bethgenius · 13 hours
The E special should be up soon, and a flashback and a Seb thing I’ve been working on for patreon 🙂‍↕️ chapter 3 is going really well, I’m hoping to be done with it soon but I’m not yet in the space where I can give solid estimates on a release date ! I can say that it’s not much longer now, thankfully. We are getting closer and closer…
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bethgenius · 4 days
writing this short made me realize Dakota is a mix of G, Seven, some Blake and a little bit of O and if that’s not concerning idk what is
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bethgenius · 11 days
Mason's/Mona's route:
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bethgenius · 21 days
THIS is why Savina is the best ship name
was about to respond to this and then looked out my window and there’s a herd outside with pitchforks and molotov cocktails telling me to come outside…but that’s probably unrelated I think!
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bethgenius · 21 days
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The Rewrite and Chapter Two is out now on itch!
In this chapter, you will-
Meet and train with your demigod family.
Flirt 👀
Explore a little of what the famous city of New Ambus has to offer.
Learn about the invention that took Aquarii and Chronos by storm.
Meet the elusive ???
Announcements you might've missed-
Chapter two is 217,000 words, leaving Aquarii now at 323,000 words!
Started using a new template, which you can learn about here.
Important Links-
I did my best with bug fixing, but I may have missed something, please refer to this form if you find a bug or a spelling mistake. Thank you!
If you're not sure which god parent you should commit to, you can try taking this quiz to help you figure it out.
Now it's time to take a very long break. 😅
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bethgenius · 21 days
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A 1K word story surrounding Ezrah and how he deals with MC’s first birthday. Available to Wraith and Fae tiers on Patreon.
Exclusive snippet available to free members.
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bethgenius · 21 days
this is a formal interest check for a charity raffle with the IF community
if you are an IF author or artist and you're interested in participating in a charity-drive raffle, please check out this form! we are aiming to do one big raffle with a single prize pool, where people submit proof of donation in exchange for a raffle ticket.
prizes we are currently considering would be things like a spicy snippet or a cosy snippet, etc. potential sketches from artists or a rendered bust, etc. and we'll allow the authors & artists to dictate how much/what exactly they're comfortable offering. donating to multiple gfm will mean more entries into the raffle. we'll be offering a list of potential gfm to donate to (we're going to try and focus on ones with low funds) & any artists/authors offering prizes can specify if they want to sponsor specific gfm.
this is subject to change! we are just trying to gauge interest right now and see what we can put together on our side of things which depends entirely on the people willing to contribute & if we get enough interest.
here is the google form for artists and authors to fill out:
this was inspired by the book auction for gaza as well as the many other art raffles i've seen here and on twitter.
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bethgenius · 22 days
mc flirting with valenreign when they’re on another RO route:
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bethgenius · 22 days
This fanfic I’m never going to write is really damn good.
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bethgenius · 23 days
hit the halfway mark in chapter 3
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bethgenius · 23 days
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it's here!
super short demo but i did threaten to serialize my stuff. as always, if there's any issues let me know!
in this demo:
get introduced into the world of TMOE
meet your family
choose your pet!
accept your fate
play it here!
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bethgenius · 23 days
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In the Labyrinth, they talk of gods.
They whisper between their fingers and sweeten their breath with the tales of titans of old who once stood so tall that a single breath would cause earth-tremors, their steps reshaping the ground trod beneath them. Their fingers were the tools that smoothed the mountains into points, shaped and carved the ridges and valleys in between. If you hike far enough, one woman claims, if you travel to a point where the oxygen is thin and your vision blacks, you can make out a partial print against the mountainside. You can run your own fingers along its length and still feel the titan’s warmth as if his palm were pressed right against yours.
The woman says, It is a thing of worship. It is a thing of devotion.
In the Labyrinth, they ask you to make you make your body anew before the King of the High Hills. They say that you are alive because you must suffer for the life and love of the Lord, that you must open your body and let him lick along your flesh so that he may taste the endlessness of his perpetual reign.
In the Labyrinth, there is no escape from his touch.
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“You have a heavy burden upon you,” the headmaster was saying, teeth and eyes all a glitter under the amber cast candles. “I am not unsympathetic to the arduous path ahead of you—but please understand that this suffering must be experienced for the longevity of the king, for the beautiful life ahead of him. Only he is the one who can shed mortality and raise to the gods, because he is the only one strong enough, courageous enough, to count the cost of living forever. You must succeed where others have failed. You, this class, this is our last chance to mend what has been made broken. You must. You must.”
The Mouths of Elysium is a dark-academia fantasy created with Twine where your choices matter to the story. You live inside the Labyrinth, a maze that hates to become known with walls and paths that change every hour. The center of the Labyrinth sits a university that has been there since the beginning of time; its only purpose is to recruit students who can solve the puzzle of life, who can create an elixir that would allow the King of the High Hills to live past the length of forever. Failure means a fate worse than death.
You are one of those students.
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Althea Callaghan - You know her in death. She has been the taste of rot against your tongue, the anger and hurt in your palms. You see the nice, beautiful lines of her teeth and become a creature of grief unfolding unto yourself. Debase yourself with the fervent want of her. Bend at your waist and beg for forgiveness.
You hate her. You want to watch her bleed. She feels the exact same about you, but what she doesn't know is that every waking moment of your life is dedicated to her.
The Princess/Prince - The forgotten child of the throne. The 405th child of His glorious reign. Divinity runs through their veins, the heir to so much power, but they will never see themselves rule the unforgiving landscape of the Labyrinth. Their fate is to die and be buried amongst the endless graves of their dead brothers and sisters. They must do this so the King may live forever.
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A fully customizable MC including gender, appearance, and sexuality
A landscape of horror. A landscape that hates you and everyone who might try to understand it. Go beyond the walls and be witness to a reality worse than death
Key choices that will influence your game and experience. Will you succeed or fail?
Learn what it means to be forgiven. Learn what it means to suffer. Become devotion. Become loyalty. Make your body anew before the King of the High Hills
DEMO (updated 5/19/24)
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bethgenius · 25 days
if i was seven i wld b sooo pissed that my ex/ex bestfriend ended up w g reign n victoria valentine LMAO
me too like omfg is it not enough to ruin my life ? now u r dating my idol and my idol's wife ? now I can't even listen to misfit alley's music anymore u have ruined music for me and that is the biggest crime I never thought you'd ever commit ?
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bethgenius · 29 days
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bethgenius · 1 month
Mother of Savinatruthers, I have something.
Y'know, Seven serenading Avina is going to be broadcasted on the biggest reality tv, so I believe their shippers are going to tweet about it CONSTANTLY and gonna make fancams out of it. SO MC who had to watch them act like that in front of their very eyes when it happened will also have to deal with watching it in HD over and over again when they're scrolling social media because some people make it a mission to tag them. And imagine after MC gets into a relationship with Seven, the video just keep resurfacing.
"the way they can't stop staring at seven after" "in front of __k people?" "they're so close their noses almost touch"
And ok, this is more self-indulgent, but in non-Seven route and Savina ends up together, Seven looks back at everything and notices how Avina always looked at them. And so they realized they got what they have always dreamed of: someone who really, really wants them. ✌️
OH i love this so much you have a brain i adore anon
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bethgenius · 1 month
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We finally did it, y’all! We’re married 💍
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bethgenius · 2 months
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— 5.4K words and available for both fan tier (3$) and band member tier (6$). Probably my favorite so far!
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