bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
Blog Moving!
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((Heya guys! Just wanted to let you guys know that I will be moving blogs to get a fresh slate on my tags and my followers! Everything IC will be staying the same however so no worries about that ^^
If you wish to continue to follow me and even interact with me then go here > @beautyxndeath ))
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
Blog Moving!
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((Heya guys! Just wanted to let you guys know that I will be moving blogs to get a fresh slate on my tags and my followers! Everything IC will be staying the same however so no worries about that ^^
If you wish to continue to follow me and even interact with me then go here > @beautyxndeath ))
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
Blog Moving!
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((Heya guys! Just wanted to let you guys know that I will be moving blogs to get a fresh slate on my tags and my followers! Everything IC will be staying the same however so no worries about that ^^
If you wish to continue to follow me and even interact with me then go here > @beautyxndeath ))
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
It’s a silent rage.
You’re quiet. Face perfectly still, eyes emotionless.
And yet you seethe with hatred and are brimming with anger. You want to kill them and end their pitiful existence. They’ve harmed you far too much.
Don’t worry. Soon, you will be able to destroy them.
They’ll take your apparent “peace” and silence for granted… and that is when you may snap your maw shut around their throat, silencing them and your rage forever.
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
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Why are the Anons putting thoughts of him in Ghetsis’ head? He doesn’t know if he should feel insulted or not.
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
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Time to go threaten ask some people to go compliment Lys.
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
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((Well, I’m back earlier than expected due to my social anxiety getting the best of me. Looks like it’s another small post day….
Sorry guys))
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
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Is something taunting his partner?
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
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((Welp there went what little was left of my writing muse for tonight. Just lost a post because the power decided to flicker and it’s not even storming that bad yet...
Once again sorry guys))
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
“W-why did you leave so quickly?” He wasn’t angry or upset that they had left, but he was definitely concerned. Did Ly think he was younger, perhaps? He was sure he had mentioned it at least once by now…
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“Y-you made me a lil’ worried when you kind of… did that.”
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Oh, it seemed he had made his partner worry...
“I just realized I had a lot to plan, that’s all.” he said simply, “It’s nothing bad or anything, I promise.”
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
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“Well, I can’t say they didn’t deserve it for attacking their betters.” he said with a smirk, “Though I will admit....that wasn’t unsightly at all, just a showing of our true nature.”
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 He’s feeling pretty pleased with himself now…
“Oh, mon ami,” he brushes the blood from his lips with his thumb before dropping the corpse off the balcony for the Lord’s guard dogs below, “I do apologise that you had to see that unsightly display~”
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
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“W-wait babe where are you going cOME BACK HERE–!” Cue him practically sprinting after the other after they had left, mild panic in his chest. Oh god, they’re going to get him something big and ridiculous and he’s not going to be able to turn it down without looking rude–
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Lysandre stopped and looked over his shoulder, somewhat confused though it didn’t show much on his face, “What?”
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
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((This weather is going to kill me I swear....
I’m pretty tired though I shouldn’t be and I hurt so I’m going to be slow and kinda selective with posts for the rest of the day. Probably just stick to shorter replies...
Real sorry guys ^^;))
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
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He had just came into the room when heard that and immediately turned back out. He has preparations to make!
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“…I’m going to be thirty two soon.” He doesn’t like that. He doesn’t like that at all.
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
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Sycamore knelt down before the red head and held the bell up, “Do you want this, mon ami? It makes such a pleasing sound, non? You can have it if you like… I wonder what happened?”
He had loads of them at the lab, so he could afford to let one go if it would make the hybrid feel happier.
As the other watched him, he held a hand out in a placating gesture to show that he meant the other no harm, “It’s okay, you’re going to be okay mon ami.”
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Lysandre just stared at the bell when Sycamore started to talk about it, but he never made any moves to grab it or signal that he wanted to hold it. It seemed he was just content with letting the other ring it. He just moved his gaze back to him after a few moments of staring at the bell, his tail thumping against the floor once.
The hybrid’s gaze moved to the hand that was held out, his gaze steady on it, before he suddenly lunged to try to grab a hold of it. Considering his strength and his mindset right now his grip might have been tight if he grab the Professor.
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
Whatever breath Lysandre has been accidentally holding in was let go of the moment they had crouched down, and he let himself shift upright so he was resting on his knees (Or at least… what he was thought were his knees… did he even have knees anymore?). It seemed the status move had helped with the mood of the other, and he keeps still as his hair fluttered and pinned back once more.
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“H-Hey there, big guy…” His voice is quiet and high, trying to coerce and tame the beast further without needing to resort to more moves that would tire him out. As much as he wanted to use them further, he couldn’t risk losing more energy. He couldn’t  let himself get exhausted… not with this one allowed.
Instead, he simply offered out his hand, and waited patiently for them to come closer.
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The Gyarados hybrid watched Lys as he got up, his gaze never moving from him. He was...small, weak, perfect prey to hunt and eat, but Lysandre wanted to know what had just happened and if he could do it again. It was a pleasant feeling, calming his thoughts from the usual rage, and it had been quiet, something that he hadn’t experience in a long time or so he thought.
His gaze only moved when the other hybrid offered his hand and after a few moments of staring at it he started to creep close to it, keeping on all fours and his tail dragging behind him. Once he was right in front of the hand he stared at it more before he looked back at Lys, slightly confused.
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bexutyindexth-blog · 7 years
finding out the heights of your internet friends is always the weirdest thing
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