beuh4000 · 2 years
If I remember correctly, you were going to prepare a new wiki for axetale. Any progress?
Haven't had the time or the mind. The first one took a lot of work for not a lot of positive output on my end, and the second will take even more work, and it isn't a priority at this time.
If you wanted a little extra info, I made a doc with a lot of the important information on it. That's all I'm able to do at the moment.
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beuh4000 · 2 years
Banana : I don't have enough time to make a wiki
Me: OK, I'll do it myself.
If I remember correctly, you were going to prepare a new wiki for axetale. Any progress?
Haven't had the time or the mind. The first one took a lot of work for not a lot of positive output on my end, and the second will take even more work, and it isn't a priority at this time.
If you wanted a little extra info, I made a doc with a lot of the important information on it. That's all I'm able to do at the moment.
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beuh4000 · 2 years
Unexpected Change Of The Tale (just a cringe undertale AU)
It's a swap AU so here's the character changes
Character Changes
Green (Child with Kindness soul) takes The Protagonist Role
Toriel takes The Empty One Role
Muffet takes The Recluse Role
Mettaton takes The Caretaker Role
Chara takes The Judge Role
Frisk takes The Ambitious Role
Alphys takes The Captain of the Royal Guard Role
Undyne takes The İdoliser Role
Toby and dogs takes Chaotic Villager Role
Temmie takes The Enraged Role
Papyrus Takes The Royal Scientist Role
Sans takes The Celebrity Role
Flowey Takes The Outrageous Vender Role
Napstablook takes The Monarch Role
Asgore takes The Fallen Role
Asriel Takes The Forgotten Scientist Role
Gaster and G Followers take Abominations Role
Monster Kid Takes the Superfluous Role
Green is a 12-year-old kid with a soul of kindness, wearing a closed green t-shirt with two green stripes on the front and green shoes. Thanks to the fact that he's the soul of kindness, he is really nice and kind, unlike Frisk, he is really talkative and comments on everything he see with an optimistic point of view. He has the same powers as Frisk, that is, he can use features such as saving, loading, and reset.
LV (LOVE): 1 (Pacifist/Normal), 20 (Genocide)
HP: 20 (Pacifist/Normal), 99 (Genocide)
DF: 0 (Pacifist/Normal), 4 (Genocide)
AT: 0 (Pacifist/Normal), 38 (Genocide)
Toriel The Goat
Toriel is shaped like a four-legged goat. In her omega form she looks like a rather oddly realistic goat. in the form of the hyperdeath god She looks like a cross between Asriel and UT!Toriel. In her normal form, she wears a purple sweater with a white stripe on it. Toriel mostly acts like a normal Flowey, she is very aggressive and she tries to kill everything in her path, but she can also control her own anger and pretend to be nice. She still has fire magic, but she don't have the ability to reset or save, and she never did.
HP: 440
DF: 80
AT: 80
Muffet behaves like Napstablook, she is a very shy spider and stays away from everyone as much as she can, she thinks that because she is a spider, everyone hates her and wants to stay away, there are just other spiders with her. She mostly stays in ruins with spiders, but she lives in an old abandoned cobweb-covered house inside the waterfall and cooks donuts. She looks the same as the muffet, only with a white cover on her. She attacks with cobwebs and tears and can use her 8 hands to push you away.
HP: 1250
DF: 18.8
AT: 38.8
Mettaton does not change, he still thinks he is a model and has turned the ruins into a showroom for himself and recruited the monsters in the ruins as self-employed. The only change in Mettaton's Appearance is that he wears Toriel's outfit. he still uses the same attacks, but he tries to use them as painlessly as he can.
HP: 1600
DF: 47
AT: 47
Chara lives with her sister Frisk in Snowdin. Since she cannot sleep at night, she sleeps in a place decorated by Frisk during the day with the name 'Chara' written on it or sells 'Frisky' alcohol, but does not drink it herself. Despite being in the role of Sans, she doesn't wear a hoodie, instead she wears black sneakers and a red heart-shaped necklace along with her classic outfits. Chara pretends to be like Sans mostly reckless but she's not lazy, She is quite nice and friendly. She can use red blades, soul bombs and gravity magic. She has a regular red blade and she can use things called FLOWER blasters, similar to gaster blasters.
LV (LOVE): ???
HP: ???
DF: ???
AT: ???
Frisk has a very positive and childish personality as she is in the role of Papyrus. She looks at everything from the good side or tries to look for a good side in that thing. She has a bit of naivety and trusts people a little too fast, but she can still be pretty serious if she wants to. Frisk still wears the same clothes, but with normal shoes and a blue, purple, and red scarf, and a red heart-shaped necklace like Chara in front of that scarf. When Frisk went underground, she was able to do magic, as her souls are affected by magic. Flying sticks can use stars that look like Save stars.
LV (LOVE): 1
HP: 30
DF: 40
AT: 10
Alphys is like Undyne in behavior, she's trying to catch people, but still herself in intelligence. For example, she placed traps all over the waterfall and built robots. She wears armor like US!Alphys, but the armor is yellow. When she's off duty, she wears a yellow shirt and black trousers, unlike US!alphys, there are no scars on her eyes. She has a huge sledgehammer and electric powers, as well as a sting of DETERMİNATİON she received while working with Papyrus, but she has an oath that she will only use it when she dies, as DETERMİNATİON threatens to warp it. When she pricks herself with the DETERMİNATİON needle, she enters the ULTRA-ALPHYS state.
HP: 1500 (Normal), 23000 (Ultra)
DF: 20 (Normal), 99 (Ultra)
AT: 50 (Normal), 99 (Ultra)
Undyne doesn't change, except she gets more shy and powerless. She walks around in the clothes she wears in her House and her power is the same.
HP: 100
DF: 3
AT: 5
Toby And Dogs
Toby and the other dogs don't change. They still look and act the same. The only difference is that they live in a place called a 'Dog-Zone' instead of a Snowdin.
Temmie Dummy
Temmie Dummy is just an angry temmie. She looks like Mad Dummy but has a temmie head.
HP: 200
DF: yEs
AT: 30
Papyrus still has the same personality, that is, the great skeleton who is still confident and arrogant but also kind, optimistic and brave, still believing that everyone needs a second chance. He wears a lab coat with an orange stripe that says 'Cool scientist' and goggles on it. He can still use bones and soul mods and can also use the machines he has built to help him.
HP: 100
DF: 6
AT: 10
Sans is literally normal Sans even though he should be like Mettaton. He has 0% changed, he is still a funny bone man who jokes and likes to drink ketchup, but he is not lazy. In fact, he can't be lazy because like Mettaton he has to be on stage all the time and needs to be an example to young children. Although he is in the role of Mettaton, he looks like a TV host wearing a black suit with a blue tie. He still has the same powers of bones, blue soul mod, gaster blasters etc.
HP: 1
DF: 1
AT: 1
Spider Flowey
Flowey is mostly the same in personality. He still thinks that the whole world is kill or be killed, but this time instead of torturing the whole world, he eats or cooks those who come to a region he has conquered in the CORE. He looks like a normal flower but his petals are purple and it has 8 eyes on his face.
HP: ???
DF: ???
AT: ???
King Napstablook
Napstablook has the same personality but has MUCH more severe depression. In such a severe depression he literally does nothing. He eats nothing, he does not speak, he is not interested in the kingdom, he just cries among the flowers. He looks exactly the same, he just has a crown on his head.
HP: 88
DF: 20
AT: 10
Asgore is a ghostly goat that accompanies and guides Green throughout his journey. He's a pretty good person (except genocide) constantly telling Green where to go and how and what monsters can do. He is wearing a sweater with a brown marking on it and black pants. He can still use fire magic and summon a trident.
HP: 0 (He's dead)
DF: ???
AT: 40
Asriel is the forgotten person in this AU. Although in the role of the forgotten scientist, he never became a scientist. Asriel was a 15-year-old teenager working in the lab before CORE exploded. As the CORE exploded, Asriel fell into it and was forgotten. Now Asriel is stuck in a space outside the timeline and looks like a black molten heap.
HP: ???
DF: ???
AT: ???
Gaster and G Followers
Gaster and his followers are molten monsters living in real lab. They were all working on the CORE before they turned into these creatures, when the CORE exploded the Gaster would fall into the CORE, the G followers saved him but unfortunately when the CORE exploded they became incapable creatures stuck together. Now they are in pain wandering in the True lab.
Monster Kid
Monster kid is the 2nd person who falls into CORE and is forgotten along with Asriel. Monster kid doesn't normally hang around the CORE, but he was curious about what was going on back then so he went to CORE and unfortunately fell into CORE. Now he is in a space outside the timeline with that Asriel. He looks like a Goner Kid but he doesn't have a clasp on his head.
HP: ???
DF: ???
AT: ???
Additional Changes
Real knife, change with the Real pan.
The new house changes to the house of sadness.
The puzzles in Hotland change with the puzzles in Snowdin.
Fun Facts
Green can actually use magic, but he doesn't realize it.
Asriel lived on the surface until he was 12 years old.
Even though Frisk and Chara are non-binary and children in the original game, in this AU they are both girls and Frisk is 19 and Chara is 20.
Even though Asgore is a ghost like Napstablook, only Green can see him.
Frisk is a fangirl for Sans.
Save stars look like green pans.
AU will probably never have a true story but maybe it does have a written one, who knows?
Chara was the 5th human to fall underground, Frisk was the 6th and Green the 7th.
Papyrus helps Sans with a mega-machine on the genocide route.
Fewer humans died than in Undertale (5 people died)
UCOTT have AU versions like Swap, Fell, Fellswap, Swapfell, Dust, Disbelief, Last Breath, Horror, Reaper and Epic.
Instead of judging Green, Chara offers him a deal.
Chara and Frisk can still use determination.
Mettaton has turned the ruins into a gigantic workplace for himself. Even the monsters that live there work for him.
Only other monsters can kill ghost monsters in this AU.
This AU was originally a ship AU focused on the Charisk ship. The ship was removed from AU in 2019.
When the AU first came out, it looked the same as the Chara storyshift (pre-boot) version but has been changed.
So thats all, what are you think?
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beuh4000 · 2 years
so cool
- UT!Sans
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A little drawing of various Undertale AUs! The only one that belongs to me is second to last. I may post about it, but it’s my own little AU for now.
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beuh4000 · 3 years
Gaster :  Am I joke to you?
At this point, I imagine you've just been pressing the button that kills off characters, laughing maniacally as each and everyone of them dies.
I only killed three main characters:
Frisk, sans, and papyrus
(Excluding background characters)
Come on, it's not that many, snowflake
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beuh4000 · 3 years
Is Epictale 2 really over? It seemed a little rushed.
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Aaaaaand that's a wrap!
Thanks for reading y'all!
Pages 364-368
The End.
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beuh4000 · 3 years
Why ‘unfortunately’? kris x ralsei is ok
unfortunately kris x ralsei is a ship... a popular ship at that -_-
i am completely unsurprised
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beuh4000 · 3 years
Why 'unfortunately'? kris x rally is ok.
unfortunately kris x ralsei is a ship... a popular ship at that -_-
i am completely unsurprised
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beuh4000 · 3 years
thanks for the answer
I always hated peoples say 'sans and frisk are not real so frans is okay!' what they said. Frisk and sans aren't real, so? this does change fact that ship is still pedophile? So it's like saying 'child porn is okay because those kids aren't real'.
unfortunately, people DO say things very close to “child porn is okay if the kid isnt real’. many people make basically that exact argument for drawn/simulated child pornography, and stuff like loli/shotacon. the argument goes that because a real child isn’t being harmed, that makes it perfectly peachy. obviously, anyone with two working brain cells to rub together knows that’s not true, but these people aren’t the height of intelligence.
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beuh4000 · 3 years
I guess that's what chara thinks, right?
I've always wondered, is it good to delete Axetale? or is it something bad? I think it's a good thing. After all, the monsters here are just suffering, everyone and everything is ruined. Isn't it good to send them to heaven and let them rest? ( bad engilish sorry)
Is it really so kind? They didn't bring this evil on themselves. They are victims, every one but Flowey, and even his tale is a miserable one. Do they all deserve death for crimes they had no choice to commit, and a life they all wish they could escape? Is the Void so much better than the bare chance of salvation?
The question comes down to the coloration of your own morality, in the end... but it is razor's edge.
Beware the slippery slope, friend. "For the greater good" has never been a good answer to a complex issue.
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