betrue-2-yourself · 8 years
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As much as I complained about the wind today it got me thinking about Peter. He was doing well walking on the water until he looks out and sees the wind coming. I'm sure that he was thinking to himself that there was no way he could continue his stroll on the water with the wind tossing him to and fro. Peter worried and as a result of him being afraid and taking his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink. In our lives, there are sure to be moments when the wind blows and causes us to doubt, to be frustrated, and to be despondent but the Lord would not have us to respond in this way. When the wind blows, the Lord would have us to respond with a greater degree of faith. I believe the wind was there to test Peter's faith in the Lord. And I believe the Lord has been testing me in this same way as I have experienced all these feelings preparing for OT interviews and programs. And today I am reminded that Jesus is right here with me like he was on the lake with Peter. In our own lives, the wind will blow from time to time. Whether the Lord sends the wind to test our faith or whether the devil sends the wind to shake our peace, we can expect situations to pop up that will challenge us and reveal how strong our faith in God really is. So today I choose to quit sinking, embrace the wind, and put my faith in God. ♡ #letthewindblow #windsofchange #looktoGod #dontsink #Godsonmyside #gratefulthankfulblessed #westtexaswind #sorryforthenovel
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betrue-2-yourself · 8 years
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I never thought the strings of my heart would become so attached to a people, lifestyle, and culture in such a short amount of time. But I find myself thinking about them everyday and missing the best soccer goalie ever and his precious little face! #TicunaTribe #Amazon #bestbuds #missingdavid #heartfulloflove❤️ (at Vista Alegre, La Libertad, Peru)
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betrue-2-yourself · 8 years
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The joy in the children's faces as they worked together to pump the well and pour out clean drinking water was unparalleled to none. Words simply cannot express this moment or what our hearts felt. ♡ #givewatergivelife💦 #fullhearts #ticunapeople (at Vista Alegre, La Libertad, Peru)
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betrue-2-yourself · 9 years
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663 million people lack access to clean water in the world today. Water related illnesses are the number one killer of children over malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis combined. Today I ask you to pray for those currently on the ground in these areas and pray for our team as we prepare to dig wells in the Amazon this May. We hope that our efforts will be a drop in the bucket and help fight the global water crisis. #WorldWaterDay #Beaware #beadropinthebucket #wtwinetowater #W|W #justoneshift (at World Water Day, Belize)
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betrue-2-yourself · 10 years
Loving people: this is where it gets real and it’s no longer abstract doctrine. To really love people and restore them, to get in the grit of their lives and lift them off the floor. It’s messy. It’s painful. It’s not romantic. It’s what Jesus did, and they killed him. But it’s what we’re made for.
J.S. (via jspark3000)
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betrue-2-yourself · 10 years
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Just when I'm stumbling and ready to fall you bring me back and wrap me in your loving arms of grace. You open my mind and heart--my entire being--to receive your Love in full measure. You say, "Relax in My everlasting arms." My weakness is an opportunity to grow strong in awareness of your almighty presence. When my energy fails me, I look to you and your sufficiency. I lean on you and enjoy your presence. Looking back I can see that days of extreme weakness have been some of my most precious times. Memories of these days are richly interwoven with golden strands of your intimate presence. Your presence envelops me in love. #IloveyouGod #yourloveneverfails #itneverrunsoutonme #blessed
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betrue-2-yourself · 10 years
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betrue-2-yourself · 10 years
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Ever get so caught up in time and have 50 million things running through your brain that have to get done? I do. Almost everyday. I get so busy jumping from place to place that sometimes I don’t even realize how much I’m actually missing out on. I’m so caught up in my little bubble of things I have to get done that I look right past some of the best things. It’s the little things in life that are going to mean the most and and be the ones you look back on and remember in a few years. You’re not going to remember rushing through life doing this and that, but you will remember the simple things that matter. So don’t let life slip you by; take time and feed the ducks!
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betrue-2-yourself · 10 years
"It's alright to make wishes and prayers as long as it doesn't make us unhappy in life."
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betrue-2-yourself · 10 years
Why God?
As I sit here watching a 14 year old girl's life tick away from cancer like sand pouring through an hour glass I can't help but ask why God? So innocent and young with so much life left to live and things to experience. Everything I take for granted she will never get to do. In my first year of college and away from home I have experienced more struggles and obstacles in this year alone than I ever have and after each one I always found myself asking why God? What is your purpose for this? I am a firm believer in "Everything happens for a reason" and I know God has great plans for me, but why is it when I ask or need an answer I get no response? I often find myself searching for answers and asking God why he does the things he does and sometimes it��can be difficult when we don't get the answers we want or even an answer at all. Finally, I came across the answer to my question in John 16:12.
"There is so much more I want to tell you, but you cannot bear it now."
This means to me that yes, although there is an answer we may not be ready for it at this time in our life. I must do my best to allow his will to be done and in the right moment he will reveal the reason why! Had God told me the answers to my questions at the time I would have been completely lost because I was not ready for what God had in store for me. Some of my questions have been answered and others I am still waiting on, but I now know that God will reveal those to me when I am ready and in his perfect timing. And above all who am I to be asking the creator of the Earth, my life, and all things why? I think he has it under control ;)
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