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hi guys i promise i'm alive
i’ve just been so busy that i’m like
only able to get on here every other weekend
and i’m hiding upstairs from a christmas party right now so
happy holidays c:
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“Oh, I had a significant other but, things didn’t work out between the two of us.” He confessed, downcasting his eyes in shame.
‘He was an abusive boyfriend, of course things wouldn’t have worked out.’ He thought to himself with a slight shudder of fright.
Troy could see the pain in Loki's expression, and he could tell it wasn't just a simple break up that had happened between him and his ex. He put his arm on Loki's shoulder and looked at him with concern.
"I'm sorry...is everything okay now?" he asked. 
Hi everyone!
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Troy breathed heavily as the other's lips pressed against his skin, and he whimpered when Loki's teeth grazed his skin. He reached up and covered his own mouth so he could drown out any moans he might be making. He was a little embarrassed of himself, though he knew he shouldn't have been.
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He gasped as he suddenly realized what was going on, blushing and shuddering as Loki’s hand moved under his shirt and on to his chest. He was so overwhelmed with how good Loki was at all of this, he hardly knew what to do with himself. When Loki kissed his lips, he would kiss back, and when Loki planted kisses on his throat, he would lean back to give him better entry.
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hi guys i promise i'm alive
i've just been so busy that i'm like
only able to get on here every other weekend
and i'm hiding upstairs from a christmas party right now so
happy holidays c:
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//going for the night, sorry guys! see ya!
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Troy nodded, and before he knew it he and Loki’s lips were locked again. Although surprised, he welcomed it, and returned his hands to stroking the other’s hair as he kissed him back. This room was absolutely amazing…it resembled Loki well.
Before Troy could notice, Loki drew their bodies to the bed, laying him down and sliding his hand into his shirt, his fingers capably playing with his skin. At the same time, his tongue and teeth played with the other’s mouth and neck.
He gasped as he suddenly realized what was going on, blushing and shuddering as Loki's hand moved under his shirt and on to his chest. He was so overwhelmed with how good Loki was at all of this, he hardly knew what to do with himself. When Loki kissed his lips, he would kiss back, and when Loki planted kisses on his throat, he would lean back to give him better entry.
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Fuck, Marry, Get Drunk With. Send me 3 names.
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//switching back to my dad's house, brb babus
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He cried out as Loki bit down on his neck; it was painful, but it wasn’t…unpleasant, so to say. It actually sort of enticed him, how vicious yet charming Loki could be. When he opened his eyes, though, they were in a totally different place, and Troy panicked as he looked around. How did this happen!? He looked back to Loki nervously.
Loki chuckled at Troy’s expression. “I am a magician, my boy… A trickster. I only brought us to my bedchamber, fret not…” He explained, waiting for him to get used to the idea. Then he kissed him again, with, if physically possible, more and more passion.
Troy nodded, and before he knew it he and Loki's lips were locked again. Although surprised, he welcomed it, and returned his hands to stroking the other's hair as he kissed him back. This room was absolutely amazing...it resembled Loki well.
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He cried out as Loki bit down on his neck; it was painful, but it wasn't...unpleasant, so to say. It actually sort of enticed him, how vicious yet charming Loki could be. When he opened his eyes, though, they were in a totally different place, and Troy panicked as he looked around. How did this happen!? He looked back to Loki nervously.
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“I know you do.” He bit the other’s lower lip softly and kissed him again, this time used to the feeling and passion of his lips. It’s curves and it’s taste… He wanted to savor it all so much more. Breaking the kiss again, he leaned closer to place kisses and nip on the soft skin of his neck.
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He folded his arms over his chest, "Are you sure you don't need help getting home?"
Troy chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, if you say so. What are you doing here in New Mexico?”
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“New…Mexico?”The girl blinked a few times,before panicking ”ARE YOU SAYING I TRAVELED OVER HERE WITHOUT MY PARENTS OH MY GOD WHY.”
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Troy chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, if you say so. What are you doing here in New Mexico?"
Troy tilted his head to the side. “You’re lost? Do you need help getting home? Where are you from?”
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She dramatically did a spin,then pointing at the older boy.” I AM FROM THE ONLY BI-POLAR PLACE TEXAS!And no.I can get myself back thank you very much.”
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Troy gasped as the other planted kisses on his neck, trembling slightly. Loki's lips felt marvelous against his skin, he could barely contain himself...his fingers threaded through Loki's hair as he tilted his own head back, giving the other better access to his neck.
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Troy’s mouth moved slightly, but no words came out. Loki always left him speechless. He was so good with words…and everything…His hands still around Loki’s neck, he gently stroked the other’s hair.
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Troy tilted his head to the side. "You're lost? Do you need help getting home? Where are you from?"
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“Welcome to East High!”
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He hesitated before quietly saying, "I do...I want you to..." Yes, he wanted Loki to kiss him again. And again, and again; he just wanted Loki so badly, but he was shy to express such deep wishes. Looking briefly up at Loki again, he saw in the other's eyes that maybe he wanted that too.
secretgodofsex started following you
Troy’s mouth moved slightly, but no words came out. Loki always left him speechless. He was so good with words…and everything…His hands still around Loki’s neck, he gently stroked the other’s hair.
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oops i overslept. sorry. xD
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