Video of the film installation
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Film installation in a gallery in Berlin
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Gallery visited in Berlin where i discovered the artist John Bock through a full exhibition of his current work, entitled Freak Show.
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Between the first two weeks of the term, and in the middle of the city studio project, I went on a trip to Berlin to get some creative inspiration and research. Although it did jeopardize the City Studio project, and essentially meant it wasn't as good as it could've been due to the lack of rehearsal time we had, I gained a lot personally for my own work during the trip. Staying in an artistic area, the space itself allowed for reflection. The city had a strange feeling of emptiness, it inspired me to create and be free and fearless. The City had art in almost every corner; the Berliners seem to appreciate their creatives a lot more than London. It was a city that felt liberal, healthy, clean and based on a foundation of trust with its citizens. It reminded me of London's thirst for money and the coldness that people have towards each other in the city. Other than just reminding me of that bad things about London, it inspired me to search around London like I did in Berlin. Just because I live here doesn't mean I can't still get excited about what's around me. It's also pushed me towards regaining the city of London as an artistic space, to find alternative and innovative spaces the us young artist can try to reclaim. The galleries we managed to visit were some of the best I've ever been to, full of artists work I've never heard of, and giving me a lot of inspiration for upcoming exhibitions I will be involved in.
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Picture from sketchbook for city studio planning.
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City Studio Part 2 The first idea my group had for city studio was inspired by choosing Google HQ to situate our work in. We wanted to use floating paper origami, placed on the streams outside the HQ to represent the flow of information in the modern world.
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Statement of Intent
During this last term of the year I'm feeling like I want to focus more on the successful aspects of my previous work last term; to step away from the confusing concepts and immerse myself in the creation of the work itself, allowing it to grow and speak for itself. The last piece of work I did before the Easter holidays was the series of photographs of myself, naked, with the metal crucifix. Moving on from them I'd like to look deeper into the visual aspects of that work that I liked the most. The abstraction and compartmentalization of the body, the object, and the medium used to capture it all. I loved the objectification of the body in some of the images, in a way it introduces it to the viewer as something un-human, or that it's possessed by some force out of human reach. I'm interested in turning the imagery I've captured through photography, into video/moving image, or performance. I want to stay working within the ethereal nature of my work, and experiment with more simplified visual aesthetics, not to over-complicate it with costumes and craziness. I feel this will allow for more interpretation from the viewer. to me it feels a bit too obvious to dress up and force feed it to the audience that 'this is weird'. I think we need to give more credit towards the viewer, in terms of giving them a chance to understand what the work is about in their own way. After having experimented with the masks and wigs, I've found that I feel it's more convincing and interesting - to myself as the artist at least - to keep things bare and back to basics, aesthetically. After using the crucifix as a prop in the photographs, I have an idea to work with water. As my work is heavily influenced by religion and the different ritualistic cultures that come alongside with faith and religion, I like to pick out some of the repetitive symbolism I've seen in multiple religious cultures. Water is something that is prevalent within Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. I want to show the connecting factors that there are within religions, via working around 'Faith' rather than purely one 'God' or one religion. Through the abstraction of these things, I want to focus on light, bodies, water... the elements of the world essentially as well. I feel that this will hopefully be more successful than my last work which felt very confused; I will be able to concentrate on the creation of it all, physically or digitally, rather than getting too caught up in a singular narrative, I will allow myself to be vague and to the let the work find itself, that for me to find it.
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