the quest the wireless oculus device the quality and detail they cram on the headset for this game in particular is just incredibly impressive but also now that it's on the standard rift platform you could really see the graphical effort even more but the big thing I want to point out with this game is just Darth Vader himself when he walks up to you and he stares you down you can really tell they put a Hall of the budget into him he looks incredible and the sense of presence he gives off when he's standing in front of you is nothing short of amazing you really feel like it's him so we're giving the game big points for that but moving on to number 14 let's talk about red matter VR red matter VR is awesome there are a few VR games on this list that are like this but I think whew look as cool the concept is you're exploring a Space Station lab on a moon of Saturn to investigate shady secret research projects it's like an alternate universe sci-fi cold war dystopia and if something went wrong so it's up to you to figure it out it's atmospheric but it's also strikingly detailed even more than you'd expect and some of the weird evil red visual effects they use in-game are a sight to behold really check it out but next at number 13 zero caliber VR this game is impressive in a different sense I mean it looks pretty decent but it's all how it comes together as a first-person shooter you have full movement around the environment and can take cover at will it's all freedom you have big guns that you can realistically hold and interact with different parts of it and there's just lots of explosions and the game doesn't really take a hit up close some things can look kind of crappy but when it's all in motion the ambition of the game itself makes it really visually impressive it feels like you're dropped into a real first-person shooter like Call of Duty or something since you shoot things and it looks cool that's what I'm trying to say and next up at number 12 we have Arizona sunshine a game that you might think at first it's just another throwaway zombie shooter game like you see on every other app store but this one actually looks damn good once you get into it the use of lighting in just the outdoor environments and just the art style of sort of being kind of artsy but sort of realistic make this thing quite a looker and more than you'd expect especially if you're running on a decent machine aside from just the bright color and the lighting and stuff the explosion effects and some of that stuff is really really impressive this game isn't like the absolute masterpiece or anything but it is absolutely solid and consistent and just fun to look at so that's why we considered it plus honestly it's just fun as hell shooting zombies is always cool and Arizona sunshine is of the higher quality so check it out but moving over to number 11 something I really want to talk about is the gallery part of the Ember stone this is actually the follow-up to the gallery call of the star seed which was a big hit for a lot of vibe players back in the day when it first launched it's a really cool puzzle mystery adventure game which already looked damn good and the developers cloud head games really stepped it up with ember stone I just look at it now that in the game story you're entering a new ancient hidden world everything is just bigger and more fantastical within the game so the art design and the graphic line should really keep up and make up for this it really looks better than ever visually and gameplay wise it's a massive improvement over a call of the star seed and I would highly highly recommend it but next at number 10 singularity 5 it's this awesome wave shooter that I'm really hyped to talk about it looks incredible and has a great sense of style the art direction is like a crazy high-concept sci-fi kind of artsy fartsy vibe that they completely nailed from the vision to the actual execution in the game not only is it stylish though but the on-screen menus and the fonts and everything like little things are really cool too it's just you know like I said sometimes with stuff it's just really the little details and when people really pay attention to every single individual element in a game they're making I just really appreciate there are a few other games like this on this list in terms of just like wave shooter type thing but it's still worth pointing out just because it's art style is so different and eclectic now at number 9 project cars to VR I still really firmly strongly believe that racing games are the perfect style of game to really get people into VR and just show them what it can do and right now really the best showcase of that is project cars - now straight up it's not my favorite racing game by any means but the VR component is just extremely extremely well done and the fidelity is perfectly translated to the VR options and in the best ways you really feel like you're in the car and there's still a surprising amount of detail on everything kick-ass graphics are needed to be able to properly convey a good sense of speed and if that's not done right the fun factor can drop instantly thankfully though project cars 2 succeeds and then some like from that - detail - just everything you want to blow somebody's mind put a VR headset on them and put them in a racing game and like I said earlier project cars - is the one to do it with at number 8 primordial this is a weird otherworldly first-person shooter with a single-player adventure and an arcade mode and despite there being so many other VR shooters this one just feels super unique and it looks great I think primarily it's because of the scope of this dense looking world as well as definitely these weapon visuals that the guns or weird gross weapons use are hyper detailed and cool and the game makes really fun use of glowing colors and bright neons - just great great effect it was made by like two dudes it's really amazing that it looks as good but we got to give them props next at number seven let's talk about how blade we love how blade here at game ranks and it also got of the arm oh it's just a damn good looking game it was a good looking game then and putting it in VR was a weird choice but it totally works the way it's set up essentially most at a time you're acting as the camera the game is still you know in third-person perspective only the camera has some slight movement and freedom with your head in motion and stuff there are other games that do it like this but I think he'll played is just one of the best-looking ones you know there is a loss in graphical fidelity in some spots as there always is with VR but experiencing this game in front of your damn face is still really cool and the characters and a creepy environment still look great and absolutely emulate you feel of playing it the traditional way honestly however you play it maybe you're watching this you don't even have a VR headset I'll say it again play hell-blade cuz it's a really cool single-player adventure anyway let's move on next at number six in death people describe this game in death kind of like as a Dark Souls VR game and yeah that works it has a lot of like great bow and arrow gameplay in it and it's a robe light so it has a satisfying challenge loop but gameplay aside it looks really good it's been hailed as one of the best-looking VR games and I really got it in particular point out how cool the enemies look and especially the way they move and animate here this is one that you just really kind of need to see to believe in motion like it's gotta be on your face as generic as that sounds I really think it's true some of the games on this list is better off you actually seeing them in person than a YouTube video with awful compression in 1080p showing it but getting down to the final five let's talk about Batman Arkham vr this is honestly like a relatively simple Batman experience this is really freaking cool and immersive and it looks so damn good and what started out as a psvr exclusive has been ported over and it's just really goddamn awesome it looks good on every platform because it preserves the look of the Rocksteady Batman Arkham games from style tough all that gritty detail and it puts you in Batman shoes literally it has a depth and scale of Gotham rooftops where you can look down to the busy streets below but also all of Batman's gadgets and his cool clubs are recreated with a bunch of really really fun detail this game is really more of an experience you know a museum type thing but it's really awesome and impressively running in real time I played this one like well over a year ago at least and I still can't stop thinking about how good it looks but moving on to number four just a quick one lone echo lone echo is awesome the movement and zero-gravity the puzzles and seriously I can't say enough good things about this one but it also looks awesome despite the simple premise of a Space Station floating through empty endless space it's the detail in the environments the lighting and really the character models you get up close and personal with that really impressive this one might make you queasy you know but the floating around in space is so much fun and I'd really recommend it especially because it's practically a graphical powerhouse dude but next up something I'm really excited to talk about at number three is Resident Evil 7 it's one of the more impressive triple-a VR outages Capcom definitely gambled on this one it's been probably a ton of money because the entirety of Resident Evil 7 can just be played in VR first of all this makes it incredibly scary the atmosphere and the graphics are preserved enough in VR to make certain sequences of the game still feel genuinely spooky also the detail of the character models is still insanely impressive those Baker's are messed up I don't know but really this is truly a VR game on a massive budget and if you can experience it you should because they gave it their all as long as you have the stomach for it it sucks EDD it's still just a psvr exclusive but still it looks damn good now down at number two let's talk about less of an official one its ally and isolation alien isolation is a crazy looker I mean creative assembly put a ton of time into the visuals here and just support in general with the game the dark hallways atmospheric lighting emergency lights the faithful level design that just really recreate that feeling the original alien it's a no brainer for looking good when it's also strapped to your face and ER this has to be access to with mods though there were like files in the game for VR support groundwork but it never came through as official DLC or an update like ii sega didn't support but it's worth tweaking fairly easily and checking out it's very scary and very moody and I think more than anything alien fans need to get themselves in this but finally at number one we want to talk about Robo recall okay where to start on this one ooh Robo recall kind of acts as like a nice graphical showcase for Unreal Engine VR stuff but thankfully it's also fun as hell but also more importantly on this list it's an absolute looker it's got a little bit everything you know semi explorable environments with impressively detailed city streets and tall skyscrapers where the scale actually feels properly massive up close and personal you have these highly detailed robot character models that really get in your face and look pretty amazing they can be blasted with bullets and damage and you can also grab them and slowly rip them apart with your hands before your very eyes and see all that stuff happening in motion in real time is so cool everything is shiny glossy detailed sharp it's highly stylized while also just making you feel like you're really there a robo recall is something really special everybody's gonna have different opinions on like what the best looking VR games are like there are more than we can even include on this list and everybody has a different type of preference for a graphical style and art style but these games look really amazing and we just wanted to highlight them but of course for VR enthusiasts down in the comments we want to hear what you guys are up to you what are you playing what do you think looks the best what are you really in love with what's whisking you away if you learned about a new game or something like that from us clicking the like button is the best way you can show appreciation and help us out we would love that but if you're new consider subscribing and hitting that notification about in it because we put out videos every single day but hey as always thanks for watching we'll see you guys next time
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bestvrsystem-com · 5 years
TOP 5: Best VR Headset 2019
with dozens of VR headsets coming out each year how can you know which ones will provide the ultimate experience and which ones you should avoid among countless features how can you possibly know which ones are relevant well in this video we break down the top five VR headsets on the market this year based on price versus performance and situations they will be used in we'll be taking a look at products in every budget range so regardless of whether you've got a few bucks to spare and want the best value or are looking for the best of the best we'll have an option for you so if you're interested in finding out which VR headset will be the best for you stay tuned as always all the links to all the products mention in this video will be in the description down below we always keep the description up-to-date with information we may not get a chance to mention in this video we also update the description down below with links to find the best price on each product so for the most up-to-date information along with updated prices be sure to check out the description the products mentioned in this video are in no exact order so be sure to stay tuned till the end so you don't miss anything number five on our list is HTC vive one of the best consumer VR headsets on the market at the moment HTC vive really has a lot to offer first of all with the purchase of this system you get free content a two-month free trial of vive point subscription this headset really makes the gaming experience completely immersive with realistic graphics true to life movement HD haptic feedback and directional audio vive seriously stepped up when it comes to motion tracking as it is incredibly precise the 360 degree controller and headset work in sync to cover your every movement to the millimeter unlike with most other headsets with this one you won't be limited to your seat this VR has two base stations that enable you to play while seated standing or in any space that is up to 15 feet long and 15 feet wide and good news for all the gamers out there this headset is powered by steam VR which means that you can enjoy more than 2,800 games from Steam plus everything else you like about this platform on the one hand this VR headset is really amazing the gaming experience is comparable it comes with 6dof controllers it has room scale tracking it is amazingly comfortable the interface is wonderfully intuitive and the high resolution is really noticeable as an improvement in visual clarity on the other hand it does have some flaws the cable is rather bulky and a potential tripping hazard this headset can be rather hard on the neck and the back and the price is on the high end of the spectrum number four on our list is oculus go made to be independent from a phone or a computer this VR headset did almost everything right the optics offer crystal clarity 3d graphics are state-of-the-art and the 3d sound will help you to immerse yourself completely regardless of whether you're playing a game or watching a TV show this oculus headset enables you to meet up with friends from all over the world in a virtual reality so you can watch concerts or live sports events together when it comes to content oculus offers more than 1,000 different games social applications and experiences that you can download to your go incredibly light this VR headset isn't just portable but also super easy to use no wires means no hassle the controller is also simple and learning how to use it will be effortless since the spatial audio drivers are built-in there's no need for tangled headphones the sound will be dramatic enough without them but for those who prefer using headphones this headset also has a three-and-a-half millimeter audio jack on the one hand this VR headset has some serious advantages it works without a phone or a computer it has a large VR app library the setup is super simple the image quality is great it comes with a motion controller 3d sound modeling is simply outstanding and it's super lightweight on the other hand it does come with some small disadvantages as well its motion tracking is limited it doesn't support six degrees of freedom the battery life is just two hours storage isn't expandable and there's no killer app number three on our list is Samsung gear VR our choice for the best budget VR headset if you're trying out VR for the first time getting the best budget VR headset is a great idea you won't overspend so if you don't like the experience you will not have wasted a lot of money it is high quality so if you do like it you can explore many games and different experiences also if you just want in an expensive gift for a kid this is a great idea this VR headset comes with an intuitive controller that can drop select point and drag this Samsung gear offers hundreds of experiences and games from the oculus as well as a bunch of games from the Google Play Store you can play games watch shows paint and VR and virtually chat and meet up with friends this headset allows you to enjoy 2d 3d and 360 degree content at any place and anytime light and simple to use this offers an interesting immersive experience although this is a budget headset you don't have to worry it's performance is well above other budget models on the one hand you will love using this VR headset the controller is excellent and very well made the visuals are detailed and crisp the voice command is interesting the interface is intuitive head-tracking is amazing and it is comfortable to wear during long gaming sessions on the other hand even the best products have some flaws you have to have one of supported Samsung phones in order to use this the controller isn't rechargeable the headset has no room movement tracking and there aren't that many games so you're very limited in that respect if you're interested in updated pricing or going more in depth on some features of any of the items mentioned in this video be sure to check out the links below and if you're interested in staying up to date with the best products on the market be sure to hit the subscribe button number two on our list is oculus rift this isn't just a headset this is a full virtual reality system that has it all ultra low latency tracking offers an incredible experience while the controllers bring your hands into the virtual reality perfectly with these you can interact with the virtual world completely naturally without glitches or mistakes with this product from oculus you get six free titles Robo recall quill medium toybox Lucky's tale and dead and buried snug and comfortable to wear for longer periods of time the resolution can be mind-blowing if your graphics card and RAM are up to par and the sound really makes you feel like you're in the virtual world instead of our own this oculus has attached headphones so you won't be able to hear anything from the outside world true and complete immersion once you try this VR headset out you'll understand why some people dream of living in virtual reality you will duck turn move and feel as if the adventure you're in is completely real on the one hand this VR headset has some strong positive sides the touch controllers feel natural in your hands they are lightweight provide smooth and accurate motion control which helps make the overall experience truly immersive when it comes to content the oculus rift can do everything play movies 360 videos games and much more on the other hand it does have some flaws that might stop you from buying it it is suggested that you use this in an area that has a surface of 7 feet by 5 feet which isn't something that everyone has also if you want to use the oculus rift you need a high quality gaming PC if you want it to work properly number one on our list is HTC vive pro our choice for the best overall VR headset the vive pro is one of the best overall VR headsets money can buy at this moment HTC really showed that they value their customers input on this one everything that was wrong with previous models is fixed here if you're truly serious about VR this is the headset you should get first of all they enhance the graphics with super rich colors and unbelievably sharp details the resolution this headset offers is 28 80 by 1660 and 615 PPI the movement in this VR is just as natural as in real life and the controller in the headset track your movements from the floor to the ceiling precise to a millimeter with its high resolution sound and high impedance headphones with noise cancellation you will literally feel the sound as you use the headset what's especially interesting is the fact that this headset allows you to define your own play space as long as it isn't bigger than 20 by 20 feet on the one hand this VR headset is really amazing this is one of the most comfortable VR headsets to date the image is perfectly clear crisp and realistic and the built-in headphones provide an amazing surround sound experience on the other hand it does have flaws that might change your mind and make you go for a different model from this list it only has a display port connection the refresh rate is 90 Hertz the foam cushions aren't moisture proof and the price tag is rather high alright guys that is all for this video hope you guys like the video if you guys did please go ahead and give it a like if you're new to the channel and you liked the video consider subscribing we do our best to keep you up to date with the best products on the market right now so if you want to know what the best gear out there is go ahead and hit that subscribe button be sure to check out the description for links to find the most up-to-date pricing on all the products mentioned in this video hope you guys enjoyed the video hope everyone has a great day and until next time I will see you guys later
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bestvrsystem-com · 6 years
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