things I know about brazil:
jesus statue
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remember way back in 2006 when the wii first came out and then the entirety of the world forgot how to hold onto something with a firm grasp so much that nintendo had to make a shock absorbing condom just so that tvs wouldnt get destroyed when people would end up sending this thing flying at their tvs at 900 miles per hour
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If we ever find out aliens exist and they want to meet us, let's just send the monster fuckers, you KNOW they won't disrespect or hurt the aliens
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Incorrect quotes #373 Humans again
Mc: I committed all 7 deadly sins in 30 minutes!
Solo: Wow, I've gotta hear this
Mc: I was angry and envious of my neighbor (God) so I lazily seduced his sons and ate all his groceries and didn't share!
Solo: Little gremlin, You forgot pride
Mc: No, I'm pretty proud of this*Huffs and Puffs chest*
Solo*Looking at them with a soft gaze*"...I'm gonna marry this gremlin"
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i'll probably edit it at some point BUT
I'm putting an 18+ warning mdi although i don't say anything that graphic
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If you feel comfortable writing Keiji could I have request him and mc in a heated bedroom moment when Masamune accidentally barges in? Additional maybe him teasing them next day in front of the other warlords too or something..! I kinda feel like ikesen robbed us of Keiji and Masa’s friendship 😭
You are so right Anon! Those two would be incorrigible together. So, approx. 2100 words of Keiji/Masa fluff, with a dash of spicy.
Keiji watched the chatelaine with hungry eyes. They were supposed to be cleaning the training room after spear practice, but it was hard to concentrate on anything besides her. Especially when she was stripped down to bare linens for the heat and freedom of movement.
Her skin shone with a sheen of sweat, and curls of hair stuck to her cheek and neck where it escaped her tight bun. She glanced at him and grinned. “Did I wear you out today?”
He felt heat stain his cheeks as his mouth opened in surprise. “What?”
She immediately looked away, her face hot too. “N-nothing?”
“Oh no. I don’t think so, princess. You don’t get to pretend you didn’t say what you just said.”
When she glanced back at him, her expression was composed and serene. What Keiji thought of as her Lady Murasaki face. “My what bold statements escape your lips. Still your tongue lest it make fools of us both.”
Keiji laughed. “My tongue is going to be anything but still when you give me that look.” He stepped close, caressing her rear with his hand. “And I can get a lot bolder.”
She pretended to hide her face behind an imaginary fan. “I do not doubt your boldness, only my gentle heart.” Then she tried to step away, but he was expecting that.
Using the skills he’d been drilling with the trainees, he caught her shoulder and spun her around. Her back was against his chest. He rubbed his thumbs over her pert nipples, pinching them through the thin fabric of her kimono. “That was a good try, princess.”
“K-Keiji!” She gasped his name
The sound she made stirred something in his low belly. He wanted her, now, here. He eased her against the wall. “Tell me to stop, and I will,” he purred, his lips brushing her ear.
“Someone might see,” she whispered.
“Nah, no one comes in here but us most days. And that wasn’t a no . . .” Keiji tugged her clothing out of the way. Her skin felt like satin under his fingers and the way she moved when he touched her nearly sent him over the edge.
“Last chance . . . tell me you don’t want me to do this.” He lifted her hips, pressing himself between her legs.
Her breath was shallow, her skin flushed and hot. She looked at him over her shoulder. “I want you.” She shifted her hips back, rubbing against him in the most excruciatingly sensuous way. He could feel the slick heat of her, the softness.
The door to the training hall slid open. Masamune stood there, practice blade in one hand, his mouth open and one wide blue eye staring.
For a moment, no one moved. Keiji was trying to make his body move, but it was still convinced they were going for it - and the chatelaine held her breath as if by holding still no one would see her.
Then Masamune laughed, a full-throated guffaw. “I see the training room is taken.” He slid the door shut.
“Oh. My. God.”
Keiji let her down, still trying to communicate the message to the rest of him that - for now - sex was off the table. “Heh, looks like you were right to worry.”
“I can’t believe Masamune saw that. I will never be able to show my face again.” She blushed scarlet red and covered her eyes with her hands.
“I promise it’s not the first time he’s seen a lady’s rear. None as nice as yours, for sure. But not his first. Definitely not his last.”
She smacked Keiji’s arm. “You don’t understand! I am . . . he saw . . .”
He stroked a finger along her jaw. “Come on, princess. You think he didn’t know we were lovers?”
“It’s not the same!” She frowned. “Let’s pack everything and move to Kasugayama. We both have friends there. Friends that didn’t see me - about to-to-”
Keiji laughed. “Look, if you’re that worried about it, I can promise you he probably didn’t see much of anything anyway. My back, that’s about it.”
“But he knew we were - we were about to . . .”
“Make love? Yeah. Sure. Like I said, definitely not his first time to see something like that.” He kissed her. “Look, if you want, I can ask him not to say anything to anyone else. I’ll tell him how sensitive you are, ok?”
She crossed her arms. “You think he’ll listen?”
Privately, Keiji didn’t think the One-Eyed Dragon would give two flaming shits about sensitivity but that was not the kind of thing you told your girlfriend. “Sure.” The one thing that was sure about Masamune was that he was almost as wild as Keiji’s persona. Only, for Masamune it was no act.
“Well . . . I guess if he promises not to tell anyone . . . and if he promises to just forget about it too!” Her eyes narrowed. “You tell him if he doesn’t forget what he saw, I’ll . . . I’ll never taste-test his desserts ever again!”
“Ahahaha, ok, ok. I’ll tell him.” Keiji rubbed a hand through his hair. “I don’t suppose I could tell him later though? I was thinking you and I could finish what we started.” He paused at her incredulous expression. “In our room, of course!”
She put her hands on her hips. “You are joking, I hope?”
Keiji nodded. “Yep. That’s me. Joking with you.” He turned. “So umm, I guess I’m gonna go talk to Masamune now.”
She shooed him toward the door.
Masamune was out in the garden of his manor, practicing with Hideyoshi. Their wooden blades clacked as they moved across the sand. Then there was a dull twack as Masamune caught Hideyoshi in the side. The warlords stepped away from each other, grinning.
“That was good. I didn’t expect you to get inside my guard like that.” Hideyoshi didn’t seem fazed by the blow at all.
Keiji knew this would be a bad time to say anything about what Masamune saw in the training room. Because then Hideyoshi would find out, and that guy had a lecture for everything. There was probably some Azuchi castle rule about no sex in training spaces or something. He turned to leave before anyone noticed him.
“Ah, Keiji! I didn’t expect to see you so soon.” Masamune called to him. His grin was so wide it looked like his cheeks hurt.
Hideyoshi glanced over and greeted Keiji as well. “I heard you were giving private spear lessons to the chatelaine? I hope you’re being gentle with her. She tries to hard, pushes herself. I don’t want you to push her too.”
Keiji opened his mouth to reply, but Masamune spoke first. “Oh I wouldn’t worry about that, Hideyoshi. I think the lass likes a little pushing. Don’t you think so Keiji?”
He nodded mutely. “Y-yeah? I mean, she seems pretty happy.”
Hideyoshi looked between the two of them. “I should probably check on her. Neither of you are known for good sense.”
“That’s not necessary! She’s uh, probably getting cleaned up after our lesson. You don’t want to interrupt her bath.” Keiji waved his arms, trying desperately to get control of this situation.
Of course, that was the moment Mitsuhide sauntered in, brushing past Keiji. “What’s that? Hideyoshi wants to check on our little mouse after her . . . advanced spear lessons?”
Hideyoshi’s brow furrowed. “Advanced? Is that what you’re doing in your private training sessions.”
“No! I mean, of course not. We just go over the uh, the basics.” Keiji glanced at Mitsuhide, wondering how much the kitsune knew. Probably everything, he thought glumly.
Masamune laughed. “I dunno, Maeda. Those moves looked pretty advanced to me. Certainly not first time maneuvers.”
“Maybe you should show me what you’re teaching her,” Hideyoshi said, frowning. “I don’t want her over extending herself to impress you.”
“She did look . . . extended,” Masamune said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. He winked at Keiji.
Mitsuhide crossed his arms and leaned back against a wall. “I’d love to see you show Hideyoshi the special lessons you’ve been giving the chatelaine.” His golden eyes shone with amusement.
“I, uh, I left my spear in the training room.” Keiji took a step back.
Masamune laughed aloud. “Did you? Well that’s what happens when the lesson’s too quick. I expected you two to be in there all afternoon. Training.”
Even Mitsuhide let out a dry chuckle at that. “Did our little mouse tire you too quickly? Or did you let her out before the lesson was finished?”
Hideyoshi looked more concerned than ever, while Masamune was almost doubled over with laughter.
Keiji smirked. If this was how Masamune wanted to play it, he was game. “We agreed to finish the lesson up later. Being her private tutor has its perks, ya know? I’m one lucky guy.”
“Tell me when you’re ready to resume your training. I’d like to sit in and observe. Just to be sure you’re taking good care of our lord’s ward.” Hideyoshi’s gaze traveled between the three other men, sensing there was more to this conversation than he’d picked up on.
“I don’t think she liked people watching her train,” Keiji shrugged. “In fact, she got all kinds of frustrated when Masamune here interrupted us. Put her off completely.”
Mitsuhide’s grin sharpened. “What a shame.”
Masamune wiped tears of hilarity from his eyes. “You know how the lass is, Hideyoshi. You go poking your nose in where she doesn’t want it and you might come back with half a nose.”
“Half of something, anyway,” Mitsuhide said under his breath.
Keiji nodded. “That’s right. Thanks for the support Masamune. I know the princess would appreciate it.”
The two men exchanged a knowing look. Masamune would never let Keiji forget what he’d walked in on - but he wasn’t going to spread it around either.
Hideyoshi shrugged. “Well, I will still have a talk with her about it. Just to make sure.”
“I’d like to be present for that conversation,” Mitsuhide spoke up. “Because I also worry about her training. Of course.”
Masamune grinned. “I think we should all be there for that conversation.”
That evening at dinner, the warlords sat together discussing current issues threatening the Oda. Keiji sat with the chatelaine, mostly listening. He hoped Hideyoshi had forgotten about the ‘training incident’ but that hope was in vain.
When conversation died down, he turned toward the chatelaine. “I wanted to ask you about your spear training.”
Color rose to her cheeks, but Keiji gave her credit for her serene expression. “Oh? W-why would want to ask about that?”
Hideyoshi smiled gently. “Don’t worry, you aren’t in trouble. I just heard from Masamune that you were getting private lessons. I know you want to defend yourself, but are you ready for advanced spear techniques? You only just got started.”
Her eyes went wide and she choked on her tea.
Nobunaga’s gaze swept over the two of them. “Advanced techniques? Already? You are to be commended, fireball.”
Mitsunari nodded. “Yes, that’s very impressive! If you’re on to advanced spear maneuvers, you could probably handle more men than our average soldier! With some stances and the reach of a long spear, you could manage three or even four.”
Ranmaru clapped. “Way to go!”
Ieyasu stared at his plate and grumbled something along the lines of, “Great, I guess.”
With every word, her cheeks flushed a darker shade.
Mitsuhide grinned at her from across the table. “I don’t think Maeda wants her using those techniques on three or four men . . .”
Masamune laughed so hard that he spilled his tea.
“Ahahaha, no. I don’t want my girl in any real fight,” Keiji said, putting an arm around her. “But she is pretty impressive.”
“Has a good grasp on the haft, eh? Good thrust?” Masamune wheezed.
“And then some,” Keiji confirmed.
Her expression was somewhere between shocked and mortified. But she nodded with dignity. “I’ve gotten very good at spear handling.”
At this, Masamune fell over with laughter, holding his sides.
Nobunaga’s brow wrinkled in mild confusion, but after a moment he smiled as if he understood the subtext.
Hideyoshi did not. He just nodded. “Well, just be careful. The spear is a man’s tool and I don’t want you wearing yourself out to prove something.”
“Man’s tool,” chuckled Mitsuhide.
Ranmaru blinked. “It doesn’t have to be. Anyone can learn to wield a weapon if they really want to.”
Hideyoshi agreed. “Yes, but the spear is heavy and hard on the hands. Can’t I be worried about our chatelaine?”
“You can be,” Keiji smiled, putting his arm around the princess. “But I can promise you, she knows her way around a spear. She’s doing great.”
“Yep. You’ve got nothing to worry about,” she added. Her smile was pasted in place and her eyes promised death when she got him alone. Hers or his, he wasn’t sure. “Anyway, thanks for all of the, ah, support. I appreciate it.”
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satan would b like: *hands you an origami crane* i love you *hands you a book of pressed flowers* i love you *hands you a painted rock* i love you *hands you a small cat figurine* i love you *hands you silly clippings from a magazine* i love you *h
this is to say that he makes a bunch of cool stuff and youre the first person he thinks of when hes done with them
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Max- *sad*
Kai having no idea of what emotions are- " uh, I found a cool rock, wanna see?"
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I redid this older comic I made for my storytelling class based on this post. Have some cute wlw love in your day.
It’s hard, if I had more free time I could make it so pretty, this is what I could throw together for the assignment.
Help support a queer artist: Ko fi, Redbubble, Teepublic
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Yukimura's commentaries made it funnier. 😆
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if you're feeling bored, do this little experiment and tag with your score! you link 10 words together that are as different as possible
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Hello, dearest Nemo. Inspired by a matter you're probably aware of, here I come, to ask you for certain opinion, although perhaps in form of HeadCanons... Let's say we have Ghibli Movies and the Warlords. Which movie would be each warlord's favourite? What do you think?
Ooooh, lil'Lorei remembers my obsession with Studio Ghibli movies, I see. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku 
Characters: All - Kanetsugu because idk I can’t find shit on him only that he is a tsun.
Prompt: The warlords and studio Ghibli movies. Disclaimer: I only listed the movies I have watched, which is a fair amount but by no means all. 
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To sit on the couch with a Sengoku warlord felt strange. No, it was definitely weird! All the more so when you put up a Studio Ghibli movie. Just any, because you felt like it. Little did you know that the warlord would take so well to it. He had been rather apprehensive at first, after all, moving pictures and that strange sound? But after a while the movies won him over. After all, who could resist the peaceful charm of Studio Ghibli, dreaming away at the romance of everyday life set in a beautiful landscape far away from all worry and chaos?
Nobunaga Oda: Spirited away
“The soot sprites have good taste,” the Oda leader pronounced, a proud smile etched on his face as he enjoyed the movie playing. On the screen the little black balls could be seen carrying off the konpeito, dancing around the little girl that had just lost her name to Yubaba, a move that Nobunaga had heartily laughed at. “I should consider doing this myself,” he had exclaimed, eyes glistening in mischief, “but I would rename them,” and to this remark you could only feel yourself sweatdrop, recalling the animal-inspired nicknames he tended to give his vassals.
Ieyasu Tokugawa: When Marnie was there
Something about the movie triggered something within him. The themes of loneliness, and constantly being moved around, but most of all, the trope of a found family and the concept of home. They resonated with his own childhood that he had resented so much. The past in which he was treated kindly, but also at times cruelly. All of these stories consolidated into one movie and two girls. “Marnie was weak,” he would later say, “good for Anna,” was his end review, but you could see the tears in the corner of his eyes. The movie had touched him.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi: Tales from Earthsea
A story of guilt and servitude? Prince Arren and the shadow that chases him? An inner fear, but yet a strong resolve to sacrifice all to reach ones goal? Hideyoshi is sold. The promise in the end is what gives that extra edge needed as Hideyoshi is weeping at the end of it all. “I will return to you, lord Nobunaga. I will repay all of my sins!” he wails and you know that he means it. Strangely enough, you have a feeling that Nobunaga would like the concept of ‘True Name’
Masamune Date: The wind rises
The story of a young boy whose dreams are shattered because of his weaknesses and then overcoming them? That’s his boy! Masamune has been cheering Jiro on since the opening of the movie and never stopped. Not until halfway through the movie and a frown settles on his face until the man has to gulp audibly to keep himself in check. All that chasing after a dream and the sacrifices made. It definitely hits a snare with the man who is quiet after the movie. He will need a cuddle or two.
Mitsuhide Akechi: Kiki’s delivery service
“There is just something about watching a little mouse grow up, isn’t there?” Mitsuhide teases with that lilting smile of his ever-present. But between the affectionate nickname and watching the movie there is something wistful about the man who sees the peaceful coming-of-age and finding identity and inspiration for live and passion within the little girl on her broom. He doesn’t say it, but he hopes that children in the future can grow up in such peace as Kiki does, able to adventure and a home to return to.
Kyubei: Whisper of the heart
Two kids chasing after their dreams, one set and the other just learning about it and a very capable cat that guides them. Kyubei enjoys the relationship that develops and the romance that comes with it, finding the fantasy element adorable. “I have a favourite person as well,” he tells you later with a mystifying smile, referring to the poster advertising the movie. A favourite person and a dream, he realises, which he hadn’t before.
Mitsunari Ishida: The secret world of Arrietty
“How very inventive!” the man constantly exclaims as he watches the little Arrietty move around in the garden. When she is fighting off bugs her own size Mitsunari clasps his hands together, as he rattles off on the many efficiencies they can make use of the bugs and employ the garden and the doll house. In the end Mitsunari feels only a little sad about Arrietty’s departure, though he has all faith that the friends will meet again, “is there a sequel,” he asks you for that, eager and beaming.
Keiji Maeda: Howl’s moving castle
Of course Howl’s theatrical ways are what enraptured the man at first, accompanied with Sophie’s determination and go-getters attitude. “That is no dull woman!” he exclaims happily as he watches the older sister fall to the curse cast by the witch. And though it is only vaguely implied Keiji comes to understand that it was something about the heart, just as Howl transforms because of his own heart. ‘A heart is a heavy burden.’ Sophie’s line catches him and Keiji agrees that Sophie’s hair is like starlight. He turns to you, however and tells you that you’re his starlight.
Ranmaru Mori: The cat returns
The cats, Baron the gentleman cat that just looks super cook and a whole slew of shenanigans about to happen. Secretly Ranmaru sees Kennyo in Baron, dreaming away watching his master be the cool hero that he was always meant to be. A little mysterious, totally awesome and can kick ass. Yes, that’s his favourite person!
Kennyo: My neighbour Totoro
There is something homely about the strange giant figure with its creepy smile and silent gestures. In fact, the whole movie endears the man. Two girls surrounded by the beauty of nature, growing up in peace and afraid of soot, catbus riding them to their mother. Kennyo can’t help but smile at the outrageousness of it all, finding it all very endearing. Secretly he thinks himself as Totoro, hiding in the forests and watching over the innocents.
Kenshin Uesugi: Princess Mononoke
A story about rulership, about how humanity ruins life eventually, about destruction and a lot of fighting. Kenshin loves it, especially for the last part. But as a former monk himself with a good appreciation for the gods and nature Kenshin relates to lady Eboshi who is willing to fight all if it means keeping her people safe and San, who fights to protect what she holds dear. He understands that and he relates to that.
Shingen Takeda: The tale of the princess Kaguya
A classic he is familiar with turned into an animation he has never experienced! Shingen loves it. Though he has to admit that he likes the story versions better he has a good appreciation for the artistry and the interpretation of the story, along with the pain of forgetting and leaving.
Yukimura Sanada: Porco Rosso
His favourite nickname turned into a character! Yukimura was flabbergasted at first, but then he came to understand that this was a spell of sorts, just as the movie itself was a trick of magic called science. But alas, that’s not why Yukimura was so in awe with the movie, it was the cool zeal in which the main character flies for his convictions. And somewhere deep down, though he will never admit such, the main character reminds him of Shingen.
Sasuke Sarutobi: Grave of the fireflies
Ah, the classic on which a whole generation was cruelly introduced to Studio Ghibli’s magic, the movie that started it all and above all: made everyone cry. Some may find him a bit of a weirdo to choose this as his favourite movie, after all it is such a sad movie. But it is the history, the message behind it, the themes dealt with and at last the pain and love of the siblings bereft by war. Sasuke’s heart is beaming just at the thought of the entire movie as his eyes start to tear up, dryly.
Kichou: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
There is no movie that quite agrees with him that the world is set out for doom than Nausicaä. The world is destroyed by humanity in a war, humans are still at war, but not only amongst each other for their greed but also with nature. Nature is trying to kill them for the sins committed by man. It all comes together and shows how the blight of this world truly is men and how the future that you come from is just an illusionary peace.
Yoshimoto Imagawa: Ocean Waves
Modern life poured into an artistic expression of young love. There is nothing quite more artistic than that in Yoshimoto’s opinion. The art is pretty, the story is enjoyable and not too riddled with all ugly traits and reminders of chaos and war and he gets to observe the modern world and its beauty a little more. Yes, Yoshimoto is indeed trying to forget about all the ugliness back in the Sengoku.
Motonari Mouri: Castle in the sky
Sky pirates, raiding a precious city, chaos overall and a booming ending? Sign him up. Motonari doesn’t really care for the main characters, finding them too sweet and innocent, but he has noticed that this is an overall trend within Studio Ghibli movies. Do, tell him more about the sky pirates, however and he definitely needs one of those flying machines.
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Okay...this is my first time sending a request so, is this how you do it?😅😅😅
Anyways, can I get the warlords with MC who LOVES animals, like, literally gets distracted by animals when walking on the streets with the warlords and if the animals are tame enough, goes to pet them?
Of course! I’m going to do a headcanon because that’s my default, Mitsuhide is definitely the longest one lol
 Warlords with an MC that loves animals 
Warnings: None
Characters: Mitsuhide, Shingen, Mitsunari 
Cut for length 
🦊He WILL tease you,in fact both he and Masamune will tease you as a duo. As your relationship progresses he’ll let you know how endearing he finds your love of animals 
🦊He didn’t realize that your love of critters extended to ALL animals 
🦊One day, about a week into your sengoku stay, Hideyoshi sent you out on some errands and you end up running into the silver tongued warlord you were growing more and more interested in, Mitsuhide. The 2 of you decided to walk back to the castle together 
🦊Mitsuhide totally wants to spend more time with you and this is the perfect excuse 
🦊One mintue you’re walking next to each other sharing a nice converstaion and the next you’re on the other side of the road kneeling in front of an alley. 
🦊A confused Mitsuhide comes rushing over, did he do something wrong? Did you see something dangerous? Why would you go over by yourself then? 
🦊What are you doing? 
🦊is that...? 
🦊Cue a mildly panicking Mitsuhide, who can hide it very well mind you, trying to drag you away while you just place a little *boop* on the snake’s snout and smile. 
🦊Panic turns to adoration really quick,he has to drag you away from the snake while having a new internal dilemma. That was so cute but that snake could be dangerous, He knows it's not venomous but a snake is a snake and Mitsuhide would rather die then see you get hurt. 
🦊Wait, I’ve known them for a week, they basically fell out of the sky, why do I care so much?? oh no. OH NO, WAIT I’M NOT READY TO CATCH FEELINGS 🦊Spoilers: He caught feelings 
🦊He ends up sneaking animals to you in Azuchi castle, sneaking you out to visit animals, bringing you to meet the other warlords pets, ect. But Mitsuhide will be damned like he isn’t already before he lets any animal get more attention then him.
🌹"MC, my love I've brought you a present" Enter Shingen holding yet another animal, this time a mother cat and her kittens.
🌹This man would DIE for you, you bet your ass that he's bringing you fuzzy friends. Your home in Kai is just full to the brim with pampered cuties. 
🌹Shingen never expected for a minute that you do any work so getting distracted by the animals under your care is no problem to the Warlord.
🌹The people of Kai are also very used to it by now so if you're walking down the street and see a dog lounging outside a restaurant it's owners are more than happy to let you pet it 
🌹Honestly he's the warlord who enables this love the most, he never thought he'd live this long and to see you smile everyday just reminds him how lucky he is.
🌹Sometimes a family is just a Warlord, his s/o, and dozens of animals.
📚Oh dear, Mitsunari lost in a book and you lost in playing with Kitty.
📚Hideyoshi is going to have one hell of a time getting your attention.
📚The 2 of you are walking down the street 1 day when you spot a flock of birds.
📚Cue the 2 of you wandering off together. While you're admiring the birds and trying not to startle them off Mitsunari starts to list off all the facts he knows about these types of birds.
📚How their wings work, their bone structure, diets, until he's interrupted by the sight of you with one of the birds on your finger.
📚Omg, is MC some kind of nature deity?? They must be because this is the most divine sight I've ever seen
📚Trips into the castle type looking for animals becomes a regular past times for the 2 of you.
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Azuchi Warlords and Yardwork
(When I reorganized my master list, I realized it's been a while since I've written head cannon theater)...
Warlords and Yardwork
Nobunaga - Idly mentions that it’s a nice day to do some yardwork.
Hideyoshi - Immediately creates a color-coded duty roster. Assigns self the task of planting some saplings by the front gate of the castle.
Masamune - Assigned task: mowing the front lawn. Performed task: mowed half the front lawn, found some fallen apples, and disappeared inside to bake hand pies.
Mitsuhide – Assigned task: prune the shrubbery. Performed task: found a ninja in the shrubbery. Conned ninja into the pruning the shrubbery by pointing out that Ieyasu was nearby.
Ieyasu – Assigned task: harvest medicinal herb garden. Performed task: harvested half of medicinal herb garden, then was spooked by strange ninja in the shrubbery. Abandoned task to hide from strange ninja in the shrubbery.
Ranmaru – Assigned task: harvest fruits from orchard. Performed task: ate three peaches, then threw some apples at Masamune.
Keiji – Assigned task: mowing the back lawn. Performed task: Zoomed around the perimeter of the yard singing “Holding Out For a Hero” at the top of his lungs.
Mitsunari – Assigned task: weed the vegetable garden. Performed task: weeded the carrots out of the garden, then took over Masamune’s abandoned riding mower. Immediately got foot stuck under the brake and ends up on a collision course with Keiji (who was singing too loud to notice).
Kennyo – Not assigned any task. Stops by to rake the zen garden. Performed task: Raked the zen gardens. Left as silently as he appeared.
Hideyoshi – finished his self-assigned task, returns to front of the castle. Performed additional tasks:
Rescued Mitsunari
Mowed the rest of the lawn
Replanted the carrots
Harvested the rest of the herb garden and the orchard fruits
Pruned the shrubbery
Looked for, but could not find Ieyasu
Lined everyone up and yelled at Masamune, Mitsuhide, Ranmaru, Keiji and Sasu-
Threw Sasuke out
Nobunaga – Surveys lands. Is pleased. Tells Hideyoshi that yardwork should be a regular thing.
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I bet shingen found it, put the letter together, taped it or whatever the sengoku period equivalent is, and sent it to mc on kenshins behalf
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Acc I bet that’s what he did with all the other letters. You can’t hide angsty love letters from shingen, kenshin
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