bibekb · 8 years
But, is it limited to just Instagram? 
I believe it is social-media in general. I have seen almost everyone at a wedding party trying to take pictures of the bride and the groom, and in process blocking, obstructing the professional photographer hired for the occasion. There are people who take selfies at funerals. More recently, a hostage of an airplane hijack situation asked for a selfie with he hijacker, further endangering his fellow passengers.  Moreover, there are people making fake videos, doing dangerous stunts themselves or agonizing their pets all for the sake of likes, faves and heats.
While this article brings out some excellent points, there is a larger picture here.  It is the feedback-loop like nature of the social-media which has resulted in a compulsive need to share one’s life-moments. This of bubble of like and retweets serves our inner psyche of needing validations and has to be tackled first.
This reminds me an adage I read long time back:  Climb a mountain, tell no one. 
Well, in case of the writer of the post above and many other instagram users, it might a bit too literal. Oh well. 
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bibekb · 8 years
The Broken Window Principle
この間“The Broken Window Principle”についてインターネットで読みました。“The Broken Window Principle”は簡単に言うと小さな犯罪は大きい犯罪の原因だという意味です。たとえば、放棄をされたビールには壊れた窓があったら、壊れていない窓も不良少年に壊される可能性があります。
“The Broken Window Principle”と言う考え方に賛成と反対する意見を持っている人たちがいますが、昨日見た事は本当にその考え方に賛成する例の一つだとおもいます。
PS: I have decided to write a couple of words now and then. And I plan to write them in Japanese just for practice.
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bibekb · 10 years
अध्यारो कोठा, अनि एक्लै ऊ
अध्यारो कोठा, अनि एक्लै ऊ
मनमा कुरा अनेक, ओठमा मुस्कान
एक्लै मुस्काउछ अनि
येसो भन्ने छु, उनले त्यसो भन्ने छिन
आँखा खुल्छ, वरिपरी हेर्दछ
तर अध्यारो कोठा, अनि एक्लै ऊ
  आफ्नो एक्लोपनको महसूस गर्छ
मनमा कुरा अनेक, तर मुस्कान विलिन
पेट पोल्छ अनि
घाटीमा खै के हो अड्केको भान..
फेरी आँखा बन्द, मुस्काउने प्रयास गर्छ
तर अध्यारो कोठा, अनि एक्लै ऊ।
2014-09-29 - 01:42am
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bibekb · 10 years
In my mind, when I look at these fields, I say to her, "See... see?" and I think she does. I hope later she will see and feel a thing about these prairies I have given up talking to others about; a thing that exists here because everything else does not and can be noticed because other things are absent. She seems so depressed sometimes by the monotony and boredom of her city life, I thought that maybe in this endless grass and wind she would see a thing that sometimes comes when monotony and boredom are accepted. It’s here, but I have no names for it.
- Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance | Robert Pirsig
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bibekb · 10 years
We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behaviour.”
- Stephen Covey
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bibekb · 10 years
Its easy when you are busy.
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bibekb · 10 years
On pain and challenges
"What would have become of Hercules do you think if there had been no lion, hydra, stag or boar - and no savage criminals to rid the world of? What would he have done in the absence of such challenges? Obviously he would have just rolled over in bed and gone back to sleep. So by snoring his life away in luxury and comfort he never would have developed into the mighty Hercules. And even if he had, what good would it have done him? What would have been the use of those arms, that physique, and that noble soul, without crises or conditions to stir into him action?" - Discourses I 6 32-34 - Epictetus
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bibekb · 10 years
No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible. - Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
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bibekb · 10 years
What is better?
A blunt sword or a sharp knife, A sleeping elephant or a hardworking ant, Someone living off their past glories or someone working for their future.
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bibekb · 10 years
On quality and quantity
The ceramics teacher announced on opening day that he was dividing the class into two groups. All those on the left side of the studio, he said, would be graded solely on the quantity of work they produced, all those on the right solely on its quality. His procedure was simple: on the final day of class he would bring in his bathroom scales and weigh the work of the "quantity" group: fifty pound of pots rated an "A", forty pounds a "B", and so on. Those being graded on "quality", however, needed to produce only one pot - albeit a perfect one - to get an "A".
Well, came grading time and a curious fact emerged: the works of highest quality were all produced by the group being graded for quantity. It seems that while the "quantity" group was busily churning out piles of work - and learning from their mistakes - the "quality" group had sat theorizing about perfection, and in the end had little more to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay.
Source:  http://blog.codinghorror.com/quantity-always-trumps-quality/
Codinghorror is always a joy to read and this article is no different.
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bibekb · 10 years
जति जोगी आए पनि कानै चिरेका
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bibekb · 10 years
Whilst work makes up the majority of our lives, we simply must take time to enjoy ourselves. Leisure allows us to not only relax, but take stress and pressure off of our brains that stem from overworking. Thus, let us enjoy ourselves and be merry as without fun, much work would become unnecessary.
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bibekb · 10 years
Stop licking the knife
The wolf. So majestic. An iconic symbol of power. These great beasts seem invincible... and yet they have a great weakness...
The Eskimos have always greatly prized the wolf. It's fur and meat are of great quality and the beast itself is both majestic and powerful. Killing a wolf was a nearly impossible endeavor without strong weapons, and yet the Eskimos found a way to do it. They did it not by force... in fact they never even touched the wolves. The wolves simply killed themselves.
An Eskimo would first sharpen a knife. They would then proceed to soak the knife in seal blood and then freeze it. Then they would dip it in again and freeze it once more. This covered the knife in layer upon layer of frozen blood. The knife soon resembled a Popsicle.
They would jam the knife's hilt into the snow where they thought wolves would be and left.
A hungry wolf takes a deep breath of the freezing Alaskan air. It smells something delicious. It's mouth starts watering as it tracks the scent. Fresh blood. The wolf eventually tracks the scent to the blood Popsicle. It begins to slowly lick it. It licks away layer after layer of blood until soon they reach down to just the knife. They cut their tongue, but they hardly notice. The freezing blood easily numbs the wolf's tongue. The wolf continues to lick at the knife, cutting itself more and more. Pretty soon, the wolf begins to feel weak from loss of blood.
Despite the obvious signs that the knife is harming it, the wolf continues to lick the knife. It ignores all of the negative signs. It feels that getting more blood from the knife would be the answer. Soon the wolf's mouth is so badly cut that blood starts pouring from it's wounds. The wolf's tongue starts to thaw as warm blood flows over it. The wolf is nothing short of ecstatic that they can taste more blood. It attacks the knife more vigorously and aggressively. It knows nothing but the taste of blood. The wolf will desperately continue to lick the knife until it collapses from blood loss and dies.
Is there a bloody knife in your life? Stop licking it. Who is worse, the ignorant wolf who licks the knife out of instinct and desperation, or the person that licks the knife knowing full well that they are their own judge, jury, and executioner.
Source: Found on the internet
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bibekb · 10 years
On moving on
Let go or be dragged.
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bibekb · 10 years
On time
That's the number seconds in a day. And it is same for all of us, no matter who we are. The best minds like Socrates, Da Vinci, Newton, Einstein and others had the exact same number of seconds in a day as did countless others. What matters is what we do in those seconds. Some choose to slack off while others are working hard. And then there are people who blame the universe for not giving them extra seconds.
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bibekb · 10 years
On validations
Climb a mountain, tell no one.
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bibekb · 10 years
    the best motivator.
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