bichlordstories · 3 years
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17: Turning Point
You were going to kill Todoroki when you find him.
Fucking running off and making you follow after him... what the hell does he think he's doing?
Just 30 minutes ago, you, Endeavour, and Todoroki were on patrol when the attacks began. There was screaming left and right, filling the air along with inhuman sounds that belonged to these mutant beasts with brains showing.
Fires and explosions went off and there were pro heroes dealing with these abominations that seemed unkillable
Endeavour was the first to react and quickly burned the thing to a crisp and you were quick to follow his lead.
Once activating your quirk, you punched one of the monsters to the ground and started beating it up, tearing it's limbs off.
The thing slowly regenerated, which brought you frustration.
You bit into it's brain out of rage and pulled its chunks out as it screamed at you.
"Blood God. Move."
You recognized the voice as Endeavour's and slowly got up. You hesitantly looked at the writhing beast beneath you before moving out of the way for Endeavour to burn it.
"You did quite the number on it." He said before fire left his fist.
The man let out a grunt as he roasted the thing alive before turning to you.
"I need you to go after my son and make sure he doesn't get into trouble. Is that understood." He said and proceeded to tell you where to find him.
You grew confused and infuriated when you realized that Todoroki was gone.
What the fuck is he doing? There are villains to fight here!
You had a moment of clarity and spat the brain bits out of your mouth.
"Yes sir."
Before he could respond, another monster came into view and tackled the man. Endeavour shot fire into its face, making it lose its control over the situation.
And thus here you were, trying to find the stupid bicolored brat.
You nearly passed an alleyway before a noise and a flash of yellow and orange caught your eye.
There he was, fighting a deranged looking ninja and... and the greenette brat. For some reason, when the man licked his blade, Todoroki fell to the ground, laying on the ground.
Just as the man was about to strike the bicolored moron, you leapt into action, quite literally.
Your body rammed the man, making him tumble back and rip up his clothes from the pavement. He was caught in a daze before shaking it off and searching for who was responsible.
"...All Might?" The man said breathlessly before narrowing his eyes.
"...no... you're not All Might."
You ignored this as your brain was registering who this man was. You knew he was familiar, no one can forget someone with his ugly mug. You heard of his ideas and his rants about society a few times before. Everyone has.
You especially heard of what he did to a pro hero by the name of Ingenium.
"So... you're the hero killer: Stain."
The crazed man slowly stood up held his sword out, pointing at you.
"You... you're the fake that nearly killed the bicolored one." He spat.
You simply ignored this and looked past him to see Deku, Iida, and a man in a Native American themed costume. Midoriya locked eyes with you and immediately yelled to you in desperation.
"Don't let him lick your blood, His quirk will paralyze you!"
Stain shifted in front of you to block your view from the greenette, which you were thankful for.
"So you've come to save your fake hero friends..." he said.
"They're not my friends." You stated.
"Hm... doesn't really matter anyways..." he said before shooting forward.
He was fast, you wouldn't lie, but you were also quick on your feet.
You ducked down really low and grabbed his feet, which took him by surprise, and pulled them out from under him.
You didn't hesitate to drag him and spin around the ground before making him go airborne for a quick second and having him make impact with the wall. Hard.
He should have passed out. Should have. But he didn't.
This infuriated you more as you quickly went to grab his face, only for him to lift his sword up just as quickly.
He left a shallow cut on your shoulder, to which you quickly grabbed the blade and pulled it away from him. You weren't about to leave the blade with him since it caught a bit of your blood.
You backed away from the slightly dazed man, who slowly walked towards you.
"You dare... take my blade... you damn fake."
"You dare take my blood, you murderer." You said back to him in a mocking tone, holding his blade in your now bloodied hand.
The man smirked, narrowing his eyes at you as he started walking forward.
"Heh... you're skillful and intelligent... I'll give you that."
He lifted his bloody hand up and licked it, which confused you for a moment before you fell limp.
The sword that you once held clattered to the ground along with your body. Stain approached you slowly like a predator ready to strike.
"...it's a shame your quirk makes you bleed out naturally."
He picked up the blade and pulled out another before standing over you.
"Any last words, fake?" Stain said while placing his two blades on both sides of your neck.
"...of all the things..."
The man's nasty smile fell and he cocked his head to the left in confusion.
"What was that?"
"Of all the things to go after... you chose fakes that still did their jobs of saving lives...? You... you could have used your skills... your fighting experience to kill pedophiles... rapists... human traffickers..." you glared daggers into the now expressionless man's eyes.
"You could have taken the hero's jobs and still make a god damn statement about how unreliable fakes are... but instead you chose to target corrupt politicians, people with shitty fucking opinions over... over actual murderers." You spat out a bit of your blood as your quirk was still activated.
"There are people you could have saved that the frauds failed to do, but instead you go after a bunch of stupid kids who wear their hearts on their sleeves, one of which had his older brother sent to the damn hospital because of you." Your voice cracked as you grew both fearful and angry each second.
This man was going to kill you, you realized. He was going to kill you, and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
Everyone else was paralyzed including you.
Oh god.
You were going to die.
You never even got to save anyone and become a hero.
Fresh blood and tears trailed down your cheeks more and more, staining your (h/c) hair.
The man still stared down at you with no emotions on his face. His smile was long gone, replaced with a slight frown.
Just then, a flash of green knocked the man away from you, which caused one of the blades to leave a shallow cut into your neck.
You couldn't move your head, only your eyes and mouth, but you knew who it was.
The greenette held up against the man while the rest of you laid there paralyzed.
Soon, the ingenium kid, Iida, got back control over his body and joined the battle.
You were paralyzed both physically and mentally.
You almost died. You were about to be decapitated.
You were still in danger, after all, he isn't in cuffs yet.
But you were staring your death in the eyes.
In all of your 16 years of life, you had never been faced with something as severe as your own death.
You seen death before, you do visit the hospital and you have gotten to meet patients with terminal Illnesses.
But never have you battled your own death.
Is this what helplessness is like?
You didn't like it.
Not one bit...
You stayed laying there until someone came to pick you up.
"...No..." you croaked out, not realizing that it was the ingenium kid.
"(L/n)-san, I'm here to help." Iida said while giving you up into a piggyback ride.
"...Stain." You said, growing weaker as your quirk slowly deactivated itself.
"We took care of him..."
You could have sworn you saw tears collect in the kid's eyes.
"You all did..."
You couldn't hold onto consciousness any longer and slipped into darkness.
You woke up to the smells and sounds of a hospital, finding odd comfort in the familiar environment.
A formal voice was talking in the background followed by a woof. You didn't open your eyes but instead listened to what he was saying.
It took you a couple minutes to realize that he was talking about the legality that was the battle against Stain. A whole bunch of junk about how todoroki, Iida, and the greenette brat should be punished for initiating a fight against the villain.
"...they're the only one who was given permission by a pro hero to help keep you out of trouble and did what they were told."
It was obvious he was referring to you.
After chewing them out more in a professional way, the mutt finally told them that they have an option to pretend it was Endeavour who took out the hero killer and avoid punishment.
Although reluctant, they were forced to agree.
The police chief muttered his thanks to the kids and then left.
"...is he gone yet?" You said out loud, wincing at your dry throat and the scratchiness in your voice.
Your eyes were closed the entire time, so you didn't see the dog-headed man leave.
You heard a bit of gasping near you and some shuffling.
"You're awake!"
That annoying voice. That damn annoying voice you hate so much is talking to you.
There was a moment of silence, which made the three boys believe they were just hearing things before you spoke.
"...I believe I should give credit where credit is due..."
While you refused to open your eyes while saying this, you could still hear everything around you.
"You saved my life... Deku... and I... appreciate this second chance at life and shall cherish it..."
You could feel the shock radiating off the greenette. Tch. So obvious.
"...but don't think that for a second that I'll be picking daisies with you. I still fucking hate your guts." You said.
"Eh? How is that being appreciative???" Iida asked in a bewildered tone.
You didn't answer, which made the blue haired gentleman start making chopping motions with his broken arm before yelping when it let out a crack and pop.
Old habits die hard, aye? Iida couldn't help but try to scold Mc, which didn't work out for him since he just made his arm worse.
Looks like Mc is slowly gonna respect Izuku... until they find out about All Might being their secret dad.
And when they learn that Midoriya knew before them.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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16: Internship
What should (Y/n)'s costume look like?
Also this is gonna be a little short, just a fair warning.
A name. That was all it took to select it out of the small pile of letters you received.
You didn't select him because he was your idol, he wasn't. Not when his son hinted at the fact that he wasn't a good father.
No, you selected the letter because you were curious.
Why would he want to intern you after you beat his prodigy in front of him? And why would a man that does strict business and doesn't waste time with little things want a literal walking disaster?
...actually, he sounds like a reliable hero if you ignore the embodiment of child abuse and neglect that is Todoroki Shoto.
"It seems you are ready to take the path of the mighty, huh?"
Oh. Seems like you came in at the wrong time... but wait. You were scheduled to meet him now...
Already, you weren't very impressed with the man's lack of time management as he was clearly in the middle of something behind that door.
"I will take a path of my own." A familiar voice said.
Deciding not to waste any more time, you knocked on the door. The voices quieted down in there before a voice spoke up.
"State your business." A gruff voice said.
"I'm here for my internship." You responded.
"Come in."
You walked through the door to see Endeavour and his son, Shoto having a conversation.
"You're a minute late." Endeavour said.
"I assumed I was intruding on a conversation." You said.
The man grunted at this before gesturing Shoto to leave.
"Get ready. We will be going out." Endeavour said to the bicolored kid.
Shoto looked between you two before simply nodding and leaving. You stared toward the man, looking him straight in the eyes as he stared you back. The room was pretty dark, fancy, but dark, and the sunset didn't help much either.
"(L/n) (Y/n)..." the man addressed you.
"Endeavour sir." You addressed back.
The man frowned down at you before speaking.
"You put on quite the show at the festival... beaten my son, and then made threatening gestures to the green haired kid."
You visibly tensed at the second part but kept a straight face.
"Yes, everyone saw you making those gestures. They didn't know who it was for, but I sure did." The man approached you until he stood right in front of you.
You almost thought fire was going to touch you due to the heat.
"You proven time me that my son needed to do better, to train more... I am thankful that you were the one to force him to use his fire."
You narrowed your eyes a bit before responding.
"It wasn't Todoroki Shoto's fault that I won. He wasn't fighting All Might. He was fighting me." You said, taking Endeavour off guard from the bluntness.
"I know you want that kid to surpass the old bag that is All Might, but he isn't going to achieve anything when fighting me." You continued.
"He already proved himself when fighting Deku. That green haired kid is the shadow of All Might. I am not."
Endeavour felt a sense of deja vu, as if he witnessed something like this before. Focusing more on your eyes and voice, he slowly understood why...
"I will never be All Might. I will be better than him in every way, shape, and form."
You were just like him.
It was unnerving seeing himself talking to him, it was like he was looking into a mirror, only that mirror spoke to him.
"Is that so?" Endeavour asked.
"Yes." You confirmed, standing your ground.
The man continued staring down at you before a smirk grew on his face.
"Very well... get your hero suit. We will be heading out." Endeavour said before turning away.
You bowed and headed out the door, only to be met with Todoroki Shoto. The said boy reached behind you and closed the door, never taking his eyes off of you.
After finally shutting the door, he stared deep into your eyes. And stared. And stared.
Before kissing you- no I'm sorry, I'm kidding.
"Why are you here?" Shoto demanded suddenly.
"I was curious." You said simply.
"Curious? Of what?" Shoto asked, genuinely confused.
"As to why he would want me after I beaten you to the point of a severe concussion." You answered bluntly.
Unlike most people, who would be put off by your answer, Shoto simply nodded at this. Why argue against something true?
"Plus, he is a strict businessman. He actually gets things done and doesn't waste time." You added.
"...Although he needs to work on his time management skills."
Shoto stared at you blankly, and you stared back at him, letting neither of you read each other.
"I know he abused you." You suddenly say, this time taking Todoroki completely off guard.
"No one hates their parent that much without there being some kind of abuse involved. Also the scar is a dead give away." You said.
Shoto was stunned by your bluntness and lack of shame. Not even he could match you in the art of antisocial behavior.
"...the scar is from my mother." He corrected, not sure of what else to say.
You let out a quiet oh before continuing.
"I'm just letting you know that I'm not interning here to start something with you. None of this is personal." You explained.
"Ok." Todoroki said.
"...Besides, the man seems very petty. If I abruptly decided to quit his internship, he'd probably sue me or blacklist me."
Todoroki coughed into his fist at that and nodded.
"Yes... that would... suck."
The door behind you both opened to reveal the fiery man.
"Didn't I say to get ready? You're wasting time." The grouchy man said.
"Forgive me, father, I was asking them questions and holding them up." Shoto said in a rather unapologetic tone.
Endeavour grumbled at his tone before dismissing you both.
"Whatever, get ready. We don't have any time to waste." He said while walking past you both.
Shoto: I am the king of bluntness
(Y/n): *walks by while chewing on Jerky* I know your father beats you.
Y'all are probably losing your shet, saying "why am I being interned by the worst man in BNHA???"
Well... think about it.
He hates All Might's guts. He literally made Shoto just to surpass All Might. (Y/n) is All Might's child. The man who hates All Might is training All Might's kid.
Guys. The fucking drama that would ensue.
Endeavour doesn't know Mc is related to All Might, and he grows to like Mc and may or may even see them as his child (family drama in the Todoroki family would go brrrrr) and then he finds out that they're All Mights kid and it makes him all like "!?!?!?"
Guys. The fucking. Drama. 🍿 👀
That's all I'm gonna say.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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15: Blood Sport
Sekijiro quickly rushed towards Recovery Girl's recovery room with adrenaline rushing through his veins.
He never seen you like that. Never had he seen you go berserk on someone so harshly. Then again, it was most definitely because nobody was down there to hold you back, to remind you to redirect your fury to a villain.
But you weren't fighting a villain. You were fighting another student.
He burst through the door, expecting to see you, Todoroki and Recovery girl. Instead of just you three, there was two other people.
All Might and Endeavour.
"Sekijiro-san! What are you doing here?" All might asked.
"I came to see my student." Was all Sekijiro said.
Endeavour scowled at All Might, not even sparing Sekijiro a glance. He walked past the two men and stood next to your bed.
Most of the blood was cleaned off, but you were still covered in hints of crimson. Looking over to Todoroki, he was looking a lot better.
Recovery Girl walked between yours and Todoroki's beds and scanned you both, nodding at Todoroki's body. She turned to Endeavour and spoke in a friendly but not condescending tone.
"Your son is completely fine now, his wounds are all closed up."
"Hm." Endeavour grunted in relief.
"He did have a major concussion-"
Endeavour visibly tensed at this as well as All Might and Sekijiro.
"-but that has been fixed with the help of a donor's blood." The older woman waved off with a smile.
"A... donor?" Sekijiro muttered in surprise.
"(Y/n)..." All Might said, catching both Sekijiro's and Endeavour's attention.
"Yes... (L/n)-san here has special blood. Not only do their body reproduce blood at a fast rate, but it has regenerative properties within it." Recovery Girl explained.
Endeavour looked past the woman at your sleeping form.
Only hints of bruises and a large burn scar on your right arm, in fact, it covered your arm all the way to your shoulder. No doubt it was Recovery Girl's doing... but could it also be yours?
"Looks like he's awake! Hello there, young man!"
Endeavour snapped his head towards his own son, who was sitting up.
It was almost as though he wasn't hurt at all.
Once Shoto locked eyes with his father, he glared at the man and turned from him.
"You are looking a lot better young Todoroki!" All Might said proudly.
"Perhaps they will find themself awake soon?" Sekijiro said, referring to you, who was laying in bed.
"I'm not so sure... their blood doesn't work as well on them as it does on others." Recovery girl said.
This surprised the men a bit.
"Aizawa-san's facial fracture was completely healed due to (L/n)-san's blood. However,(L/n)-san's Blood doesn't really work that well on themselves, if at all. It's as though they're immune to the regeneration the blood provides." Recovery Girl explained.
The elderly woman walked over to you and slowly pulled the blanket over you, leaving your arms uncovered.
"I'm afraid they'll have to miss the ceremony today." She said.
You missed the reward ceremony, unfortunately.
While All Might had to leave because of the ceremony and Endeavour left because he had no more business in the clinic, Sekijiro stayed with you. Although Recovery Girl was extremely hesitant, she decided to leave due to Sekijiro's request.
"Just press that button right there in case of an emergency. I'll be sure to tell you about the ceremony after, okay?" The elderly woman said.
Sekijiro grunted and stayed in the his seat.
Within an hour or two, Recovery Girl walked back in... with Nezu and Aizawa.
Aizawa has his bandages off completely, leaving just a scar that wasn't really noticeable.
Recovery Girl excuses herself and left the three (four of you count your unconscious body) alone to discuss something.
Vlad King immediately stood up, Boeing a bit to the Chimera that was the principal.
"Principal Nezu." Was all he could say.
What was he supposed to say? He couldn't really defend you much this time, especially since you nearly beaten a kid to death long after he passed out.
Nezu raised a paw as if to say hi and chill out.
"Please, relax Vlad King! I am simply here to discuss (L/n) and your tutoring."
That did not ease the pit in Sekijiro's stomach.
"...I have failed as a teacher, Principal Nezu. This was an error on my behalf." Sekijiro quickly said with a bow in order to shift blame onto himself.
"Well I don't think that. I actually believe you both did a very good job!" Nezu smiles while referring to the two of you.
Sekijiro studied the anthropomorphic rat to see if there were any signs of him joking.
"But, Nezu, sir, they lost control."
"Yes. They did." Nezu replied before leaning in closer.
"In a battle."
As if this rat couldn't confuse Vlad King more...
"Sir, what are you saying?" He asked.
Nezu stood up straight with a wider smile.
"Todoroki and (L/n) were fighting in the first place. And although (L/n) had caused serious injuries, due to their blood and Recovery Girl, Todoroki came out completely fine, if not just a little sore." Nezu clapped his paws together and walked toward your sleeping body.
"People were quickly put at ease by Todoroki's quick recovery... though there is still some skepticism."
Nezu turned back to Sekijiro with an expression that told him he means business.
"While (L/n) was permitted to fight in the sports festival, it still brings some concerns to me." Nezu said.
"Although the reports from you say that they are improving significantly, they still lost control during the battle. Luckily for them, it was a battle, which helps to bring less suspicion to onlookers."
"So... what is it that you want me to do." Sekijiro asked.
"Not just you. Both you and Aizawa." Nezu held a paw out towards the scruffy teacher.
"For the most part, you have been handling (L/n)-san on your own. But with Aizawa, not only will you be able to deactivate their quirk immediately when it gets out of hand, but you'll also have another mind with different ways of teaching them!" Nezu said before his watch went off.
"Oh goodness! Would you look at that! Time for tea!" Nezu exclaimed happily.
"Principal Nezu, Wait-"
But he was already gone.
Aizawa silently stood next to your bed before sighing.
"...how troublesome..."
Sekijiro looked at Aizawa, then back down at you.
"I'm sorry you were wrapped into this." He said in a tired tone.
"I wasn't forced into this, I was the one to propose the idea." Aizawa said, surprising the large pro hero.
"You... want to-"
"Yes, I want to help this kid."
Aizawa walked around the bed to stand next to Sekijiro.
"The kid took down one of my best students, Sekijiro. But they aren't just a meathead like All Might or Endeavour, they have strategy. The only thing that clouds their judgement is their quirk."
The scruffy teacher brought out his phone, texting someone before continuing.
"They may not be my student, but they are a future worth protecting. Otherwise you wouldn't be there for them, would you?" Aizawa stopped and turned to the larger man.
"I guess." Sekijiro said simply.
The two men sat in silence, waiting for you to wake up or for Recovery Girl to return.
The door handle twisted and opened to reveal a couple students from 1B.
"Yo, (L/n)! We're here to-" Tetsutetsu said out loud before he was interrupted by a hand slapping over his mouth.
Kendo apologized to the two teachers and tried dragging Tetsutetsu out, only for Pony to slip past her and wrap her arms around you.
"Pony, no!" Kendo helped out in concern.
Your arm twitched before slowly wrapping around the horned girl's torso. Your eyes were still shut but you were becoming conscious.
"...what are you doing, stupid?" You muttered groggily, unaware of what was happening around you.
Monoma came up to the bed and crossed his arms while looking down at you.
"Damn, you look like shit-" Monoma said before earning a chop from Kendo.
"No swearing, Monoma-san." Sekijiro scolded.
"Only 20!?"
"Seriously? 20?"
"Wait, (L/n) has what now???"
To say the class was disappointed was an understatement. You had less internship offers than Tetsutetsu, and that sorta made the class a little more than exasperated.
"But, they got into 2nd place in the sports festival. In all 3 challenges. They carried class 1B to the finals- why do they have only 20 offers?" Rin asked.
"That's a load of bullshit!" Tetsutetsu yelled.
"Language please." Sekijiro sighed.
While everyone was ranting in some way, you were staring at your clenched hands. You weren't really having a great time today after people on the streets started avoiding you like the plague, which meant you couldn't pet any dogs. This also meant fearful glances from people... but the dogs are more important.
There was also the fact that you weren't getting many offers from heroes... but at least you got some... right?
"Maybe it's because they were too scary for most of heroes watching?" Tokage suggested bluntly with shrugged shoulders.
Everyone's mood slightly dampened at this until the silver haired girl, Reiko, spoke.
"...Maybe they just can't handle (Y/n)'s awesomeness." She said in a blunt, emotionless way.
Immediately, the class started smiling and chuckling.
"Yeah, they're leagues beyond heroes like some chick in a pink Ugandan knuckles costume." Kurorio said with a cheeky grin.
"Yeah, or some other trash-tier hero who's full of himself." Kosei added.
"(L/n) is too cool! So cool, in fact, they give penguins a brain freeze!!!" Tetsutetsu said enthusiastically.
You were taken out of your thoughts and stared at Tetsutetsu as if he was stupid.
Soon, your classmates started making stupid jokes, which brought you back to your usual self.
"...I'm surrounded by idiots." You said out loud as the compliments kept being thrown at you.
"Yeah but we're your idiots." Kosei smirked.
Immediately, you flushed red and told the boy to shut up and go to hell, earning a couple laughs from the guy.
"Alright, that's enough." Sekijiro said, finally done with the banter.
Your classmates settled down as the large man stood up from his own desk and let in a familiar woman with BDSM gear and stuff.
"You will be creating your own hero names. Whatever you put will be the alias you use for your internships, however, Midnight here will be the one to decide whether or not the name you choose is acceptable." Sekijiro passed out boards where you would sign your hero name.
One by one, your classmates signed the names they chose, some having to redo them due to Midnight rejecting the ridiculous names.
You were the last one with a still blank board and the only one with a marker hovering over the board.
There was no way you were going for crimson riot, though It probably would have fit you if it wasn't already in use. You weren't going for something stupid, but nothing downright edgy. You wanted a good name, not some label for a clown.
Unknown to you, the class was waiting on you, some even becoming impatient.
"Dude! Do blood god!" Kosei whispered/yelled to you.
You looked up from your board and narrowed your eyes at the teen.
"The hell? No." You hissed back.
"Yeah, do it!" Kurorio said.
A couple desks away from you, the manga kid kid with the speech bubble for a head, Manga, had the words 'blood for our blood god' written on his face.
"Blood god." Tetsutetsu started.
"Blood god."
"Blood god."
Soon, the whole class started chanting. Your teacher and Midnight didn't even tell the kids to shut up, instead they just watched in amusement as they repeated the words over and over again.
A vein popped out of your neck as you forced the irritation down before scribbling your hero name down with incredible force.
You stalked up to the front with the board slammed it onto the chalkboard, somehow having it stick there.
"There, are you happy!?" You yelled to the class.
Your classmates were silent. And so was your teacher. Midnight looked at the paper before licking her lips seductively and smiling an approving smile.
"I'll accept that."
The class soon broke into cheers, papers being strewn across the floor as Kurorio, Kosei, and Juzo jumped from their seats and hugged each other, jumping up and down while Tetsutetsu cried tears of joy.
The girls and the sensible boys looked on unimpressed or in shock.
You were in awe... at how idiotic this class was. You almost wished Nezu kicked you out of UA. Almost.
Aizawa stopped mid sentence during his teachings and listened along with the rest of his class.
"...Blood god... Blood god... blood god..."
His eye twitched in disbelief and annoyance.
His students looked at each other in confusion, some whispering while others tried their best to ignore it.
The chanting stopped when something banged against the wall and an angry voice said something loudly.
After a couple seconds of quiet, Aizawa muttered something under his breathe loud enough for the students at front to hear.
"...what the hell are they doing..."
All of the sudden, there was cheering.
Cheers of joy, people shifting around and out of their seats next door.
"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!" A voice exclaimed before the chanting became loud again.
"Blood god, blood god, blood god, blood god-"
"Dicks out for the blood- AHHHHHHH!!!!" Someone screamed.
Aizawa turned towards his door, muttering something under his breathe and walking towards the door.
"Stay here, I'll be right back." Aizawa said and disappeared out the door, leaving the class bewildered, amused, and kinda scared.
Y'all must be wondering who (L/n) is gonna intern with... lets just say a mass majority of you aren't gonna like it.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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14: promises kept
You're gonna take Ibara's place in Tetsutetsu's team during the cavalry battle.
Sorry plant queen, I love you! Please forgive me!
For the cavalry battle, you forced your team to avoid Deku's team, which held the 10 million points. You focused on collecting points off of others despite your team's complaints.
Of course, you immediately shut those complaints down with a simple glare. Juzo and Awase didn't even fight you, Tetsutetsu did, that is, until you gave him the most frightening look ever.
You four got more than enough points to head into the finals, just at second place behind Todoroki's team. Midoriya's was below your rank, which dimmed the fire inside, but only for a moment.
Only for a moment.
"Shit! You were right about avoiding the 10 million points!" Awase said once seeing Todoroki and his abilities.
"We still coulda got it..." Tetsutetsu said.
"We're not here to worry about silly games, Tetsutetsu, we got into the finals, which means we have a chance to get into first place." You said while staring down the greenette.
"You've been glaring at that guy for a while."
You snapped out of it and turned to look at Tetsutetsu.
"I thought that Bakugou guy was your arch nemesis or something, but you've been completely focused on the green haired guy."
"It's none of your business, Tetsu." You muttered.
Tetsutetsu shrugged but still stood beside you, watching the greenette as well.
'I wonder what he's done to get all of (Y/n)'s attention...' he thought as the greenette was speaking with his friend group.
You turned to glare at whoever came up to you. Monoma appeared before you and gripped your shoulders with wild looking eyes.
"You better win this for me- for us." He said in an intense manner.
"Yeah yeah, Monoma, we got this!" Tetsutetsu said while flexing his muscular arm.
You looked on in disinterest and then turned your attention back to Deku. He was approaching you. He was walking right towards you with his eyes locked onto yours. You soon started approaching him and his determined eyes slowly showed hints of fear.
You kept approaching, even as he stopped in his place.
You kept approaching... until Todoroki approached him.
You stopped with a frown and watched as the two teens walked away to somewhere.
They weren't friends. You could tell. It seems like Deku has more than one enemy, and you weren't about to let the Todoroki get in your way.
You silently followed the two, ready to confront them, or Deku, yourself before Todoroki started talking.
While you weren't able to have a chat with the greenette, you did learn a few interesting things about Todoroki's father...
Being respectful though, you didn't eavesdrop beyond him mentioning quirk marriages.
You could connect the dots on your own...
You left them alone, but not before passing Bakugou. You didn't realize he was listening as well, but you didn't say anything but lock eyes.
"So you're the kid Kirishima keeps talking about." The lightening bolt teen said.
You didn't reply and instead got into a fighting position, ignoring the background noise that was the crowd cheering. The blonde raised an eyebrow and smirked at this.
"So quiet! Kirishima said you were super manly and intimidating." He said as a spark of electricity flashed from his shoulder.
"Let's see how manly you can be!" He yelled as he launched himself forward.
It wasn't really much of a fight. Nobody could even call it a fight.
You were swift in defeating the teen, Kaminari you believe.
The electric shock you received did hurt, but it left no burns or wounds behind.
In fact, the only thing that was left on you were crimson sparks. Even as his unconscious body was taken off the field, you were still sparking.
It was the same way when fighting the kid with engines on his calves.
He was more challenging then the blonde you Pimp smacked, but then again, that's a very low bar to pass in your opinion.
Entering the stands where your class was, you were immediately met with cheers.
"You were so freaking cool out there!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed.
"I'm glad I'm not going against them..." Juzo muttered, earning a couple nods of agreement from Togaru and Kuroiro.
"Hey, (L/n)-san! You're still sparking!" Kendo pointed out.
You looked at your shoulder to see sparks of crimson electricity. Blood was slowly sleeping through your uniform, which also caught the class's attention.
"Hey, you're still bleeding..." Reiko said.
"Yeah. I am." You said while grabbing a bottle of water from a vending machine.
"Wait, how are you still bleeding? You shouldn't be unless your quirk is still activated." Sen said.
You didn't respond, opting to chug on the water you have.
"(L/n)... your quirk is still activated!?" Kendo said in surprise.
Still nothing from you.
"You realize how dangerous that is!? What if you lose control!?"
You emptied the rest of the bottle into your mouth and crushed it then turned to Kendo and the rest.
"I trained with Sekijiro-sensei long enough. I can take better control now." You finally answered.
"Okay, but why do you need to keep your quirk activated?" Jurota asked in a skeptical tone while crossing his arms.
"If I deactivate it now, I'll be too tired to continue." You said.
Before anyone could respond, the speaker shouted something that made your blood run cold.
"Midoriya is out of bounds! Todoroki wins this round!!!!"
You shot up from your seat and leaned against the railing.
There he was, laying on the ground. Like a little bitch.
'This is his predecessor...? This is who I'm supposed to prove myself against???' Your grip on the railing was crushing.
'I didn't even get to pummel him to the ground... that scarred bastard did it.'
You didn't turn to your classmates, still stuck in your thoughts.
'If I can't fight Deku...'
'...Then I'll just settle for Todoroki.' You grinned maliciously.
It was no secret that your quirk was starting to take a toll on you...
"And here we have TODOROKI SHOTO vs. (L/N) (Y/N)!!!"
The fight began with a shot of ice aiming for you.
It was too quick to dodge, but you were able to break it into pieces.
Todoroki kept using his right side, his ice, but never his fire. You were quick to notice this.
What? Were you not good enough to use his full power on? He used it on Deku. Why not you???
"No way!!! Despite being covered in blood, (L/n) is somehow overwhelming Todoroki!"
Oh hell no.
He's not going to treat you as less. You are BETTER than him. BETTER THAN DEKU.
Does he think he can just use half of his power!?
You stood tall, skin and hair covered in red. Todoroki halted momentarily upon seeing you stand still.
"I ain't your fucking father, Todoroki..."
Todoroki grunted in surprise with wide eyes.
How did you...
"...You aren't fighting Endeavour." You pounded your chest with a bloody fist before yelling at the bicolored boy again.
"My name is (L/n) MOTHERFUCKING (Y/N)! And I will beat the shit out of you for thinking you could be a hero by half-assing shit."
The crowd around you seemed to quiet down a bit, including Present Mic, who was usually yelling something random.
You crouched down and readied yourself to pounce at Todoroki.
"So if you want to at least impress somebody, GIVE ME YOUR ALL!!!!" You exclaimed and ran at Todoroki with the speed of a raging bull.
And he did just that.
Despite being unable to feel most of the pain due to the adrenaline high you were having, you could feel the heat and smell the vapor of blood and flesh from the bright orange and yellow fire that grazed your right arm. You still rushed at the teen and reared your fist back to punch him.
The boy was stunned by the force of the punch as well as the blood that was left behind. Either his or your blood, he didn't know.
Your right fist, covered in charred flesh, still pumped blood out to replace the old vaporized blood, creating a rather grotesque sight.
Despite this, you used both fists to pummel the student from class 1A. He didn't get time to recover and soon his face was bruised and swollen.
He fell to his knees, holding out his right hand and freezing your left side.
"Oh god..." All Might said breathlessly while the heroes next to him stood up. People began to freak out over the sight before you and him. Paramedics were rushing to the scene and heroes were just about ready to leap down there. Endeavour was also watching in shock at his prodigy getting beaten to the ground and his fire slowly dimmed.
Up in the microphone room, Present Mic was staring down in horror at the two students on the bloody field along side with Eraserhead.
Todoroki wasn't looking too well... but you were worse.
Despite feeling like you could run across the world, you were bleeding heavily, burnt, and frozen to the point of getting frostbite.
"Oh my god! Somebody stop them!"
"They're gonna kill him-"
"What... what is this...!?"
You started walking over to Todoroki's collapsed form, your body sparking with red electricity, and gripped his uniform with your burnt, crispy looking arm and pulled him towards the edge, where the paramedics and heroes stopped at once seeing you move.
"(L-L-L-L/n) is still moving!!!" Mic's voice echoed throughout the stadium, causing chaos throughout the crowd.
In the stands, class 1A was half silent, half loud. The grape kid, Kirishima was freaking out along with a few other students. Mineta threw up in a trash can, Shoji couldn't look away but was stuck staring at the scene, Iida was also frozen in his seat, unable to look away.
"There's no way..." Midoriya wheezed out.
Even Bakugou seemed disturbed by the bloodshed that occurred in front of him.
Class 1A could hear 1B freaking out nearby. Kendo was practically shrieking for you to let Todoroki go, not just for his wellbeing, but for yours as well. Monoma would have cheered you on if it weren't for the fact that you looked like you could die any second with the wounds you attained.
You stopped at the edge of the concrete and chucked Todoroki over the side, having him land on the dirt with a sickening 'thud'.
"T-Todoroki Shoto is OUT!!!!" Present Mic shrieked into the microphone.
People cheered as well as shrieked, but that wasn't your concern. You didn't care about the paramedics rushing towards you and Todoroki.
You were focused on the green eyes of that Midoriya brat. You pointed over to him, letting him know you were looking right at him before a sadistic smile came over your face and you swiped your finger over your neck in a slit-throat motion, blood dripping from your blackened skin.
And then you collapsed.
"Everyone, please stand by-" a female voice said over the shrieking.
Your vision and your sight faded in and out before finally settling in the darkness and silence.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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13: Sports Festival
Oooohhh boy! It’s about time!!!!
Aizawa fell silent after the biggest fucking reveal since leaning All Might’s secret identity.
The said man rubbed the back of his head while looking down with a guilty look.
“...I’m the biological father of (L/n) (Y/n).”
The room was still silent until Aizawa stood up from the teacher’s lounge chair with a narrowed eyes.
“...do they know you are their father.” Aizawa demanded.
“Well... you see... no.” Toshinori admitted.
Aizawa’s tired eye twitched as his scowl grew more.
“So... you decided to tell me... before you told your own child???”
‘And Midoriya...’ All Might thought.
He could remember it like it was yesterday... because it was. Midoriya was shocked to say the least, even more so when he learned that you didn’t know.
“You’re (L/n)-san’s father... and you never told them...!?” Midoriya said that night.
“Are you kidding me, Yagi?”
All Might felt a shiver run up his spine as Aizawa glared daggers into him, more than he has ever before.
“You have a kid, yet you never told them of your identity???”
“It’s for their own protection.” All Might said.
Aizawa placed his hand on his forehead and pushed his tangled, long black hair back, processing everything he was told.
“I understand if you wanted to hide your relation with them from the world since villains would love to eat that shit up, but you never told them!?” Aizawa spat All Might’s logic back at him.
“You instead told me. Someone who isn’t family, nor related to this family drama of yours- oh my god.” Aizawa turned from the blonde, trying not to strangle him.
“Aizawa, listen-“ but before All Might could finish, Aizawa whipped back around with eyes redder than hell itself.
“There is no relationship between you two. Nothing. I have more chemistry with them than you, and I only met them in person for a few hours total.”
“I know...” Yagi said in a defeated tone.
“Hell. You have more of a relationship with Midoriya than you do with YOUR OWN CHILD.”
Yagi flinched at this. Aizawa was right, and there was no arguing against the scruffy man.
“You realize that by the time you tell them, they will hate you for the rest of their life.”
The tall man covered his face with his hands as he slouched over in his seat.
Aizawa’s red eyes dimmed a bit before closing them.
“It isn’t my place to tell you how to go about this, nor is it my place to tell them. But they will need to know.” Aizawa walked towards the door.
“Don’t you dare wait until your death.” Aizawa said.
And with that, he left.
What else was he supposed to say? In that moment, his mind was fogged up by the information dumped on him.
Today was the sports festival, the day where you would finally prove to him, to All Might, that his predecessor was a mistake.
Entering the field, you were met with a cheering crowd.
“And here we have Class 1B from the hero course!”
“Damn 1A, getting all the spotlight!” Monoma said through gritted teeth.
It was no secret that class 1A was favored over everyone else. Hell, the loud man, Present Mic, didn’t even mention the other classes with the exception of your class (though your introduction was nothing in comparison to 1A).
You didn’t blame class 1A, more so the pro heroes.
“Tch. They could have at least hid their blatant favoritism.” You muttered, earning some nods and sounds of agreement.
“What is he saying? He’s talking too fast.” Pony asked.
“He says class 1B is filled with capable students.” You lied.
The girl’s face lit up and she bounced with each step.
“Really? Thats really nice!” She exclaimed.
“Ahem-softy...” Kosei smirked.
Your head snapped to him, letting out a loud crack. He no longer spoke and chose to stare forward with sweat forming on his face.
You all finally stood in front of the stadium where a woman stood. She was... wearing something, though you could barely call it clothes.
“Yo, check out the assets on her!” A student with grapes for hair said to his blonde companion with a lightening bolt.
Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance as the two chuckled before the woman whipped her whip thing.
“Representing the students- BAKUGOU KATSUKI FROM CLASS 1A!”
Everyone turned to the blonde, who had his hands buried in his pockets. As the teen walked forward, the woman opened her mouth as if to say something.
And she did.
“And- (L/N) (Y/N) FROM CLASS 1B!”
You did not sign up for this.
Shock was evident on your face but slowly faded away. The same could not be said for your class, however. You could feel the pride radiate off of Monoma as you walked past him to the stage.
Once standing in front of a second microphone that was magically there, you looked down at your classmates to see Kendo giving you a thumbs up, Tetsutetsu pumping his fist up with a wide smile, and pony silently clapping in excitement. Everyone else in your class looked on in approval, which made you feel funny on the inside.
“I pledge...” the blonde began, locking eyes with you for a second before a smile grew on his face.
“...that I’ll be number 1.”
Cue the uproar. Students left and right yelled at the guy. Everyone was pissed.
Everyone except you.
You weren’t angry. No. You were... you were laughing.
Every single class quieted down when hearing loud, boisterous laughs coming from you. Your head was thrown back while your shoulders bounced up and down.
It was as if you were... a second All Might.
You immediately stopped and turned to look at Bakugou with a dangerous grin.
“You better not disappoint us then, Bakugou-san.” You said into the microphone.
“I want a good fight.”
Bakugou smirked at you, determination and sadism flashing in his eye.
“I’ll give you one...” he sneered.
‘They’re twins!’ Class 1A and class 1B thought in unison.
“Alright you two! Save it for the battle field.” Midnight said with amusement in her voice.
“...damn...” was all Toshinori could say.
In some ways, you were like him.
Watching you laugh his laugh... the similarities between some of your characteristics and his were beyond uncanny, especially since you are... more aggressive?
“I want a good fight.” Your voice echoed across the field, sending chills up and down his spine (and no doubt others)
Definitely more aggressive.
A race.
You were being pitted against each other... in a race.
You weren’t afraid to admit your disappointment in the wheel of fortune. But now isn’t the time.
You watched the students in front of you block the tunnel and chose to parkour the fuck out of the tunnel.
You hopped wall to wall over the heads of the students, leaving large cracks in the tunnel. You exited the tunnel before a bicolored boy shot out, leaving the entrance covered in ice.
Shouts of surprise were directed towards you and... that kid with the scar. The sled along side you, glancing at your form before focusing back on the race. The ice was creeping up quickly from behind you, almost touching your heels.
It was clear that he would freeze you if you slowed down even just a little. But there was one thing he didn’t have... your speed and strength.
You began outrunning Todoroki with ease, blood trailing and flying from your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth and onto his shirt and ice.
“Targets found... lots!” A robotic voice said.
Without warning, you shot up and barreled through the robot that appeared out of nowhere, tearing its head off. You continued on, swiftly dodging metallic limbs and tearing through any you couldn’t dodge.
“HOLY COW! Class 1B’s (L/n) (Y/n) is taking the lead while showing no mercy!!! They’re leaving chunks of metal in the path of the others!” Mic’s voice could be heard echoing through the arena.
“And LOOK AT THAT! Todoroki Shoto from class 1A made the area completely frozen over, keeping the rest from passing! How brutal!”
You turned your head to see Shoto following not far behind. He stared toward you with intent and pushed himself harder.
You kept this pace, staying in first place as Bakugou caught up to Todoroki.
You even created more and more distance between the three of you, using the minefield to deter them from speeding up.
A blast of light flashed behind you along with the screams of Present Mic before a body shot  past you.
You stopped in your tracks, unable to understand and comprehend what just happened... until you saw a mop of green hair.
Like a bull to the color red- or in your case, green, you charged the boy with gritted teeth.
Were you going to run past him or were you going to beat him once you caught up... that is up to you, dear reader...
The teen drew closer to the finish line, which fueled your rage and encouraged you to run faster.
Unfortunately, it was all in vain, as the greenette passed the finish before you. You shot past him after and dug the heels of your shoes into the dirt to stop you, leaving a trail dug behind you.
You panted, spitting blood and wiping the extra crimson liquid from your mouth.
“Oooooohhhhh! So close! Midoriya came in at number 1, making (L/n) come in at 2nd!”
You snapped your head back at a tired looking Midoriya, who went from tired to alert in a matter of seconds.
You were burning holes into the poor kid with your blood shot eyes. The said teen stood frozen, even as Todoroki and Bakugou passed him.
Not even Bakugou’s murderous aura could take Midoriya’s attention away from you.
Despite the crowd cheering loudly, it felt silent to Midoriya.
Up in the stands with the other heroes, All Might was watching all of this unfold.
If your dislike for Midoriya was not clear before, it was definitely clear now.
Even as the other students caught up to you and filled the field, you continued glaring at the greenette.
Shit’s gonna get gooooooood...
Just you wait.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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12: a promise.
Coming across dogs in the park was nothing new to you. You enjoyed the little things like petting dogs of all different sizes and shapes.
What was a little different was the fact that this dog in particular was alone.
The bulldog had a collar, but no leash.
At first, you assumed that it was one of those dogs that was well behaved enough to not need a leash, but after having it follow you around and seeing no sign of the owner, you had a feeling that the dog might have been lost.
You dropped your groceries to the ground and sat on one knee, beckoning the dog to come over to you.
The dog scampered over to you and sat down, letting out heavy puffs of air.
You lifted a finger and held the tag up for you to see its- or his name.
“Tank.” You said and turned the tag.
Once seeing the phone number, you immediately brought out your phone and tapped the numbers onto it.
As the phone rang, the bulldog next to you let out a loud fart, causing you to stare down at the dog.
“...better out than in.” You said.
You almost jumped at the tired, gruff voice that spoke into your ear.
“Uh...” you said.
“Whoever this is, I think you have the wrong number.” The voice said.
“No, wait, I have your dog.” You interrupted.
“What.” The voice said before the sound of shuffling sounded in the background, than stomping.
After a minute of the sounds, you heard the man curse under his breathe.
“May I know where you are right now.” He asked/demanded.
“We’re in musu park.” You said as the dog next to you laid against your leg.
The man immediately hung up, leaving you in the silence. You turned to look at the dog, to which the bulky dog looked up with his tongue hanging out.
It had been over 30 minutes since then, and you were sure the cold stuff in your bags were growing warm, some of them melting.
A couple girls walked by, giggling and looking at you and the dog with blushes on their faces.
You watched the girls walk past you without turning your head, boredom clear as day on your face before looking back down at the dog.
“Look at you, getting the attention of girls.” You said to the dog, to which he let out a groan.
You almost couldn’t hear the stomps of someone heading your way. Almost.
Well, if you didn’t notice the large man before, you definitely noticed him now.
Your eyes widened in recognition when seeing your teacher approach you two.
“(L/n)?” Sekijiro exclaimed in surprise.
“Sekijiro-sensei.” You responded.
The man hesitated before bending down and picking up the dog, who groaned at suddenly being lifted.
“I did not know you would be here... my apologies for my dog.” Sekijiro said while bowing a bit.
“He wasn’t any trouble...” you said.
Awkward silence ensued.
“Well... I must-“ Sekijiro spoke, only to be interrupted.
“I didn’t know you had a dog, sir.” You said, eyes trained on the bulldog being held like a toddler.
“...sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.” You said.
‘...does this kid like dogs?’ Was what Sekijiro thought before smiling down at you.
“It’s no problem. Yeah, I’m a big dog person.” He said and readjusted the bulky dog.
“Would you like to pet him?” Sekijiro asked.
Your eyes lit up, but only for a moment, before you nodded.
Oh yeah, you were a dog person.
The dog licked its droopy muzzle as you pat his wrinkled head.
“Do you have a dog yourself?” Sekijiro asked, only to receive a frown.
“No... I wish I did though...” you brought your hand away from the dog, which let out a groan/whine.
You looked down at the groceries as if remembering that you bought them and quickly picked them up.
“Maybe when I finally move out, I can get one... if I ever do, that is.” You said and began walking down the direction.
“Huh, what does that mean?” Sekijiro said while walking next to you holding his bulldog.
“It’s nothing, forget i said anything.” You said immediately.
Sekijiro frown in concern but decided to drop it.
“So... where are you headed?” He asked.
“Home.” Was what you said.
“Oh right, you have groceries...” Sekijiro laughed uncomfortably.
More awkward silence. Minus the rugged panting of the bulldog.
“I’m guessing you’re heading home too, huh?” You tried breaking the awkward silence. It was hard, especially since this was your teacher.
Nobody wants to see their teachers outside of school.
“Yeah, today is my day off, which is rare. Also gotta get this big boy home.” The buff man said before baby talking his short but stocky dog.
You let a rare smile slip onto your face before hiding it with a cold, empty look staring forward. Sekijiro smirked at you, giving you a cheeky side glance.
“I saw that.” He said.
Your face turned red and you quickly turned away, unintentionally puffing out your cheeks.
“Saw what? I don’t know what your talking about, sir.” You dismissed, only turning more red when the man laughed.
The dog groaned in his arms before farting, making the man gag and hold his dog away from him.
“Serves you right.” You said.
“Serves me right? All I did was see you smiling-“
“Sir, if I may be allowed to tell you to shut up?”
“Permission not granted- god, Tank, did you eat something off the streets???” Sekijiro grunted, crinkling his nose at the dog and his smelly butt gas.
You hid a smile better than the last one, but you were still caught by the older man, who proceeded to tease you.
That day, not only did you learn that your teacher had a dog named Tank, but he also lived in the house next to yours... which was a shock... but it is what it is.
“Oh, hello! I almost didn’t see you there for a second!” A familiar voice said.
You looked up to see who you almost crashed into, only to see All Might... but deflated. You just got back late from PE after showering the blood from your body. Your hair was slicked back, only 50 percent dry and still damp.
“...hm.” You let out in disinterest.
The man smiled nervously, not knowing what to say. What can he say? The truth?
...actually, yeah.
Yes, he should. You deserve to know.
Toshinori breathed in through his nose before exhaling.
“(L/n)... I have something to tell you... it’s important... and I want you to-“ but then he stopped.
You stared him straight in the eye, waiting for him to continue.
No no no no... not like this...
He will tell you... just not right now, in the middle of a hallway in UA...
He wasn’t even sure you knew about all of his secrets, if he told you everything right now, you would be beyond overwhelmed. Beyond furious.
Toshinori cleared his throat, forcing down the blood and bile that threatened to shoot out of his ‘stomach’.
“Sorry, nevermind...” was all he said.
Damn he just wasn’t good at this, was he?
As Toshinori brushed passed you, your eyes followed...
“All Might...”
All Might paused at your voice, hesitating, before turning around to look at you.
“Huh...?” Was all he said.
“Has that boy, Midoriya or some shit, ever trained before he met you?” You asked.
All Might stared down at your back in surprise and didn’t say anything, allowing you to continue.
“Did he ever struggle for much? If so, then why is he the way that he is?”
“I don’t... understand...” Toshinori said.
“I’ve worked day and night to get here from the age of 5. I lost my social life because of my damn quirk. And I had no help with my training and future, yet that brat was given the opportunity of a life time and major support on a silver platter.” You hissed our the last part.
“(L/n)-san... did you want to inherit my quirk...?” Yagi asked hesitantly.
You turned to face the man, and as you locked eyes with him, they grew harsher, angry. your teeth were bared and appeared to grind against each other harshly.
How fucking dare he asked such a question after everything you’ve been through!
“No, I don’t want your stupid fucking quirk! I already have a quirk just like yours, I don’t need to be more like you!” You snapped.
The volume of your voice took All Might by surprise, especially what you said. No doubt someone heard you shout...
“I’ve been reminded time and time again that I’m an All Might wannabe, that my quirk is a knock off! So no, I don’t want nor need your stupid quirk!”
You paused for a moment or two before continuing.
“The problem is that you could have chose anyone else. Anyone that wasn’t so fucking gullible. Did you choose him because he didn’t have a quirk? There are others without quirks! Others that struggled for less and came out better than him! More realistic!” You threw your hands up.
“You chose a kid that struggled but never changed! You chose someone who didn’t learn shit from anything! What’s the fucking point of someone if they can’t grow the fuck up and learn??? He can’t even handle being called names or any form of degradation! I’ve seen how he was when he trained with you! The only thing that even changed was his arms and legs, and that’s it!”
“You wanna know what I did when I was called a villain, a monster, a mistake??? I didn’t piss myself crying, I used that to fuel the very thing people feared. I became a fucking god amongst sheep, amongst people who wouldn’t amount to anything!” A crooked smile grew on your face as you spread your arms out as if to say ‘look at me’.
All Might fought the urge to take a step back and held his tongue. You let your arms fall to your side and the smile fall from your face.
“Here’s what I’m gonna do... when the sports festival arrive, I will fuck that successor of yours up.”
You stuck your hands in your pockets while staring directly into All Might’s soul.
“I'm going to show you that I am nothing like you.” You spotted something green peeking out from behind a wall down the hallway from the corner of your eye but kept talking.
“And I'm not going to be in that brat's shadow anymore, I promise that.” You finished before brushing past the tall man.
You could see the bush of green hair disappear behind a wall as you approached it, but decided not to bother yourself over it.
You knew who it was. The shithead was terrible at eavesdropping...
Whatever, he can eavesdrop all he wants.
It won’t stop you from pummeling him to the ground.
Yay! We get more Sekijiro daddy time and we meet his bulldog!
You can kinda see near the end of Mc’s rant, they kinda start losing it a bit, calling themself a god and all that.
That is partially due to their quirk unconsciously activating halfway through their rant.
Something to know about their quirk is how quickly they go ‘beast mode’ depends on their mood before activating their quirk.
If Mc is furious, ‘beast mode’ would start activating almost immediately, making Mc more delusional and outright impulsive.
‘Beast mode’ will make Mc do things that they would never do otherwise, and say things threatening.
Soooo anyways...
We finally getting to sports festivals!!!!
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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11: redirection
Mc: *hates Deku’s guts*
Readers: “that’s not very cash money of you*
All Might *reveals to be their biological father while acting as a father figure towards Midoriya but doesn’t tell Mc the truth*
Readers: “I never liked those bastards anyways✌️”
So anyways, this chap is pretty short... buuuut you get bonding time with blood daddy!
You growled in response, wanting nothing more than to tear your teacher’s arms off.
“Control.” Sekijiro repeated.
You took a step closer, seeing nothing but a threat and a target.
“(L/n). Control.” Sekijiro stood his ground, feeling a slight wave of disappointment due to you obviously losing against your quirk and instinct but still held hope.
You were fighting against it. That meant you had potential to take complete control over your power.
You punched the side of a metal bar in anger, causing all of the monkey bars to collapse.
You suddenly shot forward and tackled Sekijiro, who stood firm and held onto you tightly as you struggled in his grip.
Your teeth were found sinking into his bicep, causing the man to groan.
“Damn it... c’mon (L/n)!” He hissed before you grew limp in his arms.
“You’re going about this wrong, Sekijiro.”
The man laid you gently onto the ground and turned to glare at Aizawa.
“Oh? You think I don’t know that?” Sekijiro snapped before exhaling.
“Sorry, I lost a bit of my temper.”
The large man rubbed his forehead and instantly regretted it as he got his hands coated in your blood.
“The problem is, is that you’re telling them to force their anger down. This isn’t like your own anger issues, this is a quirk that makes its user high on adrenaline and raw anger.” Aizawa said while approaching the two.
“This is something rooted within their quirk and blood. Trying to tell them to control their anger is like trying to force a raging river to flow the opposite way.”
Sekijiro continued to stare down at your exhausted face as he processed this.
How could he be so stupid? Of course this wasn’t just something simple like the typical anger issues.
He sighed and proceeded to pick you up by the ankles and held you upside down.
Aizawa furrowed his eyebrows, wondering what his major malfunction was before blood left your mouth like a waterfall. Sekijiro could see the bewilderment on Aizawa’s face and almost laughed.
“Their lungs get filled with blood when they use their quirk for too long. It’s normal for them.” He said with a reassuring smile.
Aizawa’s face shifted to a disturbed look.
“This kid...” he muttered before sighing.
“Take them to recovery girl, and figure out a way for them to train without involving me using my quirk.” Aizawa said and walked back inside.
Sekijiro picked you up correctly and walked towards the building with a thoughtful look on his face.
“Something else, Huh... this is gonna be complicated...” he muttered to himself.
“I need you to do something different.” Sekijiro said.
“Huh?” You let out, genuinely confused.
You were back again for one on one training with your teacher. You thought you were improving a bit... but you guessed not.
“Isn’t this the only way to control my quirk? What else is there?” You asked.
“Instead of pushing this anger down, I want you to find a way to redirect your anger. I want you to prioritize defeating the enemy, hence the dummies.” Sekijiro said while gesturing to the figures with silly mad faces crudely dream on them.
You cocked your eyebrow at the ridiculous looking dummies and looked back at your teacher.
“...they’re dummies I use to train myself...” Sekijiro smiled in embarrassment.
“Let’s forget about that and focus on training, yes?” He suggested.
You shrugged this off, getting pumped (with adrenaline-) about training.
It took a bit, but you were slowly reaching your ‘rage stage’. You were growing more erratic and aggressive with your attacks on the dummies, even grabbing one by the arm and chucking it at another with ease.
“Repeat to yourself ‘they are the enemy’. Remember that I’m a civilian. No one else but the dummies are the enemy.” Sekijiro said.
He was slowly growing nervous just watching you tear the dummies apart without mercy.
‘We’re gonna need to work on that...’ he thought.
You snapped your head towards him. He gulped.
“You won. You took down all of the dummies- the villains.”
You slowly started approaching the tall man.
“(L/n). You won. You can stop now. You’re a hero.” Sekijiro said.
You stopped and stared at him for what felt like minutes when it was only seconds.
Sekijiro was feeling excited at the thought that he was getting through to you and smiled.
“Yes, yes you are. Now you can deactivate your quirk.”
“I’m... a hero...” you said before a menacing smile grew on your face.
Sekijiro‘s smile faded as the feeling of unease replaced his short lived relief. Your mantra was something new and a little unnerving along with your malicious smile of yours, given the fact that you just murdered Sekijiro’s dummies.
It was as though you weren’t entirely there.
The blood seemed to slow it’s pace and your figure released the tension in your muscles.
“I’m a hero...” you repeated before collapsing to your knees.
Sekijiro stomped over to you and kneeled next to you. He placed his hand on your blood soaked back, making him grimace.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
You said nothing, letting the blood leak out of your mouth.
“...lungs...” you said weakly.
Sekijiro immediately hoisted you over his shoulder and allowed you to empty your lungs over his back.
“...couldn’t you just grab me by the legs and hang me over the ground?” You wheezed while looking down the man’s back.
“Yeah... Recovery girl scolded me for doing that, said that I should be doing this instead.” Sekijiro said with a forced smile, clearly not enjoying the blood running down his back.
“...am I improving?” You asked.
Sekijiro started walking towards the entrance to the school without answering your question, making you believe that he didn’t hear you.
That is, until he finally responded.
“It’s a start.”
Surprise! Sekijiro has secret anger issues!
At least, in this fanfic, he does.
He’s better at controlling his anger issues than the Mc is, but unlike his anger, Mc’s is deeply rooted in their quirk, which can actually cause the Mc major stress, which they do not realize.
The stress seeps into Mc’s daily life, which doesn’t help them with their anger.
Since this isn’t normal anger issues, Sekijiro is having a tough time understanding and fixing the problem.
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(Yes, that is more art from yours truly)
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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10: explosive issues
”Oi, Wait up!”
You were unaware that someone was talking to you and kept walking until you heard someone running towards you from behind.
You paused as the heavy footsteps reached you and a hand clap your shoulder.
You instinctively grabbed the hand and pulled the person over you and slammed them onto the ground.
Tetsutetsu groaned and rolled over on his side.
“What... what was that for...?” He wheezed out.
“You surprised me.” You said simply.
The teen glared up at you while baring his sharp teeth.
“Hey there-“
You then felt another hand clap on your other shoulder and did the same thing to the mystery person you did to Tetsutetsu.
The kid, who you recognized as the red-head from class 1A, also groaned in pain.
“Eh... you???” Tetsutetsu said, ignoring the pain in his spine once seeing the redhead.
“Me?” The other sharp-toothed teen said in confusion.
“What are you doing here, class 1A prick!?” Tetsutetsu said.
Before the redhead could respond, you spoke.
“This is a school yard, Tetsutetsu.” You said plainly.
The silver-haired teen put the pieces together and blushed in embarrassment. You crossed your arms and glared down at the two.
“Any reason why you both slapped me on the back?” You said.
“Sorry, Dude, I just wanted to get your attention... I guess I was too rough.” The redhead said.
“Same here...” Tetsutetsu agreed.
“stupid was what you were being.” You said before walking over the two.
You paused once more, wanting to yell at the moron for being a nuisance and preventing you from heading to your training area.
“My name is Kirishima Eijirou. As you know, I’m from class 1A.”
“Yes, I am aware.” You said and turned to leave.
“Hold on, Wait up!”
Kirishima started walking next to you and was soon followed by Tetsutetsu.
“What the hell do you want!?” Tetsutetsu demanded.
“You’re the one following us.” Kirishima replied.
“I’m going to have to stop you both before you start bickering.” You said while stopping before turning to glare daggers at the two, who both shut up.
“Why are you both following me.” You said.
Tetsutetsu and Kirishima paused and looked at each other with unsure glances before Tetsutetsu responded.
“W-were supposed to train together this afternoon, remember? You agreed to it.”
You stared at the silver-haired teen for a couple seconds, putting dread into his stomach.
“...did I really?” You asked.
Tetsutetsu gulped but nodded. You stared at him a couple more seconds before letting out a ‘Huh’.
“...okay. And what about you, Hiroshima.” You said.
“It’s actually... Kirishima...” Kirishima muttered but cleared his throat.
“I actually wanted to thank you for, you know, defending the class. It was manly of you.” He smiled at you, to which you mentally cringed at for some reason.
“I, um... okay.” You said before turning to walk.
“Oh, can I come along?”
You let out a ‘whatever’, earning a groan from Tetsutetsu.
“You are so freaking manly!!!!”
You didn’t respond as you twisted Tetsutetsu’s wrist and threw him to the sand. The teen deactivated his quirk and sat up with a pout.
“Damn it, why is it that I suck at this???” He said while dusting the sand off his tank top.
It was 6 in the afternoon at a beach just outside the city.
Yes. It was the spot where that greenette brat and All Might usually trained. Out of spite, you chose to train on the beach, unknown to the two teens with eerily similar quirks, personalities, and teeth.
30 minutes after you three started training, you saw All Might and the sensitive pussy with green hair arrive only to leave once seeing you three. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu didn’t notice as Kirishima was too busy with watching you two while Tetsutetsu was sulking like a sore loser.
Alas, you said nothing as you deactivated your quirk and spat out some blood.
“That quirk is so cool and manly! How are you not in 1A!?” Kirishima said, ignoring Tetsutetsu.
“Fuck off.” You snapped while chugging the bottle of water.
Kirishima was taken aback by this before Tetsutetsu responded.
“They act like that when using their quirk. It makes them aggressive or whatever.”
Kirishima’s eyes widened in realization but nodded and smiled nonetheless.
“Heh, kinda like Bakubro.” He said.
“Oi, what the hell are y’all doing!?”
Speak of the devil and he shall appear...
You three turned to see a familiar blonde person with angry eyes staring at all of you.
“Oh, Bakubro! We’re training!” Kirishima yelled back with a grin.
“Tch! You call that training??? That embodiment of rage is wiping the floor with the metal extra’s face while you’re just standing there.” The blonde said while walking over to you three.
“I’ll show you real fucking training.” He said while pulling his shirt off.
You squinted at the blonde in confusion.
“Why are you taking your clothes off?” You said, earning a harsh glare from the blonde.
“Isn’t it obvious, you damn blood spitter? I’m not gonna get my clothes covered in your nasty blood.” He said.
“It’s not just gonna be my blood.” You said while activating your quirk.
“Bring it, blood bitch.” Bakugou said while getting into position.
“Be careful what you ask for.” You snapped back.
Tetsutetsu immediately scrambled away with a panicked look on his face.
Instantly, you both shot forward with your quirks, creating loud noises that would catch somebody’s attention.
You shoved the teen on his back and kicked him in the stomach. Bakugou wheezed but threw his hand up and let off a small explosion that forced you back a couple feet.
Your ears were ringing and the top layer of your blood dried and vaporized. You were fine otherwise, and when you were still conscious, you could still fight.
“Yo! Guys, stop!” Kirishima yelled.
“Yeah! We could get in trouble for being too loud!” Tetsutetsu yelled, only to freeze when seeing the wild look in your eyes.
“S-shit!” He exclaimed and grabbed Kirishima By the shoulder.
“(L/n)’s going beast mode!” He yelled as you and Bakugou were at each other once more.
“W-what?” Kirishima said.
“When I fought (L/n) last time, they started losing control and went to attack other people. It took All Might and our teacher to hold them down!” Tetsutetsu said.
Kirishima’s eyes widened in shock and snapped his head to watch as Bakugou side-kicked you in the side. In return, you brought your elbow down onto the boney part of his leg.
The bone didn’t snap luckily, but it definitely hurt like hell.
“Son of a bi-“ but before Bakugo could finish, you grabbed him by the neck and tossed him away.
While in mid-air, Bakugou used his explosions to shoot back down at you and brought his leg down, intending on kicking you on the head with his heel.
You were quick to snatch his ankle before he made impact and pulled him closer to you. Your free hand was pulled back, obviously aiming for the precious family jewels hanging between his legs.
Bakugou’s face fell as something hard and unforgiving make impact with his balls and almost passed out from the agony pulsing between his legs.
“Holy shit!!!!”
You felt a body shove you down and try to pin you.
“(L/n)! Calm down! You won! Stop!” Tetsutetsu yelled in desperation.
You let out a guttural growl and lifted the two of you off the ground with ease before falling flat on your face.
Tetsutetsu was confused until he noticed an aura from behind him.
“Aizawa-sensei!” Kirishima yelled in surprise while holding his stunned companion.
The scruffy looking man glared down at you before glaring at Kirishima and Bakugou.
“You all better have good enough excuses as to why I shouldn’t expel you four.” The man said angrily.
“I received noise complaints from citizens about a bunch of explosions going off on a beach.” Aizawa said while his eye twitched.
The four of you kept your heads down while standing in the nurse’s office. Sekijiro was there behind Aizawa, shaking his head in disappointment.
“The only reason why I haven’t kicked you out of this school is because your principal requested me not to. I don’t understand what you two were thinking trying to fight out of school grounds.” Aizawa referred to you and Bakugou with a scowl.
Kirishima lifted his head with a grimace.
“W-we were trying to train...” but his voice died down at the sight of Aizawa’s eyes turning harsher.
“You should be training in an area where it is allowed, not in a public area such as the beach.” Sekijiro said.
“But, All Might and-“ you started before pausing. You let your head hang and frowned.
Aizawa cocked an eyebrow at this but decided to let it slide... for now.
“Bakugou. You have a week of detention. Kirishima, 3 days for you.” Aizawa said before walking past you four.
“The other two will get their punishment from Sekijiro.” The scruffy man said before disappearing behind the entrance to Nezu’s office.
Kirishima and Bakugou begrudgingly followed after their teacher, leaving you and Tetsutetsu.
“Tetsutetsu, you will get 3 days as well.” Sekijiro said.
Tetsutetsu frowned but accepted his punishment.
“Go ahead and go home. (L/n)-san, you stay here. We need to talk.”
Tetsutetsu hesitated before leaving.
Now, it was you and your teacher.
“(L/n)-san. This is starting to get out of hand.”
You could hear the disappointment in his voice, you didn’t even need to look up to see his eyes look down at you.
“You are a strong kid, the best in my class, but your impulsive behavior is getting out of hand.”
You clenched you’re fist while chewing the inside of your cheek.
“It’s not just your behavior, but your lack of control of your quirk.”
Your body slouched even more as you tried to hide your face.
“You lost control once again, this time with no supervision. Do you have any idea what would have happened if Aizawa didn’t show up on time? You could have hurt or killed someone.” He said before sighing.
“Starting next week, you will receive counseling as well as in person training with me. I’m going to make the best hero out of you, understood?” He said.
“Yes sir.” Was all you responded with.
With that, you were allowed to head home. While Sekijiro was turned from you, you rubbed your watery eyes with the back of your hand.
I’m back in business, baby!
Now you might be wondering why (Y/n) got emotional out of nowhere.
Well, it’s because they were afraid they just ruined their education and was about to be kicked from UA.
Mix the bottled up emotions, their isolated childhood, and some self hatred and you get emotional outbursts like this.
I mean, could you imagine working so hard and getting into the best school in possibly the world only to almost be kicked out because of your behavior or something else?
That would have scared the shit out of me.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
Done by the amazing Dead Mouse/SummerThe tangerine on wattpad!!!
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I can't stop looking at this pic. It's just so beautiful!!!
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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9: old advice
You walked down the hallway of your middle school, eyes staring you down in fear and disgust.
Some jeers were sent your way, but nobody dared to go near you.
Unlike the brainwashing kid a group of kids bullied, you didn’t use words. The last time someone started something with you, you ended it faster.
“Oi, duck tape his mouth!”
You paused near the entrance of a classroom. It wasn’t yours, and you didn’t know why you stopped, but you did anyway.
“Can’t use your evil quirk if you can’t ask questions, can you, villain???” A voice behind the door taunted.
“Hold him down.” Another voice said.
This wasn’t your problem. Whatever they were going to do to this mysterious kid, it wasn’t your business.
“Huh? Who’s there?”
You stood inside the classroom, staring blankly into the widened eyes of some middle school boys. One of them had the target pinned to a desk, hold down his hand and holding a pen.
“Fuck, it’s that All Might wannabe!” One of the goons exclaimed and released the lavender haired teen.
“Oh? Does the evil All Might doppelgänger want to save this freak?” The leader of the group forced the head of the teen down by gripping his lavender hair.
The boy beneath him grunted in pain, nose bleeding and mouth covered by tape. His eyes were puffy from the bruises and from the tears in his eyes.
A truly pathetic sight to behold.
“Tokoro-kun, don’t provoke them, they’re crazy as hell.” The sensible one of the group grabbed the leader’s shoulder.
“We have our quirks, don’t we? We can just-“
Something yellow and sharp stabbed him in the arm, earning a yelp of surprise from the kid. Before he could scream some more, a hand shot out and gripped his cheeks, covering his mouth.
You got between his legs and forced his back onto the desk behind him. You gripped the pencil lodged into his shoulder and twisted it deeper and deeper.
By now, the whites of your eyes were a deep shade of red, leaving your (e/c) irises untouched by the crimson.
“Challenge me again, and it will be your eye.” You said before pulling the pencil out of the boy, who laid back on the table in shock.
You gave the boys enough space to leave, one of them grabbing their injured friend and left. You turned to the lavender haired kid only to find him sitting on the floor with his knees.
He barely struggled as you pulled him up and ripped the tape off of the boy. Since his nose was filled with blood, he breathed through his mouth, spitting out bloody mucus.
“You’re an idiot for staying behind.” You stated after recognizing the teen as Hitoshi, the brainwash kid.
He sat in the chair weakly, wiping his bloody nose and staring forward through bruised eye lids.
“...I didn’t ask for this...” he muttered under his breathe.
“Okay? And you not asking for it is going to stop it? You need to stop mopping around and adapt.”
“It’s not that simple-“
“It is. Finding the solution is easier when you not sitting on your ass and letting this happen. I see you make the same mistake every damn day. Today, those assholes beat you to a pulp because they got you alone. You don’t even try.” You scowled at the teen.
The boy glared at you with a trembling lip.
“Then how would you do it? You can defend yourself, I can’t.” He said as tears rolled down his face.
“You have a quirk. Use it.”
“I ca-“
“Work smart, not hard. You don’t use it to brute force your way through. That’s not how your quirk works. It involves using your head and your words.” You said before walking towards the the door.
Once exiting, you were met with an empty hallway. Everyone seemed to have went home, leaving just you and the lavender haired kid, but you knew that word would get around about what you did.
And you were right.
Nobody dared to say anything in front of you, opting to just whisper behind your back. The brainwash kid was hidden among the crowd, no longer taunted but instead ignored.
The two of you never really spoke to each other after the first time, only coming across each other in the hallways.
Sometimes you wonder if what you said was too harsh, but then again, he didn’t put any effort into defending himself.
Someone like him was bound to lose in the game of life.
This felt eerily familiar, walking down the hallway. Nobody acknowledged you, hanging out in their respective groups early in the morning. You didn’t see any of your classmates amongst the crowd much to your relief, but you are bound to see them in class.
After losing control of yourself in training exercise yesterday, you were stuck in Recovery girl’s room recovering from the overuse of your quirk. Obviously, this meant that you couldn’t return to class that day, seeing that you passed out and attacked your teacher.
Surprisingly, you didn’t get kicked out of school, which you were grateful for.
But you now had unwanted attention.
You knew that your high school will be just like middle school after yesterday, but you just had to deal with it.
You stopped in front of your classroom door and clenched the straps from your backpack.
A few kids passed by, talking to each other, so you didn’t really notice a pair of shoes walking towards you. When they stopped beside you, you moved away, believing it to be the teacher or one of your classmates.
It was neither.
Instead, it was the brainwashing kid, Shinsou Hitoshi.
He stood next to you, staring up at the letter B.
“So this is your class. You got into the hero course...” he huffed out a bit of air before continuing.
“I’m not surprised, since you are the best in your class, and word got around to everyone that you beat up a teacher yesterday.”
Your stomach dropped.
“Yeah, the General Ed class wouldn’t shut up about it. You became a celebrity over night here.” Shinsou said while staring at the same door you were.
That’s how it always started.
Technically, what you did happened, but people liked to exaggerate and blow it out of proportion.
But you attacked someone outside of training.
You had a serious problem.
“...I can’t fucking do this again...”
Shinsou turned his head to you.
“I can’t be the evil All Might wannabe... I’m tired of being compared to someone else, someone great, only to be called a villain when I don’t act like that person...” you bit your lip as your face darkened at the memories.
Shinsou continued to stare before reaching up to rub the back of his head.
“...adapt to it.”
He turned away from you and slowly blinked at the door.
“Don’t brute force your way through it. Work smart, not hard. Try to prove to yourself that your not a villain without punching someone.” He said before walking away, leaving you to stand in front of the door.
You gripped the door, taking a deep breathe, before slowly opening it. The voices inside the class continued, only dying down a bit when you passed the desks towards your own.
You froze at the sound of a cheerful voice before getting engulfed in a hug from behind.
“I was soooo worried! You were gone the rest of the day yesterday! Are you okay?” Pony asked before hugging your stiff arm.
“E-Eh?” You breathed out in confusion.
“Dude, we thought you completely lost it!” The cheeky brown haired kid, Tsuburaba, exclaimed.
Soon, you found yourself surrounded by your classmates.
“We already knew you were a beast in combat, but you had 2 teachers struggling to hold you down!” Honenuki said.
“Not just teachers, Juzo-kun, heroes.” Kurorio smirked to the toothy teen.
“One of them was All Might!”
You were getting compliments left and right, confusing you to no end. You just stood there frozen, unable to form words.
“I gotta say, I’m impressed.”
You turned your head to look at Monoma, who had a mischievous glint in his eye.
“You’ve proven that you’re one of the stronger people fit for combat, even more so yesterday.”
He walked over to you, brushing his blonde hair away with a flick of his wrist.
“Class 1A so far doesn’t have anything impressive on display, but you fought a hero with ease. All Might himself struggled to hold you down, and that’s saying something.”
He stopped in front of you, grinning ear to ear. It was a chilling smile, something that was anything but innocent.
“With you, class 1A will be no more...” he said in a giddy tone.
The teens around you grimaced at this, some even backing away.
“Jeez, can you chill the fuck out?” The guy with the headband, Awase, snapped at the blonde as he was put off by the creepy factor.
Luckily for everyone in the class, Kendo walked up from behind him and chopped him on the neck, making the sadistic blonde collapse. She plucked him off the ground by the scruff of his shirt and smiled to you apologetically.
“I’m so so sorry, (L/n)-san, he’s just relieved to see you back, that’s all.” She said.
“W-W-Why would you tell them t-that?” Monoma stuttered while looking up at her with a pale face.
“...uh.” You said.
“Ooooooohhhh, someone’s in loooooove~” Kuroiro teased, earning a few chuckles from Honenuki and Kosei.
“Eh? Who’s in love???” Tokage asked with interest.
“I’m not in love, d-damn it!!!”
He’s not in love guys.
Not yet.
Buuuuut anyways, I wanted to kinda have Mc interact with Shinsou, involving a bit of their past, the whole shebang.
As you can tell, those two aren’t exactly friends, but they aren’t enemies either.
They got some ✨history✨
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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8: training turns south...
Training wasn’t hard for you, all you had to do was figure out what needed to be improved and then improve it.
It was working with others that wasn’t easy and reading boring textbooks.
More specifically, it was hard dealing with the silver haired prick, Tetsutetsu. One one hand, he does try to work with you, but on the other, his temper makes him flip flop between being tolerable to being a nuisance.
Unfortunately, you didn’t really have a choice.
You knew Sekijiro-sensei was forcing you and the guy to train with one another in a training exercise outside on the field. Although the man didn’t say it outright, you knew he was trying to get you to open up and... bond? With the guy.
“Hit me with your best shot!!!!” Tetsutetsu yelled.
You scowled at the teen and charged him while he charged you back. He wasn’t hard to move around and punch, it was just the fact that his stupid quirk kept him from bleeding.
He quirk turned him into a living metal statue, taking in your blows better than he would without his quirk.
He was the only one in the class that could land some good hits on you and stay standing long enough. He had a higher percentage of being able to take you down.
How did he know this?
Well, he had you bruised up and panting, sometimes collapsing to one knee.
However, the longer the two of you fought, the weaker his metal got... and the stronger you got.
You thought you were pushing your limits when training by yourself, but this reached a whole other level. Due to Tetsutetsu being a challenge, you were breaking new limits you didn’t know were there.
Now, you were discovering something new about yourself, and that was how long you could go against an opponent...
And how more aggressive you get.
As time passed, you grew more and more angry and unpredictable. Your movements became more rapid and you started losing your rhythm.
Tetsutetsu was growing fatigue due to using his quirk for far to long and soon found himself becoming less immune to your punches. Your blood was covering most of the ground and you. Your sweat glands practically squirting out blood.
By now, everyone stopped what they were doing and watched in morbid curiosity and awe at the display.
You were reaching a new height.
A new level.
And unfortunately, like a fledgling flying for the first time, you were losing control.
You uppercut the silver haired teen, sending him in the air a couple feet before he collapsed on the ground. He was no longer moving, clearly unconscious and his quirk deactivated, leaving bruised, pale skin behind.
He was no longer the threat, in your eyes.
But everything else was.
“That was amazing!” Pony exclaimed with a clap of her hands.
Her voice and the sudden clapping sound made you snap your head in her general direction.
Your teeth were bloody and bared and you slowly began approaching her and the brown haired kid next to her. She didn’t even realize the danger she was in as well as a few others, though some could see what was about to happen.
When you were within 10 feet of her, you launched yourself towards the girl with a bellowing war cry. Luckily for the foreigner, a large body made its way in front of her and took the blow to the gut.
Vlad King let out a sharp exhale and stumbled back a bit, bumping into the poor girl before engulfing you into a bear hug.
“Get Aizawa in here, NOW!!!” He yelled and pushed you back enough to let Pony and Kaibara escape.
Kendo ran into the building, leaving the rest to watch in abject horror. Ibara pulled Tetsutetsu’s unconscious body with her hair towards the group and hid him behind them with the help of her classmates.
“The rest of you stay back, I-“ before he could finish, you gut punched him two times and forced him off his feet.
The man quickly used his quirk, engulfing you in a bloody cocoon. You snarled and growled, struggling to get the man’s hardened blood off of you while Vlad scrambled up and pinned you to the ground.
You twisted in his grip, snapping your teeth at him and nearly slipping from his grip. He held you steady, looking down at your enraged expression.
“(L/n), you need to calm down. Deactivate your quirk. Now.”
The adrenaline pumped harder than before, heart racing fast, and muscles tending to the point of pain. Your mind was completely gone, relying purely on instinct, and having your teacher telling you to calm down did not help at all.
“Sekijiro-san!” A voice called.
The man didn’t look up to see who it was, already knowing the boisterous voice belonged to All Might. Aizawa stood behind, still covered in bandages.
The blonde man rushed over and helped to hold your head down, surprised by the fight you put up.
“Are they restrained enough?” Aizawa said in a serious tone.
You snarled at the blonde for holding your head tight, getting blood all over his hands and wrists.
Within seconds, your quirk began to weaken. Blood no longer pumping through your body at a fast rate. It was as though you took a high quality chill pill that took away all your stress and worries.
Your body grew limp and your eyes grew heavy. You couldn’t stop sleep from taking hold of your body, and you stared blankly up at the sky for one last time before closing your eyes.
“Just what the hell was that?”
Sekijiro winced at the scruffy man’s tone. You were currently resting at the nurses, recovering from low iron levels, dehydration, and the filling of your lungs.
Toshinori stood at the coffee maker in silence, listening to the conversation.
“They just... lost it. They never did this before. Sure, they have a temper, but their actions are always directed at the people who got on their bad side.”
In front of the two men sat the principal of UA, Nezu.
He held a file in his paws, reading through it before placing the file down and turning it toward Sekijiro.
“Their quirk heavily involves adrenaline and aggression. Seeing something like today hasn’t been mention before, I would have guessed that this is something new.” The mouse chimera said.
“Kids have discovered new things about their quirks inside and outside of school, either by strengthening themselves or something else. Either way, in most cases, it’s on accident.” He placed his paws together.
“So the kid is the embodiment of a ticking time bomb? Tch, troublesome.” Aizawa muttered the last part under his breathe.
“Hm? What do you mean?” Nezu cocked his head.
“That kid has apparent anger issues. Unlike the kid in my class, Bakugou, (L/n) is more unpredictable.” He said before turning to Sekijiro.
“You said it yourself, they have physically harmed others, correct?”
“W-well, that’s just a little exaggerated, I mean, they haven’t necessarily beat someone up...” he tried to defend you.
“But today, they attacked you.” Aizawa stared bluntly.
“They... they aren’t sadistic. And they’re a good kid, I’ve seen how they act when they aren’t inconvenienced-“ he said but stopped when he felt he was getting nowhere.
“You’re getting attached, Sekijiro-san.” Aizawa stated.
Toshinori stared at his steaming black coffee but didn’t reach out to grab it. His body was ridged and he was ready to butt in at some point. A sigh rang into the air, catching the men’s attention.
“...but... I’ll admit that I do see something in them.” Aizawa muttered.
“They aren’t a bad person, but they are dangerous. It’s obvious that they don’t have complete control over their quirk, nor their behavior, so...” Nezu said before taking a sip out of his tea cup.
“Sekijiro-san, I’m going to need you to train with (L/n) during your tutoring. Help them blow off steam, redirect their aggression.” He said, earning a nod from the larger man.
“Mister Nezu.”
The two men and mouse turned to the deflated blonde.
“If they have another incident like this... will they be kicked from the program?” Toshinori asked, afraid of the answer.
“That would be last resort, Yagi-san. If they have another incident, we would have to put them into counseling.” Nezu said while waving this off.
“(L/n) isn’t someone we want to pass up on. They have great potential, they are astounding when it comes to combat... they could do better in math and writing... and they work well with others despite their antisocial traits.” Nezu clapped his paws together and stood up.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some tea to taste test.” The principal said and left the three men in the teachers lounge.
Nezu has his priorities straight!
Sorry about the short chapter... don’t worry though, it’ll get good, especially in the sports festival arc.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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7: Daddy bento
“(L/n)-san, before you head off to lunch, I need to see you for a moment.” Sekijiro said.
He could briefly see a bit of a scowl you failed to hide before forcing your frown away. From the first week he got to know you from simply teaching the class, he learned that you were terrible at hiding your true feelings, though sometimes it seemed like you weren’t even trying.
He could tell you had a temper, he even seen you getting rough with the other students, especially that silver haired kid, Tetsutetsu. You weren’t directly going after them, in fact, you never really started things. And to make it worse, Tetsutetsu was coming back to you, losing a bit of his temper himself.
Unlike him, however, you were more of a ticking time bomb.
You didn’t go off out of nowhere, and your motives weren’t very predictable. You waited for the person to finish (usually) before striking. You always had a blank but annoyed expression when hurting the ones that mildly inconvenienced you on purpose. And today was worse.
“Yes?” You said in a rather rude tone, earning a raised eyebrow from the teacher.
“...sir.” You corrected.
“I wanted to address your behavior.” The man said simply before pointing to the chair next to his desk.
You rolled your eyes and reluctantly sat down.
“Before you start, Sekijiro-sensei, I just want to note that they started it first.” You said.
Seikijiro sighed and began rubbing his temples.
“Yes. That is true. But that shouldn’t warrant your behavior, (L/n)-san. You need to have better control of yourself, or your actions may lead to dire consequences in the future.” He said in a stern tone.
You looked to the ground, a deep frown evident on your face.
“(L/n)-san... you have a lot of potential. Your physical abilities are outstanding, you take things very seriously in every single test I have given you, and you’ve only been here for a few weeks. I want to help you become one of the greatest heroes of our time, but I need you to work with me here.” He said, this time in a softer tone.
“...ok.” You said.
He leaned back in his chair with a long exhale before continuing.
“If your behavior continues, I will have to have you do counseling, understood?”
“Yes sir.” You said and got up, ready to leave the classroom before the man stopped you.
“Oh, before you go, you’ll have to do some tutoring as well.”
This caught you off guard, to say the least. Before you could ask him what he meant, he spoke once more.
“Although you are passing, you are barely. Out of everyone here, you have the lowest grades, specifically in math. The other subjects have acceptable grades, but I know you can do better.” He said.
“Meet me after school in class, we’ll discuss more.”
And with that, he dismissed you, finally letting you leave the classroom. You opened the door, wanting nothing more than to eat after losing your egg sandwich that morning before walking head first into somebody’s chest.
At first, you thought it was a tall woman, seeing that your face was met with big tits, until you backed away to find two blonde hairs sticking up like rabbit ears.
“All Might.” You said.
The man flashed you a surprised look, smile crooked and nervous.
“Oh, hello there! I’m just passing by, wanted to talk to your teacher!”
You cocked an eyebrow at the blonde before moving to the side to leave.
“Yeah, he’s in there.” You said with a flat tone.
Once again, you left the blonde man to stand awkwardly in a hallway.
“Class 1A is getting a lot of attention lately.”
“Yeah? What’s so good about them anyway?”
“They must have done something so amazing that it got people’s attention.” Someone whispered in a sarcastic tone.
“Like surviving an attack?” You said out loud, drawing the attention of others, including class 1A, who were being blocked by the large group of students.
This whole day wasn’t going your way at all, first you lost your egg sandwich, and then you had to be forced into tutoring by your homeroom teacher. What especially didn’t improve your mood was the rumors of class 1A.
And now look where those rumors led people. In the middle of the hallway, blocking your path in front of class 1A. You had tutoring to go to, and they were not fucking helping.
“They were attacked by villains. They could have died, their teacher had injuries all over him. The fact that they made it out alive without wounds is a miracle.”
A familiar face turned toward you with a mild scowl.
“That doesn’t give them the right to treat the rest of us like garbage.” Shinsou said.
“When did they say anything? What did they do to insinuate that everyone else was trash.” You said.
A student next to you butted in nervously, rubbing his arm.
“W-well that blonde guy-“
“The blonde guy?” You interrupted.
The student looked at you startled, but you continued.
“What about that girl behind him? Did she say something?”
“And four eyes? He doesn’t look like one to cuss a storm, hell, he looks like he would faint at the word ‘vagina’.”
The said blue haired teen flustered at the word and was about to scold you before Midoriya grabbed his arm, shaking his head.
“Did anyone else say anything.” You said to the crowd.
Everyone else looked toward each other, some looking down while others looked to Shinsou and the class with guilt.
“No? Just the blonde? I mean, wow, if the blonde is an asshole, that must mean everyone else in this goddamn school are stuck up pricks.” You spat their logic back into their faces, earning some grimaces.
“Let me remind you that they could have died. Their parents could have had the bodies of their children sent home to them. Siblings would have lost a brother or sister. A friend would have had to watch their friend be lowered in their grave. They’re still kids. We all are. So get your heads out of your own asses and move.” You said before shoving through the crowd of embarrassed and ashamed students.
After a whole day of missing breakfast and only getting a few bites of lunch, you were starving, cranky, and all around just not having a good day.
You met your homeroom teacher in class 1B. To say you were embarrassed was an understatement. Although you hid your embarrassment well, you still stood awkwardly in the door. You knew you were the only one getting tutoring out of everyone else.
Why did you have to be so dumb???
“You’re not dumb.”
Shit, you must have said that out loud! Sekijiro-sensei gestured to a seat and stood up from his to approach you.
“People have different ways of learning, and yours isn’t through reading a textbook.” He said.
“I am observant, and I’ve seen you reading textbooks when there’s nothing to do. I’ve seen you struggling to focus as well.”
You looked down at the desk you were sitting in, quietly trying to chip away the edge. Your face twisted into what he could tell was a saddened frown, much different from the usual scowls you gave people. It was obvious that it bothered you to no end that you got almost nothing out of reading. His own expression softened a bit once seeing you crack a bit before sitting down in the seat next to you.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’ll admit that I struggled with reading when I was your age. Sometimes I still do have problems today.”
You slowly lifted your head and gave him a side glance. He clearly got your attention that time. Knowing that he was able to connect with you further, he began speaking more before something low and guttural resounded within the room.
You froze immediately and turned your head away from him, clearly embarrassed by your organ angrily rumbling at you for food.
The man paused at this before getting up and walking towards his desk. He grabbed a white container and placed it in front of you before sitting back in the desk next to you. You stared at the bento in front of you and then to your teacher.
“Go ahead and eat, kid. You clearly need it after today.” He said before his eyes widened.
“Unless you’re allergic to certain foods...”
You muttered out a no and looked back down at the bento.
“Go ahead, I already ate lunch, that was for later tonight.” He said.
You still hesitated before opening it, being met with a delightful sight. Grilled fish, fried brown rice with vegetables inside, and other greens. You slowly grabbed the chop sticks and looked back to the man, who nodded at you to eat what was in front of you.
And you did just that. At first, you slowly picked at certain foods inside the bento before eating in a more comfortable pace. Sekijiro could see that you were still tense, afraid almost, but he waved it off in his mind.
“...you’re wife did a good job.” You said after finishing.
“I made that myself actually. I don’t have a wife.”
You looked over at the man with surprised look before covering it up and placing the chopsticks across the bento politely.
“Thank you, sir.”
The man flashed you a smile and said that it was no problem before getting up and grabbing a piece of paper, your failed math assignment, and began going over it with you.
Vlad King is one of the most underrated daddy material in MHA. Seriously. He’s Endeavour if Endeavour was actually a great fucking father (but he ain’t sadly... still love the fire fart, but he excretes small dick energy).
Gotta love blood daddy.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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6: Early release
Today was the day class 1A would head off to the USJ. Not class 1B.
You could feel envy crawling up your spine as you saw that Midoriya brat in a ridiculous looking costume waiting with some other unimportant kids for the buses to arrive.
As if he could feel your eyes, the boy turned to look at you before flinching in surprise and looking away.
“Heh? They get to go?” A voice beside you spoke.
You didn’t have to turn to know that it was Monoma, the class sadist. You let out a ‘tch’ and turned from class 1A and stared at the entrance of the Highschool.
“We don’t go until next week. A waste of our time if you ask me.” You said.
“Something we can both agree on.” Monoma said.
“It seems as though class 1A is getting more attention for some good heroes, like All Might. It’s crazy! We only got a visit, but he’s been around class 1A the most! What is it that they have that we don’t?” He asked mostly himself.
For once he wasn’t sadistically joyful, he was bothered. Almost as though he has some sort of anxiety.
‘So he’s not a complete psychopath.’ You thought.
“A favorite.” You answered his rhetorical question.
That favorite being the shrimp the teachers pitied enough to let in the school.
Midoriya Izuku.
Monoma turned his head and raised an eyebrow to you.
“Oh? Who would that be?” He asked, mildly interested.
“One of those kids have to be something promising to him. Or maybe a lot of them. Maybe it’s their quirks or their lack of personality. Whatever it is, it’s got him invested in this school, and it ain’t any of us.” You said.
“So... you think he visited us during the battle trials because he wanted to see what we had?” Monoma said before his eyes widened.
“But... after the trials, he just didn’t pay us much attention... (L/n), as much as I hate to admit this, you are the best out of all of us in terms of strength and speed. Was that not enough for him?” Monoma’s fist clenched at this.
You said nothing, instead closing your eyes and exhaling slowly.
“Hm. There’s nothing we can do but do better than them. While they have it easier with All Might giving them his attention and teaching them, we have to figure it out on our own. Think of this as earning something through hard work instead of being given things on a silver platter.” You said.
The blonde turned away from the class, still bothered by the fact that 1A was getting more than him and his class despite working hard on the first few days.
For once, you were both on the same page.
Entering the classroom, you both sat in your respective spots. Immediately, the foreign exchange student, pony, waved at you enthusiastically.
You glanced at her, hesitating, before nodding your head in acknowledgment.
Apparently, you came in on time, as Sekijiro came in a minute after you and Monoma. The man placed a stack of paper down and began telling the class about a pop quiz they were about to do, earning groans from the class.
“Hey, (L/n)-san!” Somebody whispered next to you.
You and a few students were done with the quiz, and your teacher wasn’t in the room at the moment. You turned your head slightly to stare at the silver-haired guy next to you.
“What do you want, Tetsutetsu?” You muttered into your fist.
“I wanted to...” he grumbled under his breathe.
“What?” You furrowed you’re eyebrows.
“...sorry about what I did.” He said with an embarrassed blush.
“For what?” You asked genuinely confused by what he meant.
“You know what I mean, when I yelled at you on the first day of school?” He whispered while covering his head with his arms and slouched over his desk.
“The first day of school.” You muttered incredulously.
That was days ago, and it made no sense to you that he apologized now. You didn’t even remember how your interactions went down.
“...It’s whatever.” You waved him off, dismissing his apology.
“H-hey! I’m trying to apologize! I know I may not be in the right but what I did wasn’t horrible!” He shot up from his desk and pointed at you.
Your eyebrows rose halfway to your hairline at this.
Did this brute not understand the meaning of an apology? And did he not hear you say that what he did didn’t matter? How this eccentric guy got into UA, you had no idea and you didn’t have enough of an imagination to think of a scenario where he got in.
“-I ain’t taking your shitty attitude, thinking your better than me-“
“Tetsutetsu, stop, you’re being loud and an idiot-“ Ibara started but was too late.
You shot your hand forward and grabbed his pointed finger before pushing it back. He immediately kneeled on the floor while letting out a surprised squeal.
“Ah, please! No please!!!!” His voice went into a high pitch while he grasped your wrist with his free hand. You gave him an irritated and disappointed look while pushing his finger back a bit more, making him press his head against his arms.
“No more, ple-“
Just then, the door opened, revealing a stone faced Sekijiro. You immediately released Tetsutetsu, believing to be in trouble, but the man didn’t acknowledge you.
“Class, follow me.” He said sternly.
The students looked at each other with concern. Kendo raised her hand before asking him what was going on. As the students got their stuff, the man stood there silently before answering her (and everyone’s) question.
“There’s been an attack.”
While you didn’t know what happened to class 1A exactly, as the details haven’t been released yet, you silently sent your regards to the class as a villain attack wasn’t something anyone would ask for or wish upon others.
You were met with greetings from the hospital staff and was led to the room where you usually pump out blood. It had windows, revealing the beautiful sky and buildings outside and was usually reserved for dying, mentally unstable and in very special cases, you. The doctors and nurses were hesitant about bringing you there, but you insisted on the room. Why? You liked feeling not trapped in a small room.
It was oddly empty save for a woman and a nurse, but that was it. You sat down at the far end away from the woman and the nurse and stared out the large window, waiting for your nurse to set up the objects used to withdraw your precious blood.
After the nurse placed the needle in your arm, she attached a bag to the other end and began the process. Time was passing by quickly for you, and you got done filling 3 bags before someone came rushing in.
“Doctor Joy needs you, Hannah. Bring one of those blood bags, now!” The male nurse said in an urgent tone and rushed out.
Hannah quickly grabbed a bag and rushed out, but not before quickly apologizing.
You didn’t bat an eye as this had happened before. This was a hospital after all, those don’t sit in cities for nothing.
You could hear hushed tones from the woman and the nurse before the nurse nodded her head and quickly walked away as if to grab something.
The whole room fell silent after the door opened and shut, leaving just you and the woman.
The said woman scanned the room and caught your eye and smiled warmly.
You felt the hair on the back of your neck raise in embarrassment and you quickly turned your head away, scowling to yourself.
“Donating blood again?” A soft voice chimed.
You side glanced the woman, who wasn’t looking at you anymore but was instead staring out the window.
“...Yeah...?” You said with caution.
You never met this woman in your life, but you were well-known in the hospital.
The woman smiled brighter at this.
“I’ve seen you a few times, even heard of how your blood saved lives. You’re quite the celebrity here.” She chuckled out the last sentence.
You grunted in response, having nothing important to say.
“You know, you remind me of my husband.” She said as an unreadable look glazed over her eyes.
“He’s not a very kind man, and I didn’t love him-“
Your eyebrows raised at this.
“-and while I still don’t love him, he has tried. Unlike him, however, you show your selflessness more through your actions. You’re even more in touch with your emotions, too.” She said before turning to you with a smile.
“I’ve seen the way you treat people here. Not like victims, weak burdens, or anything of the sort, but as people. My husband could learn a thing or two from you if I’m completely honest...” she said with amusement.
You didn’t really know what to say, just exhaled in exasperation and hit your head against the back of the plush leather seat.
“Sorry, that must have been weird to hear out of nowhere.” She said apologetically.
“...eh... not the craziest thing I heard today... my school got attacked by villains, so...”
Why did you mention that? You didn’t know, maybe to get it off your chest?
“Oh dear! I’m so sorry to hear! It must have been terrifying! Which school was it?” She asked in concern.
“It’s UA.”
“...what.” Her tone turned cold, grey eyes locked onto your (e/c) ones.
“Yeah, apparently class 1A got attacked during a school field trip.”
You didn’t think it was possible for the pale woman to get any paler. Her eyes almost seemed to bulge as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.
“...Shoto!” She cried, leaping from her chair and running to the door.
On cue, the door burst open and a bicolored kid ran in, eyes wide.
“Mother, what is it!? I heard screaming-“ the teen was embraced in a tight hug by the dainty woman, who weeped into his shoulder.
You felt awkward hearing the woman cry, having a near mental breakdown and just sat stiffly in the chair.
This was why you never talked to people.
As the two walked back to her original spot, completely forgetting you, nurse Hannah came in with an exhausted look as if she had an adrenaline rush.
“You wouldn’t believe how scared I was when this scruffy looking man came in with a smashed up face! I mean, it looked almost caved in!” She said before sitting by you and continuing to draw blood.
“That blood of yours sure does give people a boost! The man practically shot out of his bed when we managed to clean off his face. It was a good thing you came by today.”
You were mildly aware that the scarred teen and the pale woman could hear what was being said, but you didn’t care all that much.
All you wanted was to head home, sleep, eat, and train in that order.
It was 3 days after the USJ incident and it was Monday. It was as if the villain attack never happened.
You held onto the egg sandwich with your mouth while holding your backpack and checking your watch, noting that you had 5 minutes left before Sekijiro would start class.
You flinched when something hard and big thumped onto your shoulder, making you drop your egg sandwich.
You turned to yell at whoever whacked you on the shoulder before a you let out a sound no human could ever make.
The mummy-er man before you raised his eyebrows at your reaction but winced when his injured face reminded him that it was at one point fractured.
“H-Heh? Who are you???” You said while regaining your composure.
“I’m Aizawa Shouta, I’m class 1A’s teacher.” He said simply.
“Why are you covered in- oh. USJ.” You said, feeling utterly stupid.
The man sighed, closed his eyes, and smoothed his hair back with his least injured arm before opening his arms.
“I wanted to thank you.”
You blinked at him and then narrowed your eyes at the strange man.
“If you hadn’t donated any blood last week, I wouldn’t have gotten out of that hospital, which would have been a pain in the neck.” He said and bowed the best he could.
With that, he left you without another word, leaving you with your dirty egg sandwich and a lot of confusion.
(Y/n) finally meets Aizawa!!!! And there will be some more in the future with these two!
Boy, do I have lots to do! Next chapter will kinda be (SPOILERS) a bonding chapter between Mc and Sekijiro.
What? They both have blood related quirks, and Mc really needs a father figure! Like, bad.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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5: foreign exchange student and the blue footed booby
“Stop calling me a fucking tsundere.”
The group in front of you chuckled at your response, earning a threatening glare from you. Monoma gave you an innocent smile while putting his hands behind his back and cocking his head to the side, making you want to punch his lights out.
“Why? If it’s not true, then you shouldn’t have to defend yourself unless...” a mischievous smirk formed on the sadistic blonde’s face.
“...you’re secretly all soft on the inside.”
“I’m about to make you all soft on the inside.” You threatened with gritted teeth.
Before the blonde could respond, a hand chopped him on the back of his neck, making him collapse. The culprit, Kendo, smiled apologetically to you, bowing her head before picking up Monoma by the back of the shirt.
Despite the blonde getting his just-desserts, your irritation refused to leave. Seeing that you had enough time before class began, you got up from your seat to head to the bathroom, wanting nothing more than to splash your face.
It took 5 minutes to get most of your negative emotions down before deciding to leave the restroom.
On your way out, you nearly bumped into someone way shorter than you, nearly getting stabbed in the eye by one of their horns.
“Ah! Sorry! I mean- sorry!” The girl switched from English to heavily accented Japanese.
The said girl looked a bit troubled and frightened, shaking like a newborn fawn. You forced yourself to become patient at the clearly nervous girl and responded to her.
“Are you okay?”
“Oh! Yes, I’m trying to look for class 1B.” The girl said shyly.
You never seen this girl before, and judging by her mannerisms, look, and language, she was not from Japan.
“Are you perhaps a foreign exchange student?” You asked.
“Is it that obvious?” The girl sighed in disappointment.
“Yes.” You admitted bluntly. You then turned your body to the side, still looking at the horned girl.
“I’m in class 1B, follow me.” You said and walked toward the class without looking back.
The girl gasped excitedly from behind you and followed you. You could almost hear her skipping behind you.
‘Cute...’ you thought to yourself. You wouldn’t say pointless things like that out loud unless she asked you. What? You were an honest person to people.
You finally arrived to your class, and after hearing a deep, gravelly voice speak behind the door, you knew you would be in trouble. Alas, you opened the door, ready to get scolded by the large man that was your teacher.
“(L/n)-san, you’re late.” Sekijiro said in a slightly disappointed way.
The girl behind you peeked her head from behind you, hiding herself from the intimidating man. The man spotted the girl and a look of realization appeared on his face.
“Oh, we’re you escorting the new foreign exchange student?” He asked.
You shrugged without a care in the world.
“Yeah, she looked lost.” You said simply.
“Alright, well, I commend you for that. I’ll excuse you, but next time I won’t be so lenient.” He said before turning to the shy girl.
“Hello there, I am Sekijiro Kan, and I will be your teacher.” He said.
The girl didn’t seem to understand most of what he said, looking to try and rack her brain for any connections of words to their meanings. You took in her silence before deciding to say something to her.
“He said he’s your teacher.”
Her eyes lit up in recognition and smiled to the intimidating looking man.
“Oh yeah, that’s what ‘sensei’ meant! I got so nervous, I forgot the most basic meanings...” she muttered in an embarrassed tone. She then turned toward the teacher with a shy but polite smile and came out from behind you to your side, avoiding eye contact with the rest of the class.
“My name Pony Tsunotori.” She said in really broken Japaneeds.
You cleared your throat, gaining her attention.
“You’re supposed to say your last name then first name.” You said.
“Oh! S-Sorry, Tsunotori Pony. I come from America. Nice to meet you!” She bowed towards the man, clearly shaking.
Sekijiro nodded to her with a small, understanding smile.
“Welcome to UA, Tsunotori-san. Class, please welcome her with open arms and help her out when needed.” He said to her and the rest of the class.
You walked to your desk while she walked towards hers, but not before earning a hug and thanks from her. You stiffened up but held back any obscenities from leaving your lips. You wouldn’t have meant anything by it if it did slip out, it was just an automatic response that was built into you.
Once you sat down, you realized that there were a few pair of eyes on you, and not just from that Pony girl either. You caught the sight of Monoma’s sly smile and mischievous blue eyes flashing your way, and you knew the bastard was starting to see through the hard shell you put up for so long...
Damn it.
“They call it the blue footed booby!” Kosei said.
“Pffft, really? Let me see!” Another kid, Honenuki, exclaimed.
You sighed before placing your history book down to stare at the immature group in front of you.
“It’s just the name of a blue footed bird, grow up.” You said sternly.
“Okay, but why call it the blue footed booby?” Kosei (dude, my phone autocorrected this to ‘loser’) said in a cheeky tone.
“Tsuburaba-san, you should probably stop, you’re upsetting (L/n)-san...” Shoda said in a shy and quiet tone.
“What? We ain’t insulting their mom or anything, we’re making fun of a bird’s name!” Kosei said.
Your eye lid twitched at this, which didn’t go unnoticed by the blonde sadist, Monoma, who smiled an innocent but very devious smile.
“What’s wrong? Has the fact that you’re a softie really gotten to you? You know there’s no shame in admitting it, after all you helped that poor exchange student.” He said in a light tone.
‘These fucks aren’t gonna let me live this down.’ You seethed to yourself.
“They’re probably just a prude and can’t handle the word booby!” Kosei said to the blonde, earning a few chuckles from the classroom.
Quietly, you closed your book, got up, and walked over to the brown haired boy’s desk. You gripped the two ends of the book, earning a confused look from the Monoma wannabe, and suddenly slammed the book shut on two of his fingers.
Immediately, a girlish scream was heard inside and outside the classroom. You held the book tight on his fingers as he struggled, tears showing up in his eyes.
“Ayayayayay!!!! Please let go! Please! My fingers-“ Kosei said in a shrill tone.
You released his fingers, and luckily for him, they were only bruised.
Meanwhile, next door, a class of teens and a tired hobo teacher were silent, listening to the exclamations of boobies and the shrieks of pain following after...
(Y/n) really said ❤️No❤️ to disrespecting the blue footed booby.
Anyways, class 1B is starting to get hints that there is a softer, generous side to (Y/n), and they are loving the new blackmail.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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4: His burden...
“I have a very interesting kid in my class, shows a lot of potential. They even got at the top of my quirk apprehension test.”
Aizawa sipped his coffee and swallowed before responding.
“Someone is bound to get in 1st place, Sekijiro-san.”
“Yes, but their performance was incredible!”
The teachers in the lounge were doing their own thing before classes would began on the second day.
“Oh? How good?” Aizawa asked, slightly intrigued.
Sekijiro wasn’t one to gossip unlike a certain loud man who talked his ear off non-stop.
“I’d say they have the potential of being as strong as All Might.”
Aizawa looked away from his coffee and stared at Sekijiro, who drank from his large water bottle.
“The thing is, they act very similar to Endeavour and acts kind of violent too when their quirk was activated.”
“Tch, troublesome.” Aizawa said.
The scruffy man was no fan of All Might, but he knew the man’s strength was nothing to scoff at. However, what bothered him was the fact that this mystery kid had similarities to the fiery man, Endeavour. He didn’t know the guy personally, but that man wasn’t really the nicest person anyone could meet.
“Say... who is this kid you’re talking about?”
Speak of one of the devils, and he shall appear. All Might was in his smaller form, wearing his silver age costume that looked baggy on him.
“Oh, their name is (L/n) (Y/n).” Sekijiro said.
“(L/n) (Y/n)? The kid with the blood quirk?” Toshinori asked, a look of recognition on his face.
“Yeah, you know them?” Sekijiro asked.
“Not really, see, Well- okay I know them somewhat, they-“
Aizawa cocked an eyebrow at this.
“-it’s something to do with my identity, see. I believe they may have accidentally found out about my identity.”
“...What makes you think they know?” Aizawa asked genuinely, feeling a pit form in his stomach.
“Well... I kinda just, you know...” All Might tried to think up an excuse.
He knew you knew about Deku and his interactions, and quite possibly had put two and two together. You knew what he looked like in his civilian form, but hopefully not his real name.
“I timed out in a hidden area that young (L/n) just so happened to pass by and saw me...” he muttered shamefully.
It was partially true, though the beach wasn’t exactly hidden. Aizawa huffed in disbelief and muttered something under his breathe while Sekijiro looked between the two in concern. The broad blood quirk man then decided to leave the two in favor of preparing for class.
“You got caught by a student? Are you sure they haven’t gone and told people???” Aizawa asked in a condescending tone, earning a deep frown from All Might.
“They hadn’t told anyone, in fact, they don’t really have any interest in mentioning it at all.”
“Oh really? Did they tell you that?”
Aizawa slouched over and gripped the bridge of his nose.
“Had it ever occur to you to try and talk to them? They saw you shift into your normal form and you could have tried talking to them, but instead you just... let them walk away...” Aizawa couldn’t process the sheer stupidity.
“Trust me, they won’t say anything.” Toshinori promised the scruffy man.
“How are you so sure they won’t?” Aizawa glared up at the blonde.
“...personal reasons...” Toshinori said.
Aizawa raised an eyebrow at this but decided not to say anything. While the tall blonde man seemed brain dead in certain situations, he did have something up his sleeve at times.
All he needs to worry about is the battle trial for his mostly irresponsible class...
Class 1B was supposed to have their battle trial after class 1A’s if All Might recalled.
After that tense trial that left Izuku with injuries and a scolding from Recovery girl, All might visited class 1B during a match.
The class was pleasantly surprised to see All Might visiting and became encouraged to do their best in their battle trial. The only one that didn’t bother to look in his general direction was you.
From what he observed while trying to focus on the class was that you weren’t wearing a costume like everyone else, just your UA track suit. You seemed to keep to yourself while everyone else conversed, which saddened the man deeply.
Once your match came up, you teamed up with a kid by the name of Hiryu Rin.
Surprisingly, the two of you worked together well despite your apparent aversion to interacting with others. The kid was the defense while you were the offense and managed to beat the team of 3 ‘villains’ consisting of a vantablack kid (Kurorio), a beast kid (Shishida), and a mutant bug boy (Kamakiri).
On the right side of All Might, a girl by the name of Kendo commented on how amazing you were, earning the agreements of others.
All Might almost smiled sadly to himself as he watched your blood form standing close to the fake bomb while the kids on screen congratulated each other and you while you blankly stared toward a wall lost in thought.
All these years of watching you grow and deal with things all on your own put a heavy weight on the number 1 hero’s heart. Being unable to take care of and support you hurt him more than him getting gutted.
He wish he could have been there to love and nurture you, his own flesh and blood.
But for your own sake, he couldn’t.
All he can do now, is watch you grow in to a fine adult and hopefully open up to the people around you.
All Might better have paid his child support.
Okay, but in all seriousness, this book is gonna have a lot of father and child themes in this. I’m also gonna try to do slow burn romance with the class 1A and 1B, so they can actually form a friendship with everybody before the get the guys and gals.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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3: class 1b
“...We will be seeing you at UA, (L/n)-san!” The white stoat/rat thing said before the projector shut off.
As expected, you passed UA’s exams, coming in at number 1 with 88 villain points and 0 rescue points. You did okay on the written exams, and you were the best one in the physical exam, but what bothered you was the rescue points.
Sure, you showed that you were great in combat, but rescuing people? Apparently not.
You’ll have to do better.
Your mother was thrilled, to say the least. Nervous but proud.
You stopped by the hospital to donate blood, briefly mentioning that you got in, which earned you a bunch of happy nurses, doctors, and patients congratulating you.
All in all, that day was pretty uneventful, and you were content with that. That day, you just quietly went on a walk, pet a few dogs that you met on your stroll, and best of all?
No green haired brat plaguing your thoughts.
It was the calm before the storm. The storm being the first day of UA.
Oh god.
You were admittedly a little nervous, but you were fine otherwise.
Until you weren’t.
In front of a large door with an A on it stood him. The green haired Bitch.
How did he get into UA????
You wanted to beat the kid here and now, but you didn’t wish to be late, so instead you walked his way and purposely bumped into him. He let out grunt in surprise and looked your way, wide-eyed.
“Move it, prick!” You said while continuing down the hallway.
You didn’t look back, but you knew he was staring at you. Either in anger or fear, you didn’t know, nor did you fucking care.
All you could tell yourself to calm your nerves was that you both weren’t in the same class, so you won’t be in the same room with him for the next 3 years.
“1B...” you said to yourself once coming across the classroom you were supposed to be in.
It was another big door with a large B instead of an A. You could hear chattering inside, mostly calm with some loud voices. Taking a slow, deep breathe, you slid the door open, quieting the room a bit. Seeing as you weren’t the teacher, everyone went back to chatting with some eyes lingering on your intimidating form.
A girl with orange hair got up from her chair and walked towards you with a friendly smile that held no malicious intent and waved her hand a bit.
“Hi there! My name is Kendo Itsuba, nice to meet you!” The girl said with a respectful bow.
You gripped your bag tightly for some unknown reason and forced your name out because you had manners.
“I couldn’t help but notice that you looked a bit nervous and want to help you settle in, you know, since you’re new and all?” She tilted her head as if to see if you could understand what she meant.
“We’re all new here, are we not?” You asked in a more rhetorical way.
She blinked at you in surprise, trying to process your bluntness.
“Ah, well, I mean everyone else is well acquainted with each other and you just seem-“
“Lonely? I’m sorry, but I’m not here because I felt lonely, I’m here because I’m going to become a hero. You can keep your friendship to yourself.” You stated bluntly and walked over to an empty seat in the back.
“Oi! What’s the hell is up with you punk!? She was just being nice!” A guy with what you assumed was some sort of crazy eye-lash/mask mix yelled at you.
You ignored him, simply sitting down in your desk and staring forward. The guy, not liking your silence, walked over to your desk and slammed his hands down, catching everybody else’s attention.
“TetsuTetsu-san, please don’t-“ Kendo started but was interrupted by the silver haired kid.
“Listen to me when I’m talking to you- AYE!!!! Do you think you’re better than me!?” He yelled in your face, spit flying.
Now this pissed you off, so you reacted.
You grabbed the guy’s index finger and pulled it really far back, earning a high pitched shriek from the guy. You grabbed his wrist once it lifted off the desk and held it in place while holding his finger back in an uncomfortable and threatening position. He fell to his knees, whimpering quietly and grabbing onto your arm with his free hand helplessly.
You leaned into his face, breathe tickling his nose and spoke in an eerily calm voice, eyes soulless and locked onto his own.
“I am not here to make friends nor enemies, but if you start something with me, I will end it. Am I understood?” You said.
When he didn’t respond, you pushed his finger back, earning a groan and a whine.
“Y-yes, yes! Please!” He almost cried out before you released, letting him drop onto the floor.
“T-TetsuTetsu!” Kendo said and rushed over to help him up along with two other kids.
One of them, a brown haired kid, muttered something to the effect of ‘psycho bastard’ to which he earned a side glance from you. The other one was a completely black kid, like, vantablack with white hair who elbowed the guy in the side to shut him up.
The guy, TetsuTetsu, didn’t take any of their help, opting to get up and speed walk away with his head down. Every single student in the classroom avoided eye contact with you after that and left you alone until the teacher came in.
It was a large man, I mean, large as in Endeavour large. The man wore a rather tasteless skin tight suit, which gave you the indication that he was a super hero. He stood behind the desk at the front and placed a hand onto the desk, seeming to glare into the souls of everyone.
“I am Sekijiro Kan, your homeroom teacher for this year.” He said in a gruff but calm voice before turning towards the door of the room.
“You all can leave your stuff here for the orientation, it won’t take an hour.” He said.
The rest was mostly unimportant Bs to you. It was just some sort of welcoming ceremony, something that took up 30 important minutes of your first year of UA.
Luckily, to make up for sitting and doing nothing, your teacher had you all go out to do a quirk apprehension test after lunch that day.
“(L/n)-san, you’re up.” He said, resetting the timer.
Before you walked toward the man, Kendo gave you a thumbs up and smiled brightly, acting as though you two were acquaintances.
“Good luck, (L/n)-san!” She said.
You side glanced her, wondering just what the hell she wanted from you before grunting in response.
You stood on the line where you seemingly would race some hairy kid that looked like a werewolf if anything. When Sekijiro told you both to start, he wasn’t exactly expecting a large sandy dust cloud to explode and engulf the both of you, er, well, Shishiba.
At the end of the line stood you, veins and muscles popping out more than usual. The whites of your eyes were red, as though all the veins burst inside your eyes, leaving just your strikingly (e/c) irises to stand out.
Blood trailed down your nose and you wiped it away, awaiting your results.
“0.5 seconds.” Sekijiro stated, hiding the fact that he was impressed.
“Eeeeeh!?” The class yelled out.
“That- that was too fast!”
“Is their quirk super speed!?”
“Their eyes! Why are they all red all of the sudden!?”
They would soon realize that you weren’t just fast...
You beat everyone in just about every test, making some of them question their own worth as a hero. The kid, Tetsutetsu look as though he could piss himself any minute just watching you crush the machine to death with just your left hand.
It didn’t help that you were covered in crimson, soaking your blue UA PE uniform in your own blood.
‘Damn it, this is definitely gonna stain.’ You thought in irritation and breathed in, only to cough out some liquid in surprise.
You realized that you couldn’t breathe right, your lungs were heavier than normal, and every breathe you tried to take, it felt as though there was water gurgling inside of your chest.
Instead of panicking from being unable to breathe properly, you simply got on your hands and pushed your bottom half off the ground, placing you into a hand stand. You closed your mouth, feeling metallic liquid gush down into your mouth due to gravity. While you did this, everyone around you stared at your odd display.
Vlad, although was impressed by your handstand, was confused as to why you were doing such a thing until you opened your mouth.
A waterfall of blood rushed out of your mouth and onto the ground below, forming a small puddle beneath you. After the last of the blood left your lungs, you slammed your legs back down, putting you in a bear crawl position and then got up.
You spat blood to your side and rubbed your bloody nose to relieve an itch while your classmates stood there, stunned, horrified, and disgusted.
Vlad almost went slack jawed before you looked over to him.
“I apologize, I had too much blood in my lungs.” You stated while brushing the sand off of your hands onto your blood soaked jeans.
“Heh!?” The class yelled once more.
At the end of apprehension test, you were placed at number 1, unsurprisingly. You wanted nothing more than to shower the sticky layers of blood off of you, and nobody stopped you.
That didn’t stop the class from talking about you however.
“Did you see what that kid did??? They are totally fucking metal!” A guy with his teeth showing, Honenuki, exclaimed to his new friend group.
“Yeah, too bad they got a shitty attitude to match.” The vantablack kid, Kuroiro said.
“You think they’re a tsundere?” A kid with a speech bubble for a head said.
“Tsundere??? Like as in an asshole that’s secretly a blushy school girl on the inside?” A blonde, Monoma, butted in.
The group began chuckling at the thought of you blushing and squealing “Baka!” While wearing some girly clothing.
“Guys.” Shiozaki said with her arms crossed.
They turned to the plant girl with eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, Shiozaki-Chan?” Honenuki asked.
“They’re sitting right behind you.” She said simply.
She was right. You were sitting right behind them in your spot, staring right at them with an unreadable expression, hands held together and elbows on the table.
Needless to say, the small group shut up for the rest of the day.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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2: Exams are a b!tch.
⚠️Warning⚠️  we got some nasty words and some deku hating. And blood and violence.
What do you expect? Your quirk is literally blood based.
Exam day.
What is there to add to that?
Today is the day you prove to everyone that you’re meant to be in the hero course. Not just the examiners, the UA teachers, or even the potential UA students, but everyone.
The nurses at the hospital wished you luck, even some of the regular patients there.
You were ready physically and mentally... for the physical exam. The written part... Eh, you figured that you would do well enough to pass. You ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed... but not the dullest either.
You nearly fell from the weight bumping into your back and growled out a curse, turning around to tell the person off.
Green eyes locked with your irritated ones and you felt rage pump through your veins.
“...You.” You spat gutturally in disgust, almost growling the word out.
The greenette immediately sweated bullets and squeaked our sorry excuses.
“I’m so sorry, I thought I could catch him on time!” A brown haired girl squealed nervously, blushing brightly when her eyes trailed down your bare arms.
Unlike everybody else, you wore a skin-tight, short sleeved shirt that hugged your figure quite nicely, showing off your nice (s/c) skin and powerful looking muscles while not looking too muscular. Everyone else wore something warm in the cold weather, but you didn’t look all that bothered.
You let out a huff at her and looked back down at the short boy, wanting nothing more than to curb stomp the brat.
Luckily for him, you had no interest in losing the chance to get into UA and you simply turned away without a word, leaving two scared and bewildered teens.
Man, you were just finding more people to want to murder in cold blood.
You hated the green brat, but this four-eyes moron was wasting your fucking time. You began tapping your heel against the floor, creating soft thumping sounds. The blonde next to you turned to you with an annoyed look, earning a dirty look from you. You were about to ask, no, demand him to speak the fuck up when you were interrupted.
“-and you! The tall one with the nasty glare and is making all that thumping ruckus! You are interrupting the rest of us, if you aren’t going to take this exam seriously, you might as well le-“
“oh my nonexistent god, do you ever SHUT THE FUCK UP!?”
The whole room fell silent before you continued.
“First of all, the man was going to fucking explain the 0 pointer, asshole, there’s no way U-fucking-A would make a dumb fucking error. Second of all, you are wasting people’s time. I was getting annoyed by that shit stain kid over there, but you’re just pissing me off. I was tapping my foot to keep myself from rushing over there AND CAVING YOUR FUCKING FACE IN.”
You could almost feel the regret in you bubble after people continued to stare at you wide eyed in silence. Almost.
Luckily, the said man cleared his throat and forced a smile on his face.
“Wellll, seems like everyone is nervous! Tensions are high, and we just want to get through today, Yo!” The hyper man answered the still stunned, muscular geek anyways with an explanation on the robot and then began informing you all about the rules.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t fight each other, meaning you couldn’t break all of the green brat’s bones (no that you had to, deku’s got it covered).
He got out easy. Lucky fucking bastard.
The rest of the exam was a blur, nothing to write home about. Luckily, you brought a whole bunch of towels, water, and iron pills with you.
You were practically tearing robots apart left and right, leaving almost none for the other kids. They would have complained. would have. But seeing a 6 ft monster covered in blood with even the whites of their eyes completely crimson took the complaints (and air) right out of their mouths.
All except one.
The same blonde bastard back in the briefing area was blasting through different machinery, snapping at you to back off whenever you both targeted the same robot.
The guy called you an extra a few times, almost daring you to fight him, but you didn’t. You were able to redirect your rage towards the robots instead. However, he was getting on your nerves, and you decided to snatch some prey from him.
Boy did that piss him off.
But he didn’t attack you. No. Instead, he smiled the scariest smile anyone could ever create and pointed a threatening finger at you.
“Ho Ho... you better be accepted into UA so I can kick your ass, bitch.” He said loudly in a low voice.
“I was about to say the exact same thing, c*m dumpster.” You said unenthusiastically.
The teen responded by flipping you off and then disappearing away with an explosion.
Blood began to fill your mouth and you spat out blood in the guy’s direction before continuing to hulk your way through the exam.
After the said exam, you stood at the side surrounded by others, who either stared at your blood covered form in horror and disgust or avoided eye contact with you all together.
You managed to wipe off most of the red substance, allowing some of your (s/c) skin to show. The old lady, who you learned to be recovery girl, almost had a heart attack seeing you covered in blood. She immediately grabbed your hand and pulled you away to get you treated while you awkwardly leaned over and let the short old lady hold your hand.
While getting pulled away, you noticed a mop of lavender hair and pretty lavender eyes.
Oh. It was the brainwash guy from your school.
You heard about him through nasty rumors, which you chose to ignore since you knew how back-stabby the kids were, and even met him once or twice in the hallways.
You both never really said anything, but you both acknowledged each other through simple eye contact and nods.
You didn’t even know his name, yet you couldn’t help but respect the guy. It was as though you both had some mutual understanding.
He didn’t seem all too phased when seeing you covered head to toe in blood, most likely knowing about your morbid quirk.
He nodded silently towards you, to which you nodded back before disappearing with the sweet old lady.
“You gave me quite the scare, young (lady/man), I thought one of those nasty old robots got you!”
“I’m fine, really. It’s a natural part of my quirk, no injuries whatsoever.” You said reassuringly.
The old lady sighed and continued rearranging medicine before pulling out iron pills and a water bottle.
“Oh I’ve heard of you, dear.”
“You have?”
“Yes! Practically everyone in the medical field has heard of you and what your blood can do.” Recovery girl placed the pill into your open palm along with a piece of candy and gave you the water bottle in the other hand.
Despite having brought your own pills and water, you still took it, chucking the pill and candy into your mouth and chugging the water bottle down like a fish dying of thirst.
“You are already a hero, you know.” The older woman said.
Your cheeks were filled with water and a little bit of blood, keeping you from speaking, so instead, you hummed in response.
It sure didn’t feel like it.
“Earlier, I had to treat a boy today. He broken nearly all his bones in his arm, the poor lad. I thought I would have to encounter similar injuries with you.” She said.
“Oh?” You said, trying not to sound uninterested.
“Yup, he’s a green haired kid, acts as though he just got his quirk too!”
Your ears twitched at that.
Your eyes darkened at the mention of the color green, mood immediately souring.
“Really?” You said in a ‘do go on’ tone.
Your back was turned to the woman, but your mouth was pulled into what people would be a tight grin, when you were actually gritting you’re teeth, keeping yourself from accidentally activating your quirk. The last thing you needed was to fill your lungs up just from somebody mentioning that brat.
It was getting hard to though.
Beads of sweat and blood began to form on your forehead, but you simply wiped the blood away.
If that bastard passed, you were going to punch a hole through something, probably the green bastard.
God. You just hope your mother isn’t making broccoli tonight.
Special thanks to quotev.com/LazyLivingBeing  and deCLAWed2!!!!
Thank you guys for sticking with me along with everyone else!
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